
[Phalla Royale] Sign Ups Closed.

KitanoKitano Registered User regular
edited September 2007 in Critical Failures

You have all been selected amongst the many high school students across the nation to attend a once-in-a-lifetime field trip to Tokyo that promised various opportunities due to the skill sets each of you bring to the nation. Boarding the buses, you notice but a few students you'd recognize from your school, but most of the others are new faces. You'd heard that this trip was to get the brightest or best from many schools, so this isn't a surprise.

You brought some news articles along to read in order to get a better idea what's going on around you. After all, with so much time spent studying and practicing for sports or debate or whatever it is that you have decided to excel in, you figured this might not be a bad time to catch up on what's happening in the real world around you. Since this trip is to discuss your future, you may as well learn about the present first.

(This is the wikipedia article on the movie the game is based on if you are interested)

The trip has been a long one, and at some point you eventually fall asleep due to the time of day. Upon waking up, you find yourselves being herded out of the bus by gunpoint and forced to walk in a straight line. Glancing about you, you do not recognize the place at all and it seems you are being lead into a very old school building that has not likely been used for some time.

After being herded into the school, you notice everyone is being shoved into a single room, handed a book that looks to be an instruction manual and forced into the back of the room. Looking around, you see confusion amongst everyone, but nobody has the courage to speak up at this time. You notice some fellow classmates as well and walk over towards them, quietly asking them if they know what's going on.

Unfortunately, they don't.

As the armed men in the room snap to attention, you see a familiar face walk into the classroom. He was a professor that had traveled to several schools to teach, but after a school incident between him and a student had gained him an early retirement and a brief spotlight in the news, everyone in the room likely knew who he was.

"Welcome Students. My name is Kitano.

You are very lucky because as of today, you will be participating in a game called Phalla Royale. I am here today to tell you I will be monitoring your progress and I will give you the proper instruction and supplies in order to decide your own futures.

You will notice that we've given you some instruction manuals on your way in. I'm going to give you a few minutes to read over those manuals before we start with the next phase of the game. After those few minutes are up, you will each receive a bag that has some food, water, map and another surprise that's random.

The goal here, students, is to tell me which school is better. As you've noticed, we've selected from the very best and brightest amongst a number of schools. You will be given 10 days maximum to determine a winner. If there is no winner by the end of the 10th day, everyone remaining will die by collar detonation."

It is at this time you and the other students realize you are all wearing collars that are tightly strapped to your neck.

"I'd be very careful with those collars if I were you. They are there to provide us with your current location and if necessary, we can also remote detonate those collars.

So, you may start reading your manual now and once your time is up, I will start calling names. Once you hear your name. You will come up to the front of the room, you will be given a bag and you will be sent on your way. You will be escorted out of the school facility and you will not be allowed entry until the game is over, provided you are on the winning team. As each student leaves, there will be a brief break between releasing each of you so you have the chance to get away.

Students. You have 5 minutes to read the manual before I start calling names.

Remember one thing students. Do not disappoint me. That is all."

Phalla Royale Student Handbook

1) Overview
Welcome to Phalla Royale! We’ve gathered the best from around the country to participate in this unique competition to find which school among them comes out on top. You will have to eliminate all the members of the other schools to prove your dominance.

Oh, and don’t forget about those collars around your necks. They’ve got a small explosive charge in them that we can detonate remotely if you get out of line. Try to escape or enter restricted areas of the island, and you’ll regret it! In addition, if the game goes for 10 days without a winner, all the collars will be set off and there will be no winner. But it’s not all bad. There’s also receivers in the collars to recieve your votes each day, so you can decide zones to close, who can receive extra items, and one person to eliminate each day.

Good luck, and show us the reason why we’ve chosen you.

Game days end at 8pm PST/10pm CST/11pm EST.

2) Participant Roles and Win Conditions
a) Student – Most of the students here have been brought here against their will to participate in Phalla Royale. Try to find your fellow schoolmates and find a way to survive together.

i) Win Conditions

(1) Be part of the last team alive. OR
(2) Escape from the island with collar deactivated.

b) Lone Wolf – Not all students were selected at random; some signed up to participate voluntarily. Winning with a team isn’t enough, victory only comes as the last person standing. The others on your team should watch out…

i) Win Conditions
(1) Be the last player alive.

c) Lovers - High school romance? Some of you have the option of utilizing these relationships to improve your chances of survival. This is an optional role that students can choose during Day 0 of the game.

i) Win Conditions
(1) Be the last two players alive with one of your teams. OR
(2) Escape from the island together with collars deactivated.

d) Rivals - Remember that guy who beat you at a recent competition? Maybe he stole your girlfriend or boyfriend. Perhaps he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way, it's payback time. Duing Day 0, you may choose a rival and pm Ardor and MrBlarney about who you have chosen your rival to be. Multiple people may choose the same rival.

(1) In addition to your normal win conditions, you must eliminate your rival before the game can end.

i) Special Abilities

(1) Player gains a 10% bonus to hit the person chosen as their rival. If you are able to kill the rival, then you either get a permanent general 5% hit or dodge bonus (player choice).
(2) There is only one drawback to choosing a rival. You may not attempt to leave the island until your rival is dead. However, it is likely that at least half the players will be dead by the time anyone even has the opportunity to escape the island.

e) NOTE: A winner must be determined by the end of Day 10! If there is no winner at the this point, all students are eliminated and nobody wins.

3) Participant Rules and Mechanics
a) Overview

i) Normally, you will be able to take one normal Action per turn and any number of Free Actions. Actions allow you to attack, defend, move, use items, search, or analyze other students. Free actions allow you to use certain items as well as trade or drop them. In addition, there will be three votes made per day to designate one person to kill, one or two areas to close, and one person to give an item to.

b) Actions

i) Attack – Attack your primary target, following them to their destination. If multiple people attack the same target, everyone gains a hit bonus at +5% per extra attacker. The maximum hit chance is 95%, with a minimum of 5% after all defenses are taken into account. Also, no matter how crafty or agile or lucky you are, the lowest your ‘maximum hit chance’ can go is 50%. If you do not have a weapon which can be used for attack, then you can use rocks, sticks, debris, etc. for a 40% chance to hit in melee, or throw them at projectile speed for a 30% chance to hit. If your target is running that round, you must meet the item requirements specified in the Run action. If you are holding too many, specify if you will follow your target fully and RNG drop items if necessary, or if you will only move as far as your normal Move will take you. See the example below for more information.

(1) Most defensive actions will reduce both the attack hit% and the maximum hit chance. If the attacker’s hit% is reduced below the modified maximum, then that will be the final hit%. If the modified attacker’s hit% is reduced to something above that maximum, then the final hit% is the maximum. However, there are certain defenses that do not reduce the maximum hit chance (such as the pot lid or bulletproof vest), so ‘overkilling’ can still be worthwhile.

(2) Attacks are normally resolved in the following order: Ranged è Melee è Explosive. There are areas on the map that may change this order, which are noted. Lone Wolf attacks are always resolved first. Defensive items resolve when they are applicable to attacks.

ii) Defend – You may defend yourself or another person currently in the same zone as you. If defending another, you will follow them to their destination. You will take all attacks meant for your target and will gain a dodge bonus of 25%, reducing the maximum chance of an individual hit to 70% per attacker.

iii) Move – You can move up to 2 zones this turn. When moving, you gain a 10% dodge bonus, meaning your maximum chance of an individual hit is 85%.

iv) Run – You can run up to 3, 4, or 5 zones this turn but you can only carry 2, 1, or no items, respectively, while doing this. If you have too many items, you can choose to pick the items to drop in your initial zone, or allow the RNG to select items at random, and the items will be dropped in the zones you travel through. While running you gain a 15% dodge bonus, meaning your maximum chance of getting hit is 80%.

v) Search – You can search your current zone for items. There’s 1-2 items per zone that can be found by searching, and will automatically find an item if there’s one left uncovered. You can move 1 zone to search if you want.

vi) Follow Target – You can choose someone to follow. You gain a 10% dodge bonus, making your maximum change of getting hit 85%, and will follow your target to whatever zone they end up in. If your target is running that round, you must meet the item requirements specified in the Run action. If you are holding too many, specify if you will follow your target fully and RNG drop items if necessary, or if you will only move as far as your normal Move will take you.

vii) Analyze Target – You spend your turn analyzing your target to figure out is they are something other than a normal student. You gain a +45% bonus to dodge against your target, giving them a maximum chance of 50% to hit you that night. Other attacks from other players are not modified. You will not follow your target, but this action goes before movement.

c) Free Actions

i) Use Item – Certain items take only a free action to use. See specific descriptions for details.

ii) Trade item - You can give items freely to anyone in your zone. If you wish to perform a trade, pm the moderators and the person you wish to trade with so we can get confirmation from both parties to complete the trade. This can be done at any time during the day.

iii) Drop Item - You can drop items at any time on the ground. Once dropped, only you can choose to pick it up before the end of the day. Nobody else will know where it is yet.

d) Voting

i) Vote for collar detonation. You will vote for this in red. The person with the most votes every night will have their collar detonated. If the lead player survives somehow, the next person in line for voting will have their collar detonated instead. In the case of a tie, multiple players may be killed. No need to retract votes.

ii) Vote for zone closure. You will vote for this in yellow. Every night, 1-2 zones will close down. The top 1-2 zones each night will be marked to close down the following day. If you remain in a zone that closes down that night, you will be killed, even if your collar is deactivated. You may not pass through a closed zone unless your collar is deactivated. Stopping in a closed zone regardless of the status of your collar, will get you killed.

iii) Vote for reward: You will vote for this in lime. The person with the most votes will be rewarded by the director with an item he announces in the narration. In the event of a tie, the RNG will decide the winner. If the vote winner dies that night, then the item is left on the ground in their zone.

e) Order of nightly event resolutions

i) Analyze Target
ii) Movement / Defense
iii) Attacks
iv) Votes
v) Search

f) Ties in voting

i) Vote for collar detonation – All players involved in a tie that are able to be killed will be killed.
ii) Vote for zone closure – If only one zone is scheduled to be locked, then two zones are locked instead. If there are three or more tied zones, two are closed at random as chosen by the RNG.
iii) Vote for reward – In the event of a tie, the RNG will decide who gets the item.

g) When voting does not go through

i) Vote for collar detonation – If a player cannot be eliminated due to the vote, then the person with the next-highest amount of votes is killed. A reward is then posted for the elimination of the player who escaped the vote. Rewards work the same way as voting for reward, but if the person killing the target dies in the same night then no reward is given.
ii) Vote for zone closure – If a zone cannot be closed, then the zone with the next amount of votes will be closed, so that the number of zones scheduled to be closed in a day is kept the same.
iii) Vote for reward – If the vote winner dies the night they are to receive a reward, then the item is left on the ground in their zone.

4) Areas of the Island
a) Island Map


b) Location Details

i) Mansion (Area 1) Explosives go first in here, followed by melee then ranged.
ii) Field (Areas 2, 15) Ranged items have a bonus 5% chance to hit your targets here.
iii) Forest (Areas 3, 7) Ranged items have a -10% chance to hit in here. Melee attacks go first, followed by ranged then explosives. If you run into a forest area, you cannot be followed.
iv) Cliffs (Area 4) Melee attacks have a 5% bonus to hit in here
v) Open Hills (Area 5, 6) Ranged items have a 5% bonus to hit in here
vi) Airstrip (Area 8) You might find some useful items in this area.
vii) Town (Areas 9, 10) Explosives have a 10% bonus to hit in here.
viii) Caves (Area 11) Melee attacks go first, followed by ranged then explosives. You might find some useful items in this area.
ix) Beach (Areas 12, 16) Melee attacks have a -10% chance to hit in here.
x) Lighthouse (Area 13) Melee attacks go first in here, followed by explosives then ranged
xi) Docks (Area 14) Ranged items have a 5% bonus to hit here.

5) Examples of Items in the Game
a) Melee Weapons

i) Baseball Bat – You can use this against one target per night with a 70% chance to hit.
ii) Sword – You can select up to two targets to use this against at a 50% hit rate apiece. Alternatively, you may choose the same target twice to increase your overall hit to 90%.
iii) Axe – This weapon has a 60% chance to hit a single target. You may choose to throw this weapon at the same hit % as above in order to give it a projectile speed (goes at the same time as other projectile weapons). If you do not kill your target with the throw, you must pick up the item upon finding it again.
iv) Length of Wire – This can be used to strangle one person per night. It is a single use weapon that has a 90% chance to hit. It is used up when you make a successful attack. The pot lid defense shield cannot block this attack.
v) Switchblade – This weapon cannot be seen on your person. It has a 70% hit rate against a single target. It may be thrown to have projectile speed (goes at the same time as guns) at the same hit rate. However, if you do not kill your target, you must find and pick up the weapon again if you throw it. If you do kill them, you automatically get the weapon back.

b) Projectile Weapons

i) Handgun – This gun has 12 rounds in it. You may shoot it three times per night at a 40% hit rate. You may shoot at the same target multiple times to increase your overall hit by 30% per shot against the same target.
ii) Shotgun – This gun has 6 shots. You can fire twice per night at a 70% hit rate. You can shoot the same target twice, increasing your overall hit to 130%.
iii) Uzi – This gun has 30 shots in it. Each shot has a 30% chance of hitting your target. You may fire this up to 10 times per night. You may shoot a single target multiple times which increases your overall hit by 20% per extra shot on the same target.

c) Explosives

i) Hand Grenade – This item has a 100% chance to hit your target. It is single use only. This weapon also has a 70% chance to hit anyone else nearby your target, which means their team members defending or anyone attacking/being attacked by this person. This can hit your teammates, so be careful. You cannot kill yourself with this item.
ii) Dynamite – This single-use item is used and set to detonate on a specific night by the person who sets it. You cannot move while using this item, but nobody can detect you planting this either. This item has an 80% hit rate which cannot be modified on anybody in the zone when it goes off, including teammates. You cannot kill yourself with this item.
iii) Firecrackers – This item cannot be used while moving. It is a single-use item. When using it, it will cause everyone in that zone to dive for cover, canceling all actions of the night. This item goes after movement, but before all attacks save the stun gun. This will NOT cancel out the actions of the lone wolf, who does not fear much of anything.

d) Defensive Items

i) Pot Lid – This item is carried at all times and can be used to block melee items. This reduces the chance for an attacker to hit you by 60%, but it will break after saving you from three attacks. You may use this to protect someone else as well, gaining the defense bonus in addition.
ii) Bulletproof Vest – This vest will give you protection from guns (not a crossbow bolt) by reducing the attacker’s chance to hit you by 70%. It is a passive item and is always protecting you.
iii) Camouflage – This gear provides you with an additional +20% chance to dodge incoming attacks from any target.

e) Support Items

i) Binoculars – This item can be used any night to see everyone in adjacent zones.
ii) Backpack – This item allows you to carry all of your equipment in order to conceal it. People will only see an item from you if you are attacking someone. If you aren’t attacking, they simply see you carrying a backpack.
iii) Collar Deactivator – This item has 2 uses. It can be used while moving as well. It deactivates the collar of your target so they are immune to death by the vote.

f) Gimmick Items

i) Paper Fan – Maybe you can give someone a nasty paper cut with this. You can use this against one target per night with a 25% chance to hit in melee. Does not affect the stability of defensive items.
ii) Boxing Gloves – Perhaps you will be able to catch your enemies off guard with these? Although you were never much of a boxer and these show definite age, you do have a 30% chance to hit someone in melee combat with these.

Student Roster (as of post 136):

1. Jdarksun
2. Locus
3. Durax
4. Iamtheazman
5. DevoutlyApathetic
6. Hylianbunny
7. Obbi
8. Lord Cecil Eaglelaser
9. Giltanis
10. Thorpe
11. robothero
12. Qorzm
13. Munkus Beaver
14. Green
15. Mr. Embarkation
17. Frosteey
18. Variable
19. Gnasty
20. Aldo
21. Tehspectre
22. Shamus
23. Elendil
24. B:L
25. Drez
26. PotU
27. FreeAgent
28. Xevo
29. DarkPrimus
30. Vic
31. CJ Iwakura
32. Bliss 101
33. Thorgot
34. Tuxkamen
35. GrundlTerror
36. Psycholarry1
37. Last Son
38. Zerinan
40. PsychoCucumber
41. Precisionk
42. Plutonium
44. Buzz Buzz
45. Zot
46. Zzulu
47. Koshian
48. Cantide
49. Cheez
50. Shenanigans
51. Fuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud
53. Fembot
55. life3
57. Celethang
58. One Thousand Dicks
59. Fluffy, Our Beloved Flopsy Bunny Friend
60. Nion

Those who want to RNG their items:

Niceguy Myeye
the wook
Gorilla Salad
Unearthly Stew
Zen Vulgarity
Romantic Undead
Shorn Scrotum Man

NOTE: There is no maximum amount of players that can play this game, we welcome as many that want to play. Tell your friends to come join us! We have predetermined 60 starting items on this list. Feel free to choose a number. If more than 60 people show up, we will add more item bags to the list. If less show up, you will still get what bag you picked from the list and the remainder will be left behind. This will not influence the game at all.

NOTE 2: We have put a lot of information even in this post. We found in past tests that people found the initial information to be a lot to take in, but as individual students, you will find this game to not be too difficult. Most rules and roles are going to be public knowledge along with win conditions. There are some unknowns involving both, mostly around these lone wolf killers.

NOTE 3: If you'd like, you do not have to choose a number from a pre-determined set of items. We will RNG anyone who wishes to go that route.

Note 4: If you'd like to use some of the students from the movie as avatars, here's a site that has them for you.


There were 42 students in the movie. I've no problem with you guys overlapping on avatars. Your fellow students may have a different opinion though.

Kitano on


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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Uzi Me


    Plutonium on
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    LocusLocus Trust Me The seaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    No fucking way I am missing this.

    #2 please

    Locus on
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    thorgotthorgot there is special providence in the fall of a sparrowRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Je suis étudiant!

    thorgot on
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    P10P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Sign up
    Let's see if Ardor's bad luck will effect me when he's the host, eh?

    P10 on
    Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
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    QorzmQorzm Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    !sign up for #12 please!

    Qorzm on
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    cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007

    cj iwakura on
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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited September 2007

    #25, please

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
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    FrosteeyFrosteey Elaise 1521-2945-8940Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    What is wrong with you fools? You go for the prime numbers, first.


    Meh, I'm feeling this as a more multiple of three game.


    Damn, no, prime numbers.


    Frosteey on
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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I was holding strong until the PM....

    Sign up. Real life be damned!

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    PsychoCucumberPsychoCucumber Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I Sign Up, please good sir.

    PsychoCucumber on
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    Look Out it's Sabs!Look Out it's Sabs! Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I !sign up cause I got a pretty invitation.

    Look Out it's Sabs! on
    NNID: Sabuiy
    3DS: 2852-6809-9411
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    FrosteeyFrosteey Elaise 1521-2945-8940Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I must say, that map is superb.

    Frosteey on
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    FembotFembot Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    !sign up for 53, thankyoukindly.

    Fembot on
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    duraxdurax Who watches the watchdogs? Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    !sign up #3

    durax on
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    SquashuaSquashua __BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2007

    Squashua on
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    thorgotthorgot there is special providence in the fall of a sparrowRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    #33, I guess.

    thorgot on
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    Niceguy MyeyeNiceguy Myeye Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Sign up!

    Niceguy Myeye on
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    Hi I'm Vee!Hi I'm Vee! Formerly VH; She/Her; Is an E X P E R I E N C E Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I tentatively !sign up.

    When does the first day begin?

    Hi I'm Vee! on
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    Cold Salmon and HatredCold Salmon and Hatred __BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2007
    !signup #45

    EDIT: Dammit Fembot, how dare you take my number first

    Cold Salmon and Hatred on
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    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    !signup 18

    Variable on
    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
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    NionNion Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    !sign up #60

    Nion on
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    ArdorArdor Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I'd like to give everyone at least 2 hours to sign up, since this game can scale to any number, we'll likely start the game sometime Tuesday and end Day 0 around Tuesday or Wednesday.

    We'll be playing it by ear.

    Also, if you do not choose a number, that's cool too. We will RNG items to those who want to roll the dice instead of choosing a pre-determined fate!

    Ardor on
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    McKidMcKid Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    !Sign up, number ten ten three


    McKid on
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    SquashuaSquashua __BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2007
    I stopped picking numbers long ago, grasshopper.

    Squashua on
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    Last SonLast Son Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I !sign up with much enthusiasm. Number 37 please.

    I promise I will not kill my teammates again.
    Unless its necessary. :P

    Last Son on
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    cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    For some of us, this is going to be serious grudge retaliation territory.

    cj iwakura on
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    ArdorArdor Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    For some of us, this is going to be serious grudge retaliation territory.

    You know, I think Evilbadman had it right when he hosted his phallanioa where you could blast anyone you wanted.

    Plus, it fits this theme as well. Bat, sword, gun, dynamite or rocks, feel free to let someone know you care!

    Ardor on
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    cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Ardor wrote: »
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    For some of us, this is going to be serious grudge retaliation territory.

    You know, I think Evilbadman had it right when he hosted his phallanioa where you could blast anyone you wanted.

    Plus, it fits this theme as well. Bat, sword, gun, dynamite or rocks, feel free to let someone know you care!

    But in this case, it's from previous incarnations of the same phalla. :P The B:L/Elendil/etc. crew are going to want us dead.

    cj iwakura on
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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    23 is number one

    Elendil on
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    Buzz BuzzBuzz Buzz Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Sup dudes.

    I'll take #...ummm...42? Or 44, if that's been taken.

    Buzz Buzz on
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    cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Right on time.

    cj iwakura on
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    XevoXevo Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Mmm I love that movie, !sign up 28

    Xevo on
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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Right on time.
    I'm going to actually hit you this time, I swear to god

    Elendil on
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    cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Elendil wrote: »
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Right on time.
    I'm going to actually hit you this time, I swear to god

    I only vaguely remember how the crossbackstabbings all went down.

    cj iwakura on
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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Right on time.
    I'm going to actually hit you this time, I swear to god

    I only vaguely remember how the crossbackstabbings all went down.
    I think we stabbed you guys in the back, which then backfired tremendously.

    Elendil on
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    ThreelemmingsThreelemmings Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I shall return!

    Threelemmings on
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    ArdorArdor Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Elendil wrote: »
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Right on time.
    I'm going to actually hit you this time, I swear to god

    I only vaguely remember how the crossbackstabbings all went down.
    I think we stabbed you guys in the back, which then backfired tremendously.

    If memory serves me right, Elendil was using a shotgun with a 70% chance to hit and he hit 1/4 times. I'll find a different RNG or let MrBlarney do the rolls this time.

    Ardor on
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    LocusLocus Trust Me The seaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I don't even remember who was on my team for the second iteration. All I remember is pk trying to blow everyone up.

    Locus on
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    cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Elendil wrote: »
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    Right on time.
    I'm going to actually hit you this time, I swear to god

    I only vaguely remember how the crossbackstabbings all went down.
    I think we stabbed you guys in the back, which then backfired tremendously.

    It's coming back to me; I'm pretty sure our teams betrayed each other at the exact same time.

    Found it: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=25462

    cj iwakura on
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    HylianbunnyHylianbunny Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    !sign up for whatever position

    Hylianbunny on
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