
The [chat] Who Circumnavigated Fairyland

tapeslingertapeslinger Space Unicorn Slush RangerSocial Justice Rebel ScumRegistered User regular
edited August 2015 in Artist's Corner

the Fairyland books by Catherynne M. Valente are illustrated by the charming and talented Ana Juan. Please enjoy their whimsical, evocative styling.




The books (four, currently, plus some supplemental materials) follow the adventures of September Morning Bell, a girl of a bygone era, who is whisked away to a world which, while not unlike Oz or Narnia, is maybe more fraught with peril and strangeness. Velocipede stampede! A Marid named Saturday! A Wyverary (A through L!)

tapeslinger on


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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    new chat!

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    AgentflitAgentflit Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Scosglen wrote:
    It's a tag line from an early Persona 5 teaser.

    Ah, thanks. :)

    I just installed Visual Studio 2013, let's see if I make use of it before this thread ends. New chat smell is good.

    Agentflit on
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    FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular
    bombardier wrote: »

    I saw this and thought "I wonder what Hank Azaria is doing these days?"

    And then it occurred to me that he has had probably the most steady job career in television history.

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    tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2015
    In a cafe and just successfully stared an incredibly noisy child into silence

    I feel like I've discovered a super power which I have to be very, very careful with.

    tynic on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Trying to think of a new profile picture.

    I literally cannot think of anything dumb enough to serve the purpose.

    Considering that 'dumbness' constitutes maybe 85% of my total personality, this is fairly distressing.

    This must be what having erectile dysfunction feels like.

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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    Why not movie theme your Avatar? Robocop... uh... Robocop 2... Robocop 3. There are so many Robocop movies to choose from.

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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Because being seen to have spent time and energy in trying to draw something that may be seen as an attempt to make myself look 'cool', is somehow vastly more embarrassing than spending time and energy making myself look like a goofy idiot.

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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    I personally miss the bishonen->grump animated one.

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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    Is there a mechAOB?

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    gavindelgavindel The reason all your software is brokenRegistered User regular
    AOB makes me think of a heavenly seraphim descending, a plate of smoking fresh bacon on a plate for the enjoyment of all.

    You know, like Jesus feeding the crowds, but with bacon.

    Book - Royal road - Free! Seraphim === TTRPG - Wuxia - Free! Seln Alora
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    This was actually for my FB profile rather than this one, so animation and references to my screen name are out.

    Decided to just go 90's.

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    SiegfriedSiegfried Registered User regular
    This was actually for my FB profile rather than this one, so animation and references to my screen name are out.

    Decided to just go 90's.

    So much utility! I'm sure you have more than enough ammo and gadgets to get you through anything with all of those packs.

    Portfolio // Twitter // Behance // Tumblr
    Kochikens wrote:
    My fav is when I can get my kiss on with other dudes.
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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Moar pouches!

    m3nace on
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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    So, uhh. Long sad post to follow.

    Remember back in january when I said that “the cute girl and I are now a thing”? Well… seems like I was too fast on the trigger, because a week or so later she began ignoring me. She has since told me that this was because she just came out of a long relationship and needed some time by herself to think. Eventually, a month or so later though, she began going out with one of my friends and the two of them are now a happy couple and I’ve been miserable ever since. (the ninja comic was a product of these feelings, just for reference haha.)
    She’s asked me why I wasn’t angry with her and I’ve told her that I understood that she was just confused. She feels terrible about it but it’s just an unfortunate thing that happened as I see it.
    Mostly I’ve just been angry with myself, because I was too timid to try and initiate something with her again after that initial week.
    Seeing the two of them interacting when they just started going out I realized a few things about what it takes to have chemistry, and I observed that play and touch play an important role in that. And here’s the thing, I suffer from pretty severe fear of intimacy, and because of this I was never able to get to that stage because I’m just too afraid of touching, or being touched, hugging, etc. and I’ve been so fucking angry with myself, that I couldn’t do those things. Say for example, just putting my arm around her would make me tense up and I needed at least half an hour of considering it before I even tried...
    Oh, and it turns out she has told her boyfriend/my friend about our situation, which would explain why he’s talking to me in the same tone that the boyscout leaders talked to me in, when they discovered I didn’t have any friends lol.
    I’ve always been very fearful of relationships, and I think the only reason why I even got close this time around was that the two of us had been talking regularly for a year and a half, because we sat next to each other in class. And so now I have to endure seeing her fooling around with one of my best friends at school, whose friendship has now devolved into a kind of helpful-adult to child friendship because he obviously pities me.
    I’ve always told myself that at least I’m good at what I do, I’ll always have that. But this girl… she’s also so much better than me at making comics, and it’s just not fair. She’s got more talent than me, and she gets to be in a relationship with a great person.
    And I can’t be mad at either of them, because they’re awesome people.
    I’m pretty devastated.
    Also, you guys are the only people I've told about this so far. I don't really have anyone else I feel I can talk to about this stuff.

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    acadiaacadia Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Aw buddy. Been there. Cool that you don't hold any resentment toward them, though it was a little insensitive of her to tell her current bf of your situation. Puts him in an awkward position, knowing that, and obviously trying not to hurt someone's feelings can itself hurt feelings. I'd suggest you have a talk with him about it if you haven't already (without her present), addressing it can sometimes help dispel it a bit. Try not to dwell on the girl, there will be others.

    Sidenote: I sincerely doubt she's got more talent than you, mr. golden boy, but that's beside the point. You ARE good at what you do, and comparing yourself against anyone else would just take away time spent improving. It's always hard being in what feels like a powerless position. We're all slaves to circumstance. Growing is all in how you learn from those situations.

    acadia on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    M3nace, as a late bloomer when it comes to relationships, I know the place where your at sucks. I suggest a therapist, as getting stuff off your chest with a person can really help.

    Theres a lot going on in that post, You're jealous of her talent (something that we all deal with differently) you like them both as people but you are working through some emotions, which is totally natural. I imagine its a small as fuck school, but try and get a little space if possible. Stuff like dealing with intimacy issues, therapy can be really good for that. Sometimes being in a really small, isolated social pool (art school) can also warp your perspective on how people interact and what person is right for you. Getting out of school really changed up who I was friends with and what I wanted out of the folks I hang out with, and that had an effect on my confidence and my relationships.

    If you ever want to chat, feel free to hit me up in PM.

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    JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    I know your pain, dude. I'm sort of like that myself. The only reason I'm in a relationship right now is because she got tired of my bullshit and pretty much initiated things herself. I can't seem to get the courage up to do that kind of stuff for whatever reason. It's like my brain thinks if I ask a woman out even if she's obviously interested I'm somehow a terrible person and she'll laugh and say nope because I'm awful and then I'll probably catch on fire. And everybody's all like, just be more confidet like it's that easy to wake up one day and be completely over your semi crippling anxiety.

    I don't know if any of that will actually make you feel better other than knowing you're not the only one :/

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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    Menace, take this chance to mark a turning point in your life. You've identified an area of improvement, so now is the time to work on it. Sorry that you are going through this.

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    no_toastno_toast Registered User regular
    I've done the whole self-blaming, why didn't I do this and this sooner thing many times and I think it's a normal thing to feel in the kind of situations you've had Menace. But don't worry, you're a young and definitely a smart guy and I'm sure the future has some good things lined up for you! With the whole intimacy situation I can recommend hugging your friends even in casual greeting situations or you can start with something simpler like shaking hands or patting someone on the shoulder. I think doing this more and more semi-knowingly over the years I've turned from a quite timid guy into a real hug-monster, giving hugs to people I don't even know.

    So hugs to everyone. It's nice to back at the forums once again!

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    AgentflitAgentflit Registered User regular
    Yo m3nman, I have some left-field advice from music history class, it's not perfectly relevant but you might like it?

    Hector Berlioz, 19th century composer, fell into unrequited love with an actress. Despite flooding her hotel room with love notes night after night, but she never responded. Frustrated by this, he thought, "I'll compose a beautiful symphony, that'll impress her!!" So, he wrote 'symphonie fantastique', but she didn't come to the premiere.

    Years later she finally heard the music. "Wow!'," she thought, "This is genius, I better marry this dude!" So, she did. But, then they hated each other and separated.

    Moral of the story is, careful not to mix up actual people with conceptions of people, also love is hard
    The best therapy for me was to write about it. I never had the courage to talk to my endless early crushes...but typing out my thoughts was a huge relief. Even if I still felt overwhelmed, seeing my thoughts outside my head was an improvement. I hope you're feeling a little better :)

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    AgentflitAgentflit Registered User regular
    Oh also I got married a couple weeks ago

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    JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    I have no insights or helpful advice RE: intimacy issues.
    But it did make me want to make a comic, so I did.

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    FlayFlay Registered User regular
    If it makes you feel any better menace, sometimes when I get lazy with I art I think 'wait, menace is a cool artist already and he's like three years old or something', and then I work harder. So don't feel so bad about being jealous of someone's skills.

    Can't help with the relationship stuff though. At the ripe old age of 24 I still have no idea what I'm doing. My one relationship suffered from the exact problems you described so you're not alone dude. You're not going to stop learning and growing any time soon, so the best is yet to come.

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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    Thanks bros. Man, love this place.
    Also, AOB's comic gave me ideas for a comic, brb while I'm

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    SiegfriedSiegfried Registered User regular
    Look at those felty green digits fly!

    Portfolio // Twitter // Behance // Tumblr
    Kochikens wrote:
    My fav is when I can get my kiss on with other dudes.
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    gavindelgavindel The reason all your software is brokenRegistered User regular
    Kermit is going to be pissed about 2000 words in, when he realizes he hasn't actually hit the keys.

    Book - Royal road - Free! Seraphim === TTRPG - Wuxia - Free! Seln Alora
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    MetalbourneMetalbourne Inside a cluster b personalityRegistered User regular
    gavindel wrote: »
    Kermit is going to be pissed about 2000 words in, when he realizes he hasn't actually hit the keys.

    Cookie monster hasn't eaten a single cookie ever.

    Hold on a minute I think something's going on here

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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    Ive never seen Nannys face.

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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    what even is a Gonzo???

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    tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2015
    I think Muppets in Space established pretty firmly that he's an alien.

    tynic on
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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Woah, just noticed something cool that I didn't the last time I watched Submarine. The blue on the poster cuts in the exact same place as the ocean meets Antoine Doinel's face in the final frame of 400 Blows.

    There's a lot of allusions to 400 Blows in Submarine, so this was kind of a neat find I hadn't thought about. Might not be interesting to non-cinema people, just had to share it.

    m3nace on
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    NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    edited July 2015

    I haven't been into the idea of markers for many years now (they're fun to play with, though!) but constantly switching markers always kinda bothered me. This could convince me to try them out again. :)

    [edit] I LIED. I thought it was pressure-based but it turns out it's just like dipping the end of a felt-tip in water...temporary, one-direction-fade. Still super cool if that's what you're looking for though!

    NightDragon on
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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular

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    gavindelgavindel The reason all your software is brokenRegistered User regular
    Enc wrote: »
    what even is a Gonzo???

    The hero Gotham needs, but not the one it deserves?

    Book - Royal road - Free! Seraphim === TTRPG - Wuxia - Free! Seln Alora
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    ScosglenScosglen Registered User regular

    I recently watched this video of John Carmack talking about light in computer graphics. Being an artist who plays a lot of games I've always had a very amateur curiosity in computer graphics, and It's really interesting to hear someone like John talk about how game engines approach the challenge of dealing with light. In particular, I found it cool to see how the more 'scientific' approach to Optics relates to the more intuitive way a painter might think about light, and where they might find common ground.

    Plus, John Carmack has a pretty singular talent for just turning on a firehose and talking for hours about stuff you can only barely understand in abstract. Dude just walks to center stage and goes.

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    F87F87 So Say We All Registered User regular
    That was crazy! That dude really knows his shit. I barely understood any of it, but I swear I've heard some of those words when I messed with blender that one time.

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    gavindelgavindel The reason all your software is brokenRegistered User regular
    Scosglen wrote: »

    I recently watched this video of John Carmack talking about light in computer graphics. Being an artist who plays a lot of games I've always had a very amateur curiosity in computer graphics, and It's really interesting to hear someone like John talk about how game engines approach the challenge of dealing with light. In particular, I found it cool to see how the more 'scientific' approach to Optics relates to the more intuitive way a painter might think about light, and where they might find common ground.

    Plus, John Carmack has a pretty singular talent for just turning on a firehose and talking for hours about stuff you can only barely understand in abstract. Dude just walks to center stage and goes.

    Well, that's technically correct but kind of oversimplified...
    Okay, yes, but the math behind it is...
    Its not that I disagree, but it would be better if we went into the computational costs...

    Oh, god. What have I become?

    Book - Royal road - Free! Seraphim === TTRPG - Wuxia - Free! Seln Alora
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    SublimusSublimus Artist. nowhereRegistered User regular
    edited July 2015
    If anyone is interested, I'm going to be streaming some figure studies for the next few hours. :)


    Sublimus on
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