stebuuCrabs are fucking crazy, and I hate horsesRegistered Userregular
The three day tickets even sold out BEFORE the passes were showing for sale at People who use the tweety win again? (note: I do not use the tweety much)
Since noon, I've been refreshing the page every minute or so. The first time it wasn't passes coming soon, they are sold out? Really? Please tell me this is a fluke or glitch.
I was in the queue for over 30mins, I was then kicked out and told tickets are now sold out. Lame
Good job I didn't book flights from the UK then...
Those of you whinging about not being able to get 3 day badges, you are aware that...
1) THere are still individual day badges available and
2) You can buy badges right at the convention for somewhere between face value and face value + $10
Right? Right?
I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but I chose your post because you're talking about flying from the UK. If $10 is the breaking point for you after plane tickets that will run you about a grand, then there's something wrong.
AtomicGaryBuseyI put on my robe and wizard hat.Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered Userregular
Now I'm getting this in BYOC checkout:
404Page not found
The requested URL could not be found
We're sorry, but the page you are looking for could not be found. You can try to refresh the page or check the URL for any errors or extra characters.
ClixThis guy I knowSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
I never got to an order complete page, but I still got the email confirmation.
Wait one-days are $40 now? The beginning of the process said 35 each. Now that I waited 45 minutes just to have no shot at 3-day it gets jacked up? That is just shady. Even worse taste in my mouth now.
If you get to the point of entering your CC and address and get an error after you click 'checkout', check your email before trying to purchase tickets again. it happened to me, but hte charge went through and i got a confirmation that i have tickets (1 for each day of course :P)
Looking at what other people are saying, it seems like the 3 Days are already sold out, but I have not heard an official word yet. I personally used the link on their twitter page and not the site and I got my 3 Day in 10 Minutes. Keep trying though!
Awesome.. get through the 1 day pass process.. it's processing for 6 minutes.. timer runs out, my ticket hold gets bumped. Now I'm trying to go through the process again.
I really wish they would have updated the front page soon after badges were on sale. I was able to get in line from my phone, but I've been in the queue for about 30 minutes now. I fired up my laptop and got in queue there too, but after checking the badge availability and seeing that the 3 day passes were sold out, I opened another tab and queued up single days. Hopefully that's not against the rules or anything.
Fucking ridiculous. Sit in queue for 25 minutes to get booted out and told 3-days are gone. Nevermind the 10 minutes it took for shit to load. Thanks PAX, and an extra big fuck you because I'm still going despite this BS, just without the third day because I can't afford another $80 for the two of us. Meanwhile eBay is shitting itself with people supposedly having 10 3-day passes to them available to sell.
3 day tickets are already sold out? This is absolutely disgusting.. PA clearly doesn't give a shit about the people attending... there should be a limit of how many 3 day passes someone can buy.. they're already on Ebay for $500...
I was in the queue for over 30mins, I was then kicked out and told tickets are now sold out. Lame
Good job I didn't book flights from the UK then...
Those of you whinging about not being able to get 3 day badges, you are aware that...
1) THere are still individual day badges available and
2) You can buy badges right at the convention for somewhere between face value and face value + $10
Right? Right?
I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but I chose your post because you're talking about flying from the UK. If $10 is the breaking point for you after plane tickets that will run you about a grand, then there's something wrong.
Where can I buy an official PAX East badge at the convention center without fear of it being counterfeit in any way? I'm legitimately curious and missed out on my chance to buy them today.
hey I just finished my seaport confirmation at 1:03 eastern, after hitting refresh way too much, so if you have a tab open doont close it, just keep hitting refresh.... also if people bail on their tabs that might open up spots.... good luck
This is why they don't announce PAX sales in advance. Now they have an example to point to when people start bitching about them never talking about it ahead of time for next year.
mentok1982I could never leave you PAX baby.BaltimoreRegistered Userregular
I got the site to load again so right now I am in the checkout queue for a 3 day pass (even though they are sold out) and for three 1 day passes.
This is on my work machine btw.
I was at the check out multiple times and it gave me a 503 page, and nothing ever came back. I've basically been kicked back to the queue multiple times because the page doesn't load. I'm gonna be pretttttty upset if I get gypped.
In the queue ASAP, wait for fifteen minutes, and then get booted to the beginning and shown that the three-day passes are sold out. Trying to get single day passes, enter all of my info, and it errors/timed out on the cc processing.
This. I love getting timed out because the servers couldn't load a page. Had a chance at 3 days when it first opened, but by that point (after constantly getting 404s and 503s), I had about 13 seconds. Awesome. On my fourth attempt now.
As a first timer, is it usually this much of a cluster? Because it doesn't give me much confidence in the con so far, unfortunately...
I was in the queue for over 30mins, I was then kicked out and told tickets are now sold out. Lame
Good job I didn't book flights from the UK then...
Those of you whinging about not being able to get 3 day badges, you are aware that...
1) THere are still individual day badges available and
2) You can buy badges right at the convention for somewhere between face value and face value + $10
Right? Right?
I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but I chose your post because you're talking about flying from the UK. If $10 is the breaking point for you after plane tickets that will run you about a grand, then there's something wrong.
Not a record, but close. 43 minutes from sale to gone.
That's how long it took to sell-out. If you weren't waiting in the queue by 12:15p EST then you were out of luck. I got kicked out around 12:45p when they sold out.
Those of you whinging about not being able to get 3 day badges, you are aware that...
1) THere are still individual day badges available and
2) You can buy badges right at the convention for somewhere between face value and face value + $10
Right? Right?
I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but I chose your post because you're talking about flying from the UK. If $10 is the breaking point for you after plane tickets that will run you about a grand, then there's something wrong.
404Page not found
The requested URL could not be found
We're sorry, but the page you are looking for could not be found. You can try to refresh the page or check the URL for any errors or extra characters.
I was all set for checkout, and now the site has put me at the back of the queue again...
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Had this happen too but when I refreshed the confirmation went through ... some sort of glitch.
How about having servers capable of handling the easily predictable load?
Not a record, but close. 43 minutes from sale to gone.
Site's dead for me too. Must have been the lucky few who got in before it imploded or snuck in during the accidental window earlier today.
Where can I buy an official PAX East badge at the convention center without fear of it being counterfeit in any way? I'm legitimately curious and missed out on my chance to buy them today.
This is on my work machine btw.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
This. I love getting timed out because the servers couldn't load a page. Had a chance at 3 days when it first opened, but by that point (after constantly getting 404s and 503s), I had about 13 seconds. Awesome. On my fourth attempt now.
As a first timer, is it usually this much of a cluster? Because it doesn't give me much confidence in the con so far, unfortunately...
PSN/Steam: mindflare77
Risk buying counterfeit tickets...
That's how long it took to sell-out. If you weren't waiting in the queue by 12:15p EST then you were out of luck. I got kicked out around 12:45p when they sold out.