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PAX East 2018 Parties & Community Events

djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the DatasBoston MetroRegistered User regular
edited April 2018 in PAX East
So, there isn't a thread yet...therefore let's start one: (did a bit of house cleaning)

Before Wednesday (4/4)
Wednesday (4/4) - PAX-mass Eve
Thursday(4/5) 1st Night of PAX-mass

Friday(4/6) 2nd Night of PAX-mass

Saturday(4/7) 3rd Night of PAX-mass
Sunday(4/8) 4th and final Night of PAX-mass

    Post Sunday PAX-ish events

      Additional Notes:
      • Not going to add "Invite Only" (i.e. Twitch Partner Party)

      djlybs on


      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        Also, not really a party per se, but I run a D&D meetup that we normally do a social event on the Tuesday before East in Cambridge (see this for details: ).

        All are welcome. Please RSVP, so I can arrange with the restaurant.

      • sfford2008sfford2008 Registered User regular
        edited February 2018
        Think we can get a thread like in past where the original post is updated with the new parties and events by day? Is there a way to pin something to the top of this thread? I can try to update as needed if we need someone to do that.

        sfford2008 on
      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        sfford2008 wrote: »
        Think we can get a thread like in past where the original post is updated with the new parties and events by day? Is there a way to pin something to the top of this thread? I can try to update as needed if we need someone to do that.

        I can scan this thread about once a day and add new events to the original post as need.

      • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
        edited February 2018

        EDIT Looks like Sidequesting is also keeping a compilation of advertised parties. They usually do a good job of keeping up to date but OP’s efforts are appreciated too

        imnotalawyer on
      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        EDIT Looks like Sidequesting is also keeping a compilation of advertised parties. They usually do a good job of keeping up to date but OP’s efforts are appreciated too

        Thanks, didn't know that existed. So, I'll keep adding to this thread as that site might not have everything going down during PAX-Mass weekend.

      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        edited March 2018
        Added PPD

        djlybs on
      • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
        you could also add pre-pax board game night happening wednesday as well. There's a thread here about it, but it was recently confirmed as happening :)

      • EscoBladesEscoBlades Product Marketing Manager at Ubisoft Registered User regular
        EDIT Looks like Sidequesting is also keeping a compilation of advertised parties. They usually do a good job of keeping up to date but OP’s efforts are appreciated too

        Yeah they do it every year. Always a great resource for the publicly listed parties.

        Product Marketing Manager on Watch Dogs: Legion
        Youtube | Twitter
      • ironysparklesironysparkles Lowell, MARegistered User regular
        The Laugh Boston event the day before last year was a room of indie developers with games to play/demo, and free pizza that didn't last long (they should really limit people to two slices at a time). We had to RSVP beforehand, and it was okay. There was a really fun Smash Bros style game with slimes that I loved but never followed up on!

      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        The Laugh Boston event the day before last year was a room of indie developers with games to play/demo, and free pizza that didn't last long (they should really limit people to two slices at a time). We had to RSVP beforehand, and it was okay. There was a really fun Smash Bros style game with slimes that I loved but never followed up on!

        Right, but what I'm referring to is something that is being put on by asylum gaming & esports. They regularly do an event called "Player1/Player2" at laugh boston. During the last few PAX'es, they have taken over Laugh Boston with gaming and such. They do it all day and I use it for a break from the PAX madness. During the day, entry is usually free and at night they charge for entry.

      • danielofthekingsdanielofthekings Silver Spring, MarylandRegistered User regular
      • nomisronomisro Brooklyn, NY, USARegistered User regular
        I haven't heard anything from Harmonix this year. Did anybody attend their party last year? if so how was it?

      • KryptoLojikKryptoLojik Grand Master of Funkotron NE Pa.Registered User regular
        Not sure why this list isn't being updated so here's some parties.

        Thursday: Super Das Nerd Klubb 2 @ The Attic

        Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Pax East meet and greet @ Asgard Irish Pub

        Watch the Skies @ BCEC

        Friday: Acer party sponsored by Intel, Nvidia, and PCGamer. @ Club Royale -

        Also Laugh Bostons website calendar a has an event set aside for Thurs, Fri, Sat. Stay tuned for details.

      • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
        I was at harmonix last year. Its still my favorite party to go to every year. Keep an eye on their twitter, tickets usually get released in waves. Free food, two free drink tickets and open play for rock band. They also usually have a few live bands play.

      • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
        Pokecrawl will be Thursday, more info coming soon :)

        I go to Harmonix every year, they usually have it at the Hard Rock and typically 1 room has their latest games that you can play without waiting 2 hours on the con floor, and the other room has live music. They also usually provide a buffet with enough food to count as dinner and a drink ticket.

      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        smorggie wrote: »
        Pokecrawl will be Thursday, more info coming soon :)

        I go to Harmonix every year, they usually have it at the Hard Rock and typically 1 room has their latest games that you can play without waiting 2 hours on the con floor, and the other room has live music. They also usually provide a buffet with enough food to count as dinner and a drink ticket.

        Yeah, Pokecrawl is awesome (I've been one or two), but I feel it sells out quicker than PAX's do or as quick as the Harmonix party does....I've had this happen one too many times "oh, I'll by a ticket tomorrow"... to only be disappointed...

        Not sure why this list isn't being updated so here's some parties.

        Thursday: Super Das Nerd Klubb 2 @ The Attic

        Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Pax East meet and greet @ Asgard Irish Pub

        Watch the Skies @ BCEC

        Friday: Acer party sponsored by Intel, Nvidia, and PCGamer. @ Club Royale -

        Also Laugh Bostons website calendar a has an event set aside for Thurs, Fri, Sat. Stay tuned for details.

        I've been updating this on regular basis as new events come to light. Please feel free to either message me or post to the thread and I'll add them to the master list at the top of the thread.

      • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
        This is happening the Wed night before Pax. It's not Pax related but probably of interest to many Pax attendees:
        Board Game Speed Dating at Down the Road Beer Co.

        Disclaimer: This is a case of shameless self promotion. I work at DTR in the tap room and suggested they do this event, also I will be there serving beers during board game speed dating night so come say hi!

      • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
        Guys we are looking for Pokecrawl volunteers in order to make it happen! I posted details in this thread, please consider volunteering, it's way easier than you might think!

      • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
        Bethesda is doing something at Laugh Boston during the day saturday:

      • deestardeestar [E]nforcer PAXEast Vermont Registered User regular
        craiola wrote: »
        Bethesda is doing something at Laugh Boston during the day saturday:

        Beat me to it

      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        deestar wrote: »
        craiola wrote: »
        Bethesda is doing something at Laugh Boston during the day saturday:

        Beat me to it

        wow, that was quick, the event is already sold out.

      • RedK232RedK232 Registered User regular
        Im sure they will let small waves in from time to time. Since its literally right next to the con.

      • Sudds27Sudds27 Registered User regular
        I'm late posting to the forums! I think that this is my 4th year putting up the Bat signal. Everyone that I hooked up last year (Friday night at Royale)... we do it again this year. Shoot me a text so I can get a head count. Anyone else that doesn't want to wait in line this year... send me a message. Typically I don't want to bring in too many people... but most people don't even take me up on the offer! Last year we walked in through the super cool "rockstar" entrance. Royale... Friday night... no waiting in that long ass line. Gamers taking care of gamers!

      • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
        Sudds! I totally intend on taking you up on this offer this year. We were originally going to, but then some people in my group got sick. I'll shoot you a message :)

      • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular
        Sudds27 wrote: »
        I'm late posting to the forums! I think that this is my 4th year putting up the Bat signal. Everyone that I hooked up last year (Friday night at Royale)... we do it again this year. Shoot me a text so I can get a head count. Anyone else that doesn't want to wait in line this year... send me a message. Typically I don't want to bring in too many people... but most people don't even take me up on the offer! Last year we walked in through the super cool "rockstar" entrance. Royale... Friday night... no waiting in that long ass line. Gamers taking care of gamers!

        How many can you bring in? My group totals 5.

      • Sudds27Sudds27 Registered User regular
        Craiola, I got your message and I'll send you my info. Triipledot shoot me a message and I'll send you my info as well. Right now... my numbers are LOW... I have my boy Mike for sure and then I think 5 other people. Last year, we rolled about 15 deep.

      • rpgamer246rpgamer246 Registered User regular
        Sudds27 wrote: »
        I'm late posting to the forums! I think that this is my 4th year putting up the Bat signal. Everyone that I hooked up last year (Friday night at Royale)... we do it again this year. Shoot me a text so I can get a head count. Anyone else that doesn't want to wait in line this year... send me a message. Typically I don't want to bring in too many people... but most people don't even take me up on the offer! Last year we walked in through the super cool "rockstar" entrance. Royale... Friday night... no waiting in that long ass line. Gamers taking care of gamers!

        dropping you a message!

      • Sudds27Sudds27 Registered User regular
        One small detail that I left out of my amazing plan to cut the line... I need people to meet me around 8:45pm. I know that it doesn't work into everyone schedule... but that's when we have to meet up. So it's good and bad... good because you'll be one of the first people inside... bad because you have to be there early. Same rules apply as well... 21 plus. THANKS!

      • Sudds27Sudds27 Registered User regular
        Update... I think that I have a max count of people!!! RPGamer, Crailoa, Sammills... I have you all accounted for. Triiipledot, shoot me a text and we'll make a game day decision. Honestly I can probably still do it. I just want to set expectations. HOWEVER... everyone come find me during the party and if possible I'll get you a drink. I'm a short, white dude straight out of Boston... you can't miss me.

      • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
        Thanks Sudds! You're the best :)

      • Sudds27Sudds27 Registered User regular
        Ha! Thank me once I get you in and you have a drink in hand!

      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        Sudds27 wrote: »
        Update... I think that I have a max count of people!!! RPGamer, Crailoa, Sammills... I have you all accounted for. Triiipledot, shoot me a text and we'll make a game day decision. Honestly I can probably still do it. I just want to set expectations. HOWEVER... everyone come find me during the party and if possible I'll get you a drink. I'm a short, white dude straight out of Boston... you can't miss me.

        So does that mean you'll be talking with a Southie accent, wanting Tom Brady's baby (see Ted 2), and talking about how it was "better" with Whitey running Boston :)

      • Sudds27Sudds27 Registered User regular
        Ummmm... I don't think that any of those apply to me but you never know. My accent seems to come and go and I have no idea (or as I say "idear") why.

      • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
        Did anyone get any sort of email confirmation from the Bethesda Woobox site (back when it was live)? I can't find anything in my inbox.


        Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
      • BigDumbHippyBigDumbHippy Registered User regular
        Guild wars/Arenanet announced they're having a community party saturday night

      • deestardeestar [E]nforcer PAXEast Vermont Registered User regular
        Did anyone get any sort of email confirmation from the Bethesda Woobox site (back when it was live)? I can't find anything in my inbox.
        I have not gotten anything yet and since I play ESO I have anything Bethesda marked "Not Spam" -- they did say they would be sending info out closer to the event

      • djlybsdjlybs Slayer of the Datas Boston MetroRegistered User regular
        Add the Red Bull Arcade Event @ Laugh Boston

      • CabadrinCabadrin Boston, MARegistered User regular
      • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
        Wednesday night, line 3 should read "Pre Pax Game Night" instead of just "Pre Pax"

        Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
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