I know this might not mean that much
but by your work I have been touched.
Not in a strange or creepy fashion-
though at times you earn just that reaction.
You've got a talent. A certain knack
and though you've shown some lack of tact
on the whole your work is great.
I hope this engenders a peaceful state.
Some peace of mind and strength of heart.
We all at times need a second start.
I hope this brings you more recognition...
and a much more self-loving condition.
I hope my poetic post is OK. I just wanted to let a fellow bard know their hard work, struggle and brevity in the face of an oft times all too oppressive, stressful and frightening world was very much appreciated. I'll be picking this up for sure when I'm able to afford it.
My favorite aspect of any PA thing is "Please ignore what Penny Arcade stands for and enjoy this completely different from who we are product" like Childs Play or that line of chuwarro dogs.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
My favorite aspect of any PA thing is "Please ignore what Penny Arcade stands for and enjoy this completely different from who we are product" like Childs Play or that line of chuwarro dogs.
Humans are complex beings with many different aspects to their personality. I feel whatever missteps people (including myself) may feel they've made IMO their good works more than make up for it. Of course it helps I've seen them make a lot of strides forward in regards to becoming more compassionate human beings. I might be biased, though. If anyone who knows me now had known me 11 or so years ago they might not have liked me as much. As self-centered as I can be now I was an intolerably selfish and whiny person then. I'm grateful a few good friends decided the better angels of my nature were worth putting up with the annoyance.
It also helps I don't hate myself quite as much as I used to.
KoopahTroopahThe koopas, the troopas.Philadelphia, PARegistered Userregular
I got an email today that my Lexcalibur shipped out. It will 100% be poop reading material.
So the subtitle of this book "For Adventurers Above and Below the World."
This book is definitely On Brand for Penny Arcade. It might be a "G rated book written for children" but it doesn't appear to have strayed far from the nest.
Hey, people can bitch about all the side projects, and I'll admit I'm not a fan either, but you have to admire the sheer variation they've managed to put out there. Not a lot of cartoonists continue to explore creatively if they manage to strike it rich.
I like their side projects better than their main project. Yeah, their web comic is great and I read it religiously, but all their other stuff is just so much better.
Lookouts, Automata, Aqc Inc, all of it is soooooo good.
I still yearn for more content from some of their side projects, like the Night Lights one or whatever it was called. Heck, even SAND was awesome and I want to see more content in that universe.
I've got Thornwatch backed and am eagerly awaiting delivery.
Sorry, I just dont. It's always like sitting through a week of guest strips made by the actual creators, it's just not what I'm on the site for. Had they been posted on another site, or just in another part without interrupting regular service, I would probably be more into them.
I disagree with your definition, and am not interested in debating you on the matter. Whatever axe you have to grind about the actual side projects that occasionally interrupt the service you think you’re owed can wait for another day.
We are all missing the important thing here in this discussion: How close does Tubes comic form match his real form?
In real life I have full, thick facial hair, reminiscent of Odin or an ancient mountain god.
To make this point, you should probably link to something not including a fully bearded out Eric Benson. With him in the video, I'm not sure which one is you and which one is Jerry.
Did something like this actually happen? Is there a morning show clip we can watch where Jerry desperately tries keep the host from finding out giraffes/ ostriches/ snakes.
Did something like this actually happen? Is there a morning show clip we can watch where Jerry desperately tries keep the host from finding out giraffes/ ostriches/ snakes.
Incidentally, the comma is right. Semicolons separate independent clauses. "If they do find it" is a prepositional phrase and thus a comma or nothing is correct.
but by your work I have been touched.
Not in a strange or creepy fashion-
though at times you earn just that reaction.
You've got a talent. A certain knack
and though you've shown some lack of tact
on the whole your work is great.
I hope this engenders a peaceful state.
Some peace of mind and strength of heart.
We all at times need a second start.
I hope this brings you more recognition...
and a much more self-loving condition.
Humans are complex beings with many different aspects to their personality. I feel whatever missteps people (including myself) may feel they've made IMO their good works more than make up for it. Of course it helps I've seen them make a lot of strides forward in regards to becoming more compassionate human beings. I might be biased, though. If anyone who knows me now had known me 11 or so years ago they might not have liked me as much. As self-centered as I can be now I was an intolerably selfish and whiny person then. I'm grateful a few good friends decided the better angels of my nature were worth putting up with the annoyance.
It also helps I don't hate myself quite as much as I used to.
Take comfort in that, Jerry.
(If not, cheers anyway because fuck it it's Friday.)
It can be found in the store here.
The instant I saw this comic, my first thought was "Is that Tube?" Good to see it confirmed.
This book is definitely On Brand for Penny Arcade. It might be a "G rated book written for children" but it doesn't appear to have strayed far from the nest.
Ditto. The "C" Team, especially, is can't-miss viewing for me. It single-handedly rekindled my love for D&D.
Lookouts, Automata, Aqc Inc, all of it is soooooo good.
I still yearn for more content from some of their side projects, like the Night Lights one or whatever it was called. Heck, even SAND was awesome and I want to see more content in that universe.
I've got Thornwatch backed and am eagerly awaiting delivery.
Watched all of Strip Search... it was great.
What was the one with the kid and parent on their way to a new world? Wasn't it optioned to become... something?
Sorry, I just dont. It's always like sitting through a week of guest strips made by the actual creators, it's just not what I'm on the site for. Had they been posted on another site, or just in another part without interrupting regular service, I would probably be more into them.
...the entire strip was about one?
I'm more interested in how much whimsy does IRL!Tube's voice inspire.
In real life I have full, thick facial hair, reminiscent of Odin or an ancient mountain god.
To make this point, you should probably link to something not including a fully bearded out Eric Benson. With him in the video, I'm not sure which one is you and which one is Jerry.
what is this about beards tube is an hedgepig
Tube is not a grumpy hedgehog but a charming and whimsical Manfolk of Britanny?
no i am certain tube is an hedgepig.
I'm freaking out here guys
I would like to know this too.
i.e. "If they do find it; I'm sorry."
That seems like a much more tidy sentence.
Wow, you're right!
I was not at all prepared for Tube to look like a Breton straight out of Skyrim, or an extra from Vikings.