Above is the BYOC Tournament Schedule. Please thank Darc if you get a chance. He was pulled in to this pretty late, but I'm sure it's going to be awesome as always!
@mcdermott when i purchased mine a few days ago (like last week i think? time is blurring) i was not able to select a delivery method; simply stated that if it did not ship to me; that i would have to pick it up at will call. IMO it is worth a shot; if they let you buy it still; likely there are still seats? but our BYOC overlords would have the real answer. Maybe email paxquestions@reedexpo.com and pax_pc@paxsite.com; they should be able to help you i would imagine.
Bring your microphones and get on the Ventrilo server! It's a big room. This makes it a lot easier to organize games with people other than the ones sitting next to you. It helps a lot if the Vent server info gets announced over the loudspeakers.
Just wanted to say I used the link and ordered my BYOC today and picked up at Will Call 30 minutes later. Smooth as can be, provided you can find Will Call.
Thank you to the JERK that STOLE our phone chargers!!! Both the cords and the plugs....no way that they were left behind as they were next to our equipment!!!! WOW. Now I get to spend the rest of my time at BYOC ordering and PAYING FOR NEW CHARGERS!!!! THANKS...YOU SUCK!!!!
I'd say there's like an 80% chance that would be an accident. Just scooped them up when grabbing their things. It's not like phone chargers are high dollar items worth stealing.
That sucks though.
While I would like to believe that, there was no one sitting in the three seats immediately to my right today...and my group members were all sitting to my left. So unless someone 4 seats down thought they plugged in two phone chargers side by side three seats away from them, I think they were stolen.
And when is it okay to take non "high dollar" items? Stealing is stealing.
I'm positive; sitting to my left was my husband, then our friend, and then our group going 4 more seats to the left. It's does suck, it's not about the monetary loss, more about the violation of someone stealing from me, and the inconvenience of replacing the chargers. I would hope that this is an isolated incident and BYOC doesn't turn in to a free for all when it comes to packing out...people "mistakenly" taking things that are clearly no where near them or not secured down. I'm glad I remembered my laptop security cable...don't need someone mistakenly putting that in their bag and walking out.
Yeah, I've never had or heard of this happening in the few years I've been attending either. We've left other stuff there too, I always felt it was a good place you could drop off your stuff and not worry.
Fortunately my friend told me about Amazon Now (I'm not local) so my replacements should be here any moment, so I'll be back in business ready to fly out of here in the am fully charged!
Thanks to all the enforcers and BYOC admins for another great PAX PRIME BYOC. On a side note I'm just happy I had a computer, my car window got bashed in Thursday night parked next to the convention center and they stole my old laptop, but after they shot up and left heroin needles in my car they decided my desktop and monitor were to heavy or not expensive looking enough to carry off. Main point, always have a heavy desktop to deter homeless heroin addicts.
There is no blackness in this world which has not its mirror image in my soul.
I'm glad you have your desktop and monitor, I know it's little consolation for the window and laptop. Oh and the used needles in you're car. I mean they could have cleaned up after themselves.
To my knowledge Intel Lanfest with its 40+ sponsors usually puts on the raffle and they didn't sponsor the BYOC this year.
They didn't sponsor East this year either but luckily the company that did had a raffle. From what I've heard, it's very doubtful that Intel will be sponsoring a BYOC again.
Personally, I would love to get some Action Quake2 going. It's like Counter-Strike at Unreal Tournament speed.
Download: http://q2online.net/action
Also.... What about Artemis? japerry has a good point!
EDIT: Although I do now see that there are standee signs up.
While I would like to believe that, there was no one sitting in the three seats immediately to my right today...and my group members were all sitting to my left. So unless someone 4 seats down thought they plugged in two phone chargers side by side three seats away from them, I think they were stolen.
And when is it okay to take non "high dollar" items? Stealing is stealing.
Fortunately my friend told me about Amazon Now (I'm not local) so my replacements should be here any moment, so I'll be back in business ready to fly out of here in the am fully charged!
I'm glad you have your desktop and monitor, I know it's little consolation for the window and laptop. Oh and the used needles in you're car. I mean they could have cleaned up after themselves.
They didn't sponsor East this year either but luckily the company that did had a raffle. From what I've heard, it's very doubtful that Intel will be sponsoring a BYOC again.