[GTAV/O... and 6?] - Return to Vice City in 2025



  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    This is a uniquely bad MP environment, not anything close to the norm for PC games.

  • IcemopperIcemopper Registered User regular
    I only had one incident in 4 hours last night of playing online, where everyone in the server suddenly died. It wasn't too bad, so I tried to not let it get to me.

    Instead, I hopped in a cop car and tried to pull all the other players over non-violently. Whenever they stopped, I walked up to their window, but I was unsuccessful in actually arresting anyone for speeding.

  • E-gongaE-gonga Registered User regular
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Zilla360 wrote: »
    Watching a video of one of the GTAO hacking tools, and it's ingeniously evil in how it's designed to troll other players with some of it's features.

    Turning other players into toilets/animals, mess with their screens (drunk/black and white shaders etc), spawn anything anywhere (like a real-time creator mode), attaching your vehicle (or any vehicle for that matter) to theirs, and even the ability to trigger an outright crash to desktop in their game client by remotely causing a huge memory leak.

    Just some of the reasons I only play multiplayer on console. It's a shame because the single-player mods on PC are amazing.

    Like every other aspect of PC gaming, getting the most out of the experience requires a little extra effort to get away from the super geese that only want to shit all over your time online and talk about fucking your mother. GTA Online is no exception, and since the game itself is built around causing wanton destruction and chaos to begin with, it seems like this would be the only things that happen on it.

    But if you take the time to look around for a good crew that's active and does activities that you like, you can very easily never experience any of the bad shit that the horror stories talk about and still get a full game's worth of fun out of Online. You can hop straight into a friend only or crew only session, or join a session that's already active with a bunch of your crewmates or friends in it, and never have to deal with the unwashed masses of 12yr olds in their rainbow flashing hydras that rain down death and destruction upon the city in the form of ferris wheels and semi-trucks falling from the sky.

    I personally lucked out in this game in that I had found a crew that did a bunch of stuff that I enjoyed before the game even released, so I was already ahead of the curve. My crew organizes racing events on a weekly basis, and there's more than a few people that run playlists on a daily basis and invite everyone online to race with them. I've managed to participate in two endurance race events already since I joined, one last weekend that was the Osiris vs Zentorno (it was scheduled before the T20 released, or that would have been a third car option) and another one just yesterday that was a multi-class endurance racing series (Banshee and Buffalo S on the first day, and then Gauntlet and Rat Truck on the second day). There's also an ongoing Formula 1 championship series that started up two weeks ago, which runs every sunday afternoon and features the Turismo R as the car to use and tight, super technical tracks that make use it's tight turning radius and high acceleration to give the feeling of racing actual F1 cars in GTA. There's also a Rally Endurance race coming up that I'm going to be a part of, racing Sultans against Kurumas on a track that mixes offroad sections and tarmac sections.

    And that's just the stuff that my racing crew gets up to. There's all kinds of crews out there to fit whatever playstyle or experience you're looking for from the game. There's a crew that functions much like a RL biker gang, where they ride around public servers on tricked out choppers and take out bounties or hunt down other crew members that happen to be in their session and not adhering to that group's superiority. There's a crew that's dedicated to Role Playing within the game world even, where people in the crew take on the lives of every day citizens or law officials in GTA, driving around semi trucks to deliver cargo out in the desert or to chase down wanted criminals as police officers.

    So yes, if you aren't making any effort to get away from the general public of GTA, it will just be a shitfest. But if you take the time to look around, you can find people who want to have the same kind of fun with the game that you do and it will make a world of difference.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • ErlkönigErlkönig Seattle, WARegistered User regular

    But if you take the time to look around for a good crew that's active and does activities that you like, you can very easily never experience any of the bad shit that the horror stories talk about and still get a full game's worth of fun out of Online. You can hop straight into a friend only or crew only session, or join a session that's already active with a bunch of your crewmates or friends in it, and never have to deal with the unwashed masses of 12yr olds in their rainbow flashing hydras that rain down death and destruction upon the city in the form of ferris wheels and semi-trucks falling from the sky.

    Wait...what black magic/sorcery is this? Did the "Online" button get changed up to where it asks you what kind of lobby it drops you into? Every time I've ever clicked on it from the main menu, it plunks me down into a public session.

    | Origin/R*SC: Ein7919 | Battle.net: Erlkonig#1448 | XBL: Lexicanum | Steam: Der Erlkönig (the umlaut is important) |
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Erlkönig wrote: »

    But if you take the time to look around for a good crew that's active and does activities that you like, you can very easily never experience any of the bad shit that the horror stories talk about and still get a full game's worth of fun out of Online. You can hop straight into a friend only or crew only session, or join a session that's already active with a bunch of your crewmates or friends in it, and never have to deal with the unwashed masses of 12yr olds in their rainbow flashing hydras that rain down death and destruction upon the city in the form of ferris wheels and semi-trucks falling from the sky.

    Wait...what black magic/sorcery is this? Did the "Online" button get changed up to where it asks you what kind of lobby it drops you into? Every time I've ever clicked on it from the main menu, it plunks me down into a public session.

    Yea, if you click "Online" from the launcher thinger or startup landing page or whatever the fuck its called, it will drop you into a public session with only a weighted chance to try and match you to one with crew members. But if you load into Story Mode first, you can then go into a Crew Only or Friend Only or even a Solo session, or join Crew Members / Friends in public sessions, from the ESC menu. The UI for this game seriously leaves something to be desired, but once you know the tricks to navigate it, it goes fast enough. And the game loads faster this way, as well, since it isn't fighting your internet while trying to load normal game assets AND trying to synchronize those assets with what other people are seeing.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • ErlkönigErlkönig Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Ahh...it was the bit where you wrote that you can "hop directly into a friend only or crew only session" that threw me. "Hop straight into", to me, implies that it's direct from the main menu.

    And the UI definitely needs a trip through "user-friendliness 101". Every now and then, when I'm in a private session (crew or friend only), whenever I've wrapped up a heist, the game will decide that I really wanted to be in a public session (complete with the heist reward money) all along (and in a public place instead of my apartment). The only option at that point is to "Exit GTA Online", load into single player, and go back into GTA Online with the session settings I started with. Of course, even leaving missions has the game plunking me into an invite-only session (after starting the session as crew/friend only).

    | Origin/R*SC: Ein7919 | Battle.net: Erlkonig#1448 | XBL: Lexicanum | Steam: Der Erlkönig (the umlaut is important) |
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    What are people's favourite jobs for small groups and to play alone? I've found lots of discussions about which jobs are most profitable in terms of RP and money per minute, but if I want a better fun/grind ratio, which ones are your go-to jobs?

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • ErlkönigErlkönig Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Thirith wrote: »
    What are people's favourite jobs for small groups and to play alone? I've found lots of discussions about which jobs are most profitable in terms of RP and money per minute, but if I want a better fun/grind ratio, which ones are your go-to jobs?

    A Titan of a Job, Hard Labor, Artificial Scarcity, High Priority Case, The Los Santos Connection (I particularly like this one), Satellite Communications, Dish the Dirt (I also really like this one), Blow Up III (if I'm looking for something nice and easy), and Show Me the Monet.

    I should mention that a bunch of these make my go-to list because they let me make use of a Savage or Hydra to great effect, so YMMV.

    EDIT -

    BTW, I know you didn't ask for it, but here is a (very short list) of jobs that I will abandon if I see come up (and the reason why I immediately abandon):
    • Base Invaders (break into Fort Zancudo, blow up a handful of Lazers, steal a Cargobob, and do it all while having a four-star wanted level)
    • Dry Docking (seems simple enough: break into the Merryweather facility on the docks and crack a safe...the problem is that the mission is bugged and will perpetually keep spawning two Merryweather guards that will bee-line from outside the building directly to you in the center office and the safe)

    Erlkönig on
    | Origin/R*SC: Ein7919 | Battle.net: Erlkonig#1448 | XBL: Lexicanum | Steam: Der Erlkönig (the umlaut is important) |
  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    So the other day, I was winding my way through Story mode again, and decided I'd take Franklin off on a loop around the whole island, see what we can find. I stopped off at the Chiliad cablecar station and saw a bunch of bikes for 'free', and decided to repurpose one! Since then, we've been off on a cycle tour of the map, generally working round anticlockwise until I get back to the start, but taking detours off and about when something interesting comes up, or there's some buildings to look at. Also, when I inevitably get killed, we take a car back to pick up a new bike, then ride it back to where I died to carry on.
    It's a surprisingly not boring, quite lovely way to see everything.

  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Cool, thanks, Erlkönig! Some of these I've played, but others haven't yet shown up. (Gotta see if I can find a single-player playlist for some fun, frustration-free levelling up when I've had enough of heists where ten minutes into them a player drops out for lulz.)

    How does it work with a Savage or Hydra: do you buy one and then they're available at a particular place? (I doubt they show up in the garage, although I like the idea of having to manoeuvre out of it with a VTOL jet.)

    darleysam: I would probably quite enjoy an online mountain bike tour or hike with others, without the general sociopathy you run into. Just hanging out, chatting, exploring. Rockstar's world design makes these games the greatest walking simulators. (Throw in Oculus Rift compatibility and I start drooling...)

    Thirith on
    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • ErlkönigErlkönig Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2015
    Thirith wrote: »
    Cool, thanks, Erlkönig! Some of these I've played, but others haven't yet shown up. (Gotta see if I can find a single-player playlist for some fun, frustration-free levelling up when I've had enough of heists where ten minutes into them a player drops out for lulz.)

    How does it work with a Savage or Hydra: do you buy one and then they're available at a particular place? (I doubt they show up in the garage, although I like the idea of having to manoeuvre out of it with a VTOL jet.)

    When you buy one, they show up in a list of deliverable vehicles from Pegasus. Delivery fee is $200. Other vehicles that Pegasus will deliver include (but not limited to): Rhino tanks, Insurgent Pick-ups, Technical, all water-craft.

    Edit - Ugh, it's too early for my pre-coffee-soaked brain. When you have Pegasus deliver the vehicle, they'll show up "at the nearest airfield/helipad"...unless you're standing at an airfield or helipad...then they'll deliver it to the next closest airfield/helipad to you (which can include hospital helipads).

    Erlkönig on
    | Origin/R*SC: Ein7919 | Battle.net: Erlkonig#1448 | XBL: Lexicanum | Steam: Der Erlkönig (the umlaut is important) |
  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    Thirith wrote: »
    Cool, thanks, Erlkönig! Some of these I've played, but others haven't yet shown up. (Gotta see if I can find a single-player playlist for some fun, frustration-free levelling up when I've had enough of heists where ten minutes into them a player drops out for lulz.)

    How does it work with a Savage or Hydra: do you buy one and then they're available at a particular place? (I doubt they show up in the garage, although I like the idea of having to manoeuvre out of it with a VTOL jet.)

    darleysam: I would probably quite enjoy an online mountain bike tour or hike with others, without the general sociopathy you run into. Just hanging out, chatting, exploring. Rockstar's world design makes these games the greatest walking simulators. (Throw in Oculus Rift compatibility and I start drooling...)

    Yeah! I always meant to do that in GTA IV, go for a stroll around the city, but the online was never detailed enough to make it feel worth it in a group, and I just never got round to doing it on my own. V's online would probably be pretty good for that. Shame I've only got it on the 360 at the moment, and I'm rarely playing online :(

  • McRhynoMcRhyno Registered User regular
    E-gonga wrote: »

    Yep, and now it's the Series A heist this week. Looks like Rockstar is cycling through all the heists with 2x bonuses to entice people back into playing.


    PSN: ImRyanBurgundy
  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    I had pretty decent luck running Humane Labs this past week with pubs. Nobody wanted to talk - in one case just saying "hi" garnered a response that was a ruder version of "my cat's breath smells like cat food" - but everyone was competent and seemed interested in actually playing the jobs, which was nice.

    I've actually had a lot of fun with pubs in general, lately, which means either my brain is damaged or the general audience of GTAO may be shedding some of it's more unpleasant element.
    Hackers are still common, but their attempts to grief are usually either harmless or hilarious, and they do occasionally shower total strangers with money, so that's no problem.
    Jerks seem fewer and further between. Free roam is still a deathmatch most of the time, but if you avoid large confluences people don't tend to seek you out specifically to do you harm. And I've gotten good with sticky-bomb drive-bys, so heaven help the psychos if they get near me.

    There've been amazing moments, too, that could not have happened outside of a public session. One night some charismatic genius convinced ~15 other players in the session to board a coach line bus, then drove it up to Mt. Chilead and jumped it off the side of a mountain, to spectacular effect. I've seen groups form to go on tours of each other's garages. I've driven a VIP party around town in my limo. I've born quiet witness while 3 other people made actual friends with each other over the voice chat.
    There's some amazing times to be had playing with pubs, past all the negative stuff.

    I'll be on a bunch this week, if any of y'all PA folk wanna play Series A.

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    Are you on PC, testsubject23? If so, what's your Rockstar Social Club handle?

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • EupfhoriaEupfhoria Registered User regular
    I just picked up this game on PC on Friday. I guess I'm still in the WANG crew from the 360 days, so if anyone sees me online, I'm always down for heists, etc

  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    Thirith wrote: »
    Are you on PC, testsubject23? If so, what's your Rockstar Social Club handle?

    Yep, I'm on PC. I'm "Chaos_Introvert" on the R*SC. Hit me up there or on Steam for some shenanigans, if you'd like.

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • ErlkönigErlkönig Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Ugh...it seems like something broke in the last patch for me. Every single time I've tried to play the game, within 5 minutes I get the ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT crash.

    | Origin/R*SC: Ein7919 | Battle.net: Erlkonig#1448 | XBL: Lexicanum | Steam: Der Erlkönig (the umlaut is important) |
  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    :( Trying to find possible solutions on the tubes. Some people have had luck shutting down other running software (overclockers, recording programs, browsers, etc), turning off certain graphics options in game (vsync, etc), updating drivers/BIOS/windows, and/or reinstalling the game. Doesn't seem to be caused by just one thing.

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • SoulGateSoulGate Registered User regular
    @testsubject23 I've had a similar experience where most pubs get together for fun hijynx. Another friend and I decided to dress formal and go on a flight around Los Santos in a gold jet. We managed to convince roughly 6 or 8 other pubs to fly along, most even dressing up, and get drunk and fly under bridges. Despite side swiping a lightpost while buzzing the freeway I managed to land safely on the road, but before everyone could get out of the jet, another guy that had been following us the entire time divebombed the jet and blew up ALL the shit. It was the most fun I've had in a full lobby in a long time.

  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    One of the oddest things I've realized since joining the racing crew has been how chaotic freeroam ends up being 90% of the time. We can usually completely fill a lobby up with just crew members, and it almost immediately turns into a massive death match with sniping duels and rocket duels and cars vs bikes and every other combination of random dumb shit that pubs are known for. And then when just a few of us go into a public lobby, we always get a following of randoms that hang out and do impromptu car meets in various parking lots, taking care not to damage other people's cars, and it's the most chill thing ever. Had 7 hydras parked on top of a carpark once, and everyone brought up their favorite muscle cars to show off and have drag races down on the roads. Such a reverse experience to what you'd think would happen, really.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    I've been heisting with pubs, which is another interesting experience. Just filling the pre-game lobby is hard enough, let alone getting through the mission without someone dropping out. Such a mixed bag of experiences, depending on the group that forms. With squishy players, lots of opportunity for failures.
    I got yelled at then kicked from a group for dying twice, and maybe crashing a helicopter a tiny bit, which was a little saddening. But I eventually found a three person team that were all present and tolerant, to do the Series A heist start to finish. Must've played that garbage truck mission about 100 times, though, before that, and only finished it a handful. That and stealing the goddamned tanker truck are bloody HARD.

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • McRhynoMcRhyno Registered User regular
    I've been heisting with pubs, which is another interesting experience.

    I witnessed someone have an absolute meltdown yesterday on stealing the vans from the bikers after the fourth attempt. I can only surmise that they were trying to sticky bomb the pursuers and ended up detonating themselves.

    The host, who was riding with me a distance behind the exploded van, clicked on his mic: "HOW!? HOW!? TELL ME HOW YOU KEEP MESSING THIS UP? HHHOOOWW!?

    PSN: ImRyanBurgundy
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Motorcycles are 50% off today and tomorrow, so if you're into those, now is the time to buy them!

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    Is GTA Online working for anyone in Europe? I keep getting an error message that there's "trouble syncing important catalogue data".

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • Johnny ChopsockyJohnny Chopsocky Scootaloo! We have to cook! Grillin' HaysenburgersRegistered User regular
    Whilst doing a Series A finale with some friends, I had this little bundle of crazy happen to me.
    My friends tell me that I screamed when that happened, but I'm sure my reaction was far more macho than that.

    Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    Damn, damn, damn. GTA Online still isn't working, with the same error message as yesterday. (Oddly enough, the YouTube app on PS4 has become *really* slow in the same time span.) I also can't access the Rockstar support pages. Seems like at least one other person with the same provider has the same issues, so I'm wondering if it's provider-specific. Good thing I'm about to go on holiday for two weeks - here's hoping I'll come back and everything works okay again.

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Got to take part in my crew's first PC Multi Class Endurance Championship, and I also got cheered on by the chat in the crew leader's stream at one point! I ended up making a mistake on the last lap and only getting 7th place instead of 4th, but I climbed up 4 positions after a disastrous accident near the start of the race where I nudged a guy off and needed to wait for him to get back onto the track before starting up again, dropping me into last place for my class. But it was a ton of fun none-the-less.

    Roughly the start of the race and getting everyone into their starting positions. Warning, the race takes about an hour and a half, if you want to just catch some of the best racing of the streams skip ahead to about the last 30 mins or so to catch the battle for 1st to 3rd place of GT3.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular

    Double RP and double GTA$ in Pacific Standard heist! Get over half a million for a successful finale, ending all of your money woes!

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • NikolaiNikolai SSSSSSSSSSS Registered User regular
    I've been itching to play some gta online. But I can't get into any sessions with people and I can't connect to jobs or anything on xbone. I never had this problem on the 360 and it's frustrating because nothing seems to fix it.

  • klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    This is beautiful.
    A personal early highlight is the guy at 0:25 who kicks the guy who ran into him, while ignoring the fact that the guy's on fire. Bang, instant karma.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
  • Zilla360Zilla360 21st Century. |She/Her| Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered User regular
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    I'm currently sitting on $1.25m and am wondering if there's much of a point in upgrading my Del Perro Heights apartment for one of those snazzy new ones. Any benefit at all? Or does it make more sense for me to save up for an attack chopper?

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • Hybrid_Dolphin87Hybrid_Dolphin87 ScotlandRegistered User regular
    Would any kind soul be willing too help me obtain a hearse online? I play on the PS4 and gamertag is the same as my username.

    If you send the invite and have some time about 1pm GMT to 7pm GMT time tomorrow I would very much appreciate it

  • LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    I have been trying to do this Hydra EMP setup for the last 2 hours, and it's fucking ridiculous. People will join, then leave as soon as we reach the boat. Ok, thanks for wasting the 5 minutes that took + 5 minutes loading back in. People will crash the Hydra then immediately leave. One time we got right to the end and then two people crashed their jets about 3 seconds before the hydra landed, then quit right after. What the fuck people?

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
  • LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    edited August 2015
    Add into that general instability with crashes and random disconnects from GTAO, and this is just fucking stupid. It's taken me longer to try and get this setup done then the actual heist stage of the last one. The matchmaking alone is taking up a ludicrous amount of time.

    Lorahalo on
    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    Are you playing on PC? If I'm around at the same time as you, I'd be happy to help (mainly on Fri-Sun, afternoon in Western European time), so feel free to add me on the Rockstar Social Club. I do get shot occasionally, but I'm pretty okay at the aerial combat finale and I've yet to exit a heist prematurely.

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Don't try and do stuff with randoms unless you expect the experience to be shit. That's part of trying to do anything with a random group of assholes. GTA's online community is no exception to this, and actually encourages people to be assholes to each other even more so than other online communities.

    What you need to do is find a crew that does stuff in the game that you enjoy doing and join them. There's hundreds of active crews, you just need to look around for the right one. Check on reddit or the gtav forums.

    For example, the crew that I'm most active with is a racing crew with a set of rules and guidelines that discourage people from ramming and causing crashes within races so that everyone can race properly. If you happen to crash someone (usually because of a lag take out, or just on accident because you misjudged a corner or how fast you were going), then you wait for them to get back on the track and pull ahead of you before getting back to the race. It's like playing a completely different game when I race with the crew vs racing with random pubbies. There's events that take place on the weekends, during the week, some are weekly and some are every 3 weeks and some are spaced out even more depending on the event. Sometimes there's even daily playlists that happen where it's not uncommon for a lobby to be completely filled with crew members only and have a full 30 person playlist for over 2 hours.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    My experiences with randoms are generally good - in regular jobs. In heists, nine out of ten games with randoms end in them killing themselves or exiting, usually after 5-10 minutes...

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
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