[WH40K] Previews galore!



  • KhraulKhraul Registered User regular
    After looking at the rogue trader stuff, I don't really care about the mini's, but maaaaaaaan I want that game board.

    Tight quarters ship combat? Yessssss

    Bnet - Khraul#1822
    Gamertag - Khraul
    PSN - Razide6
  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    Khraul wrote: »
    After looking at the rogue trader stuff, I don't really care about the mini's, but maaaaaaaan I want that game board.

    Tight quarters ship combat? Yessssss

    Yea, that board is my biggest draw though I do like the minis as well.

    I'm having a hard time sticking to my build up my Wolves plan and kind of want to buy Rogue Trader instead of the 3 predator tank set.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    Badablack wrote: »
    As far as standalone boardgames there’s also Overkill, the 4 Assassin one, Knights Renegade, the Dark Eldar JetBike one, the flyers box, and probably a few others. Basically all their discounted boxes of minis come with games included.

    And space hulk of course.

    I think most of those aren't being made any more?

  • BadablackBadablack Registered User regular
    Burnage wrote: »
    I think most of those aren't being made any more?

    Sure, but GW doesn’t really keep any of their boardgames out in perpetuity. They’re all limited run games, which they’ll bring back if fans clamor hard enough. So GorkaMorka, Space Hulk and Titanicus come back, but Overkill is probably gone forever.

    FC: 1435-5383-0883
  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    Deathwatch Overkill was a stealth 40k starter box for GSC and Deathwatch.

    I wish people in my meta played Space Hulk. I should probably get around to painting my set.

  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    Also I know I said I was going to be building an Ork vehicle army, but there's another guy who plays Orks who is downsizing his army to raise some funds for Speed Freeks, later this week I'll be buying three old metal Deff Dreads, six plastic Killa Kans, and a Gorkanaut from him for $120. All of the models are assembled and unpainted, and the Gorkanaut has its front doors magnetized already.

    Adding this to the two Dreads and two Kans I already have and I'll have 5 Dreads and 8 Kans total. My understanding is that Dread Mob armies are in a pretty bad spot right now, but for the price it's difficult to say no. I wanted to get a Gorkanaut eventually, so this works out pretty well.

  • VikingViking Registered User regular
    played a low stakes 1500pt game today, my Death Guard vs friends Eldar.
    it was a massacre, I lost 5 models total (4 Pox Walkers and a Bloat Drone) would have tabled him had he not kited me.
    my dice were running hot with me passing nearly all of my saves/Disgustingly Resilient.

    Bravely Default / 3DS Friend Code = 3394-3571-1609
  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    Deathwatch Overkill was a stealth 40k starter box for GSC and Deathwatch.

    I wish people in my meta played Space Hulk. I should probably get around to painting my set.

    Like I said earlier I had ebay set up to email me about Warhammer/Hero quest stuff for various reasons. When Sliver Tower appeared I had no idea what it was.
    So a person on ebay was running a deal if I bought 3 games I would get free shipping so I thought why not? I got the Assassinorum, Overkill the Dark eldar jetbike one and Silver Tower
    He tossed in the Assassin one for free. The Dark Eldar one made me go look up if anything new was in 40k which lead me to WTF is the Ynnari and back into playing the game {more of just painting}

    There are a lot of reasons I am looking forward to the Blackstone Fortress game other then just curiousity

  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    the Cawdor gang makes some great fodder for chaos infantry. I'm looking forward to mixing in these weirdos with all of my monopose cultists


  • VikingViking Registered User regular
    I mean, technically they are imperial cultists.... not a huge step to chaos'ify them

    Bravely Default / 3DS Friend Code = 3394-3571-1609
  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    The primaris solved that issue for me

  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt (effective against Russian warships) Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    Norgoth wrote: »
    Honestly after playing a few games of kill team it feels like the opposite of 40k. The “horde armies” so guard, Orks and so on are garbage

    They're in no way, shape, or form garbage, you just have to understand that 'drown them in bodies' is a losing strategy in Kill Team. You have to maximize effectiveness, and placement in order to avoid falling into chain reaction of casualties and morale failure.
    I had a recent game that had both ends of the spectrum - my guard at I forget how many more than 10 models vs a 6 man Death Watch killteam.
    If you've got the points, there is no reason to field a standard guardsman. Everyone should have special weapons or some sort of upgrade so that they're contributing as much as they possibly can, and not just adding headcount. A guardsman is probably going to be shooting on a 6+ especially at the start of the game, so they need to be using things with more punch than the S3 AP- lasgun. Although miracles do happen. It was a lasgun to the face that took down the heavy thunderhammer Death Watch Marine.
    In that game, the Death Watch had durability (and a frag cannon) while I had volume of fire. And even with the +1 to BS for cover and distance, I was still landing hits because I had the numbers to make up for it. Both sides began having leadership problems at the same time, because I could buff my rolls with models in proximity, while he had high leadership. Casualties had a much bigger impact on his side, since each model lost was a much bigger reduction in effectiveness.
    Lil Billy still didn't manage to kill anyone, but he took a ridiculous amount of fire for a single ratling peeking through a second story wall. Finished the game with 3 flesh wounds.
    Careless large armies is definitely a trap in Kill Team, but so is putting your eggs in one basket with too few high value models.
    Is paragraph spacing looking weird to anyone else?

    Gabriel_Pitt on
  • BadablackBadablack Registered User regular
    I’ve done better with Tyranids fielding a bunch of stuff vs just a few things, but I think that’s mostly just Nids being Nids. 1 Warrior and a horde of termagants and genestealers does decent work.

    FC: 1435-5383-0883
  • Snake GandhiSnake Gandhi Des Moines, IARegistered User regular
    I’ve fallen down the Primaris hole.

    Originally I was just getting some Rievers and a Repulser to add a little variety to my Wolves. But I like the models, and don’t like how they look mixed in with plain Marines, so I’m gonna do a full Primaris force. I grabbed a box of each unit type and a Dread plus the characters. Still in the middle of assembling it all, but I’ve narrowed my chapter choice down to Crimson Fists or Raven Guard. I’m leaning towards Fists cause I like the way they look a little more but the RG abilities are pretty useful for Primaris.

  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    The primaris solved that issue for me

    What do you mean?

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt (effective against Russian warships) Registered User regular
    I haven't yet played against or with nids, so I'm not sure how their army synergies work. I would imagine since you can't put a fex in a killteam (aww shucks, wouldn't that be something? XD) a good list should be midsize models with beast support.
    With guard, it's T3 and LD 6, so if you play them like their infantry heavy 40k build, throwing speedbumps and sacrificial bubblewrap at the enemy, you're going to run into trouble fast. It's still an issue later in the game as the flesh wounds pile up and casualties start making it hard to offset LD check penalties, but that's part of managing the build.

  • Lord_AsmodeusLord_Asmodeus goeticSobriquet: Here is your magical cryptic riddle-tumour: I AM A TIME MACHINERegistered User regular
    I've played 1 test game of Kill Team with everyone trying to familiarize themselves with the rules, I'm not sure we played it 100% right but it was fun and I ended up winning though that doesn't mean a whole lot. I did see some people saying the Dark Eldar splinter rifles weren't as good as in 40k but they seemed decent enough to me, unless I was missing something. They hit at a 3+ for your ballistics skill, and wound on a 4+ and are rapid fire. Unless your opponent has good saving throws they'll still get a decent amount of wounds? But like I said, we might have been misreading/misapplying some rules.

    Anyway today I picked up a squad of Fire Warriors and a squad of Pathfinders as well as some Wyches for Kill Team, and my brother got a Death Squad 40k starter box and a squad of Grey Knight Strike dudes. I need to figure out how I want to build all of these Tau and what drones I want to make with what they give you.

    Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. - Lincoln
  • MatriasMatrias Registered User regular
    I don't normally take photos of unpainted models, but I had a lot of fun putting together the Tooth and Claw kit and wolfing up the models.


    there's these cool wolf dreadnought bits that go onto the dreadnought arm as a pelt, and i found the front bit sat perfectly on the aggressor shoulders.


    so cool




    Got good use out the Forgeworld Greyslayer bits. i've been using the axes as equivalents to the belt knives, so they don't count as anything but look good.

    Didn't take shots of the the Battle Leader... I put him together stock.

    3DS/Pokemon Friend Code - 2122-5878-9273 - Kyle
  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    The primaris solved that issue for me

    What do you mean?

    Most of my black templars were melee a few one 5 man squad had boltguns (they had the most nob kills in those tourneys an epoch ago) so the dark imperium primaris gave me some firepower i was lacking

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    Matrias wrote: »
    I don't normally take photos of unpainted models, but I had a lot of fun putting together the Tooth and Claw kit and wolfing up the models.


    The knife placement for the aggressor on the left seems like an interesting choice.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • MatriasMatrias Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Matrias wrote: »
    I don't normally take photos of unpainted models, but I had a lot of fun putting together the Tooth and Claw kit and wolfing up the models.


    The knife placement for the aggressor on the left seems like an interesting choice.

    Well.... he has a big knife

    But its no hammer. You have a hammer, you get to be seargent.

    Matrias on
    3DS/Pokemon Friend Code - 2122-5878-9273 - Kyle
  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    The primaris solved that issue for me

    What do you mean?

    Most of my black templars were melee a few one 5 man squad had boltguns (they had the most nob kills in those tourneys an epoch ago) so the dark imperium primaris gave me some firepower i was lacking

    Oh, yea, the Dark Imperium box was great for Primaris models.

    I'm trying not to be really shooty with my Space Wolves since I have Necrons but Aggressors and Redemptors look cool and Long Fangs are strong. I'll also have 3 predator tanks in two weeks. Gotta make sure I squeeze in my TWC and my pound puppy wolf lord.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    The primaris solved that issue for me

    What do you mean?

    Most of my black templars were melee a few one 5 man squad had boltguns (they had the most nob kills in those tourneys an epoch ago) so the dark imperium primaris gave me some firepower i was lacking

    I wish BT got some buffs. This made me just think of this. They are kind of a semi-neglected/phased out chapter that was really cool and had a neat unique design.

    Codex:SM are just kind of in a weird area. Smurfs with RG are good, competitive. and actually kind of fluffy for how they would play.

    Raven Guard are okay just like all the -1 to hit armies.

    But the others are just not amazing. Imperial Fist/Crimson Fist are underwhelming. I am not sure I have ever seen Salamanders on the table but I always thought they had a good tactic with the free rerolls. So many saved CPs.

    BTs are just uhhh...yeah. Not a good spot.

    C:SM are just not in a great place like most power armoritis armies.

    My club has spent a long time just talking about ways to bring power armor up to par. Its tough.

  • Lord_AsmodeusLord_Asmodeus goeticSobriquet: Here is your magical cryptic riddle-tumour: I AM A TIME MACHINERegistered User regular
    edited September 2018
    So vis a vis my tau and drones for Kill Team should I just make one of everything? I have choice paralysis with my fire team and pathfinders and I don't know what to make.

    Lord_Asmodeus on
    Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. - Lincoln
  • NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    The primaris solved that issue for me

    What do you mean?

    Most of my black templars were melee a few one 5 man squad had boltguns (they had the most nob kills in those tourneys an epoch ago) so the dark imperium primaris gave me some firepower i was lacking

    I wish BT got some buffs. This made me just think of this. They are kind of a semi-neglected/phased out chapter that was really cool and had a neat unique design.

    Codex:SM are just kind of in a weird area. Smurfs with RG are good, competitive. and actually kind of fluffy for how they would play.

    Raven Guard are okay just like all the -1 to hit armies.

    But the others are just not amazing. Imperial Fist/Crimson Fist are underwhelming. I am not sure I have ever seen Salamanders on the table but I always thought they had a good tactic with the free rerolls. So many saved CPs.

    BTs are just uhhh...yeah. Not a good spot.

    C:SM are just not in a great place like most power armoritis armies.

    My club has spent a long time just talking about ways to bring power armor up to par. Its tough.

    They are just massively overcosted is the issue.

    Really a marine should be about 7-8points.

    Consider a plaguebearer. T4 5++/5+++ (which in the era of -ap is probably better than a 3+) -1 to hit, no gun but rerolls all wounds in combat, and that’s before adding in buffing characters. 7 points each. There’s just no way a marine can compete with that.

    I’ve seen plenty of whining online about how dropping marines points would make them no be “elite” but honestly if marines points came down it would mean people would be swapping scouts for tacticals rather than suddenly running a million marines.

  • honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    Shield drones are absolutely useless right now in Killteam because they can't use their shield when taking hits for other modells. Might as well take a gun drone for the firepower.

    Pulse accelerator and recon seem good at a first glance, inhibitor could be good against close combat armies. Guardian seems meh.

    honovere on
  • Lord_AsmodeusLord_Asmodeus goeticSobriquet: Here is your magical cryptic riddle-tumour: I AM A TIME MACHINERegistered User regular
    edited September 2018
    Yeah I can make 4 standard drones and a recon drone and missile support system. So maybe 1 gun drone, 1 marker drone, 1 pulse accelerator and 1 grav-inhibitor? I'm also wondering if there's any reason to take Carbines over Pulse Rifles? I also don't know if the smart missile system or the missile pod is a better go for a Killteam list.

    Lord_Asmodeus on
    Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. - Lincoln
  • honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    Carbines are better in a veeeery specific circumstances, combinations of range and cover depending. But generally the rifle looks much better.

    On drones the carbines aren't so bad, because it doesn't matter whether you advanced or are at long range or there's cover, their bs is so bad you'll be hitting on 6 anyway.

    honovere on
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    Norgoth wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble balancing between shooty and melee for my Space Wolves. I just want to use cool looking models.

    The primaris solved that issue for me

    What do you mean?

    Most of my black templars were melee a few one 5 man squad had boltguns (they had the most nob kills in those tourneys an epoch ago) so the dark imperium primaris gave me some firepower i was lacking

    I wish BT got some buffs. This made me just think of this. They are kind of a semi-neglected/phased out chapter that was really cool and had a neat unique design.

    Codex:SM are just kind of in a weird area. Smurfs with RG are good, competitive. and actually kind of fluffy for how they would play.

    Raven Guard are okay just like all the -1 to hit armies.

    But the others are just not amazing. Imperial Fist/Crimson Fist are underwhelming. I am not sure I have ever seen Salamanders on the table but I always thought they had a good tactic with the free rerolls. So many saved CPs.

    BTs are just uhhh...yeah. Not a good spot.

    C:SM are just not in a great place like most power armoritis armies.

    My club has spent a long time just talking about ways to bring power armor up to par. Its tough.

    They are just massively overcosted is the issue.

    Really a marine should be about 7-8points.

    Consider a plaguebearer. T4 5++/5+++ (which in the era of -ap is probably better than a 3+) -1 to hit, no gun but rerolls all wounds in combat, and that’s before adding in buffing characters. 7 points each. There’s just no way a marine can compete with that.

    I’ve seen plenty of whining online about how dropping marines points would make them no be “elite” but honestly if marines points came down it would mean people would be swapping scouts for tacticals rather than suddenly running a million marines.

    I think they will drop to 11 points per model come CA this year. Probably not before then. Basically I see tac/csm base cost dropping 2 points a body. So normal CSM/Tacs are 11 pts. Vets/Chosen become 14 pts. And so on.

    I also think Termis need either a stat buff or a points drop. Maybe 5 pts per model?

    Point changes to power armor not applicable to characters though. For the most part they are priced pretty well atm.

    Mazzyx on
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    7 points for Marines would be absolutely insane. That's what I think a Kabalite should cost, and they're only T3 with a 5+ save.

    I'd honestly like to see point reductions stop so that 2000 point games become more manageable. It's really weird seeing lots of tournaments (in the UK, at least) start to move to 1750.

  • Lord_AsmodeusLord_Asmodeus goeticSobriquet: Here is your magical cryptic riddle-tumour: I AM A TIME MACHINERegistered User regular
    edited September 2018
    honovere wrote: »
    Carbines are better in a veeeery specific circumstances, combinations of range and cover depending. But generally the rifle looks much better.

    On drones the carbines aren't so bad, because it doesn't matter whether you advanced or are at long range or there's cover, their bs is so bad you'll be hitting on 6 anyway.

    And now my final question, I can give my guys 3 rail rifles and 3 ion rifles. Should I just use all of them and specify who is actually using them in game, or should I make like 2 of each? Right now I have 10 pathfinders to make, 10 fire warriors, 4 standard drones, 1 recon drone and 1 support turret. At this moment my thought is I should make 5 regular fire warriors and 5 breachers, 1 each of gun drone, marker drone, pulse accelerator and grav inhibitor and I'll just go with the bigger missile pod on the turret and I can specify which it is before a game.

    Lord_Asmodeus on
    Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. - Lincoln
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Burnage wrote: »
    7 points for Marines would be absolutely insane. That's what I think a Kabalite should cost, and they're only T3 with a 5+ save.

    I'd honestly like to see point reductions stop so that 2000 point games become more manageable. It's really weird seeing lots of tournaments (in the UK, at least) start to move to 1750.

    That was GW before the point drops anyway. They realized 2k was hard to play through on their tourneys in 2.5 hours or so.

    Points are one of the easier things to balance on. My guesses for the FAQ/CA this year:

    -Power armor drops in points
    -Guard increases a point per model
    -Changes in cp again for all the different detachments
    -Guard's CP generation is nerfed probably by their warlord trait just matching everyone else (1 cp per stratagem not the number of cps used)

    I expect soup nerfs as well. Anything from cps only for the detachment who produced them to only able to use stratagems/artifacts from the warlords faction. Or maybe a shift to an AoS style allies system? Percent of your army can be allies? I figure enough to let you bring at least one Castellean but not more if you want them as an ally.

    It is interesting to see what changes.

  • honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    edited September 2018
    You can put 6 pathfinder gunners on your 20 men roster if you want the the coice for every possible combination of guns, but you can only put up to three of them on your kill team. And if you want some of them be specialists you also have to think about in what combination to actually field them in a kill team without having more than 3 specialists and also without doubling up on certain specialists.

    The Ion rifle really needs sniper or at least a marker light hit to be effective unless you want to risk frying yourself (although it's not quite as suicidal as using plasma guns). Rail rifle seems bett, if more expensive. Ion rifle looks cooler, though.

    Personally I'd go with more fire warriors than breachers. You basically have to get into 5 inch range for the blaster to become better than the rifle and within 2 inch to do some real damage. I think the blaster rules should've changed a bit from the 40k rules. They really suffer from long range.

    honovere on
  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    honovere wrote: »
    Carbines are better in a veeeery specific circumstances, combinations of range and cover depending. But generally the rifle looks much better.

    On drones the carbines aren't so bad, because it doesn't matter whether you advanced or are at long range or there's cover, their bs is so bad you'll be hitting on 6 anyway.

    And now my final question, I can give my guys 3 rail rifles and 3 ion rifles. Should I just use all of them and specify who is actually using them in game, or should I make like 2 of each? Right now I have 10 pathfinders to make, 10 fire warriors, 4 standard drones, 1 recon drone and 1 support turret. At this moment my thought is I should make 5 regular fire warriors and 5 breachers, 1 each of gun drone, marker drone, pulse accelerator and grav inhibitor and I'll just go with the bigger missile pod on the turret and I can specify which it is before a game.

    I pretty much did what you're planning. I had the start collecting box, a Pathfinder box, and a box of Stealthsuits.

    I made 5 Fire Warriors and 5 Breachers with the Fire Warrior stuff. For Pathfinders I made 5 Pulse Carbines, 3 Rail Rifles, and 2 Ion Rifles. For the Stealthsuits I made 2 Burst Cannons and 1 Fusion Blaster. I made 1 of each Drone as well.

    The only thing I would have done different is probably less Breachers. They are a really odd unit to use and pretty difficult to work with.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    Oh, and put as many pistols on your Firewarriors as you have lying around. They are free, and if you ever survive the first round of close combat you get to shoot.

  • PiptheFairPiptheFair Frequently not in boats. Registered User regular
    a nerf to soup is going to make elite armies basically unplayable unless it's just a flat "can only take a % of total points as allies" like AoS has

    basically; custodes, harlies, and to a lesser extent knights rely on soup to fill in gaps that their armies lack and if you limit that they become as uncompetitive as grey knights

  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    "You can only use command points generated by a faction on that faction's stratagems" feels like the neatest, least punishing solution to the soup problem that I've seen so far.

    Factions that drown in CP (like Guard) were balanced with weak stratagems. Factions that have amazing stratagems (like Custodes, Knights and BA) were given minimal CP. Somewhere a designer forgot that you could run both in the same army with no negative consequences.

  • PiptheFairPiptheFair Frequently not in boats. Registered User regular
    Burnage wrote: »
    "You can only use command points generated by a faction on that faction's stratagems" feels like the neatest, least punishing solution to the soup problem that I've seen so far.

    Factions that drown in CP (like Guard) were balanced with weak stratagems. Factions that have amazing stratagems (like Custodes, Knights and BA) were given minimal CP. Somewhere a designer forgot that you could run both in the same army with no negative consequences.

    that still basically removes custodes from the competitive scene

  • PiptheFairPiptheFair Frequently not in boats. Registered User regular
    also ynnari throw a spanner in the works for all sorts of reasons

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