But (in the comics) the mechanical webslingers (that Peter just invented in like an afternoon with his home chemistry set to go with his new spider powers) were first! Wharglbl!
The problem with mechanical webslingers is that it's hard to justify why only Spiderman uses them. You'd need enhanced strength and reflexes to use them, of course, but plenty of other superheroes have those. Imagine what, say, Wolverine could do with a pair of them.
The problem with mechanical webslingers is that it's hard to justify why only Spiderman uses them. You'd need enhanced strength and reflexes to use them, of course, but plenty of other superheroes have those. Imagine what, say, Wolverine could do with a pair of them.
Wolverine, with mechanical webslingers?
"Oh I'm swinging, swinging over the city...oh I'm sw *SNIKT* OH FUUUUU"
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
But (in the comics) the mechanical webslingers (that Peter just invented in like an afternoon with his home chemistry set to go with his new spider powers) were first! Wharglbl!
All that stuff about the web cum is totes true though.
But (in the comics) the mechanical webslingers (that Peter just invented in like an afternoon with his home chemistry set to go with his new spider powers) were first! Wharglbl!
I've heard people comment that Spidey's webs should come out of his butt,not his hands. My response is that he is not a Human Spider, but a Spider-man. He's not turning into a spider, but spider DNA is forced into his system, so the web-making DNA may well migrate into his wrists in the Marvel pseudo-scientific sense.
However, I did see a Discovery Channel special where spider DNA was grafted into goats, and web started coming out in their milk. And now the picture of Parker swinging from the skyscrapers by strands shot out of alternating nipples will never leave my mind.
I've heard people comment that Spidey's webs should come out of his butt,not his hands. My response is that he is not a Human Spider, but a Spider-man. He's not turning into a spider, but spider DNA is forced into his system, so the web-making DNA may well migrate into his wrists in the Marvel pseudo-scientific sense.
However, I did see a Discovery Channel special where spider DNA was grafted into goats, and web started coming out in their milk. And now the picture of Parker swinging from the skyscrapers by strands shot out of alternating nipples will never leave my mind.
The webs coming out of an existing hole in his body makes a lot more sense than forming a new hole. But very few of Peter Parker's powers make sense anyway. Spider's aren't unnaturally strong, can't see the future, and aren't unusually fast. And they don't explosively fire webs out either, so him not having that power in the comics makes sense.
Maybe Peter Parker got the knowledge for the mechanical spinnerets from the Nazi's when he was fleeing with the rest of the Von Trapp clan ? ? Of course he had to change his name from Friedrich at some point . .
The problem with mechanical webslingers is that it's hard to justify why only Spiderman uses them. You'd need enhanced strength and reflexes to use them, of course, but plenty of other superheroes have those. Imagine what, say, Wolverine could do with a pair of them.
I thought it was partly his "I can stick to walls" power kicking in. Plus the whole precognitive thing so he doesn't accidentally slam himself into a building every 3 seconds.
Spider senses would come from the vibrations in the spider's web from a new insect getting trapped in it. It doesn't make sense for Spider-man, as he doesn't sit in a web and feel vibrations in it.
Unless, like, the whole UNIVERSE is his web... nah
Spider senses would come from the vibrations in the spider's web from a new insect getting trapped in it. It doesn't make sense for Spider-man, as he doesn't sit in a web and feel vibrations in it.
Unless, like, the whole UNIVERSE is his web... nah
The "web" is the Force.
Spider-Man is a Jedi.
PMAvers on
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Spider senses would come from the vibrations in the spider's web from a new insect getting trapped in it. It doesn't make sense for Spider-man, as he doesn't sit in a web and feel vibrations in it.
He does in the first ASM movie. A pretty cool touch, I thought.
I've always found the organic webshooters more convincing than the mechanical ones. I can buy that a radioactive spider bites a guy and he gets spider powers, I find it harder to swallow the idea that he then goes and invents an incredible, revolutionary adhesive in his bedroom just because he wanted something thematically appropriate.
I've always found the organic webshooters more convincing than the mechanical ones. I can buy that a radioactive spider bites a guy and he gets spider powers, I find it harder to swallow the idea that he then goes and invents an incredible, revolutionary adhesive in his bedroom just because he wanted something thematically appropriate.
Yeah, if Peter (school field trip Peter, not adult works-at-Horizon-labs Peter) has that kind of capability then he could have been fucking Iron Man or Batman and done his superheroing without needing a bug to bite him.
I've always found the organic webshooters more convincing than the mechanical ones. I can buy that a radioactive spider bites a guy and he gets spider powers, I find it harder to swallow the idea that he then goes and invents an incredible, revolutionary adhesive in his bedroom just because he wanted something thematically appropriate.
I personally find it more convincing if he had to eat a medium-sized cow and take a nap for a few hours with every shot of webbing or end up as a severely malnourished skeletal mass dropping off of the web and hitting the ground shortly after launch.
(It'd be more exciting than the most recent movie anyway)
There is a specific term in the strip that I think is incredibly gross, and I couldn’t remember who made it up, but my co-conspirator says that it was me.
What term? Nothing incredibly gross in there to me.
I've always found the organic webshooters more convincing than the mechanical ones. I can buy that a radioactive spider bites a guy and he gets spider powers, I find it harder to swallow the idea that he then goes and invents an incredible, revolutionary adhesive in his bedroom just because he wanted something thematically appropriate.
I personally find it more convincing if he had to eat a medium-sized cow and take a nap for a few hours with every shot of webbing or end up as a severely malnourished skeletal mass dropping off of the web and hitting the ground shortly after launch.
(It'd be more exciting than the most recent movie anyway)
With the mechanical ones, he'd need to puree that same cow for ingredients. There's a mass issue regardless.
The grammar in the second panel is bugging me. Two back-to-back sentence fragments. Tychpo?
When people talk, they often speak in sentence fragments. This is why plays, film screenplays, comics, and other forms of writing which imitate people talking will often have incorrect grammar, including sentence fragments. This is doubly the case when someone like Gabe is talking - he's not exactly a walking Oxford English Dictionary (memorized Poe poems aside).
I've always found the organic webshooters more convincing than the mechanical ones. I can buy that a radioactive spider bites a guy and he gets spider powers, I find it harder to swallow the idea that he then goes and invents an incredible, revolutionary adhesive in his bedroom just because he wanted something thematically appropriate.
Yeah, if Peter (school field trip Peter, not adult works-at-Horizon-labs Peter) has that kind of capability then he could have been fucking Iron Man or Batman and done his superheroing without needing a bug to bite him.
At least in ASM1 they had him steal some of the technology from Oscorp (right? I forget parts of that movie).
I've always found the organic webshooters more convincing than the mechanical ones. I can buy that a radioactive spider bites a guy and he gets spider powers, I find it harder to swallow the idea that he then goes and invents an incredible, revolutionary adhesive in his bedroom just because he wanted something thematically appropriate.
Yeah, if Peter (school field trip Peter, not adult works-at-Horizon-labs Peter) has that kind of capability then he could have been fucking Iron Man or Batman and done his superheroing without needing a bug to bite him.
At least in ASM1 they had him steal some of the technology from Oscorp (right? I forget parts of that movie).
He didn't invent the web, just the shooters themselves. The web is like a biosteel cable that Oscorp manufacture or something. Why nobody thought to make bad ass rope swinging wrist mounted launchers until Spidey came along, I have no idea. It also wouldn't be hard to track down who's been buying shitloads of Oscorp biosteel and leaving it hanging around NYC.
I've always found the organic webshooters more convincing than the mechanical ones. I can buy that a radioactive spider bites a guy and he gets spider powers, I find it harder to swallow the idea that he then goes and invents an incredible, revolutionary adhesive in his bedroom just because he wanted something thematically appropriate.
Yeah, if Peter (school field trip Peter, not adult works-at-Horizon-labs Peter) has that kind of capability then he could have been fucking Iron Man or Batman and done his superheroing without needing a bug to bite him.
At least in ASM1 they had him steal some of the technology from Oscorp (right? I forget parts of that movie).
He didn't invent the web, just the shooters themselves. The web is like a biosteel cable that Oscorp manufacture or something. Why nobody thought to make bad ass rope swinging wrist mounted launchers until Spidey came along, I have no idea. It also wouldn't be hard to track down who's been buying shitloads of Oscorp biosteel and leaving it hanging around NYC.
If I remember correctly, the genetically engineered spiders make that bio steel cable (web) and Peter Parker gains the ability to do so as well when he gets bitten. He doesn't steal anything from Oscorp.
Wolverine, with mechanical webslingers?
"Oh I'm swinging, swinging over the city...oh I'm sw *SNIKT* OH FUUUUU"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
All that stuff about the web cum is totes true though.
How do you think he filled those cartridges?
However, I did see a Discovery Channel special where spider DNA was grafted into goats, and web started coming out in their milk. And now the picture of Parker swinging from the skyscrapers by strands shot out of alternating nipples will never leave my mind.
I thought it was partly his "I can stick to walls" power kicking in. Plus the whole precognitive thing so he doesn't accidentally slam himself into a building every 3 seconds.
Unless, like, the whole UNIVERSE is his web... nah
The "web" is the Force.
Spider-Man is a Jedi.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
He does in the first ASM movie. A pretty cool touch, I thought.
Which is about as believable as anything else.
Yeah, if Peter (school field trip Peter, not adult works-at-Horizon-labs Peter) has that kind of capability then he could have been fucking Iron Man or Batman and done his superheroing without needing a bug to bite him.
I don't recall ever reading a version of his origin where the bite gave him the knowledge of how to make web-shooters.
I personally find it more convincing if he had to eat a medium-sized cow and take a nap for a few hours with every shot of webbing or end up as a severely malnourished skeletal mass dropping off of the web and hitting the ground shortly after launch.
(It'd be more exciting than the most recent movie anyway)
Charlotte's Web.
And now I can't unsee it. Goddamn it.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
I doubt it.
With the mechanical ones, he'd need to puree that same cow for ingredients. There's a mass issue regardless.
At least in ASM1 they had him steal some of the technology from Oscorp (right? I forget parts of that movie).
Headcanon, probably.
He didn't invent the web, just the shooters themselves. The web is like a biosteel cable that Oscorp manufacture or something. Why nobody thought to make bad ass rope swinging wrist mounted launchers until Spidey came along, I have no idea. It also wouldn't be hard to track down who's been buying shitloads of Oscorp biosteel and leaving it hanging around NYC.
If I remember correctly, the genetically engineered spiders make that bio steel cable (web) and Peter Parker gains the ability to do so as well when he gets bitten. He doesn't steal anything from Oscorp.