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The OFFICIAL American Classic Arcade Museum @ PAX-East 2014 Thread

mpsmps Registered User regular
edited March 2014 in PAX East
The American Classic Arcade Museum (ACAM) is proud to announce that we are returning to PAX-East. As in past years, we will be providing PAX-East with a retro arcade full of classic 1970's and 1980's arcade video games.

In 2010, the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) held their first East Coast event in Boston after running a hugely successful event for many years in Seattle. Gary Vincent, President of The American Classic Arcade Museum, had first been approached by the promoters of the Expo in late 2009 to help create an exhibit of classic arcade games at the first PAX-East. The American Classic Arcade Museum had become a powerful presence, and having the Museum create the exhibit for PAX-East seemed logical to the event organizers. Gary and the ACAM crew took 21 video games to the Expo in 2010 and set up a small arcade in a private room off of the main Expo floor.

Over the last few years as the PAX-East event has grown, the ACAM presence has grown along with it. This year, ACAM will have two 24-foot trucks & a panel van stuffed with close to 50 arcade games & a small army of staffers. ACAM will also be holding two panel sessions with video game industry insiders and former arcade game developers.

Mike Stulir, Vice President of The American Classic Arcade Museum, couldn’t be happier with the ACAM & PAX-East has collaborated throughout the history of the event. “We love working with the PAX-East staff to provide a glimpse into the arcade gaming environment of yesterday. PAX-East has become our annual time to pull out all of the stops and recreate the feeling of the late 1970’s to early 1980’s with a darkened room complete with disco lighting and booming with era-appropriate music."
Stulir says that the Museum is able to participate in events like PAX-East, MAGFest and Escapist Expo due to the notoriety and respect the Museum has earned since its founding. “Our position as the leader in arcade game historical preservation is due to the hard work of Gary Vincent, Bob Lawton, our Board of Directors and our volunteers. We have built a strong reputation not just with the gaming community, but with the game developers as well. We are especially proud of our close relationship with the PAX-East staff, and we expect to be part of this show for many years to come."

The concept of the Museum came almost by accident. ACAM is located within the Funspot Family Entertainment Center in Weirs Beach, NH. Having been a manager at the Funspot for many years, Gary and Funspot owner Bob Lawton were looking at all of the old video games they had back in 1996. Many of them were not in use on the floor anymore. Gary said “We have so many, we should start a museum.”

And that’s exactly what they did.

ACAM was founded and established as the first 501c3 non-profit facility dedicated to the preservation, history and play of classic arcade games. Today, The American Classic Arcade Museum encompasses almost all of Funspot’s third level. It also helped Funspot become the recognized as the largest arcade in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records. Over the years as more machines were added by being purchased or donated, the American Classic Arcade Museum soon became the Mecca for arcade game enthusiasts, and the merely curious. It is now the largest collection of fully operational video games from the 1980s in the world. In fact, every year players from around the world come to Funspot to play in the Museum’s International Classic Video Game Tournament. The museum has gained national and international recognition being highlighted in ESPN: The Magazine, MSNBC, EDGE Magazine, Retro Gamer, The Escapist, Yankee Magazine, in-flight airline publications and locally in NH to DO magazine & The Boston Globe. ACAM has also been the backdrop for several feature films, including the critically acclaimed “King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters.”

To learn more about The American Classic Arcade Museum, or to find out how you can contribute to our preservation efforts, visit

zerzhul on


  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    The American Classic Arcade Museum is pleased to announce the following panel session at PAX-East 2014 in Boston, MA:

    ACAM – How Arcade Games Influenced Home Console Gaming
    Saturday, April 12th, 2014
    Boston Convention & Exhibition Center -- Arachnid Theatre @ at 2:00pm

    The American Classic Arcade Museum (ACAM) takes a look at how classic arcade games influenced video gaming at home. From Asteroids to Zaxxon, the arcade hits eventually made their way to home consoles and computers. What were the obstacles of translating arcade classics for home consoles? How did those games affect the arcades? Guests include the developers of multiple Atari 5200/7800 console games and the co-creator of the Atari 7800 home console.

    Mike Stulir: Vice President, The American Classic Arcade Museum

    Panelists & Special Guests:
    Steve Golson: Co-creator of the Atari 7800 console
    Jonathan Hurd: Creator of Atari’s “Food Fight” arcade game
    Carlos Smith: Programmer of Atari 5200/7800 games
    Marshall Peck: Graphic Artist for Atari 5200/7800 games
    Gary Vincent: President, The American Classic Arcade Museum

    More info on The American Classic Arcade Museum can be found at

    mps on
  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    The American Classic Arcade Museum is pleased to announce the following panel session at PAX-East 2014 in Boston, MA:

    ACAM – Preserving Laserdisc Arcade Games
    Sunday, April 13th, 2014
    Boston Convention & Exhibition Center -- Arachnid Theatre @ at 12:30pm

    One of the most popular exhibits in the ACAM arcade at PAX-East is the laserdisc games. Titles like Space Ace, Dragon’s Lair, Us vs. Them and Cliffhanger are constantly mobbed by attendees. What exactly goes into keeping this unique classic arcade game technology running? How does ACAM preserve the gameplay of these unique games? Join ACAM staff and Warren Ondras from the "Daphne" emulation & "Dexter" hardware replacement projects for a discussion of laserdisc preservation technology and a demonstration of the unique technical challenges faced when restoring games of this type.

    Mike Stulir: Vice President, The American Classic Arcade Museum

    Warren Ondras: Daphne/Dexter Development Team
    Gary Vincent: President, The American Classic Arcade Museum

    More info on The American Classic Arcade Museum can be found at

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Looking forward to it ! Played the heck out of Cliffhanger when it first came out in arcades (yes I am that old). Can't wait to experience the nostalgia again .... Though no doubt my reflexes have slowed somewhat lol

    aBByNormaL on
    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • UnnDunnUnnDunn New York, NYRegistered User regular
    This is great. My friends and I took a road trip to Funspot/ACAM a year ago, and the place is amazing. Can't wait to see which games they bring to PAX.

  • SwordnStoneSwordnStone Registered User regular
    I'm so glad to hear that the ACAM will be back. They are the BEST room, seriously. And their panels are always very interesting to attend. I can't wait to spend a lot of time in the arcade!

    Quit now and cake will be served immediately.
  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    My friends and I were JUST talking about how great your room was today! Glad you'll be back!

  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    This is one of my favorite places to go each year

    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • sfford2008sfford2008 Registered User regular
    This is one of my favorite places to go each year

    I second that...this is always a highlight for me!

  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Very happy to hear this - I never take this room for granted because I know how hard (and expensive) it is to maintain these machines.

    Thank you for making this trip and providing us with an opportunity to go back in time!

  • RenneesmeRenneesme Registered User regular
    What games have they brought in the past? I'm excited for this one!!

    3DS FC: 4382-3356-7103
  • CatalepticalCataleptical New JerseyRegistered User regular
    So glad to hear this. The ACAM room has always been the meet-up and chill space for our group. The only thing better than ACAM at PAX is if they donated a bunch of games to my house and left them there. You know, for research! :D

  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    Really glad to hear all of the positive feedback. PAX-East is our annual crown jewel event and we do our best to make you guys happy.
    vttym wrote: »
    Very happy to hear this - I never take this room for granted because I know how hard (and expensive) it is to maintain these machines.

    You can say that again. PAX-East is an especially expensive event for us. All of the games we take to PAX-East are set on free play, so no tokens or quarters are required. Bringing approximately 50 games to PAX-East each year involves two 30ft box trucks and a cargo van. Approximately 20 ACAM volunteers work in their spare time over the course of 5 months to prepare our annual exhibit for PAX-East. Our goal is to present an environment that accurately portrays an arcade on a Saturday night during the early 1980's.

    The American Classic Arcade Museum is the first 501c3 non-profit facility dedicated to the history, education, preservation & play of coin-operated video games. We operate entirely on the generosity of Corporations and the general public. Financial donations and donations of games & parts allows us to keep our collection running. As a 501c3 facility, all donations to ACAM are tax-deductible. ACAM will have a donation kiosk in the PAX-East arcade. We encourage PAX-East attendees to make a donation to help ACAM preserve gaming history.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I love everything about the ACAM room. Definitely one of the best parts of PAX East.

  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    Renneesme wrote: »
    What games have they brought in the past? I'm excited for this one!!

    For those who are new to PAX-East, here is a look at what we did last year. The first few minutes show game prep, truck loading and transportation. The excitement begins around the 11:00 showing the room environment, the games and our panels.

    Here is one of our panel sessions from last year with the creators of such classic arcade games as Ms. Pac-Man, Food Fight and the Cruis'n USA/World/Exotica series.

  • ShaydeShayde Kitchen Staff Supervisor MargaritavilleRegistered User regular
    I love you and I plan to spend a lot of time in you.

    OK, that sounded bad, but you know what I mean.


    Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
    Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Ok I watched the video and it is scary how many of these I played when they first came out in arcades .... I am getting really excited for my first Pax ..!!

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    If you bring Crystal Castles I will cry. I will weep tears of joyful nostalgia.

    EDIT: Sorry, I don't mean to turn this into a request thread.

    WuShock on
    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    @aBByNormal I thought you've been to PAX East before.

    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Nope first time ... It's been on my bucket list for some time but life has always gotten in the way (with kids there is plenty to spend my money on, lol)

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • CabadrinCabadrin Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Always love this room! I went to my first PAX Prime last year (after going to East every year) and was sad that their classic arcade room was smaller and contained fewer games than ACAM. It reminded me that we should always support groups like this, so if you have a few bucks, toss them to ACAM and support their team!

  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    Cabadrin wrote: »
    Always love this room! I went to my first PAX Prime last year (after going to East every year) and was sad that their classic arcade room was smaller and contained fewer games than ACAM. It reminded me that we should always support groups like this, so if you have a few bucks, toss them to ACAM and support their team!

    I cannot even count how many times people bring this to our attention about Prime and ask when we will make an appearance there. East may be an expensive proposition for us, but it is right in our back yard so the logistics (while time consuming) are relatively simple. Much as we would like to, there is no way we could truck an exhibit out to Prime without some kind of corporate sponsorship.

  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Looking forward to it ! Played the heck out of Cliffhanger when it first came out in arcades (yes I am that old). Can't wait to experience the nostalgia again .... Though no doubt my reflexes have slowed somewhat lol

    Cliffhanger will be part of our Sunday panel session, so we will have it with us at the show.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    I am so really psyched by that ... I remember spending so much money on that game trying to get through. Some great memories ... will definitely have to stop by that panel.

    aBByNormaL on
    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • TripleozeroTripleozero Registered User regular
    Time to start practicing Dragon's Lair and Punch-out.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    I'm excited to see ACAM will be back this year. Playing those games brings me back to the days when I spent all day playing Gyruss at Teddy Bear's in downtown Boston. I'm grateful to ACAM for keeping these games going and helping to keep my cherished childhood memories alive.

  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    I thought perhaps it would be fun to start "teasing" some of the surprises we are bringing to PAX-East this year. Courtesy of ACAM volunteer Adam Pfeifer, we will have the "Fix it Felix Jr." game from the Disney animated movie "Wreck It Ralph." Adam was kind enough to let us borrow it for Granitecon last fall & it was a HUGE hit. Thanks to Adam for allowing us to borrow it again.


    Adam is also the guy responsible for our incredible laser light show in the ACAM arcade at PAX-East. We can't thank him enough for all of the work he does to prepare us for PAX-East every year.

    mps on
  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Will you be attending the ACAM panel session on Saturday 4/12/14? The bulk of the time will be spent on how arcade games affected home console gaming and the 30th anniversary of the Atari 7800 console. The creators of the Atari 7800 console will be on the panel. However, we will be taking a few minutes to discuss a little-known combat-based arcade game that was in development in 1983 that never made it into the arcades. The dusty robotic relic in the picture below is part of that game. I wonder what that could be about? :)

    zerzhul on
  • JackWrenJackWren Registered User regular
    Always thrilled to see the ACAM at PAX East, easily one of my favorite rooms. Made a pilgrimage to Funspot this past summer for a weekend and this is a good fix until I can get back up that way. Can't wait for the panel.

  • bushisprezbushisprez Registered User regular
    Hey acm! Could possibly get the guy who made Abobo's big adventure to somehow display his arcade cabinet at the show this year? I've seen it in some comic con photos. It's an 8bit flash parody of a bunch of Nes games.

    [x] Hotel booked
    [x] Ride Booked
    [x] 3-day Pass
    Will be more prepared than ever for the show than the previous year. XP!!!!!
  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    bushisprez wrote: »
    Hey acm! Could possibly get the guy who made Abobo's big adventure to somehow display his arcade cabinet at the show this year? I've seen it in some comic con photos. It's an 8bit flash parody of a bunch of Nes games.

    I'm sorry, but that is not something we would do.

  • thorgotthorgot there is special providence in the fall of a sparrowRegistered User regular
    mps wrote: »
    I thought perhaps it would be fun to start "teasing" some of the surprises we are bringing to PAX-East this year. Courtesy of ACAM volunteer Adam Pfeifer, we will have the "Fix it Felix Jr." game from the Disney animated movie "Wreck It Ralph." Adam was kind enough to let us borrow it for Granitecon last fall & it was a HUGE hit. Thanks to Adam for allowing us to borrow it again.


    Adam is also the guy responsible for our incredible laser light show in the ACAM arcade at PAX-East. We can't thank him enough for all of the work he does to prepare us for PAX-East every year.

    I already visit your exhibit every year, but I'm looking forward to seeing that. I bet there will be a big crowd around that one!

  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    PAX-East is less than three weeks away, and we are working hard to get the arcade ready. Here is ACAM volunteer Adam Pfeifer repairing the joystick on Atari's "Charley Chuck's Food Fight." The creator of this game, Jonathan Hurd, will be one of the speakers in our Saturday panel session.


    mps on
  • RyosukeRyosuke Registered User regular
    The ACAM room always bring a smile to my face every year. Some games I remember playing, others I get to experience as I get older and that is many thanks to ACAM. Continue the good work, it is appreciated.

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Will be there with bells on, time to relive some of my childhood!

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • BUBBApaxBUBBApax iLLusionist Boston MARegistered User regular
    mps wrote: »
    I thought perhaps it would be fun to start "teasing" some of the surprises we are bringing to PAX-East this year. Courtesy of ACAM volunteer Adam Pfeifer, we will have the "Fix it Felix Jr." game from the Disney animated movie "Wreck It Ralph." Adam was kind enough to let us borrow it for Granitecon last fall & it was a HUGE hit. Thanks to Adam for allowing us to borrow it again.


    Adam is also the guy responsible for our incredible laser light show in the ACAM arcade at PAX-East. We can't thank him enough for all of the work he does to prepare us for PAX-East every year.

    wowwwww I cannot wait to see this!

  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    11 days to go and we are still working hard to get ready for PAX-East. Here, ACAM volunteer John Zabel does some circuit board repair.


  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    ACAM volunteer Sarah St. John repairs the monitor in our Tempest.


  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    BUBBApax wrote: »
    mps wrote: »
    I thought perhaps it would be fun to start "teasing" some of the surprises we are bringing to PAX-East this year. Courtesy of ACAM volunteer Adam Pfeifer, we will have the "Fix it Felix Jr." game from the Disney animated movie "Wreck It Ralph." Adam was kind enough to let us borrow it for Granitecon last fall & it was a HUGE hit. Thanks to Adam for allowing us to borrow it again.


    Adam is also the guy responsible for our incredible laser light show in the ACAM arcade at PAX-East. We can't thank him enough for all of the work he does to prepare us for PAX-East every year.

    wowwwww I cannot wait to see this!

    Oh. My. God. YES.

    This is added to my must do list.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Thanks, Sarah, John and all of the volunteers that make ACAM possible.

  • JackWrenJackWren Registered User regular
    Can't thank the ACAM volunteers enough for their hard work.

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