Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus | Steam Sale | Tremendous Video Game | Fuck Nazis



  • FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    I get that it's for the sake of imagery, but I really doubt KKK members would have to hide their faces in this universe

    They barely hide their faces now.

    They never really hid their faces for anonymity as much as for intimidation.

  • Genji-GlovesGenji-Gloves Registered User regular
    Trailer sold me on the game. I didn't play the last one but seriously thinking about picking it up.

  • glimmungglimmung Registered User regular
    Trailer sold me on the game. I didn't play the last one but seriously thinking about picking it up.

    Just played it. Awesome game, great combat and organic stealth. Also to the surprise of everyone a doleful Blazkowicz.

  • Johnny ChopsockyJohnny Chopsocky Scootaloo! We have to cook! Grillin' HaysenburgersRegistered User regular
    I can't wait to continue to pay off my debt to Aldo Raine.

    100,000 Nazi scalps, coming right up.

    Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
  • Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    Trailer sold me on the game. I didn't play the last one but seriously thinking about picking it up.

    The New Order was one of the best shooters I felt until Doom (2016) came out.
    The Old Blood is skipable, but if you want more of the occult style Wolfen then it can scratch that itch.

  • KadokenKadoken Giving Ends to my Friends and it Feels Stupendous Registered User regular
    edited June 2017
    I actually preferred The Old Blood gameplay wise. I lost a lot of enthusiasm at the very last level of The New Order. I didn't feel like it was designed that well.

    Kadoken on
  • Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    Kadoken wrote: »
    I actually preferred The Old Blood gameplay wise. I lost a lot of enthusiasm at the very last level of The New Order. I didn't feel like it was designed that well.

    I can agree a bit with The New Order at the end being a bit of a bother. TNO much like Return to Castle Wolfenstein does escalate to the point where you kinda become numb to it. You just want to stealth and murder Nazi in their sleep. But instead you end up in long drawn out fire fights. I know its blasphemy to want to stealth it but GOD DAMN did TNO make it so much fun, and rewarding, to try and get through areas unseen.

    Mechanical wrote: »
    PMAvers wrote: »
    klemming wrote: »
    Spoilers from the first game:
    I thought a couple of people in the trailer were allies who died in the original game. I guess they're retconning that?
    I thought Max Haas died? He saw his dad get killed, he freaked out, he went down? Maybe he just got caught.

    I did like that they've apparently listened to the people who played the first game and said 'No, don't give the Iron Man suit to her, give it to me.'
    I mean sure it's great that she gets to walk again, but when you're sending one man to fight an actual army of Nazis, give him the goddamn Iron Man suit.
    Maybe while BJ was out this time, they were able to find a second? That would be nice.

    Based on that trailer I don't put Caroline's odds of survival very high, which might explain that.

    I'm a bit disappointed that it looks like they're going to fridge her like that

    But see how it goes

  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    Kadoken wrote: »
    I actually preferred The Old Blood gameplay wise. I lost a lot of enthusiasm at the very last level of The New Order. I didn't feel like it was designed that well.

    I can agree a bit with The New Order at the end being a bit of a bother. TNO much like Return to Castle Wolfenstein does escalate to the point where you kinda become numb to it. You just want to stealth and murder Nazi in their sleep. But instead you end up in long drawn out fire fights. I know its blasphemy to want to stealth it but GOD DAMN did TNO make it so much fun, and rewarding, to try and get through areas unseen.

    The throwing knife is hilariously overpowered in TNO.

    An entire base of Nazis slaughtered - cause of death: knife to left buttock.

  • Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    I could never reproduce it but I love the one glitch in The New Order I found


    All dogs go to heaven

  • BlackDragon480BlackDragon480 Bluster Kerfuffle Master of Windy ImportRegistered User regular

    Uuuuggghhh...come to Butthead...

    *now sporting large and obvious erection*

    No matter where you go...there you are.
    ~ Buckaroo Banzai
  • Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    I'm picturing BJ on the streets. Nazi and Nazi sympathizers everywhere he sees. And that Come Get Some smile crosses his face as he enters a hunting store and buys all the knives. The population of the immediate area drops by 50% overnight. Serial Butt Stabbings.

  • Wraith260Wraith260 Happiest Goomba! Registered User regular
    edited June 2017
    I'm picturing BJ on the streets. Nazi and Nazi sympathizers everywhere he sees. And that Come Get Some smile crosses his face as he enters a hunting store and buys all the knives. The population of the immediate area drops by 50% overnight. Serial Butt Stabbings.


    Wraith260 on
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    Huh, interesting. Noticed that pre-orders were up on Steam, and there's a Digital Deluxe version that comes with a season pass.

    So we're getting even more Nazi killin'.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Igpx407 wrote: »
    This was crazy to wake up to. It's weird how relevant a game about killing Nazis has become in 2017, and I really wonder how MachineGames feels about that. I hope some good interviews with them come out of E3. I mean the KKK as Nazi collaborators? God damn.

    I mean....what else would they be?

    Well, they're ultranationalists so I would presume they'd be pretty antagonistic toward the idea of a foreign power invading "their" America. The KKK being in the game seems more like MachineGames trying to tie in portions of 60s/70s American culture more than anything (the Black Power movement, mind expanding drugs, etc) the same way they tied 60s culture into TNO (the London Monitor representing the beginnings of European surveillance, the fake record label they created with all of the altered German covers of popular songs from the era, "Jimi" as a potential resistance member).

    The question I have is that if the game takes place in the 60s, and BJ was born in 1911 in the TNO/TOB timeline, than that would put him in his early 50s for The New Colossus. He's nearing AARP age and has gone through two comas (one caused by being at ground zero from a nuke blast). They're either going to have to Splinter Cell the shit out of the dude or come up with some reason for him to still be running around killing Nazis when he's almost old enough for a senior citizen discount.

  • SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.

    I mean part of the appeal of The New Order was seeing Blaskowicz as a character out of time and out of place, channeling his singular purpose of murderizing Nazis in order to find relevance in the world that moved on without him.

    If you look at it a certain way it's pretty meta!

  • MrVyngaardMrVyngaard Live From New Etoile Straight Outta SosariaRegistered User regular
    edited June 2017
    Guy was around all kinds of weird occult objects during his timeline, maybe some of that mojo stuck. If nothing else, he's proof that God favors fools and madmen.

    Edit: Like what BRIAN BLESSED said - feels like B.J.'s got some of that Moorcockian Eternal Champion thing in his pulp makeup nowadays. Terror Billy, demigod of Nazi killing and psyched-ness.

    MrVyngaard on
    "now I've got this mental image of caucuses as cafeteria tables in prison, and new congressmen having to beat someone up on inauguration day." - Raiden333
  • webguy20webguy20 I spend too much time on the Internet Registered User regular
    There could be some great stuff if they have some more down time segments, and some of it is him dealing with the ruin that his body is becoming, but still soldiering on for his wife and kids. There is some good stuff there if the writers can pull it off.

    Steam ID: Webguy20
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    Untappd ID: Discgolfer1981
  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Based on that hexagonal helmet body suit thing in the trailer it looks like you basically get prosthetic armor that lets you still move and fight.

  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    3clipse wrote: »
    Based on that hexagonal helmet body suit thing in the trailer it looks like you basically get prosthetic armor that lets you still move and fight.
    Yeah, I mean (spoilers for the first game):
    That armor let a person who was confined to a wheelchair jump around like Spiderman, I'm pretty sure it can make BJ Blasckwiejeiwjezks lithe and spry.

  • Wraith260Wraith260 Happiest Goomba! Registered User regular
    spoilers just in case anyone wants to go in totally blind,
    the cat-monkey we see in the trailer might be a hint at what happens to BJ. seems you start off in a pretty bad way and play the first part of the game confined to a wheelchair. theory is that you get your head put on a new body at some point. so maybe you use the power suit to walk in your old broken body, which we know it can do, and then swap onto a new fit and healthy body later on.

    there's shots showing BJ with and without some kind of metal strip around his neck. an upgrade off the cat-monkeys collar perhaps?


  • GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    Wild speculation:
    Cyborg BJ versus Mecha Hitler

    Black lives matter.
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
    ACNH Island Isla Cero: DA-3082-2045-4142
    Captain of the SES Comptroller of the State
  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Wild speculation:
    Cyborg BJ versus Mecha Hitler

    My favorite Cards Against Humanity card.

  • Medium DaveMedium Dave Registered User regular
    The creative director mentioned on the GB Nites 1 that once you go Mecha Hitler, you're done. You can't top Mecha Hitler. Mecha Hitler is the end, there's no baddie bigger than Mecha Hitler, so the implication is that he isn't in Wolf 2.

  • GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    Fine...Cyborg BJ versus Clone Hitler. Hitler's head survives the fight so there can be Mecha Hitler in the sequel.

    Black lives matter.
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
    ACNH Island Isla Cero: DA-3082-2045-4142
    Captain of the SES Comptroller of the State
  • SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Minor spoilers for the beginning of the game.


  • Big DookieBig Dookie Smells great! Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Not sure I've seen those reporters before, but they're surprisingly tolerable compared to most who do this kind of thing. Might I even say, good?

    Either way, I like the cut of their jib.

    Steam | Twitch
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  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    Big Dookie wrote: »
    Not sure I've seen those reporters before, but they're surprisingly tolerable compared to most who do this kind of thing. Might I even say, good?
    They're pretty okay - though, to be honest, I mostly watch them because I find Jane exceedingly easy on the eye.

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • Genji-GlovesGenji-Gloves Registered User regular
    I purchased the old blood yesterday because it was cheap on steam and I want to get the backstory before this comes out. Been a while since a trailer released for a new game made me go:

    "Damn! Better pick up the one before it."

  • Wraith260Wraith260 Happiest Goomba! Registered User regular
    I purchased the old blood yesterday because it was cheap on steam and I want to get the backstory before this comes out. Been a while since a trailer released for a new game made me go:

    "Damn! Better pick up the one before it."

    The Old Blood was more of a stand alone expansion(and a prequel i think). The New Order was the full game and the sequel will pick up from its ending.

  • SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    I purchased the old blood yesterday because it was cheap on steam and I want to get the backstory before this comes out. Been a while since a trailer released for a new game made me go:

    "Damn! Better pick up the one before it."

    The Old Blood was more of a stand alone expansion(and a prequel i think). The New Order was the full game and the sequel will pick up from its ending.
    Yeah, The Old Blood ends the second before The New Order begins.

    TOB came out after TNO, though.

  • Genji-GlovesGenji-Gloves Registered User regular
    Oh well, looks like I'll have to plow through Old Blood then the New order when I can.

  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    The new order is a lot of fun.

  • Wraith260Wraith260 Happiest Goomba! Registered User regular
    i'm just getting around to playing The New Blood for the first time myself. gameplay isn't much different, but the story seems lacking in comparison to TNO. can see why others have said NB is skipable.

  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    OMFG this game is capped at 60 fps on the PC? WHY?! WHY?!

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    OMFG this game is capped at 60 fps on the PC? WHY?! WHY?!


  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    It will be pretty surreal when the day arrives that we'll be regularly complaining about pc games being capped at 60 fps because of consoles. This day is, incidentally, not that far off now.

  • KhraulKhraul Registered User regular
    I loved the blend of old-school shooter and stealth mechanics in TNO, as well as the rpg-lite character progression. The cinematics really drew me in as well. It's one of the best shooters I've played in years.

    I've now only played a bit of Old Blood, but I'm finding it's not pushing the same buttons.

    I have high hopes for Colossus.

    Bnet - Khraul#1822
    Gamertag - Khraul
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  • KadokenKadoken Giving Ends to my Friends and it Feels Stupendous Registered User regular
    edited June 2017
    I really like The Old Blood. Except for the fact you don't get to play with the old WW2 weapons, I think it's a lot better than RTCW.

    I would have preferred at least one alternate type weapon in TNO for each of the classes. It didn't help that some weapons like the rifle part of the laser gun barely had ammo in the levels. I get Germans took over the world but how about alternate models?

    Kadoken on
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