i honestly thought this comic was going to be a joke making fun of how Destiny is so threadbare with story and puts what story it has in stuff you have to access outside the game
Again, I like the regular weekly comics, but I love this stuff. I don't particularly care about Destiny, but your collective capacity to create immersive bits of story has consistently amazed me. I understand it's got to be a lot more work, but if you're taking votes, I vote for more like this.
Fantastic comic, it really is too bad that the story isn't conveyed in the game. Because they did write a story. I just don't understand the bare-bones approach. The gameplay is a lot of fun though.
This is why I come to PA, I enjoy everything else, but this kind of art is just stunning. Amazing work, thank you for this.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
edited December 2014
The idea of Destiny is so good that I just can't bring myself to stop playing, even though Bungie has dropped the ball with the story. This comic really helps to fill that void.
If PA illustrated & embellished some of the Grimoire cards along this style, that would be absolutely amazing.
Gabe this strip is amazing. I haven't posted much, but I just wanted to say that it's been a privilege to watch your journey and this strip to me represents your taking your art and craft to a new level. Beautiful!
I quit playing Destiny at or around level 7. Maybe 8.
The the primary reason was story. Destiny is about "something something, the darkness" and really it's just Halo with new words. You still have the Covenant and the Flood, but they go by another name.
And because the "big bad" is called the Darkness, it always calls to mind that D&D parody video in which the elf wizard wants to attack the darkness with magic missile. And since the story of Destiny, which tries to take itself seriously, only serves to call a parody video to mind, I cannot take it seriously.
Basically every time I set out on a quest in Destiny, I was thinking in my mind "I want to attack the darkness."
It appears The Elucidator is much more savvy than he appears. First off, he recognized that this was about Destiny without it saying (I supposed so, but am not at all familiar with the game). Secondly, he recognized that this was specifically about DLC in Destiny (again, better than I did). But most impressively of all, he did all this while peering into the unknowable beyond that is the future.
Also, this is a great comic. I would love to see this sort of thing for Borderlands. Or maybe WildStar.
It is both sad (Bungie) and amazing (Gabe) that this is, easily, the most beautiful and compelling story associated with Destiny so far. It is so personal. It smacks of love.
P.S: I really, really want more of this. This is what Destiny was missing!
Damn I could read some more of this. Outstanding comic.
Then I remember it was written by different people.
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Lets not mention "traveller"
This I like.
More! I don't even like Destiny and have never played it, but if Gabe can give such life to MMO characters...
don't play destiny but this was beautiful such a cool surprise!
Navi really changed.
And I don't understand why Link is blue, and female, and has a gun.
Guardian, Hey, Listen!
Meh. As a player of the eponymous SF RPG since the days of the little black books, it looks funny to me without that second, British L.
'posessive' though? :P
I would pay handsomely for either a Mike and Jerry graphic novel about Destiny, or a... word novel.
If PA illustrated & embellished some of the Grimoire cards along this style, that would be absolutely amazing.
too bad Destiny is apparently never getting a PC port, it seems fun
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
The the primary reason was story. Destiny is about "something something, the darkness" and really it's just Halo with new words. You still have the Covenant and the Flood, but they go by another name.
And because the "big bad" is called the Darkness, it always calls to mind that D&D parody video in which the elf wizard wants to attack the darkness with magic missile. And since the story of Destiny, which tries to take itself seriously, only serves to call a parody video to mind, I cannot take it seriously.
Basically every time I set out on a quest in Destiny, I was thinking in my mind "I want to attack the darkness."
Also, this is a great comic. I would love to see this sort of thing for Borderlands. Or maybe WildStar.
Gah. This is why I should not photoshop things before noon.
Or ever, really.
you know what you must do now:
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But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"