[Mage Knight: Lost Legions] Volkare's Comin' for Ya



  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    edited October 2015




    I still do that, just after he kills time. And maybe rerolling another die if one lands badly.

    Auralynx on
  • KirindalKirindal Registered User regular
    Discarding Promise because the only talking I'm doing is with my fists.


  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    edited October 2015
    Not my turn, pretty sure its Auralynx whose turn is listed above

    ObiFett on
  • KirindalKirindal Registered User regular
    Oops, you're right. @Auralynx

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    I do that thing, then it's @jakobagger next.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Gold die rerolls to white.


  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    Map shows me as still in the city, but I'm pretty sure I should be SW of it, next to Volkare.

    We're still setting up for a joint assault on the big dude right? So I should just stay here?

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    jakobagger wrote: »
    Map shows me as still in the city, but I'm pretty sure I should be SW of it, next to Volkare.

    We're still setting up for a joint assault on the big dude right? So I should just stay here?

    We are probably better off trying to hit him on my or Kirindal's next turn while he's still on a Grassland and not hitting the city, based on his wincon as I understand it.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Still on you @jakobagger :)

  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    Shit, sorry. Totally forgot.

    But also, I have no idea what to do and have been too stressed and busy to figure it out. Any suggestions, team? How does joint assault work, should I use movement on it now or in the presumably later turn where we go for big V?

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    jakobagger wrote: »
    Shit, sorry. Totally forgot.

    But also, I have no idea what to do and have been too stressed and busy to figure it out. Any suggestions, team? How does joint assault work, should I use movement on it now or in the presumably later turn where we go for big V?

    We are pretty unlikely to be able to stop that army in one go. I think the best bet is to have 3 or all of us try to hit him on my or Kirindal's next turn and drop as many guys as we can, possibly weighting that a bit with fancy splitting, then try to recover enough to go again before he can take the city. You should probably get to a space adjacent to him so we can do that easier.

  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    Improvisation, discarding Noble Manners for 3 Move, go W to the forest.

    Crystallize to make a red crystal.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Red rerolls to red.


  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    almost forgot about this

    Any ideas folks? Should I just go ahead and attack? If I do, who else is able to join in?

  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    ObiFett wrote: »
    almost forgot about this

    Any ideas folks? Should I just go ahead and attack? If I do, who else is able to join in?

    I can do some damage, I have the horn of wrath in hand. I expect I'll take a lot of damage too, but I do also have some healing so hopefully it'll all work out.

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    My hand's not great but my Heroes should let me account for some of the orcs or maybe a tough guy.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Do it guys! What could go wrong???

  • KirindalKirindal Registered User regular
    I can blow up one or two of the bigger hitters so it should be fineish.

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    admanb wrote: »
    Do it guys! What could go wrong???

    A lot, but if we hit him now and don't finish it off - and we won't - we still have time to pull back together.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Ok, so we are all in position to help in this attack? Fun, let me get it started...

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Yeeeeees...? @ObiFett


  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    I suddenly remembered this game. Jesus, it's been almost two months?

  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    So uh, is necromancy real? Can we raise this thread from the dead? I'll be busy until Friday but a move here and there is doable. We can do it.

    Anyway, I believe it was @ObiFett 's turn? Who was going to start the big attack on Volkare.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    @ObiFett @jakobagger @Kirindal @Auralynx

    Work got really busy for me so I was fine with letting this hibernate, but I think we should finish this up. I feel like everyone was hesitating to make the first big move on Volkare because they were afraid of fucking it up... but who cares! Win or lose I'd like to see how this plays out.

  • KirindalKirindal Registered User regular
    Ready to rock or die horribly as it may be.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2016
    @ObiFett I know you're still alive because you just Awesome'd one of my board game thread posts. Let's get this motherfucker done!

    If you're not up to finishing it yourself I can post your hand and board to the rest of the team to work out.

    admanb on
  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    oh hey this is still a thing

    let me see if I can even move over to Volkare

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Where am I? Am I in the city?

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    edited January 2016
    See that's what the map shows

    But my last two turns were in the city and I can't find where I moved out...
    ObiFett wrote: »
    Savage Harvesting for +2 Move and head into the City, discard Rage to gain a Red Crystal

    Exhaust Magic Familiars for +2 Heal, discard both wounds in my hand

    admanb Is there a White in the Source?
    ObiFett wrote: »
    K, then Charm with White Mana from the source for +4 Influence, gaining a White Crystal
    Promise for +2 Influence
    Space Bending sideways for +1 Influence

    Recruit the Scouts

    End Turn

    ObiFett wrote: »
    Use a Green Crystal on my Magic Familiars

    K, so Store a Card with Sparing Power

    Concentration to make a Red Token

    +1 Free Influence from my Shield token
    White Token from the Source with Diplomacy for +4 Influence
    Improvisation using a Red Token discarding Stamina for +5 Influence
    Crystallize sideways for +1 Influence

    Recruit Amotep Gunners

    EDIT: I changed some stuff

    ObiFett on
  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    I'm going to assume I am in the city and use

    Stamina with a Blue Crystal for +4 move
    Swiftness for +2 move

    Move SW, SW to attack Volkare

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    I'm in, iirc.

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