Should let you pre-register for passes at the event. So if you sign up while your there you can get a link/PW that lets you buy your passes an hout or 2 prior tot hem going on sale for non prior year attendees.
Not a record, but close. 43 minutes from sale to gone.
That's how long it took to sell-out. If you weren't waiting in the queue by 12:15p EST then you were out of luck. I got kicked out around 12:45p when they sold out.
Yeah, you had literally 3-4 minutes to get into the queue, and this was without the main site working. I know that they claim scalpers aren't a real problem, but the jump is absolutely massive from last year. Is the difference entirely attributable to people panicking and piling in immediately?
Well don't worry guys, my group has 5 three-day passes but no where to stay. If we don't get a hotel within walking distance (looking unlikely) we are probably going to ditch PAX and go to GP Philadelphia that weekend instead.
East 2014 Status: Badge [ Friend got it ] Hotel [Crappy] BYOC [YES] Transport [ ] Name on Forum Badge [ ] Challenge Coin [ ]
2) You can buy badges right at the convention for somewhere between face value and face value + $10
Right? Right?
This is not true please do not bank on this. They will not have passes at the door, unless you are referring to purchasing badges from scalpers which are almost certainly fakes, in which case shame on you
Don't worry everyone! There are tons of badges available for the small price of $500 on ebay! What a steal! And so totally fair...
If you have the money and don't want to give up a day off from work, who are we to assign value judgements. And are they up on Ebay already, I thought they would at least take a day or two to figure out the market
3 Day passes are all gone already, this is really freaking annoying now. Especially since I gotta spend $140 to get all 3 days and additional $140 so my friend can come with me. Gotta wait til payday ugh -_-
I'm calling Shenanigans on this whole thing of assuming people would check twitter. I was on the website all morning and when I finally got a break in work to check twitter (cause it's the middle of the work week) I see there's a separate link for tickets. Waited in queue for 20 minutes but it was apparently too late. I believe I'll :whinge" all I want. ;_; Even after the ticket site said they were sold out the website had not been updated. C'mon guys.
Do the daily passes sell out? I was using money I don't really have to try to get these weekend passes as a gift so now my worry moves onto whether or not a certain day will sell out before I can buy 2 of each. (And also whether I should lower all my cc payments to the minimums in order to make this happen. {facepalm])
Not a record, but close. 43 minutes from sale to gone.
That's how long it took to sell-out. If you weren't waiting in the queue by 12:15p EST then you were out of luck. I got kicked out around 12:45p when they sold out.
Yeah, you had literally 3-4 minutes to get into the queue, and this was without the main site working. I know that they claim scalpers aren't a real problem, but the jump is absolutely massive from last year. Is the difference entirely attributable to people panicking and piling in immediately?
Scalpers are a problem. This person has 10+ tickets and is offering them at 500 a pop... these people are fucking disgusting and I'm disgusted at the way PAX is handling this.
PAX: Refund ALL ticket sales and re-open them, limiting 3-days to 5 per person.
WolfieeWeb/Graphic Designer and IllustratorMARegistered Userregular
Yeah, I prefer the silent method, but I really liked the queue thing. People who are adamant about checking Twitter and forums and such are the people that deserve to go, and those are the people that get tickets when they put them on sale without notice.
Man, I was one screen away from having hotel booking confirmed before OnPeak went down. Complete role reversal from last year when ShowClix imploded, but OnPeak was just fine (though they had that backdoor link and the Westin/Seaport pretty much sold out before official launch, so that makes it 2 years in a row that hotels have been able to be reserved early by OnPeak...)
Don't worry everyone! There are tons of badges available for the small price of $500 on ebay! What a steal! And so totally fair...
If you have the money and don't want to give up a day off from work, who are we to assign value judgements. And are they up on Ebay already, I thought they would at least take a day or two to figure out the market
There's already 4 3-day passes up for upwards of $450, and it hasn't even been an hour since registration.
I'm sure this was thought of, but it would really be nice if there was a counter to show your place in line. I'm just sitting on the queue page hoping that it's actually working.
I really wish they would have updated the front page soon after badges were on sale. I was able to get in line from my phone, but I've been in the queue for about 30 minutes now. I fired up my laptop and got in queue there too, but after checking the badge availability and seeing that the 3 day passes were sold out, I opened another tab and queued up single days. Hopefully that's not against the rules or anything.
I think they tried, but their backend crashed. Hence using twitter as a backup.
I want to add that even if you used Twitter, every second meant something. I am certain I was in the queue in like a minute after I noticed the tweet from Khoo (doesn't mean my Twitter didn't refresh for a couple mins) and I was still in for 30 mins and think I got one of the last 3 days. I hit refresh in the queue twice as well to try and speed it up even though it said not to, and still took 30 mins for me. So unsure how random it was with queue placement but there must have been over ten thousand folks (or however many 3 days passes there are) ahead of me in the 1-3 minute timeframe. Amazing! No hate here on PAX or OnPeak though, with that kind of demand I fully understand the hiccups. I'm going to keep my old Seaport reservation so I'll be fine I'll just be paying a bunch more.
I'll get 3 1 days instead hopefully, but wow what a difference
As someone buying tickets for 4 people, seeing the 3 day passes sold out already is very painful. Between that and the hotel reservation, I'm already looking at over $1500 for the weekend.
Well don't worry guys, my group has 5 three-day passes but no where to stay. If we don't get a hotel within walking distance (looking unlikely) we are probably going to ditch PAX and go to GP Philadelphia that weekend instead.
Same. Especially fun since we can't get a refund on the badges. I finally got through on the phone and was told the servers are completely down. When I asked if that meant no one was booking she said yes, but that that wouldn't necessarily work in my favor. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. If no one is booking, shouldn't the rest of the block just be sitting there available, waiting for Compass to actually work?
I called OnPeak five minutes before booking opened (expecting to be on hold for about five minutes) and got straight through. The woman told me she couldn't take my reservation and to call back. No sweat. I called back at 11:59 EST and waited on hold for twenty minutes and was told that their system was down and hung up on.
During this time I kept on checking the website which only had options available for enforcers or exhibitors for those twenty minutes. When I finally was able to get a PAX option the website 503 errored.
HOW were people able to get reservations?
It seems completely unfair that people who have been trying to make reservations since the middle of the summer should be pushed down shit's creek without a paddle...
I was in the queue for over 30mins, I was then kicked out and told tickets are now sold out. Lame
Good job I didn't book flights from the UK then...
Those of you whinging about not being able to get 3 day badges, you are aware that...
1) THere are still individual day badges available and
2) You can buy badges right at the convention for somewhere between face value and face value + $10
Right? Right?
I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but I chose your post because you're talking about flying from the UK. If $10 is the breaking point for you after plane tickets that will run you about a grand, then there's something wrong.
Where can I buy an official PAX East badge at the convention center without fear of it being counterfeit in any way? I'm legitimately curious and missed out on my chance to buy them today.
The Enforcers will validate a badge before you buy it. Just like they do at Prime.
I'm not sure I got a 3 day pass. I think I did. It charged my card (and then did a pending credit?) after I got through. Said it was confirmed. But no confirmation e-mail. Not cool. I don't know if I should go for the single day passes or not....
Hah, thanks PA on behalf of all of us who don't use Twitter. Apparently we don't deserve a chance this year. This will be my first time not being able to attend PAX.
For anyone who tried to buy tickets but got an error after submitting their billing info, how long did it take before you got a confirmation email?
It was probably 2-4 minutes for mine. I had refreshed the confirmation page several times because I kept getting an error. Hopefully it doesn't count as multiple transactions, but I don't think it will.
Not a record, but close. 43 minutes from sale to gone.
That's how long it took to sell-out. If you weren't waiting in the queue by 12:15p EST then you were out of luck. I got kicked out around 12:45p when they sold out.
Yeah, you had literally 3-4 minutes to get into the queue, and this was without the main site working. I know that they claim scalpers aren't a real problem, but the jump is absolutely massive from last year. Is the difference entirely attributable to people panicking and piling in immediately?
Scalpers are a problem. This person has 10+ tickets and is offering them at 500 a pop... these people are fucking disgusting and I'm disgusted at the way PAX is handling this.
PAX: Refund ALL ticket sales and re-open them, limiting 3-days to 5 per person.
There already is a 5 per person limit as it states on the site. Any orders above that will be cancelled.
Not a record, but close. 43 minutes from sale to gone.
That's how long it took to sell-out. If you weren't waiting in the queue by 12:15p EST then you were out of luck. I got kicked out around 12:45p when they sold out.
Yeah, you had literally 3-4 minutes to get into the queue, and this was without the main site working. I know that they claim scalpers aren't a real problem, but the jump is absolutely massive from last year. Is the difference entirely attributable to people panicking and piling in immediately?
Scalpers are a problem. This person has 10+ tickets and is offering them at 500 a pop... these people are fucking disgusting and I'm disgusted at the way PAX is handling this.
PAX: Refund ALL ticket sales and re-open them, limiting 3-days to 5 per person.
I've been waiting for this the whole month, since the day sales opened last year, checking the page every day and the moment I find out about it, the 3 day passes are gone, and I gotta fork out another 45 bucks? Good job, Khoo. Scalpers won.
2) You can buy badges right at the convention for somewhere between face value and face value + $10
Right? Right?
This is not true please do not bank on this. They will not have passes at the door, unless you are referring to purchasing badges from scalpers which are almost certainly fakes, in which case shame on you
"Almost certainly", eh? I've been to a dozen PAX's, and I've NEVER seen someone selling a fake badge. Furthermore, the Enforcers will validate a badge right there for you so you know you won't get a fake. Way to talk like you have any idea what you're saying without actually having the knowledge.
eloThat guy over there...Smoke stack central, NJRegistered Userregular click away from getting rooms and onpeak crashed again. good job guys.
Yeah, you had literally 3-4 minutes to get into the queue, and this was without the main site working. I know that they claim scalpers aren't a real problem, but the jump is absolutely massive from last year. Is the difference entirely attributable to people panicking and piling in immediately?
Seriously, BS
This is not true please do not bank on this. They will not have passes at the door, unless you are referring to purchasing badges from scalpers which are almost certainly fakes, in which case shame on you
I'll get 3 1 days instead hopefully, but wow what a difference
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
If you have the money and don't want to give up a day off from work, who are we to assign value judgements. And are they up on Ebay already, I thought they would at least take a day or two to figure out the market
You're running the largest con in the country, and you treat your customers this shittily? Fuck you and fuck PAX. You don't deserve my money.
Do the daily passes sell out? I was using money I don't really have to try to get these weekend passes as a gift so now my worry moves onto whether or not a certain day will sell out before I can buy 2 of each. (And also whether I should lower all my cc payments to the minimums in order to make this happen. {facepalm])
Scalpers are a problem. This person has 10+ tickets and is offering them at 500 a pop... these people are fucking disgusting and I'm disgusted at the way PAX is handling this.
PAX: Refund ALL ticket sales and re-open them, limiting 3-days to 5 per person.
Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
There's already 4 3-day passes up for upwards of $450, and it hasn't even been an hour since registration.
I think they tried, but their backend crashed. Hence using twitter as a backup.
As someone buying tickets for 4 people, seeing the 3 day passes sold out already is very painful. Between that and the hotel reservation, I'm already looking at over $1500 for the weekend.
Ya, the E-Mail should be from ShowClix
Same. Especially fun since we can't get a refund on the badges. I finally got through on the phone and was told the servers are completely down. When I asked if that meant no one was booking she said yes, but that that wouldn't necessarily work in my favor. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. If no one is booking, shouldn't the rest of the block just be sitting there available, waiting for Compass to actually work?
I called OnPeak five minutes before booking opened (expecting to be on hold for about five minutes) and got straight through. The woman told me she couldn't take my reservation and to call back. No sweat. I called back at 11:59 EST and waited on hold for twenty minutes and was told that their system was down and hung up on.
During this time I kept on checking the website which only had options available for enforcers or exhibitors for those twenty minutes. When I finally was able to get a PAX option the website 503 errored.
HOW were people able to get reservations?
It seems completely unfair that people who have been trying to make reservations since the middle of the summer should be pushed down shit's creek without a paddle...
I have my three day passes but nowhere to stay...
The Enforcers will validate a badge before you buy it. Just like they do at Prime.
It was probably 2-4 minutes for mine. I had refreshed the confirmation page several times because I kept getting an error. Hopefully it doesn't count as multiple transactions, but I don't think it will.
There already is a 5 per person limit as it states on the site. Any orders above that will be cancelled.
Always looking to trade.
You were only able to purchase 5.
"Almost certainly", eh? I've been to a dozen PAX's, and I've NEVER seen someone selling a fake badge. Furthermore, the Enforcers will validate a badge right there for you so you know you won't get a fake. Way to talk like you have any idea what you're saying without actually having the knowledge.