
"I should go", said this [Mass Effect] thread - find the new one.



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    dspimonidspimoni Registered User regular
    Finished Leviathan. It was...okay. It really doesn't add that much to the game.
    The reveal of the giant trilobites did little to shock or amaze me. The notion that someone made the reapers, and the reapers betrayed them was just logic. I didn't really need dlc to show me that. Also, I was a bit confused about their motivations. They obviously have the means and desire to whip the reaper's asses, yet they just sit there and do nothing.
    The action is nothing groundbreaking, but at least they have big fights without having something as frustrating as London. The appearance of creatures that really shouldn't be seen until later in the game kinda screws with dramatic pacing. I think I would have liked this more if the price weren't so high. I would be fine paying five instead of ten bucks for this.

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    TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    They can't whip the Reapers' asses, I don't think. The Reapers defeated them in the first harvest and even since then the Leviathans have laid low, trying to keep away from the Reapers.

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    manwiththemachinegunmanwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular
    They can only destroy Reapers with surprise. They're ambush experts, but you can't win a war with sniping a few here and there.

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    dspimonidspimoni Registered User regular
    The Leviathans can mind control the reapers and their troops, effectively nullifying any resistance. It seriously begs the question of how the reapers won in the first place.

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    TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    I thought that only works on the troops, and to a limited degree.

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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    I thought that only works on the troops, and to a limited degree.
    It straight up kills a reaper at the end of the DLC. Just like, shuts it off and the thing plummets into the ocean, dead.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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    SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Blackjack wrote: »
    I thought that only works on the troops, and to a limited degree.
    It straight up kills a reaper at the end of the DLC. Just like, shuts it off and the thing plummets into the ocean, dead.
    But considering there's a Reaper made out of it's race, I'm guessing it can get outnumbered and killed easily enough. We only saw three of them, after all. Why else would they be hiding?

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    OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    Y'know, people complain about ME3 not feeling urgent enough, and I kind of agree

    But I also kinda liked it

    I mean yeah galaxy at war Earth is burning gotta get stuff done real quick, all that kinda falls apart when they're like "yeah it'll take about ten years for the Reapers to vaporize all the humans on Earth, so we're good for now" but I like that the Reapers are slow and methodical and take their sweet-ass time. That makes some amount of sense

    And I like how that promotes a lot of bullshit hanging out

    I'm not a big fan of ME3's tone these days, I think it's too dour and doesn't get you nearly as pumped and excited as ME2 did, but the character moments are the best ever, and part of that is because of the fact that ME3 is basically a war movie

    And my favorite parts of war movies are never the battle scenes! It's always the parts in between where these guys are hanging out and bonding and trying to make light of what a shit situation they're in

    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Actually I think what you're saying has been the consensus in this thread, Olivaw. The reason the "urgency" failed is because it just makes everything dour and/or boring, when they should have scrapped the whole "let's make things as depressing as possible" throughline and gone for an atmosphere more like ME2.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    the atmosphere could have been made a lot better if i could have done a suicide mission with my war assets at the end

    but citadel is a pretty damn good replacement, i gotta say.

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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    Luca72Luca72 Registered User regular
    I thought the tone of Mass Effect 3 was slightly more natural than 2. I was always bothered by the fact that nearly every situation you'd get into in Mass Effect 2 resulted in a massive fight to the death against hired muscle. Towards the end it started getting really suspicious that these security detachments were willing to give their lives to protect their bosses (who usually turned out to be assholes anyway).

    That's why certain moments when Shepard tries to play the "moral" role
    like in Garrus' loyalty mission where she seems to think that killing one more guy will really hurt Garrus' character - I know it was slightly different because Garrus actually knew the guy, but Shepard and Garrus both have way too high body counts at this point to make that conversation feel natural.

    At least in ME3 it made sense - it's a war! You're fighting large scale battles, and the good/bad guys are pretty clearly defined.

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    TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    Except when you're fighting Cerberus?

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    SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    I think it's funny that ME2 was described as "the dark, middle chapter" when it has the gentlest possible outcome.

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    SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    I'm not convinced dark means what bioware thinks it means

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    ArteenArteen Adept ValeRegistered User regular
    the atmosphere could have been made a lot better if i could have done a suicide mission with my war assets at the end

    but citadel is a pretty damn good replacement, i gotta say.
    Mass Effect 4's finale should be Citadel x Suicide Mission. The whole game is spent preparing for the greatest party of yoomanity's brief existence.

    Party for the Lost
    Holiday 2014

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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    I think it's funny that ME2 was described as "the dark, middle chapter" when it has the gentlest possible outcome.

    Still my favorite, heh. The Suicide Mission is easily my favorite part of the trilogy, but even without that...it probably would still be the best overall experience to me personally.

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    Renegade WolfRenegade Wolf Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Synthesis wrote: »
    I think it's funny that ME2 was described as "the dark, middle chapter" when it has the gentlest possible outcome.

    Still my favorite, heh. The Suicide Mission is easily my favorite part of the trilogy, but even without that...it probably would still be the best overall experience to me personally.

    yeah I love ME1 and all but ME2 is by far my favourite part of the trilogy

    ME3 has some fantastic moments but as an overall experience I don't think it comes close to the other games

    Renegade Wolf on
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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    Synthesis wrote: »
    I think it's funny that ME2 was described as "the dark, middle chapter" when it has the gentlest possible outcome.

    Still my favorite, heh. The Suicide Mission is easily my favorite part of the trilogy, but even without that...it probably would still be the best overall experience to me personally.

    yeah I love ME1 and all but ME2 is by far my favourite part of the trilogy

    ME3 has some fantastic moments but as an overall experience I don't think it comes close to the other games

    Well, it doesn't have pants-on-head functionally retarded AI companions or the worse grenades ever.

    But it does have other problems.

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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    ME2 is probably my least favorite actually. I don't remember much of ME1 so that's maybe not the most fair statement, but aside from the suicide mission ME2 didn't have much that I enjoyed at all.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    I liked ME2 a lot, but the combat refinements of ME3 make it hard to go back (although I did complete a full completionist ME1-ME2 run to have a perfect save for ME3 after I found out you could romance Kaiden as dudeshep in ME1 through the console).

    ME3 combat is just really, really good. And multi. Sweet, sweet multi. But the game as a whole is weaker than the previous ones.

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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    The actual combat mechanic is very, very strong in ME3. Really, the exact opposite of ME1.

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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    I can't be too down on ME1 combat. At the time the game was made it was pretty fucking cutting edge for a shooter rpg.

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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    ME1's combat will always be defined by my experience on Feros with atleast one of my ai squadmates freaking out so hard he whips out a pistol and charges head long into every enemy and just staring at it until it dies. And moving on.

    Everytime i got out of the Mako, Garrus would pull out a pistol and charge off into the distance.


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    I didn't care really about 90% of the ME2 squad so their recruitment/loyalty crap was...well, crap IMO. The individual stories of ME3 (Tuchanka, Thessia, pretty much everything except Rannoch because fuck the Quarians) were great for me, as were the individual character moments with the squad. That coupled with the much better gameplay, makes it much stronger than ME2, even if the overall plot was crap (and it largely was).


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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    Ethan SmithEthan Smith Origin name: Beart4to Arlington, VARegistered User regular
    I appreciate ME2, and how it refined on the stereotypes we got in ME1. Like, having a squadmate who was a member of the mooks race? Meeting a totally dominant Asari? Being a part of a ruthless organization as opposed to the idealized military shown in Mass Effect 1? While I'd disagree with the 'dark' title that's put on ME2, it certainly made the universe realer to me

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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    ME2 was dark because:
    Shepard dies in the opening credits. You guys must be forgetting how that felt the first time you played it. It was harsh, brutal even. Also the Collectors harvesting people, lots of people. First we see empty colonies, and then we see an attack in progress mid way through the game, and it's nightmarish. Then the collector ship, piles and piles of bodies. Now we know what happens to the colonists. Or do we?

    The collector base. Now we see what really happens to all the people. And finally the human reaper.

    Remind me again how this game was light and fluffy?

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    The ending of that game in INCREDIBLY triumphant, and that colors the entire experience.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    eh but
    Shepard dying in the opening credits would've been darker if s/he hadn't been immediately resurrected in those credits. Collectors harvesting people maybe would've mattered more if they hadn't spared Kaidan, and, for that matter, anyone else with a name and a face. Finally, the reveal of what happened to the colonists, well, it was goofy more than anything.


    Soylent Reaper is a giant Terminator T-800 with the wrong number of eyes.[/quote]

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    Renegade WolfRenegade Wolf Registered User regular
    ME2 was dark because:
    Shepard dies in the opening credits. You guys must be forgetting how that felt the first time you played it. It was harsh, brutal even. Also the Collectors harvesting people, lots of people. First we see empty colonies, and then we see an attack in progress mid way through the game, and it's nightmarish. Then the collector ship, piles and piles of bodies. Now we know what happens to the colonists. Or do we?

    The collector base. Now we see what really happens to all the people. And finally the human reaper.

    Remind me again how this game was light and fluffy?

    Shepards death had literally zero impact because everyone knew that he came back from the dead anyway well before the game came out

    and I mean yeah the collectors stuff with the people melting was pretty grim but I don't think you can call the entire game dark based on that

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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    man i forgot how completely nonsensical it was to have a human reaper shaped like a human

    but that was a small nitpick against the glory that is the suicide mission as vanguard

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    Also the suicide mission is only triumphant if you did a fairly good job with it.

    A failshep run is obviously a trainwreck, but a typical casual player non-completionist runthrough (which is most players, but practically none of the players in this thread) sees quite a bit of death.

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    SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    ME2 was dark because:
    Shepard dies in the opening credits. You guys must be forgetting how that felt the first time you played it. It was harsh, brutal even. Also the Collectors harvesting people, lots of people. First we see empty colonies, and then we see an attack in progress mid way through the game, and it's nightmarish. Then the collector ship, piles and piles of bodies. Now we know what happens to the colonists. Or do we?

    The collector base. Now we see what really happens to all the people. And finally the human reaper.

    Remind me again how this game was light and fluffy?

    It's the only game that all your crew can survive, and like Cambiata said, the ending is incredibly triumphant, and I think, misplaces the tone for carrying on (kind of like the Hunger Games books). The Collectors aren't even harvesting that many people, just a few colonists here and there. Compare that to the relentless bleakness of ME3.

    I didn't find Shepard's death remotely harsh because it lasted all of one cinematic. Thinking about how contrived and shallowly examined that was just annoys me with how silly it is.

    SoundsPlush on
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    Actually it's hundreds of thousands of colonists. Pales in comparison to the bodycount of ME3, but it's not "a few here and there".

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    Ethan SmithEthan Smith Origin name: Beart4to Arlington, VARegistered User regular
    Getting a handle of Tiberius the Tursent, got 2nd in three games in a row (and that was under infiltrators/vanguards and I really can't challenge the concentrated DPS classes with a Tursent and I accept that) and got 50-75 assists in each round. In the last round I carried the team, getting something like 10 revives and 50 assault rifle kills!

    Also I discovered (on my last name) that the spike thrower is awful

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    DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    Actually it's hundreds of thousands of colonists. Pales in comparison to the bodycount of ME3, but it's not "a few here and there".

    the very fact that he thought it was only a few here and there shows you how bad Bioware is at making us feel the impact of grand tragedy

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    WeisskaiserWeisskaiser TokyoRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013
    2 gave me a better impression that the bad guys were actually doing anything, though.
    You saw the Collectors dragging people off, and the piles of corpses in the ship, and the whole people being broken down into gunk at the end. With 3 though it was all oh look some giant space squid are shooting lasers at things again pew pew pew.

    Weisskaiser on
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    curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    the spike thrower is awful

    off-host, it has hit-detection issues

    but it's a great gun otherwise

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    2 gave me a better impression that the bad guys were actually doing anything, though.
    You saw the Collectors dragging people off, and the piles of corpses in the ship, and the whole people being broken down into gunk at the end. With 3 though it was all oh look some giant space squid are shooting lasers at things again pew pew pew.

    But Deadkid

    the dreams



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    Ethan SmithEthan Smith Origin name: Beart4to Arlington, VARegistered User regular
    the spike thrower is awful

    off-host, it has hit-detection issues

    but it's a great gun otherwise

    Ok, because I played for a couple of waves and after literally hitting no one I decided I was done for the night. I'm also so used to Turian classes now that actual recoil surprises me

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    Luca72Luca72 Registered User regular
    I thought ME2 was darker because instead of exploring for the Alliance and spending time on human colonies, you were basically part of the Milky Ways' criminal underground. The mood that the game set on Omega is one of the high points for me in the entire series - I liked that Shepard was fed up with asking the Council for shit (or just happened to have killed them) so she just gets a band of mercenaries and starts working on her own. I was actually a little disappointed when Shepard gets reinstated into the military at the beginning of 3. Though I guess it's really just a formality either way.

    Oh, and it was darker because your crew could die. That possibility alone had more emotional impact on me than the fate of the entire universe in 3.

    As for the combat though, remember when you were first playing ME1 and it was a total mess but at least felt full of promise? Being able to use biotics to actually toss cover around was pretty sick, even if it was too unreliable to use tactically. I was hoping they'd refine the mechanics of 1 as the series went on, but they ended up going more for the basic cover shooter model with an MMO-like hotkey template.

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