

sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
I really want to get better at comics! I made a 16 page comic over the last year and it turned out pretty awful. It doesn't mean I won't go back to that project but in the mean time, I really want to get better by making short comics and then try my hand at something a bit longer.

So I thought I'd make a blog (http://obcomics.tumblr.com) and an individual thread to post my attempts and get some feedback from you guys, if you'd be so kind.

To start off here's a quite dark one-page comic I made recently (you might have seen it in the doodle thread, so sorry for re-posting.)


And here's one that was inspired by the 'Strip Search' elimination challenges. I set myself the 90 minute time limit and picked two ideas from separate elimination challenges-'Dinosaurs' and 'Ukuleles'. You can read it full-size in the spoiler.


I like the characters and the experiment with the colour palette, but I'm not sure if it reads too well, mabye I should've stuck more to my initial joke idea of 'T-Rexes only being able to play the ukulele because of their short arms' and made that more clear.

This comic also has a stupid dinosaur song to go along with it, which upon listening again kinda just sounds like noise but it was fun to do.

Sorry for the rambling post!



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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    Awesome stuffs. Any chance of seeing the "awful" 16 pager?

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Cheers m3nace :) I'm sure that comic will rear it's ugly head again someday when I go back to it properly but I want to take some time away from it. For now though, here's a page I was quite happy with


    I coloured that 'Henri McCabre' comic so I could submit it to an anthology comics magazine here in London.


    Better quality in the spoiler!

    sharky t on
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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Here are my pages for the Bartkira project.

    Planes are clearly not my strong point.

    I was hoping for some more character-heavy pages but I think it did me good to go out of my comfort zone a bit and I feel like I learned some useful things from copying one of the masters of comics.

    sharky t on
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    NakedZerglingNakedZergling A more apocalyptic post apocalypse Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    Bartkira?? like Bart Simpson? Like (and im serious here) is that first panel SUPPOSED to be bart simpsons head?

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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    I'm glad SOMEONE on the forums is doing it! I love your pages, man.

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    Tiptup The TurtleTiptup The Turtle Registered User new member
    Planes may not be your strong point but I'm digging the angles and the red/blue environment. Show us more. May I add, the man in your most recent post resembles Otto ' The Busdriver.'

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    franciumfrancium Registered User regular
    Looks good dude, more please.

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited June 2013
    Thanks guys :)
    Some little previews of a comic I'm looking to do.
    Might try the webcomic format while I've got some time over summer

    sharky t on
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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited June 2013

    Lady Knight

    Started out totally not Brienne of Tarth, ended up pretty Brienne of Tarth. :/

    Want to get back to more actual comics soon but this was just a bit of relaxation after some hard days.

    sharky t on
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    McDMcD Registered User regular
    Those character sketches for that comics project look great, man... Fantastic job on the Bartkira pages, too! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Thanks very much @McD :)

    It's been ages since I've posted anything in here! But I'm back with yet another comic idea!
    I've started a new webcomic type thing called The Scoundrel & The Bastard over at http://scoundrelbastard.tumblr.com which I plan on updating every Monday.

    Here's the first page:
    And a little intro image of the main character:

    It'd be great to get some feedback from you guys. Pretty scary starting something like this, I hope I can keep it updated.

    sharky t on
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    transatlanticalientransatlanticalien Registered User regular
    Hoorayyy another Bartkira contributor!! Hi-5

    I'm really digging everything in this thread! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the new comic too

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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    "I'm not the guy she used to know" really reminds me of that Gotye song, perhaps mostly because it has a lyrical quality to it when it rhymes with "I didn't have the heart to say hello."
    Her hand is also pretty awkward, I assume she's a bird or something? It just looks sort of lumpy sticking out of her sleeve so far.
    Looks promising though. What's the font you're using? Did you make it yourself? It really fits the style.

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    Thanks @transatlanticalien I'd love to see your Bartkira pages.

    Thanks for the feedback @menace I hadn't even thought about it being like that song! Oh no! Haha
    Yeah, that hand is looking a little wonky, I'll have to revisit that. Thanks for pointing it out.
    The font is called Amatic SC, I didn't make it myself and I'm struggling to remember where I got it from. I'll try to find it for you, could be a Google font.
    It's upper and lower cases are actually just different versions of the upper case letters which gives it a nice bounciness if you alternate between the two.

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
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    MyGfsDogMyGfsDog Registered User regular
    You understanding of color is spot on! It's just right on each account. Drab when it needs to be, bright and bold when it needs to be, etc. You mentioned planes not being your strong point in the Bartkira pages, but I think they are fine. They fit the rest of the art. Any "better" and they would stand out too much in a way that you don't want. Cool stuff indeed. My only minor criticism is in regard to the font used in the above page. The letters are a tad thin. But...that's just me.

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Thank you very much! I've been trying to get better with colour, so that's encouraging!
    Thanks for the feedback about the text too, still testing the water a little bit so I'll try to spend a bit more time working it out.

    sharky t on
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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Here's the next page going up tomorrow. A bit of a change of pace.

    sharky t on
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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Here's some work in progress stuff from a 4 page comic I'm working on at the moment


    And a new page I really enjoyed making for the Scoundrel & the Bastard which will be going up tomorrow. I'm not sure about the colour of the cocktail that the barman gives him, might change that before tomorrow and I've just noticed I forgot to put rain in the last panel.



    sharky t on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Sharky do NatCoWriMo with us!

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus

    You may not have time with the full on webcomic. haha.

    I really like the style so far. It may be hard to gain much readership when you have a long format story that only offers up for panels a week, but maybe later you can increase the update schedule.

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    sampangolinsampangolin Registered User regular
    Sharky I just want to agree that these are great, please keep making them! I really like how you use colors, both in bartkira and in TS&TB. I think the planes read really well. If something is drawn badly or the perspective is out then it can really stick out, but I didn't think that happened at all.

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    Iruka wrote: »

    You may not have time with the full on webcomic. haha.

    I really like the style so far. It may be hard to gain much readership when you have a long format story that only offers up for panels a week, but maybe later you can increase the update schedule.

    Aw man Natcowrimo sounds awesome! I have a few of those projects that I've been 'meaning to start on forever' I'll have a proper think about it and see if it's feasible as I go back for my last year of uni in October.

    Thanks for the feedback on the webcomic. Yeah I should really update more if I can, I haven't really thought too much about the promotion side of the webcomic to be honest, I think starting out I just wanted to do something that forced me to update every week.
    Sharky I just want to agree that these are great, please keep making them! I really like how you use colors, both in bartkira and in TS&TB. I think the planes read really well. If something is drawn badly or the perspective is out then it can really stick out, but I didn't think that happened at all.

    Thanks dude. I'm really enjoying using colour right now, I used to think it was such a tedious process but I've changed my mind since I started actually using the brush tool to manually colour areas rather than letting the paint bucket fill them.
    Guess those planes were better than I thought. Thanks!

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    JobafettJobafett Registered User regular
    Hey thanks for the critique! I really like the variety in your art styles! Keep em' coming!

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    NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Why have i not seen this thread.

    Bartkira is worth it alone. I forgot that project existed and now I'm delighted.

    Nappuccino on
    Like to write? Want to get e-published? Give us a look-see at http://wednesdaynightwrites.com/
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    Thanks, Nap! Yeah, looking forward to seeing the finished Bartkira comic if it ever actually gets done haha.

    I've been neglecting this thread and the webcomic for most of August, what a lame-o!

    Here's an update to the comic that went up a few weeks ago. Funnily enough, I've planned out more of what happens next than when I started, but haven't been able to put the time in for final pages.

    And here's a preview of a comic that is so nearly done I can taste it! Just needs some text and gotta make sure the juices run clear so I don't get salmonella

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    nocuddletimenocuddletime Registered User regular
    Great colors in the Bartkira stuff!

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited September 2013
    Thanks very much @nocuddletime

    Here's the first page of the comic I just posted some panels from. I think I'm happy with it.

    It's a story about a case of PTSD in the first world war. The Grey Lady is a famous ghost in the town where the man is from.

    For some reason this 4 page comic is taking SO long!

    sharky t on
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    McDMcD Registered User regular
    Looks awesome, man. The colours look great, it really reminds me of Rob Davis' Don Quixote comic...

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    edited September 2013
    @McD Wow, that's good company! I love Rob Davis and those books. Thanks a lot.

    Here's the full comic, spoilered for size:

    For a bit of backstory, see the post on my blog: http://mikeob.tumblr.com/post/60208954639

    sharky t on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Dude, it looks fucking great, you should print that shit.

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    Thanks, Iruka. It's actually a submission for a publication by my university, so hopefully it will be printed! Fingers crossed!

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    mullymully Registered User regular
    is that your printing or a font?

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    The lettering was actually done using a slightly embarrassing technique I was recommended by Stephen Collins, which is to type out your text in Comic Sans (I know! I'm sorry!) for the spacing, set down the opacity/lightbox it and do your own hand lettering with your own serifs and whatnot.
    Hey, embarrassing but handy!

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    tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    that's actually not a bad idea ...

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    sharky tsharky t LondonRegistered User regular
    Hey guys, haven't posted for a while but here's something I've been working on

    Hi-Res in the spoiler:

    I hope it reads ok. It's designed with print in mind so I'm hoping when it's stapled and folded it'll be easier to tell that it's 2 pages rather than one wide page.

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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    Fucking awesome! I love spreads that have stuff in the center. Maybe I'd make the plate in the middle a bit larger to really hammer it in that these are two pages meant to be read separately.

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