for real, i tried out some vr stuff at a pax once. whatever allotted time we had to play it me and my wife only used about 1/3rd of it because we both got raging headaches and felt nauseous.
for real, i tried out some vr stuff at a pax once. whatever allotted time we had to play it me and my wife only used about 1/3rd of it because we both got raging headaches and felt nauseous.
What we really need is a holodeck.
OctoberRavenPlays fighting games for the storySkyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered Userregular
So... for Gabe, VR is either a founding father of heavy metal, or an urban legend concocted in the 19th century?
Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
"The amount of VR he can suffer through - even chemically augmented - is apparently governed by some kind of glowing bar, and this bar refills at a trickle."
So Grimboria's VR tolerance is basically a shitty Facebook "energy" system that he needs to buy virtual currency for to load more than 1% per hour?
But signatures don't really work, do they?
Zilla36021st Century. |She/Her|Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered Userregular
I can only last about an hour in PSVR, not because of motion sickness (I luckily don't have that problem at all).
It's the lenses fogging up from my breath/weird shaped nose. It's like a gross eye-sauna.
@zilla360 I find that when that starts to happen, I can slide the visor out a little away from my face, which lets the heat escape out the top of the headset for a while. It's obviously "less immersive" this way, but it does allow me to keep playing.
Yeah, they never mention the motion sickness in all those old sci fi stories.
Everything old is new again. ;-)
The bucket's cool, but it's no tarp.
What we really need is a holodeck.
Key word: "an." An iron maiden is the latter, Iron Maiden is the former.
So Grimboria's VR tolerance is basically a shitty Facebook "energy" system that he needs to buy virtual currency for to load more than 1% per hour?
It's the lenses fogging up from my breath/weird shaped nose. It's like a gross eye-sauna.