
[CHAT]ow the Hedgehog. Please crit my OC?



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    peacekeeperpeacekeeper AustraliaRegistered User regular
    has anybody paid for prokos premium videos?

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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    No, though I do think prokos has the video format nailed when it comes to teaching art online. I hope it is sustaining him.

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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    Hey AC. I'm looking for the artist of a particular work - one my friend showed me. It's a pencil drawing by the look of it (she showed me on her phone).

    The drawing was of a rather well-built black man reaching toward a small hole above him with a starlit sky showing beyond. It was a straight on shot and it looked like his body had sunlight on it somehow - through some blinds.

    I know it's a long shot but I figure if anyone can help with such a thing, it's you guys.

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    bebarcebebarce Registered User regular
    The animation on that is fantastic for 1989. I'm surprised I've never heard or seen of this movie.

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    franciumfrancium Registered User regular
    ive never seen little nemo! damn it, and YAY! new content!! *cha-ching*

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    ScosglenScosglen Registered User regular
    Did you guys know Beavotron is working at Naughty Dog? Cause I didn't know that.

    Dang AC people taking over the world.

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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Shes been there for a while now, I believe! But yeah its mad cool.

    I wonder what happened to... Adular? I think was his PA name? He did wicked cool paintings and then got sucked into CA.org Machine, If I recall, but I never knew his real name.

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    ScosglenScosglen Registered User regular
    Whit Brachna

    Some quick google stalking reveals that he went to 343 industries (Halo.. good fit for his style) and I see a bit of freelance for WoTC.

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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Very nice. I feel like he never hung around here much, but he had some cool shit. That was back in the EatPoo days, I miss that board, it will never be again.

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    F87F87 So Say We All Registered User regular
    edited June 2013
    I forgot about EatPoo... wow.

    The first art forum I went to was Polykarbon BBS though. The site is a lot different now.

    F87 on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    That community was a huge inspiration to me and I lurked there a lot. I don't recall ever posting, But I always admired the social atmosphere over the seemingly more professional and crowded CA. By the time I was posting on art the internet with any regularity and with the goal of improving, EP had dissolved and this was my fall back.

    GINGERBOX and satellite soda are similarly old communities, But never quite as active.

    But yeah my brain can go into full on way-back-machine mode sometimes. I got Oekaki boards and shockwave sites that I can still see the front pages of in my head.

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    kevindeekevindee Registered User regular
    has anybody paid for prokos premium videos?

    I got it, since the dollar is super-weak and it's sort of cheap. What you pay for is two full-length portrait vids. One is loomis method, another pretty loose and direct. I don't know if they're worth it to you, but if you struggle with a clear procedural to portraiture, I think these would give some good insight.

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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited June 2013
    Iruka wrote: »
    That community was a huge inspiration to me and I lurked there a lot. I don't recall ever posting, But I always admired the social atmosphere over the seemingly more professional and crowded CA. By the time I was posting on art the internet with any regularity and with the goal of improving, EP had dissolved and this was my fall back.

    GINGERBOX and satellite soda are similarly old communities, But never quite as active.

    But yeah my brain can go into full on way-back-machine mode sometimes. I got Oekaki boards and shockwave sites that I can still see the front pages of in my head.

    Man I remember staying up till 3-4 in the morning working on various oekaki boards, drawing with my mouse. Then posting my stuff to my elfwood page. There was this other forum I use to haunt because the guy had some basic tutorials on how to color line art. Then I discovered that wacoms were a thing about the same time I found the forum Sijun... which is where I discovered Craig Mullins posting under the moniker 'spoogedemon'. That basically lit my brain on fire. But Sijun kind of died off about the same time I discovered CA and Eatpoo back in 2003. I kind of bounced between the two, but was probably more of a regular at CA until it kind of... died but kept running.

    I like this forum but I still feel a little displaced. I havn't found an art forum with quite the same community feeling as Eatpoo or the chummy critiqueyness of early CA where randomly you would have people like Jon Foster critiquing and cheering on a 14 year old.

    Wassermelone on
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    NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    Man...CA had "chummy critiqueyness"? I must've missed that bandwagon....the reason I ended up not posting there anymore was that I felt like I could never really get a critique.

    But yeah, I had some great times on Oekaki boards, drawing with a mouse...and making art for my elfwood page :P

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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    Yeah this was about 10 years ago that Im talking about :P

    There were parts that retained that longer, activity boards etc, but finally finished was pretty much just vacant as far as actual critique went.

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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2013
    The thing is, forums are old now. When you get down to it, its much easier to socialize on the internet than it was back then, which has decentralized a lot of communities and melted them into things like twitter, tumblr and facebook. The reason I really like the AC (and push to keep it active, when I can) is that its still a bit hard to replace the steady, topic focused format in other social media. Threads are still great for looking at work, talking about it, and giving individuals their own spotlight.

    Tumblr, twitter, and FB make you into a beacon, where you shout shit out into the crowd and sometimes people have a little conversation around you before dispersing back into the landscape. I've always felt like forums are a little more conversational, like sitting down to a table of people. You can tell people that, hey, you arent allowed to be in beacon mode here. Don't sit at the table to promote yourself, sit to talk.

    Beyond that, the quality of the community always comes down to people willing to put the time in participating. Thus, why I'm trying to make sure the activities rotate more, and give people the spaces to do more fun things. I think that the general "Always promoting yourself" kind of communication of other social media causes people to approach every community in that way, but a bunch of people shouting blog links at each other isn't a community. Neither is a bunch of people drive-by posting their opinions on a topic in a comment section.

    I cant force people to participate in activities, so if there is any other things people would like to see on the board that may make you feel a little more warm and fuzzy, I will certainly consider them. I really like those sorts of things, but I think its hard to tell what people really want to do, and not imagine that they want to do.

    Iruka on
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    2 things SS
    That ending was rushed as fuck. They could and should have stretched it out.

    2, they bitched about abby way too much. Just because she picked something half way through doesn't mean it wasn't well illustrated, the action was understandable, the world and plot was interesting. It really wasn't as bad as mike was making it out to be.

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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Man, I barely have time to be a halfway meaningful contributor here, much less if I added keeping up with half a dozen other forums and twitters and tumblars and vines and whatever the hell else I'm supposed to be involved in for some reason to my plate.
    I'm just going to assume these other forums emptied out because the good people got jobs and therefore can't keep up with them, and the bad people went on to self-promote on shallower channels.

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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Some of those people had jobs during that era though, they just didn't have 20 other options to straddle. I don't think the self promo on twitter and FB is bad, I just think to most people it seems infinitely more important now. Which, when you get to the point of a Craig Mullins and there is probably a very small percentage of people who have useful feedback for you, I'm sure self promotion/networking does take over priorities. Its the people who still have a lot to gain by being in a diverse community that is commenting in depth, and they are hurt by the idea that that is no longer necessary. Artists start to emulate it way too early ("Hey follow my very first webcomic that i'll maybe update, btw the art is terrible!" ) and the likelihood that you are going to get a free crit from a passing Jon Foster are very low.

    That being said, I know that hollow praise and useless crits were all over DA, elfwood, and oekaki boards before "social media" was a thing.

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    bebarcebebarce Registered User regular
    In the end, I think they chose Katie for overall performance and not based off the final 4 hours at all. She'd lost them with the 3 months worth of submission, not the 4 hour draw off.

    I say this because as much as I wanted Katie to win, and as much as I think she was the overall right choice and deserved to have her comics told, Abbey won the last contest over her by far. Katie didn't even seem to touch on the Basket ideas. Something they completely glazed over.

    In the end I think Katie won the contest for them 3 months earlier. And only an incredibly terrible submission would have caused them to vote otherwise. I do agree with them though in that I didn't find Abbey's submission nearly as entertaining as her final contest submission.

    Maki seems as if he got Friendzoned. I don't know how else to describe it.

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    FlayFlay Registered User regular
    edited June 2013
    I just started using twitter, and I have to say it was weird reading a few retweeted posts on twitter today before realizing that it was Beavotron.

    People are going places.

    Flay on
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    bebarcebebarce Registered User regular
    A lot of people still don't associate Sonic with Cooking Comically. Or some of the people who know Sonic does cooking comically don't realize how big cooking comically has become.

    I saw on Kotaku yesterday an article about Olly Moss doing fanart of The Last of Us. Double PAAC whammy.

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    F87F87 So Say We All Registered User regular
    Strip Search was awesome. I wonder if they will ever do another season.

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    SiegfriedSiegfried Registered User regular
    I still like forum communities because they seem more personal than modern social networking, which is odd considering the anonymity of a forum vs the personalization of facebook.

    And like a million other reasons like being able to meet new people and decide who you are comfortable with revealing your real identity to. You know, like Batman.

    Portfolio // Twitter // Behance // Tumblr
    Kochikens wrote:
    My fav is when I can get my kiss on with other dudes.
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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    Yeah, I like the forum format so much better. It doesn't help that I can't stand facebook.

    Tumblr and twitter and me don't really get along that well either. But thats because I hate new things.

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    AvrahamAvraham Registered User regular
    A forum is like a small room with everyone sitting down at a table, a site like twitter is like a large open space with everyone walking around, occasionally interacting.

    :bz: :bz: :bzz:
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    FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular
    edited June 2013
    Yeah, I can't say I necessarily believe there was some market shift that caused people to migrate away from forums like EatPoo. While art forums may have a certain element of self-promotion, it's a lot more about having an open community of like-minded people, which isn't something that social sites like Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter can easily facilitate. Having a community of people you can bring your work to for honest critique is something artists crave, so even if it's not an iron in the self-promotion fire, I think it's something people still want to flock to regardless.

    I wonder if it isn't a heat-death thing, though, kind of like Bacon was saying. The early days of the great art forums were full of really talented people giving in-depth critique on each others work, and as those people moved on (because they couldn't make the time to do that any more, or they had just burnt out on doing that multiple times a day), they tried to pass the torch but nobody was really there to grab it. Filling the shoes of a really passionate person is difficult, you need to have a good community to attract those people, and if you start to lose steam, it becomes really difficult to regain it. The passionate people start to leave, and are survived and replaced by people who, though they may be super talented, don't understand the nuance of critique. This means the forum gradually becomes less about the community, and more about posting your art in the hopes it will be seen by the other super-talented people who also post there.

    Example: This forum has some recent members who provide some very good critique, but the person most renowned for hyper in-depth crit with helpful illustrations and paintovers - AoB - is an old salt. There used to be more like him in the early days, but after those people left, nobody came in to replace them.

    It's probably unavoidable, too. The reason these forums start so strong is because everyone enters at the same time, and they all have a fresh enthusiasm for the community. Once you reduce that to a trickle, even the super-passionate people kind of pass through if the community isn't showing the kind of spirit that interests them. Having the bulk of the community going in with the expectation that it's going to be a great place for critique is sort of a unique energy that is hard to replicate in the long haul.

    Unless you take the forums down for a couple months every 4-5 months and run it more like college semesters, with breaks in between.

    Why is it that every time I think I'm going to type "yeah, probably" and get back to work I always end up constructing some sort of graduation thesis?

    Fugitive on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    I dont know, I still think there being three huge forums that sustained giant active communities and all of them fizzling out at about the same time has something to do with the changing tide of the internet. . In the more "active" days of this board, we still gained and shed members fairly rapidly, but we often had new young artists turning up out of the blue. Some of those people were here because they were just looking for a place to post their work and be seen, and we'd tear them a new asshole. But looking for a forum to post on was pretty common, because that was a huge social platform at the time.

    If it were true that communities just had a sort of natural fizzle out, eventually those artists would go back to craving critique and form a new community, it would be cyclical. And, it kinda was cyclical, Those smaller side boards (like Satellite soda) were the most active when EP exploded. And EP didn't fizzle out, If I remember correctly the dudes who ran the site had a falling out.

    Young artists aren't googling "art forum" like I once did to see where people are posting their work, they are hitting tumblr, and I think that's dissolving the cycle. I see the passing actual crit on tumblr and FB, Noah's Art Camp's group is actually an interesting experiment in it. Still, the format just sucks for it. Its not the people, its just a poor platform for that level of discussion.

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    MabelmaMabelma Registered User regular
    Personally I think like Iruka. Some members just come to get people to see their art, and when another member posts and basically tells them they are doing everything wrong, they just run away, and some might think that's bad but in reality, that's why this forum is here in the first place, not to promote their art but to get critiques and get better as they go (obviously creating fans a long the way), but this mentality of I most go easy on them or not post at all or they'll run is decreasing the amount of help some of us are getting, cause personally I want to be bombarded by feedback, and it's cool if you just say, "I like that piece you did" but if you come in and rip my piece apart, I will value that a lot more because it will help me grow as an artist, but not everyone is like me, and most of the new members just want to hear that they are great artists, and when they don't hear that, they never come back, decreasing most of the flood of new members to that trickle Fug talks about.

    Have some time, check out my blog
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    JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    edited June 2013
    Microsoft just announced changes to the Xbox One. I.e no more mandatory check ins or online connectivity requirements at all, along with the standard model of trading, buying and lending games as we have today. In case anybody wanted to know.


    They should call it the Xbox 180 hehehe...

    Edit: dammit. Everybody else already made that joke.

    Juggernut on
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    miaAusamiaAusa GOD Gamer Of Daters ValhallaRegistered User regular
    I can't believe Strip Search is over too, it's weird If they have a next season i bet it will be insane, making this first season look easy this season, it was fun to watch, I didn't get into the 1st season but I hope to have a chance at the 2nd season that would be fun, I made a fun strip search wastebasket of broken dreams game that seems to be popular I enjoy it a bit, I updated it so you can redraw...


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    ChromatomicChromatomic Mr. DCRegistered User regular
    edited June 2013
    The Xbox changes aren't necessarily the best option because it also means they are doing away with the online game sharing and reselling platforms. Steam was unpopular for a long time before they were able to implement a lot of the stuff that we would probably kill to keep now.

    Re: Forums - In high school I was originally looking at going into industrial design. I remember being on the forums that preceded CA. I think it was the same people because it was absorbed into the new CA forums very early on.

    Chromatomic on
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    ProspicienceProspicience The Raven King DenvemoloradoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2013
    The Xbox changes aren't necessarily the best option because it also means they are doing away with the online game sharing and reselling platforms. Steam was unpopular for a long time before they were able to implement a lot of the stuff that we would probably kill to keep now.

    Which is interesting because there are rumors steam is going to start allowing the "sharing of games" soon. Kinda bringing back those things they did kill. I'm wondering if it's in response to the whole xbox one thing.

    Prospicience on
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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Had a woman "jokingly" swerve her car at me as I was riding my bike down an alley. She was laughing hysterically to herself as she passed me.

    Fucking hilarious, lady.

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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Wow that sucks DMAC. People are really dumb.

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    TamTam Registered User regular
    jesus what a psycho
    glad you're ok, DMAC

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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    I seriously debated chasing her down and freaking out at her. See how she likes feeling threatened like that.

    It's not the first time someone has tried to spook me on my bike. I always wonder what these idiots would do if they actually made someone react to the point where they crashed and injured or killed themselves.

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    TamTam Registered User regular
    being the morons they are, I doubt they think that far

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    NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    edited June 2013
    What the actual fuck. That is messed up.

    Somebody once pretended they were going to hit me with a jet ski, while I was swimming in a bay. He was going full-speed towards me and only turned at the last second. I had the "you're about to die" and "last-ditch effort to save myself" thoughts, and then he swerved. He thought it was a super funny hilarious thing!

    NightDragon on
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    FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular
    Relax, he was just indulging in a bit of vehicular man's laughter

This discussion has been closed.