
[SWTOR] A new chapter is out



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    ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    I still think the only ending that makes sense is a downer.
    Zakuul has a very late-Imperial-Rome vibe to it, with the decadence, the power, the aesthetic, a single planet ruling an entire galaxy with seemingly limitless resources under the watchful eye of an Emperor who's perceived as being like a god. Their defeat should feel more like the end of an age.

    After Arcann and Vaylin and Valkorion are defeated, the Outlander destroys the Eternal Throne rather than claiming it themselves. This destroys the threat of the Eternal Fleet forever, of course, but it also causes Zakuul's society to collapse into barbarism. As the only real power left in the galaxy, the loss of Zakuul's governance and technology is kind of like kicking a stool out from under someone.

    The Republic still exists in name, but utterly exhausted by war, infighting, and corruption, the Senate and the bureaucracy collapse. There's no central control and long-distance communication and galactic-scale travel start to break down; systems and sectors are aware of each other's existence but can really only govern themselves in a practical fashion. Some do better than others, but the heart and soul and mind of the Republic--Corellia, Alderaan, and Coruscant--are in ruins and can't hold back the tide; even they collapse back into small territories. The Jedi, already depleted in number by decades of war, do what they can, which isn't much; they're isolated into pockets, some of which start following unorthodox beliefs, some of which fall to the dark side, some of which eventually become entirely new Force traditions.

    Upon the destruction of Zakuul, the weak Empress is soon assassinated, and the Sith destroy themselves like they always do. When strong central authority falls apart, the Empire crumbles completely, leaving half-educated Sith to teach half-remembered history and dark side knowledge to whatever Force-users they can find on the handful of planets they still rule with an iron fist.

    Some legends remain. Occasionally an old droid or holocron is dug up, or a lost data trove, or a forgotten planet that was cut off from the rest of the galaxy but maintained its historical archives, and society abruptly lurches forward, systems joining into sectors, sectors into entire galactic regions. Maybe every once in a while, the Republic remembers that the name Havoc Squad used to mean something. Legends are still told of a pirate queen or bandit king who dozens of lovers and a hundred times that many ships at their command, and the implacable masked hunter who might still prowl the space lanes, looking for quarry known only to them. Conspiracy theorists could trade bewilderingly complicated hypotheses about a bunch of mysterious goings-on that happened in sequence that no one before them ever seemed to realize all had the same modus operandi despite being done by people with wildly different descriptions on planets scattered all across the galaxy and seeming to be at cross-purposes. Someone might stumble across Yavin IV now and again, and they might meet a very old Sith who lives in an even older ruin, attended by ancient droids and a hideous monster and who talks to people that aren't there. A strange lightsaber built with arcane technology passes from Jedi to Sith to Jedi, occasionally revealing itself to very special wielders as much more than just an odd lightsaber, cutting a swath across the galaxy.

    But the Outlander and the Alliance are forgotten, and much of the advanced technology of the age is lost forever, or not rediscovered or reinvented for centuries, or even millennia.

    As for Zakuul, maybe they survive in some form or another. Maybe they remember a golden age of peace and plenty and the barbaric outsider who brought it crashing down in a day, and still nurse an ancient grudge. Or maybe not, and the only sign of civilization is a feminine figure in rusting armor and a crown, growing more addled by the day, wandering the wastelands, looking for something, anything she can salvage.

    Eventually, the Sith rebuild, without their glorious star-spanning Empire, only a handful of sectors in a distant corner of the galaxy, but with ambition enough to conquer the galaxy again. The Republic reforms, and the various factions of Jedi reunite; the Sith eventually work up the gumption to invade again, and the eternal dance begins once more.

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    EnclaveofGnomesEnclaveofGnomes Registered User regular
    A very grim dark ending would be a great end to an rpg but they'll want to milk this one for quite a while I'd think.

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    ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    I dunno. I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped updating TOR with story stuff (but hopefully keep it running because lockboxes and subscribers are a money box) and a new thing was released in 2018 to coincide with Ep 8.

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    RchanenRchanen Registered User regular
    Halfmex wrote: »
    Two quick questions for any subscribers who have purchased this bundle from Amazon:

    1) I'm seeing conflicting reports on the total amount of gametime offered if you are already subbed. Do you indeed get 90 days if you have an active subscription or is it only 60?

    2) Re: the Cartel Coins it gives, I know that the package comes with 2400 cartel coins, but do you also receive CCs for the gametime you purchase (ie. 500 per 30 days of gametime bestowed, or 1500 additional coins) or is it just the flat 2400 that you get total?

    I bought this game at release, played it for awhile, then left. But I have wanted to come back and finish the other stories for a while.

    You think this is the way to go?

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    WolveSightWolveSight Registered User regular
    Rchanen wrote: »
    Halfmex wrote: »
    Two quick questions for any subscribers who have purchased this bundle from Amazon:

    1) I'm seeing conflicting reports on the total amount of gametime offered if you are already subbed. Do you indeed get 90 days if you have an active subscription or is it only 60?

    2) Re: the Cartel Coins it gives, I know that the package comes with 2400 cartel coins, but do you also receive CCs for the gametime you purchase (ie. 500 per 30 days of gametime bestowed, or 1500 additional coins) or is it just the flat 2400 that you get total?

    I bought this game at release, played it for awhile, then left. But I have wanted to come back and finish the other stories for a while.

    You think this is the way to go?

    make sure you're a preferred member (prior subscriptions will make you one, so you're probably set). That package is also great for jumping back in as well. There's a ton of stuff to do in the game now, so you have a good bit of fun ahead of you.

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    HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    Rchanen wrote: »
    Halfmex wrote: »
    Two quick questions for any subscribers who have purchased this bundle from Amazon:

    1) I'm seeing conflicting reports on the total amount of gametime offered if you are already subbed. Do you indeed get 90 days if you have an active subscription or is it only 60?

    2) Re: the Cartel Coins it gives, I know that the package comes with 2400 cartel coins, but do you also receive CCs for the gametime you purchase (ie. 500 per 30 days of gametime bestowed, or 1500 additional coins) or is it just the flat 2400 that you get total?

    I bought this game at release, played it for awhile, then left. But I have wanted to come back and finish the other stories for a while.

    You think this is the way to go?

    Yep, that was my exact situation as well. I'm playing through it exclusively to finish all the story mode content, nothing more, and it's totally worth it. I'd say go for it.

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    I keep forgetting I'm subscribed to this. I can't imagine how many cartel coins I've got saved up.

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    ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    Cartel coins are kind of amazing in a) how quickly they can accrue and b) how quickly you can spend them.

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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    I took a 1 year break from group content due to boredom, wanting to just run all the stories, and not wanting to deal with jerks.

    I've been dabbling again in group content since Cambiata invited me in to help fill out that raid group, and I just ran into the most entitled asshole of a tank. Verbally abusive, and then repeatedly tried to kick me out when I called him out for it.

    And, just for the icing on the cake, he couldn't actually tank the last boss because he stood in stupid for 3 attempts. One of the attempts I even burned all my cooldowns and off-tanked the boss long enough for him to be battle-rezzed...and he died a second time.

    GG Blade, if I had a set of HM tank gear I'd show you how it's done.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Orca wrote: »
    I took a 1 year break from group content due to boredom, wanting to just run all the stories, and not wanting to deal with jerks.

    I've been dabbling again in group content since Cambiata invited me in to help fill out that raid group, and I just ran into the most entitled asshole of a tank. Verbally abusive, and then repeatedly tried to kick me out when I called him out for it.

    And, just for the icing on the cake, he couldn't actually tank the last boss because he stood in stupid for 3 attempts. One of the attempts I even burned all my cooldowns and off-tanked the boss long enough for him to be battle-rezzed...and he died a second time.

    GG Blade, if I had a set of HM tank gear I'd show you how it's done.

    Yeah, pugging sometimes results in good times, but too often you get situations like that.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    OwenashiOwenashi Registered User regular
    Orca wrote: »
    I took a 1 year break from group content due to boredom, wanting to just run all the stories, and not wanting to deal with jerks.

    I've been dabbling again in group content since Cambiata invited me in to help fill out that raid group, and I just ran into the most entitled asshole of a tank. Verbally abusive, and then repeatedly tried to kick me out when I called him out for it.

    And, just for the icing on the cake, he couldn't actually tank the last boss because he stood in stupid for 3 attempts. One of the attempts I even burned all my cooldowns and off-tanked the boss long enough for him to be battle-rezzed...and he died a second time.

    GG Blade, if I had a set of HM tank gear I'd show you how it's done.

    Could be worse. You could be a tank kicked out of an Ilum PuG just before being able to gain the final loot drop for the sole crime of voicing a complaint about the party running past every boss they could.

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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    Well, I decided to burn the data crystals since I've got most of my DPS gear at 216 or above. I've now got a full set of tank gear and can tell any jerks to piss right off the next time something like that happens.

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    ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    The best revenge is making enemies surplus to requirements.

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    OwenashiOwenashi Registered User regular
    A teaser video for the next chapter is out which is set to feature the return of two more Companions.

    Holy crap, Vette! Someone's been eating her space-Wheaties!

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    DaimarDaimar A Million Feet Tall of Awesome Registered User regular
    Nice gun...I think my subscription will have lapsed by the time that comes out, unfortunately.

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    am0nam0n Registered User regular
    Hey guys, thinking about coming back (again). I didn't after my last questions because things got busy. Two questions:

    1.) I am still debating starting a fresh character or just picking up where my last one left off. Will I lose anything that I'd be hard pressed as a preferred member to get back if I started over? I.e. old achievements that are character only and no longer exist? Items that a preferred character doesn't have access to? Any other perk or benefit? I guess part of me would like to experience the story again, since it's been so long, but I also don't like the idea of giving up some character perk that I may not be able to get back.

    2.) I know the Legacy perk things are only per server. If I transfer a character, do the Legacy Perks transfer? Or are they left back on the old server?


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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    am0n wrote: »
    Hey guys, thinking about coming back (again). I didn't after my last questions because things got busy. Two questions:

    1.) I am still debating starting a fresh character or just picking up where my last one left off. Will I lose anything that I'd be hard pressed as a preferred member to get back if I started over? I.e. old achievements that are character only and no longer exist? Items that a preferred character doesn't have access to? Any other perk or benefit? I guess part of me would like to experience the story again, since it's been so long, but I also don't like the idea of giving up some character perk that I may not be able to get back.

    2.) I know the Legacy perk things are only per server. If I transfer a character, do the Legacy Perks transfer? Or are they left back on the old server?

    1. Achievements are legacy-wide. All characters in the legacy contribute to achievements, and many achievements can only be accomplished over multiple characters and classes.
    2. Legacy Perks transfer the first time you transfer a character. I believe that after that, they both exist independently on their respective servers.

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    am0nam0n Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    Orca wrote: »
    am0n wrote: »
    Hey guys, thinking about coming back (again). I didn't after my last questions because things got busy. Two questions:

    1.) I am still debating starting a fresh character or just picking up where my last one left off. Will I lose anything that I'd be hard pressed as a preferred member to get back if I started over? I.e. old achievements that are character only and no longer exist? Items that a preferred character doesn't have access to? Any other perk or benefit? I guess part of me would like to experience the story again, since it's been so long, but I also don't like the idea of giving up some character perk that I may not be able to get back.

    2.) I know the Legacy perk things are only per server. If I transfer a character, do the Legacy Perks transfer? Or are they left back on the old server?

    1. Achievements are legacy-wide. All characters in the legacy contribute to achievements, and many achievements can only be accomplished over multiple characters and classes.
    2. Legacy Perks transfer the first time you transfer a character. I believe that after that, they both exist independently on their respective servers.

    Thanks. So it sounds like if I wanted to create a new character, I'd still have all the "progress" of my old one, just the opportunity to experience the story a second time?

    Edit: Oh, man! Are Legacies Unique per server? I had forgotten I had an Epic Legacy name.

    Edit2: Oh, boo. They aren't unique. Well, it's still Epic.

    Edit3: What I think I'll do is find some youtube videos to show me what I missed, maybe make a newbie knight/consular just to get used to the controls and gameplay again, then just figure out my existing characters, since I already have a 50 guardian and a 39 sage. Pending how much I enjoy the newbie and the story, I may play them up until I catch the other in story and then switch over or something similar.

    am0n on
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    JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    So here's something

    Apparently when the new chapter releases, we can have lightning on any of our weapons (including boasters) if we want


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    WolveSightWolveSight Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    So here's something

    Apparently when the new chapter releases, we can have lightning on any of our weapons (including boasters) if we want


    I like this idea. it's going to take a while for them to really roll them out in any sustainable quantity, but at least you'll be able to further customize your look a bit more to your liking.

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    So I finished the storyline up to now
    Color me suspicious that right after Valkorion leaves, I meet Darth Marr and Satele, who appear to want me to do the exact same thing the Emperor wants me to do? I know we saw Shan and Marr on Odessen after Chapter 9, but it still feels extremely fishy to me.

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    ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    edited April 2016
    Javen wrote: »
    So I finished the storyline up to now
    Color me suspicious that right after Valkorion leaves, I meet Darth Marr and Satele, who appear to want me to do the exact same thing the Emperor wants me to do? I know we saw Shan and Marr on Odessen after Chapter 9, but it still feels extremely fishy to me.

    I think
    they're building up to a major single choice in Chapter XV--I think that's the final chapter, right?

    Maybe even a ME3 style ending, except you can pick Destroy, Control (evil), and Control (good) with the Eternal Fleet.

    Control (good) and Control (evil) are what Satele/Marr and Valkorion would choose, respectively.

    In either case, both are pushing you to higher levels of power so you can beat Arcann. Really, I think the game is deliberately downplaying Vaylin, so that with all your new advantages you clobber Arcann and then Vaylin comes in and is a freakishly hard fight. Or maybe even an Operations boss.

    Shadowen on
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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Shadowen wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    So I finished the storyline up to now
    Color me suspicious that right after Valkorion leaves, I meet Darth Marr and Satele, who appear to want me to do the exact same thing the Emperor wants me to do? I know we saw Shan and Marr on Odessen after Chapter 9, but it still feels extremely fishy to me.

    I think
    they're building up to a major single choice in Chapter XV--I think that's the final chapter, right?

    Maybe even a ME3 style ending, except you can pick Destroy, Control (evil), and Control (good) with the Eternal Fleet.

    Control (good) and Control (evil) are what Satele/Marr and Valkorion would choose, respectively.

    In either case, both are pushing you to higher levels of power so you can beat Arcann. Really, I think the game is deliberately downplaying Vaylin, so that with all your new advantages you clobber Arcann and then Vaylin comes in and is a freakishly hard fight. Or maybe even an Operations boss.
    I think we're going to beat Arcann, only for Valkorion to posess/align with Vaylin and be a huge big bad boss

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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    So here's something

    Apparently when the new chapter releases, we can have lightning on any of our weapons (including boasters) if we want


    Oh man. Those are gonna cost mad money. Unstable lightsabers are still going for north of 8 million credits and there have been what, 3 or 4 packs that drop them?

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    StrikorStrikor Calibrations? Calibrations! Registered User regular
    Where is my HK-55 inspired weapon tuning?

    Maybe it will be the June subscriber bonus.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    edited April 2016
    Those of you who are on Jedi Covenant server and have been on long enough to know who JMD is, I have a killer conspiracy theory.

    JMD is actually Donald Trump.

    Think about it, he says he is "the real myself" and Donald Trump's twitter is @realDonaldTrump. JMD talks incoherently about anything that pops into his head, and he's angered any time someone bruises his ego. Most importantly, since he was banned, he has a buddy (or multiple buddies?) who signs in daily on a new toon to talk incoherently in his place. That has got to be a paid assistant, because who else would be passionate enough about JMD to create brand new toons, usually more than once through out the day (as in, a new toon every few hours) and then come up with incoherent narratives to spew?

    Cambiata on
    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    So about those crafting changes.

    I kind of want to send my Artificer out an airlock now. At least he could make enhancements after the color crystal market tanked. Now it's hilts and... yeah. That's about it. Jeez.

    (at least synthweaving isn't a complete garbage fire anymore)

    Regina Fong on
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    Strikor wrote: »
    Where is my HK-55 inspired weapon tuning?

    Maybe it will be the June subscriber bonus.

    A non-shit subscriber bonus? Say it ain't so!

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Either the JMD clones really are paid assistants to Donald Trump, or the guy making the clones posts on PA.


    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    Doesn't that kind of crap get *old*? And how have these jackasses not gotten banned yet for their spam?

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Orca wrote: »
    Doesn't that kind of crap get *old*? And how have these jackasses not gotten banned yet for their spam?

    See, this is why I think they're paid for this duty! Because how could they possibly still be interested in "standing up for JMD" after so long? CONSPIRACY.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    DaimarDaimar A Million Feet Tall of Awesome Registered User regular
    why would you think they're other people and not just this JMD fellow creating new throwaway accounts?

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Daimar wrote: »
    why would you think they're other people and not just this JMD fellow creating new throwaway accounts?

    Because JMD had a very distinctive writing style that his clones are not very good at duplicating.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    Gotta love those conspiracy theories that can be evaporated by a single fucking google search.

    Why didn't Scalia get an autopsy? Texas state law says it's not necessary if there is no evidence of foul play and the family does not request one (and they did not).

    Why did Prince get an autopsy? Because a 57 year old found dead in an elevator is not normal, and while we don't know for sure, we can assume that his family didn't oppose an autopsy.

    But yeah, there is totally a conspiracy here. :rotate:

    I've been away from this game for so long I don't really know what's what anymore. The crafting changes to recipes seem disjointed. Some of my crafters retain old recipes under the "archives" tab but not all of them, a lot of the purple recipes I reverse engineered have vanished and have to be relearned. And it's very inconsistent. My artificer lost a bunch of purple hilt recipes, but not all of them, he still has about a dozen purple hilt recipes for various levels in the archive but many were lost. Augment recipes seem to have survived just fine. Also kicking myself because a long while back I vendored a bunch of luxury fabrics because they were just so very very useless, but now... not useless. Sigh.

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    Operative21Operative21 Registered User regular
    Cambiata wrote:
    Because JMD had a very distinctive writing style that his clones are not very good at duplicating.

    His "writing style" really makes me wanna wash my eyeballs with bleach, because evidently the style centers around a strong inability to spell anything properly.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Cambiata wrote:
    Because JMD had a very distinctive writing style that his clones are not very good at duplicating.

    His "writing style" really makes me wanna wash my eyeballs with bleach, because evidently the style centers around a strong inability to spell anything properly.

    It's actually harder to write with as little clarity as he does, that's why the clones can't do it. They're way too coherent.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    I finally beat the main storyline as a Bounty Hunter. Bounty Hunter was the very first class I rolled way back when at launch. Never completed Act 3 with him, a Mercenary. I also rolled a Commando pretty early on and again, he's stuck in Act 3 because it turned out that Mercenary/Commando would prove to be my second least favorite class.

    So off and on as I return to play some more SWTOR every now and again I have been working on a Powertech (who just completed Act 3) and a Vanguard. I wound up killing Tormen and sparing the Chancellor. I wanted my pardon, I felt like I got my revenge when I killed the jedi dickbag, and the Chancellor was not worthy prey, but a Dark Council member sure is.

    Is there any point to doing Hutt Cartel or Shadow of Revan content now? I'm already level 62 so should I just start Fallen Empire?

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    DaimarDaimar A Million Feet Tall of Awesome Registered User regular
    There's only one class specific mission on Rishi so if you can stand to skip that then that's up to you. The Trooper quest is a mission from your old friend Garza and the BH is...I forget but I'm sure the summary is on the internet.

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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    I think I will just power through all the old content but skip all sidequests completely. That should cut things down a little.

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    I totally enjoyed Revan stuff, but hutt cartel you can skip. I wouldn't even call it my favorite planet storyline, and there's zero class stuff in there

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