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Penny Arcade - Comic - The Dumbest Timeline



  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    edited February 2018
    Daimar wrote: »
    Cambiata wrote: »
    the qualifier, Cambiata is that he'd have to use his own money for that. When youtube stops being the centralized one stop shop for all video media, left, right, absurd, etc wing, he'll buy his own.
    The caveat with Youtube, is that *everyone* goes there. that is how you get found. if you made your own little spot on the internet without the followers, no one would know you existed.
    With however many millions of followers he has now, sure he can do that now, but not before then.

    Oh sure, if he was a no-name I'd totally get why he doesn't do his own spinoff streaming service. But since he has made a name for himself already, and is actually being discussed in the news so much that now even an old fogey like me knows who he is, you'd think he'd spin that into his own money-making opportunity - TrollTube or some shit, renting out space to all the internet personalities THEY don't want you to see. I bet even some non-controversial personalities would want to come over just because lots of people (rightly) hate Youtube right now. Supposedly he's worth 13 mil, that should be more than enough to get him started... if not maybe he could get some silicon valley investors, he seems their type of hero.

    There's no reason for him to go to a streaming service that he has to pay for himself since he can stay on YouTube for free and up to very recently, get paid to be there. People who monetize their content on YouTube get paid for serving ads, so in order for another streaming service to make sense, he'd have to be able to sell ads, and that adds a whole other layer of complexity to someone who just wants to shout and be a dickhead. As long as YouTube doesn't ban you, there's no upside for anyone to pay for a different streaming service.

    Well, I guess I was running on the theory that Youtube would eventually find the need to ban or de-monitize him, though granted right now that may be thinking too highly of all the participants. But in the event Youtube DID get brave and shut him down, would his audience really not follow him to wherever? I guess his popularity may be more precarious than I think it is, but there are (I'm led to believe) many fans who make their own Youtube videos about why whatever Logan Paul is doing is OK and to take him off Youtube would be tantamount to a hate crime, you'd think if someone puts that much effort into their fandom, they'd put up the effort to add a new bookmark to LoganPaul dot com to their browser.

    I say this as someone who's favorite web show,, isn't available on Youtube because they kept banning his channel for copyright even though his work clearly and obviously falls under fair use.

    Cambiata on
    "excuse my French
    But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
    - Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
  • AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    So, something I found out today - when Law & Order:
    did their Giggledygoop episode (and yes, I'm going to keep calling it that, it's a name as ridiculous as the movement itself), they cast Paul as the villain.

    That's a bit of on the nose casting.

    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
  • AkimbojoeAkimbojoe Registered User regular
    Are you in Tycho's Crew or Gabe's Crew? Whhhhhaaaaa, rap battle time, mad disrespectin', wow these guys have some real bad blood.

    Boom, 4 million more followers.

  • lionheartssjlionheartssj Registered User regular
    Jerry's write up for this one is pretty spot on.

  • VerekuVereku Registered User new member
    Amazing rendering of Logan Paul, XD

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    Sadgasm wrote: »
    Well, what do you want, you expect YouTube to alienate all the racist, loudmouthed assholes? Thats like a third of their entire userbase. Racism and stupidity is their lifeblood.

    Sadly, given Trump's election and the Brexit referendum's outcome, I think you're low-balling that figure.

    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited February 2018
    um... yes?
    sometimes it really is that simple.

    Yes, Logan Paul was attempting to defibrillate a dead rat using a Taser?

    For the purposes of verifying this claim, I watched the relevant section of the video in question (relevant section: 4:20-6:18). He clearly shouts "Die!" at 5:11, after having discharged the Taser at the dead rats (there are two).

    I think that's proof enough against the theory.

    I feel like either you didn't understand @Commander Zoom's post, or I really didn't understand it? It seems to be a response to the post Zilla360 made immediately before it:
    Zilla360 wrote: »
    I really can't understand why Logan Paul hasn't had his channel deleted, and his account perma-banned already.
    If a smaller channel did the same horrible shit they'd get shutdown by YT. Yet it seems like it's one rule for bigger channels and different ones for everyone else. :confused:

    And not in response to the strip itself, which is what you seem to have interpreted it as.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • identeregareidenteregare Registered User regular
    edited February 2018
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    um... yes?
    sometimes it really is that simple.

    Yes, Logan Paul was attempting to defibrillate a dead rat using a Taser?

    For the purposes of verifying this claim, I watched the relevant section of the video in question (relevant section: 4:20-6:18). He clearly shouts "Die!" at 5:11, after having discharged the Taser at the dead rats (there are two).

    I think that's proof enough against the theory.

    I feel like either you didn't understand @Commander Zoom's post, or I really didn't understand it? It seems to be a response to the post Zilla360 made immediately before it:
    Zilla360 wrote: »
    I really can't understand why Logan Paul hasn't had his channel deleted, and his account perma-banned already.
    If a smaller channel did the same horrible shit they'd get shutdown by YT. Yet it seems like it's one rule for bigger channels and different ones for everyone else. :confused:

    And not in response to the strip itself, which is what you seem to have interpreted it as.

    Huh. My bad. @Commander Zoom didn't quote the comment he was replying to, so I took it to mean that he was commenting on the strip itself, which does end on a question ("Is it possible that this [i.e. tazing dead rats] was some youthful, misguided attempt at defibrillation?") which could admit a yes-no answer.

    Of course, while typing my original response, I was half-wondering exactly how many levels of irony the comment was operating on.

    identeregare on
  • wallywestwallywest Registered User regular
    Vereku wrote: »
    Amazing rendering of Logan Paul, XD

    Agreed, and the only reason I know that is from seeing the dude's pic in some random news feed.

    Sadly even after reading said news feed I still have no idea what this is all about. Some random idiot posting videos of random jackassery? Shocking, this has never happened before, the internet is reeling. *shrug*

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    um... yes?
    sometimes it really is that simple.

    Yes, Logan Paul was attempting to defibrillate a dead rat using a Taser?

    For the purposes of verifying this claim, I watched the relevant section of the video in question (relevant section: 4:20-6:18). He clearly shouts "Die!" at 5:11, after having discharged the Taser at the dead rats (there are two).

    I think that's proof enough against the theory.

    I feel like either you didn't understand "Commander Zoom"'s post, or I really didn't understand it? It seems to be a response to the post Zilla360 made immediately before it:
    Zilla360 wrote: »
    I really can't understand why Logan Paul hasn't had his channel deleted, and his account perma-banned already.
    If a smaller channel did the same horrible shit they'd get shutdown by YT. Yet it seems like it's one rule for bigger channels and different ones for everyone else. :confused:

    And not in response to the strip itself, which is what you seem to have interpreted it as.

    Huh. My bad. "Commander Zoom" didn't quote the comment he was replying to, so I took it to mean that he was commenting on the strip itself, which does end on a question ("Is it possible that this [i.e. tazing dead rats] was some youthful, misguided attempt at defibrillation?") which could admit a yes-no answer.

    Of course, while typing my original response, I was half-wondering exactly how many levels of irony the comment was operating on.

    No worries, just wanted to clarify.

    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited February 2018
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Zilla360 wrote: »
    I really can't understand why Logan Paul hasn't had his channel deleted, and his account perma-banned already.
    If a smaller channel did the same horrible shit they'd get shutdown by YT. Yet it seems like it's one rule for bigger channels and different ones for everyone else. :confused:

    Dollah Dollah Billz yall

    Shit Golem brings in that money. A smaller channel is easier to get rid of because it offers less to Youtube than someone super popular like Shit Golem. Though, I think I read somewhere that his videos have been temporarily demonitized or something?

    Temporarily demonitized, then he gets another 1.4 million subscribers because the masses are fucking dumb to begin with, and whatever he lost is just a roadbump compared to what he's gained in subs. A business expense if you will.

    And instead youtube rewards that shit because that is one of the few who make money. Slap the hand so the masses see 'justice done'. Theyll forget in 24hrs because we live in a 10hr news cycle.

    He did it with that japanese suicide forest, and look how he managed to break through to complete public awareness. He knows the youtube algorithm and he knows how theyll respond now. And he doesnt give a fuck about everyone else that are being burned by youtube's reactionary policy because he got his.

    So yes, there comes a point where one 'should' say, we no longer want to partner with you. Its just not the greaseballs at youtube.

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • AbsalonAbsalon Lands of Always WinterRegistered User regular
    Its hair looks too good.

  • jz78817jz78817 Registered User new member
    Mikey CTS wrote: »
    A few popular Youtubers have tried to make new platforms and failed. In my e-commerce class we discussed this. Once a platform is established, it's very difficult for it to go away cause people will naturally drift back to the sites that are most prevalent in their mind. It's the same reason people drift into Walmart rather than a smaller department store. Or why they'll continue to eat at Applebee's rather than a vastly superior local place.

    as an aside, it's not given that a local place will be "vastly superior." your average "mom & pop" diner just throws together shit they buy off of the Sysco or Gordon Food Services truck.

  • OverkillengineOverkillengine Registered User regular
    jz78817 wrote: »
    Mikey CTS wrote: »
    A few popular Youtubers have tried to make new platforms and failed. In my e-commerce class we discussed this. Once a platform is established, it's very difficult for it to go away cause people will naturally drift back to the sites that are most prevalent in their mind. It's the same reason people drift into Walmart rather than a smaller department store. Or why they'll continue to eat at Applebee's rather than a vastly superior local place.

    as an aside, it's not given that a local place will be "vastly superior." your average "mom & pop" diner just throws together shit they buy off of the Sysco or Gordon Food Services truck.

    Last two "mom & pop" diners in my town failed because of that. Can't get away with mom & pop prices for very long if you don't have the expected mom & pop quality. Meanwhile the chain convenience store/gas station/pizza & sub joint is still open and doing brisk business because the markup has not exceeded cost+convenience.

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