
PA Forums StreamTeam! It's Happening Again! literally hours of continuous streaming!

BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
edited August 2014 in Games and Technology

Welcome everyone to the Penny Arcade Forums StreamTeam!

The idea for this sprung out of the amazing charity stream put on by the members of the Penny Arcade Forums community (Corrigan, Smokes, Kurmmith, Jeix and Bery) who streamed for 24 hours a piece. During the stream we had a lot of people tuning in, and just hanging out with people on stream, helping people through their game and some wonderful times in Co-op (Aliens Baloniel Marines, Risk of Rain) And there was a sentiment that we greatly enjoyed just hanging out watching one of us playing games, chatting and what not. I thought this would be an excellent chance to do this, help people work through their back logs, play some co-op games and just have a good time with everyone

So what actually is it?

It is taking the somewhat erratic schedule of the Penny Arcadian streamers and making an event of it. Giving it a set time and date to occur on so people can easily sign in and watch all at one time without having to dig through threads to find when and on who's channel. We all get to hang out and play games, work through our back log and hang out with the community and all around have a good time!

How do I get involved?

If you're interested in streaming then that's awesome! and thank you!
The system will work by bookings. Contacting me, or the email associated with the stream and selecting the times you would like to stream. The template is for 2 hour blocks but you are free to pick and choose when and for how long.
If you're looking to get into streaming or wanting to stream then this is a good opportunity in a environment that can provide feedback, and technical help regarding streaming and numerous other facets of streaming. As well as an excellent opportunity to experiment and hone your craft and improv abilities.
I believe CorriganX in the steam thread offered his help with technical side of streaming, but there are others that you might be interested in contacting or asking but I don't want to speak for them.
Also there is some okay support available on the Twitch website that you should/could look into.

What should I play? or No one wants to watch me!

Don't be a silly. You're playing games and hanging out with friends. You don't have to be greatest at improv and filling the air it's hanging out and playing some games. You can work on your back log, play weird indie games or invite the audience to co-op with you. There is always something you could do so don't be discouraged and take the plunge!

What if I just want to watch?

Then that's awesome! and thank you! support for this project is always welcome and tuning in will help it be successful as well as most importantly being the audience, hanging out and bantering with the streamer is an invaluable service and possibly playing co-op with them.
The schedule for when and who is streaming is available to view so you will know when to rock on up and hang out with every one else.

Alright, you've got me interested. Give me some details about how this works!

So what I've done is created a Google account (for the calendar and mail) that is linked to a Twitch account/channel of the same name with the idea being that people can share this account (on a don't be a goose with it basis) with each other when they stream so as to give people the one account to follow. However the technical wizard Houn also created a web page where you can view Penny Arcadians stream status so we can incorporate peoples individual twitch accounts if they would prefer. This is up to the streamer what they would like to do.

The twitch channel is here

And the Schedule is located here
The schedule is currently set to Central time

Finally the email is Pastreamteam and it is a gmail account. (Unsure about putting actual email address in case it gets blown up by spam.)

Some things I could do with help on:
Some kind of automatic booking system
Help setting up with Twitch channel/people wanting to help administer or moderate as my awkward timezone means I might not be around.

I am hoping to have the inaugural streamteam on the 19th and 20th of July which is in two weeks time.

Because I'm dumb I forgot to say that you can pm me about when you'd like to stream

Also Houn is a wizard and created This which lets you see who's streaming for people who want to stream on their own account.


Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
Botznoy on


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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I mentioned it in the VG stream thread, but I'm down to help contribute some stream team time.

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    harvestharvest By birthright, a stupendous badass.Registered User regular
    I like this, but I have never streamed a thing. I need to figure out the technical aspects and also what I'd even stream before I actually do a signup.

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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    That's awesome of both of you. harvest you could stream Divinity co-op if you'd like?


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    harvestharvest By birthright, a stupendous badass.Registered User regular
    Well I spent some time today setting up OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) thanks to the guide on the twitch site, and everything seems to be in order.

    As far as games go, I don't think Divinity is a good choice because my friends are kind of assholes. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I've been thinking about games and I'd like to present something I'm good at/know a lot about. Right now I'm leaning toward setting up a highly modded game of New Vegas, or perhaps the new version of Dwarf Fortress when it releases this month. La-Mulana is also possible. I'm not good like a speedrunner, but I feel confident in my skill. I'll try a bunch of different things, I have a lot of ideas to test.

    As far as the actual streaming setup goes, I feel unprepared on a technical level to interact with viewers. I have a good headset but no webcam, and I also don't yet know how to see the chat and the game I'm playing if it's fullscreen. Does anyone have input for this?

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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    Webcam isn't a necessity at all. So I wouldn't sweat it too hard. As for keeping up with chat, Smokestacks used a laptop with the stream chat open on it. Someone also used there phone to view the stream chat and respond by reading it off of that.


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    harvestharvest By birthright, a stupendous badass.Registered User regular
    Hrm, I don't have a smartphone or a laptop, or tablet. Might be forced to run games in a window unless I can find an overlay or something.

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    Karrde1842Karrde1842 Registered User regular
    I have a second monitor that I use to have the chat up.

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    RonTheDMRonTheDM Yes, yes Registered User regular
    I stream. I guess I could see if I can fit into this schedule, somewhere.

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    Ash-HousewaresAsh-Housewares TARDIS Hunter Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    I would be down to stream.

    @harvest Check this link out. https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/script-twitch-irc-chat-overlay-txt-output-last-fm.2713 It has a bunch of stuff you don't need probably, but i know in that package is a way to make a transparentish mIRC window always on top. That way you can see the chat while playing your game. Hope that helps.

    Edit : Just to be clear, the transparent window is for the streamer. It enables the streamer to see chat and assuming they're not using monitor capture, it won't show up on the stream itself. I found this a reasonable solution to playing full screen games and not having a second monitor to, well, monitor chat.

    Ash-Housewares on
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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I would be down to stream.

    @harvest Check this link out. https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/script-twitch-irc-chat-overlay-txt-output-last-fm.2713 It has a bunch of stuff you don't need probably, but i know in that package is a way to make a transparentish mIRC window always on top. That way you can see the chat while playing your game. Hope that helps.

    I think this is what people like Man Vs Game do, is overlay their chat on top of everything. It's not a bad option. I do recommend a second monitor though. If not for streaming, for everything else. Having a second monitor is almost mandatory for my tower now. It's so helpful.

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    SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGaming Registered User regular
    I've been streaming Wildstar via my Treadmill Desk, so I'd be up for contributing at some point. I usually have an overlay of my own video in the stream. But yeah, the secondary monitor is crucial to see the dashboard/chat and all that.

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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    Might want to look into just grabbing a small monitor for cheap. I got a 1024x768 monitor for like fifty bucks. Its small but it let's me read text or ponce around on the internet in downtime.

    Also thank you everyone that's awesome


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    MudzgutMudzgut OhioRegistered User regular
    Summer makes weekends rough since I tend to attend/work at my local faire for the next six weeks, but there will be some weeknight streaming and then weekends after that. I'll try to figure out a time I can normally do, otherwise thanks to the power of Houn, I can always just use my personal channel.


    Fall down seven times. Stand up eight.
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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    In that case it might be wise if I were to shift it to friday saturday or forward to sunday monday. Aim of the game is to get it in a comfortable time slot


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    harvestharvest By birthright, a stupendous badass.Registered User regular
    I'll get to work on the chat overlay. As things are right now, I only have space for one monitor. I used to run dual 1680x1050 screens, but moved to a single 2560x1440. Now, there's not enough space on the desk to put another monitor so the overlay is probably my best bet for being able to play fullscreen when I stream.

    I'll get things sorted out, it'll be fine.

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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited July 2014
    It's KoopahTroopah's
    How To Stream For Dummies And Classassins

    Here's all the details you should need for setting up a basic stream using Open Broadcaster Software, a step by step setup process, as well as my computer's specs and screenshots of my personal stream settings.

    PLEASE READ - Disclaimer!!! Warning!!! BEWARE!!!

    NEVER EVER EVER STREAM ANYTHING TO THE INTERNET THAT YOU DON'T WANT THE ENTIRE INTERNET TO SEE!!! It's easy to forget that you're broadcasting your actions to the internet, which is full of trolls/pirates/thieves/stalkers/etc... Never put personal information, banking info, FaceBook, your email inbox, photos of you naked (which we all know you have :disagree: ), photos/videos of anyone else naked, anything illegal, or whatever else up on stream. Please be smart and responsible with your broadcasting. That being said, let's get started...

    Things You'll Need

    - Open Broadcaster Software
    - A Twitch.tv or equivalent broadcaster service account
    - A decent download/upload internet connection. (I recommend at the very least 5mbps for each)
    - Capture Card (Only required for console streaming, unless you're using those dang nabbit new gen console contraptions)
    - A computer! I recommend a fast one. The better spec'd, the better it will perform and the better it will look.

    - A second monitor - This is to keep your chat, your preview/control window of OBS, and any other programs in view but off of the broadcast.
    - A headset/headphones + mic setup - I like to keep everything on one output audio source, which will be broadcasted on the stream. Also it's nice to be able to directly talk to your viewers. Personality makes it easier to like the broadcaster.
    - A Camera - If you want to put your face in your stream, really not necessary but some people do prefer it
    - A CPU Capture Card - Relieves stress on the CPU and GPU which means faster streams, less frame drops, better quality and less side-effects on your gaming

    Koopah's Personal Computer Specs and Stream Settings (Updated 7/7/2014)

    Building computers has always been a hobby of mine and my CPU goes through lots of changes usually, but this latest machine has been kicking for 3 or so years and it's still pumping out great performance. So no real need to change up just yet, but who knows I might make an even better one once I get some income. I'm not going to recommend computer hardware here, but if you'd like my opinions on how well your machine can stream send me a PM and I'll let you know what I think. Here's my current gaming rig to run at 1080p at 60 frames per second with minimal to no frame drops.

    CPU - Intel i7 930 2.6GHz Overclocked to 3.2 GHz. A good CPU is the foundation of a fast stream.
    ***Video Card - EVGA nVidia Geforce 570GTX 2gb - I put stars here because a decent video card is REQUIRED to stream at high quality. This was upgraded from a Radeon and added in within the past 1-2 years, and I haven't looked back. Most newer geforces come with a special optimized broadcasting codec called NVENC. Which I will get into later.
    Memory - 12GB of G.Skill 1600mhz RipJaws memory. Not necessary to have THIS much, but I also did a lot of 3D modeling and animation stuff for school. I think 4-8GB of a decent speed is enough.
    CPU Capture Card - Avermedia Live Gamer HD - This is a CPU capture card, which takes stress off your video card and CPU which increases frames and performance. Not required at all, but is helpful.
    Console Capture Card - Intensity Shuttle USB 3.0 - I don't really recommend this card as it's been nothing but trouble since I've gotten it, but the updates that have come out have improved quality and performance. I would recommend a Hauppauge HD-PVR, that's like the industry standard card for streaming consoles.

    Now before I get into a step by step on how to configure OBS, here's some screenshots of my open broadcasting setup and what everything is set to. I will refer to these in the guide later.

    Here's a shot of my main window. In it I have a single scene setup with several sources, which is actually a little disorganized.
    The sources are:
    1) BRB - A text overlay that I put up when I go AFK.
    2) Video Capture Device - My Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 for when people want to see my ugly face.
    3) Text (which I just now renamed) - A text box at the bottom of my stream which shows what music is playing from Winamp or Pandora.
    4) Game Capture - Relatively new to OBS, this will inject a capture plugin directly into the graphics plugin used by a program. Thus capturing the render frames directly from the program instead of capturing your GPU's render of your monitor.
    5) Console Capture Card - My Intensity Shuttle. For Streaming my Wii U and Xbox 360.
    6) Capture Card - My Live Gamer HD
    7) Software Capture - Back when I didn't have a Live Gamer and Game Capture wasn't a thing yet, this is what you would use to capture your entire monitor's screen. Unlike Game Capture, this captures text and other windows besides the game you're playing.

    Here's all my OBS Settings in one long image. Spoilered for length.

    Here's my current internet speedtest:

    Welp, let's get into how to setup your stream!
    Detailed Step by Step Setup Guide
    1) Download OBS from the link provided above. I recommend getting the 64bit version if you have a quad-core processor and more than 4GB of RAM Memory. While the software is downloading go create an account on Twitch.TV or something else if you'd prefer. However, please keep in mind that these instructions are going to be for Twitch.TV. Install OBS when it's finished.

    2) Open OBS and click on Settings/Settings. Here you can refer to my settings picture to match if you have a similar build. The important sections are Encoding, Broadcast, and Advanced. Everything else could practically be left to default if you don't want to fine-tune or do something unique. In the following in-between steps I'll go through each setting block and explain what it do, and how I tune it. If you don't need it, just skip to step 3.

    2A) Encoding - At the top of the video encoding section are three selections, two of them are probably grey-ed out unless you have a newer GTX card. If you have NVENC available, I would suggest using it as I heard it's less stressful on the CPU which is always good. If not, use x264. CBR is “constant bit rate”. This means that you will constantly stream at the max bitrate that you have chosen. I have this enabled to keep quality consistent. Padding means it will buffer some frames ahead of time to keep quality from dipping down. The buffer size doesn't really matter though, so I leave that unchecked. ***The Max Bitrate*** depends on the upload rate of your internet, this is the quality of how your stream will appear. A low bit-rate will appear artifacty and blocky with muddled pixels, a higher bit-rate will be clearer and less pixelated. Go to SpeedTest.net and see what you can handle. I would not recommend using all of your upload rate, this will slow your internet down to a crawl and may affect your stream. I also wouldn't go too high either, remember that this is the video rate you're broadcasting at, which means that viewers will need a high speed download rate to even view it without missing frames or constant buffering. Anywhere from 2-4k is usually the range. Faster games require a higher bit-rate to capture everything, slower games can handle a slower rate.

    The audio encoding is pretty simple, just follow the screenshot. I'd leave the codec at AAC, and set the bit rate/format to whatever you can handle. I tried to max all my stuff out, but Twitch optimizes better with specific settings. Stereo instead of Mono of course. For those scary streams where viewers use headphones.

    2B) Broadcast Settings - You can follow the screenshot here as well. Set your server to a local server near you for optimum ping so you don't drop frames broadcasting. Here you can also see a box for your stream key. Go to your Twitch.TV dashboard and it will be one of the options.(www.twitch.tv/YOURUSERNAME/dashboard/streamkey) Click Show Key, and copy what's here into the Stream Key box in OBS. OBS will then cover the key with password protection. NEVER EVER STREAM YOUR STREAM KEY LIVE TO YOUR BROADCAST. Anyone with your stream key will be able to broadcast to your channel.

    2C) Video - Leave as is. You can set your resolution here if you don't want to broadcast your full monitor. If you're having performance issues or quality issues, you can also downscale your resolution. This is so you can turn your 1080p resolution into a 720p stream. Actually pretty helpful if you're having frame rate issues or if your PC isn't fast enough for 1080p.

    2D) Audio - I think I left everything here at default. Really only necessary if you change your default audio device a lot in Windows and don't want OBS to do the same.

    2E) Advanced - In the general section check multithreaded optimizations if you use a dual-core or quad-core CPU. Leave the priority class at Normal. You can adjust the scene buffering time to how you'd like if you're seeing quality issues, but I don't think it needs more than the default. Turn on Allow other modifers on hotkeys so you can still use hotkeys for other applications if it's not on by default.

    In the video section, change the CPU preset to veryfast and the encoding to main. Messing with these settings can slow down your stream unless you know your computer can handle them. Change the keyframe interval to 2 so that Twitch is happy, and enable CFR. Leave the other two settings at default. I never touched Audio settings or Network settings.

    2F) Microphone Noise Gate - This is actually really helpful and I just set this up in the past couple months or so. This is for if you have background static in your microphone when no one is speaking or if your mic is just really strong and picks up EVERYTHING. You can enable the preview to see a green bar and adjust on how you talk. I really like this option and it helps the quality of my stream because of all the noise and music playing. And we're done setting up the OBS program itself! Now you're ready to stream, so let's put some things in a scene and get it going!

    3) Back at the OBS main screen, create a new scene by right clicking in the Scenes box at the bottom and clicking Add Scene. Title it however you'd like. Now in the right box labeled Sources, right click and hover over Add. In here are all the different kinds of sources you can stream from. If you'd like to stream your entire monitor, task bar, windows, programs, and all, select add a Monitor Capture. If you'd like to only stream the game that you're running, select Game Capture. If you have a capture card or camera that you'd like to take footage from, select Video Capture Device. Image for images, Image Slideshow for multiple images, and Text for text. You can add multiple sources on into a single scene. The sources will be rendered from the top of the list down, so if a full screen source is on top of a windowed source, the windowed source will be ignored and will not be rendered. I'll go into the different settings of Monitor, Game, and Video capture here.

    3A) Monitor Capture - If you have multiple monitors, choose which monitor you'd like to broadcast here. Select Capture mouse cursor so the viewers can see where your mouse is. You can adjust gamma brightness to how you see fit. I leave everything else as default or unchecked.

    3B) Game Capture - This application selection box will automatically refresh when a new application is loaded. This will auto detect when a game is loaded and inject into the application, if your stream does not find the right application just come back here, refresh, and set it to the one you want to stream after you open the game.

    3C) Video Capture Device - Select the device you'd like to use. Hitting configure will open the devices personal control panel. Leave everything else unchecked or default. Only use Deinterlacing if you're having interlacing issues(when rows of pixels update at different times causing a jagged effect). Everything else can be left to default in Video, Audio, and Chroma Key. If the default resolution in video doesn't match your scene default resolution then enable use Custom resolution and change that. Keep at 60 fps if possible, or 30 if limited.

    4) Now we have a scene and a source set up! Before you hit start streaming, click preview stream. Now you should see your screen if you have a capture card or a monitor source setup. If you're using Game Capture, open up a game and see how it looks. Right click in the preview pane, go to position/size, and select Fit to Screen to maximize your window or application to the entire broadcast size. Make sure everything is organized and sources are set as you'd like. Click Stop Preview when you're finished.

    5) Click Start Streaming! There's a 20-30 second delay on what you stream to what shows up at Twitch because of their new video servers. They haven't said anything about improving it yet, so we'll have to deal with the delay. Be sure to check your audio levels on your microphone and speakers on your Twitch so you're not deafening your audience without knowing it. Fine tune them in the OBS main window by clicking on the red bars next to the microphone and speaker. Clicking either the microphone or the speaker will mute them respectively.

    And that's it! You're all set. Get to streamin'! If you have any questions don't be afraid to stop by my stream at KoopahTroopah Gaming, or PM'ing me here. I'm glad to help. Have fun!

    KoopahTroopah on
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    Mr_GrinchMr_Grinch Registered User regular
    Given the fancy pants new consoles have streaming capabilities, can we use those too or are they locked to a specific twitch account?

    I was debating streaming "Another World" as it's one of few games I'm vaguelly competent at (and only about 40 minutes long and a fairly cinematic experience) and stumbled across this thread.

    Steam: Sir_Grinch
    PSN: SirGrinchX
    Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
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    LutExIVLutExIV Thieves Guild Chairman In the ShadowsRegistered User regular
    Mr_Grinch wrote: »
    Given the fancy pants new consoles have streaming capabilities, can we use those too or are they locked to a specific twitch account?

    I was debating streaming "Another World" as it's one of few games I'm vaguelly competent at (and only about 40 minutes long and a fairly cinematic experience) and stumbled across this thread.

    This. If I can use my PS4/XBone I'm in. I don't think my poor PC could keep up.

    Steam/PSN/XBox Live:LutExIV
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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    I'd love to stream some more stuff, but unless you're lucky enough to be in one of the few fibre rollout areas in the country then it's impossible to get an upload above 1-2mbit/s in Australia. Bloody bullshit.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I believe the new consoles have to be locked to your own twitch account. Whoever runs the PA one could give you info maybe but you both wouldn't be able to stream to the same channel at the same time.

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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    My original plan was to have a public or central account but if there are issues with how easy it is to switch account on consoles then its more than okay to use you're own account and use the who's streaming webpage noun cooked up to quickly find who is or rather what account is running the stream.


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    RonTheDMRonTheDM Yes, yes Registered User regular
    I guess I should shoot Botz a PM? Who knows.

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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    Yes that would be great Ronaldo. I'll be replying to everyone later today and gathering details for the schedule once I'm up and fueled up.

    Also I think its possible for Aussies to stream as I did a quick Google for my own interest and it is possible just at like 360 or 480p as opposed to higher resolutions


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    DyasAlureDyasAlure SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited July 2014
    I am streaming again, my account is linked in my sig.

    I do need help with gettings settings right. Mine are all messed up.

    DyasAlure on
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    Ash-HousewaresAsh-Housewares TARDIS Hunter Registered User regular
    I was thinking about doing a blind play through of Spec Ops: The Line. I've been meaning to play it but haven't gotten a chance to yet.

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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I was thinking about doing a blind play through of Spec Ops: The Line. I've been meaning to play it but haven't gotten a chance to yet.

    I was actually just about to do mine :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Lord Ninja suggested it in the Steam thread last night and I said I would tonight. It's downloading now and I'll probably start in 10 minutes-ish.

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    Ash-HousewaresAsh-Housewares TARDIS Hunter Registered User regular
    I was thinking about doing a blind play through of Spec Ops: The Line. I've been meaning to play it but haven't gotten a chance to yet.

    I was actually just about to do mine :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Lord Ninja suggested it in the Steam thread last night and I said I would tonight. It's downloading now and I'll probably start in 10 minutes-ish.

    Nice, welp I can figure out something else =P.

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    cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    Does having VSync on/off affect stream choppiness? I was streaming Double Dragon Neon the other day and I noticed it was way choppier than I felt it should be; as choppy as it was before I figured out what settings in OBS to tweak to get a steady framerate.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    So for everyone lurking and posting here I'm going to putting together the schedule and what not today and onwards so if you are interested please contact me with when you want to stream and for how long and I'll make the changes to the thread/op and the schedule to reflect.

    Also as the current system is bad it'll be on a first come first served basis with regards to time slots.

    edit: Schedule has been changed! Again!

    Also OP edited.

    Botznoy on

    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    msmyamsmya Being Fabulous Registered User regular
    webcam suggestions?

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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited July 2014
    msmya wrote: »
    webcam suggestions?

    I use the Microsoft Lifecam HD-3000, just because it was cheap and offers an HD picture at 30fps. There are definitely better options of course.

    KoopahTroopah on
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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    Most people I see recommend the Logitech C920.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    I have this deep urge to stream old console games. This is a thing I should consider doing. Hmm

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    JeixJeix Registered User regular
    Lorahalo wrote: »
    Most people I see recommend the Logitech C920.
    This is what I used for the marathon, I think it worked well. Was around $50 when I got it but that might have been a sale.

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    Mr_GrinchMr_Grinch Registered User regular
    I believe the new consoles have to be locked to your own twitch account. Whoever runs the PA one could give you info maybe but you both wouldn't be able to stream to the same channel at the same time.

    It's pretty easy to set up a new user (on PS4 at least, I've no real experience with profiles on the XB1) and I think Twitch accounts are linked to user and not console, so I could set up a user called GrinchStream on my PS4 and set that up to work with the PA Streaming account.

    It'd only really work for Single Player games you're wanting to play from scratch though as you wouldn't have your friend's list for multi, and you wouldn't have your progress from any other game you were playing.

    I'll give it a go this weekend and if it works let you know, as it could be an alternative for those without decent PCs.

    Steam: Sir_Grinch
    PSN: SirGrinchX
    Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
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    BotznoyBotznoy Registered User regular
    I have this deep urge to stream old console games. This is a thing I should consider doing. Hmm

    Stacks streamed some of the original Tomb Raider that gave me a huge blast from the past


    Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
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    Ash-HousewaresAsh-Housewares TARDIS Hunter Registered User regular
    msmya wrote: »
    webcam suggestions?

    I use a C920 and it works pretty well. My only nitpick is Logitech webcam controller software isn't great.

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Nobody needs to see your goddamn face when streaming.

    That is the worst trend that streaming has introduced. So distracting.

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    Mr_GrinchMr_Grinch Registered User regular
    Nobody needs to see your goddamn face when streaming.

    That is the worst trend that streaming has introduced. So distracting.

    Also I think of you all as looking like your forum avatars. It shatters the illusion to see any different.

    So only use a webcam if you're willing to wear a mask.

    Steam: Sir_Grinch
    PSN: SirGrinchX
    Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    Mr_Grinch wrote: »
    Nobody needs to see your goddamn face when streaming.

    That is the worst trend that streaming has introduced. So distracting.

    Also I think of you all as looking like your forum avatars. It shatters the illusion to see any different.

    So only use a webcam if you're willing to wear a mask.

    So I have to find a Jerry mask?

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