
[NFL] Thread: Pittsburgh At Cleveland? There Is No Dog.



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    MadpoetMadpoet Registered User regular
    Khavall wrote: »
    I don't think I even understand how someone can be a Pats fan. Unless you're, like, Tom Brady's neighbour.

    EDIT: But then again, I'm an Eagles fan without question because that's the state I'm from, so

    I wasn't a huge Patriots fan growing up in Medfield, MA, but I watched some games, had a hat... a casual fan. When I moved to Oregon, I was grasping at things to hold on to from home. Then the Pats made an amazing run. This scrappy underdog team that had been terrible for so long managed to win 11 games, make the playoffs, then fought their way to the Super Bowl against a juggernaut of a team nobody believed they could defeat.
    And they got crushed 46-10, because I'm old and they were playing the 85 Bears. But that's the first NFL game I have a clear memory of... sitting there doing the math as to how many touchdowns per minute we had to score to make the comeback.
    So that's the Patriots I became a fan of - hapless losers that got kinda scrappy just in time to run face first into one of the greatest defenses the league has ever seen. They were my team for 20-some years before Brady took over, they'll be my team in 20 years when he runs out of appendages to hang rings on and retires.

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    y2jake215y2jake215 certified Flat Birther theorist the Last Good Boy onlineRegistered User regular
    Fawst wrote: »
    Not sure why there is so much animosity over the Patriots being called the underdog as the #2 seed playing the #1 seed, on the road (where they only won 3 games during the season), with an aging QB vs. the new hotness, where the D has been suspect throughout the season vs. the stupidly talented Offense of the Chiefs. They were the underdog by definition.


    Brady is absolutely milking that, no question.

    There is a difference between not being the favourite (to win [based on game location]) and being an underdog (by being considerably/significantly/obviously weaker overall as a team).

    Until New England barely scrapes into the playoffs and hobbles in missing half the team due to injury and wins their playoff games with miraculous 4th quarter comebacks of twenty or more points featuring an assload of opposition turnovers and assorted mistakes, then they can never truly be considered an underdog.

    Or if Belichek retires...

    I mean, they were measurably worse as a team, by DVOA

    maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
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    mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Fawst wrote: »
    Not sure why there is so much animosity over the Patriots being called the underdog as the #2 seed playing the #1 seed, on the road (where they only won 3 games during the season), with an aging QB vs. the new hotness, where the D has been suspect throughout the season vs. the stupidly talented Offense of the Chiefs. They were the underdog by definition.


    Brady is absolutely milking that, no question.

    There is a difference between not being the favourite (to win [based on game location]) and being an underdog (by being considerably/significantly/obviously weaker overall as a team).

    Until New England barely scrapes into the playoffs and hobbles in missing half the team due to injury and wins their playoff games with miraculous 4th quarter comebacks of twenty or more points featuring an assload of opposition turnovers and assorted mistakes, then they can never truly be considered an underdog.

    Or if Belichek retires...

    Yeah, everything Fawst said is why anybody even rated the Chiefs as having a chance. But the word “underdog” doesn’t below anywhere near a team on its eighth or ninth AFC championship appearance, and fourth win out of the last five. Come on now.

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    MorganVMorganV Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Fawst wrote: »
    Not sure why there is so much animosity over the Patriots being called the underdog as the #2 seed playing the #1 seed, on the road (where they only won 3 games during the season), with an aging QB vs. the new hotness, where the D has been suspect throughout the season vs. the stupidly talented Offense of the Chiefs. They were the underdog by definition.


    Brady is absolutely milking that, no question.

    There is a difference between not being the favourite (to win [based on game location]) and being an underdog (by being considerably/significantly/obviously weaker overall as a team).

    Until New England barely scrapes into the playoffs and hobbles in missing half the team due to injury and wins their playoff games with miraculous 4th quarter comebacks of twenty or more points featuring an assload of opposition turnovers and assorted mistakes, then they can never truly be considered an underdog.

    Or if Belichek retires...

    Yeah, everything Fawst said is why anybody even rated the Chiefs as having a chance. But the word “underdog” doesn’t below anywhere near a team on its eighth or ninth AFC championship appearance, and fourth win out of the last five. Come on now.

    Also, there's a huge fucking difference between "We don't think you can win." and "We don't want you to win.".

    Nearly everyone I heard weigh in on the subject felt the latter, but that self-indulgent wankery of "Bet against us" was pushing the former.

    All I know is, I'm really apathetic about next year. Despite having more free time this year, and despite having more access, I watched the fewest games of any over the last 8 years.

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    marajimaraji Registered User regular
    Madpoet wrote: »
    Khavall wrote: »
    I don't think I even understand how someone can be a Pats fan. Unless you're, like, Tom Brady's neighbour.

    EDIT: But then again, I'm an Eagles fan without question because that's the state I'm from, so

    I wasn't a huge Patriots fan growing up in Medfield, MA, but I watched some games, had a hat... a casual fan. When I moved to Oregon, I was grasping at things to hold on to from home. Then the Pats made an amazing run. This scrappy underdog team that had been terrible for so long managed to win 11 games, make the playoffs, then fought their way to the Super Bowl against a juggernaut of a team nobody believed they could defeat.
    And they got crushed 46-10, because I'm old and they were playing the 85 Bears. But that's the first NFL game I have a clear memory of... sitting there doing the math as to how many touchdowns per minute we had to score to make the comeback.
    So that's the Patriots I became a fan of - hapless losers that got kinda scrappy just in time to run face first into one of the greatest defenses the league has ever seen. They were my team for 20-some years before Brady took over, they'll be my team in 20 years when he runs out of appendages to hang rings on and retires.

    I moved to Mass in 1999, grew up in Cleveland rooting for Browns teams that always found a way to lose. Year after year there would be ups and downs, hope, and finally sadness. Model deciding to move to Baltimore kinda ruined it for me, and while I still root for the Browns, it hasn’t had the same visceral pull it used to.

    Landing in Pats territory just before Belichick arrived, the Pats fans I met were a lot like the Cleveland fans I’d left: fans of a franchise that had more success than mine, but also had seen an awful lot of failure. There were obnoxious homers, resigned realists, and irrational optimists. Annoying douchebags you wanted to punch were few and far between.

    Then they started winning. The first two were wonderful to watch, even if they were coached by the charismaless lump that had presided (in frustrating fashion) over my last Browns team. Seeing the Rams brought down with a ferocious defense and gutsy play calling was great. It was nice living somewhere with a successful sports team.

    Then they kept winning. I’d grown tired of it by the first super bowl against the Giants. Bandwagon fans were everywhere, loud jerks angrily debating about how many points “we” were gonna win by in every bar. Just. Ugh. Almost as bad as the Giants fans I’d had to endure in college in upstate New York.

    They lost that game, but kept winning. And now I’m at a place where I want to see how far it can go. This run has been ludicrous, and it’s clearly near the end. It helps that “my” team has been a dumpster (on fire or not, depending on the year) for the entire run, so I haven’t had my dreams crushed under an under-inflated football.

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    navgoosenavgoose Registered User regular
    The Pats are a test for me. I don't hate them for any particular reason, they aren't a rival and when they beat the Seahawks in the SB it felt more like the Seahawks own mistake. (Unlike when the Steelers beat them where it felt the refs were egregiously bad).

    On the other hand I'm tired of seeing them there. And it seems every instance of Brady/Belicheck game planning to beat a better team is sullied by a phantom roughing the passer penalty or a rules violation earlier in the season. Clearly the refs blow calls elsewhere (see Saints/Rams) and the refs had a makeup no call for the Cheifs later but still...seeing the Pats play in high profile games means to the public all these things stick out so much more and is bad for the league.

    Please football gods let Brady and Belicheck retire and give the fans some fresh faces to root for.

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    PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    I'm a 3rd generation season ticket holder and my father's father got tickets in 1960. My uncle has account number 18. I went to dozens of games in the 80s and early 90s because 3rd tier seating and having me sit on a lap or squeeze in on the bench was cheaper than baby sitting.

    Spoiled, sure. But it's a tough market that doesn't tolerate stupid and a demanding one. All the teams have gotten pretty smart the last 25 years

    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
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    MegaMan001MegaMan001 CRNA Rochester, MNRegistered User regular
    Madpoet wrote: »
    Khavall wrote: »
    I don't think I even understand how someone can be a Pats fan. Unless you're, like, Tom Brady's neighbour.

    EDIT: But then again, I'm an Eagles fan without question because that's the state I'm from, so

    I wasn't a huge Patriots fan growing up in Medfield, MA, but I watched some games, had a hat... a casual fan. When I moved to Oregon, I was grasping at things to hold on to from home. Then the Pats made an amazing run. This scrappy underdog team that had been terrible for so long managed to win 11 games, make the playoffs, then fought their way to the Super Bowl against a juggernaut of a team nobody believed they could defeat.
    And they got crushed 46-10, because I'm old and they were playing the 85 Bears. But that's the first NFL game I have a clear memory of... sitting there doing the math as to how many touchdowns per minute we had to score to make the comeback.
    So that's the Patriots I became a fan of - hapless losers that got kinda scrappy just in time to run face first into one of the greatest defenses the league has ever seen. They were my team for 20-some years before Brady took over, they'll be my team in 20 years when he runs out of appendages to hang rings on and retires.

    This, this is good fandom.

    Bad fandom is Sully from Worcester chanting about they hate us cause they ain't us while simultaneously harboring a massive inferiority complex and considering any year without a Super Bowl ring to be a disaster.

    This team has had an unprecedented and likely never repeated history of success and the fucking assholes act like they are somehow at a disadvantage.

    The intersection between the Patriots and white supremacy is also not helpful.

    I am in the business of saving lives.
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    mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    navgoose wrote: »
    The Pats are a test for me. I don't hate them for any particular reason, they aren't a rival and when they beat the Seahawks in the SB it felt more like the Seahawks own mistake. (Unlike when the Steelers beat them where it felt the refs were egregiously bad).

    On the other hand I'm tired of seeing them there. And it seems every instance of Brady/Belicheck game planning to beat a better team is sullied by a phantom roughing the passer penalty or a rules violation earlier in the season. Clearly the refs blow calls elsewhere (see Saints/Rams) and the refs had a makeup no call for the Cheifs later but still...seeing the Pats play in high profile games means to the public all these things stick out so much more and is bad for the league.

    Please football gods let Brady and Belicheck retire and give the fans some fresh faces to root for.

    I’ll say this, I don’t blame the loss on anything but the Pats being a better team. Chiefs were on fire this year, and we have the hot new rookie quarterback, but the Patriots are simply the best team in the conference. They stumbled a little this year, which is why they were the 2 seed instead of the 1. But again, it’s nine straight championship appearances and four wins out of the last five. Compared to a team that had one playoff win in a decade coming into this season, and last hit the super bowl before the civil rights act was passed.

    The Chiefs were favored because we looked good enough to maybe manage it, and because people outside Mass are sick to fucking death of the Patriots. And obviously Chiefs fans had high hopes. But this was a team that beat us earlier in the season, and a team that has treated the regular season like the preseason for a decade.

    Everybody hating you doesn’t make you the underdog. It makes you the *heel.*

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    FawstFawst The road to awe.Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    Double post

    Fawst on
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    FawstFawst The road to awe.Registered User regular
    Never mind, I know what you’re talking about.

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    marajimaraji Registered User regular
    Every time I see that missed PI call from the NFC championship I get a bit more pissed off.

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    navgoosenavgoose Registered User regular
    maraji wrote: »
    Every time I see that missed PI call from the NFC championship I get a bit more pissed off.

    I think the part that is most baffling is the defender was in position to play the ball very effectively. Instead chose to blast the WR.

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    Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Registered User regular
    He thought he was beat for a touchdown and intentionally went for the PI because it was the least bad outcome of the only two he envisioned at that moment

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    He thought he was beat for a touchdown and intentionally went for the PI because it was the least bad outcome of the only two he envisioned at that moment

    Which is a stupid play...if it gets called.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Registered User regular
    Yeah he wasn’t thinking that with 1:44 left and a fresh set of downs for the Saints with LA only having 1 TD that a PI lets them bring the clock down to nothing before trying a high percentage FG attempt

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    navgoosenavgoose Registered User regular
    He thought he was beat for a touchdown and intentionally went for the PI because it was the least bad outcome of the only two he envisioned at that moment

    Which is a stupid play...if it gets called.

    Yeah. He went for PI to save a TD when he could have played the ball. Should have been lectured by coaches.

    Instead he lucks out the refs were asleep.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Yeah he wasn’t thinking that with 1:44 left and a fresh set of downs for the Saints with LA only having 1 TD that a PI lets them bring the clock down to nothing before trying a high percentage FG attempt

    Admittedly that's a lot to process in a split second.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    marajimaraji Registered User regular
    Yeah he wasn’t thinking that with 1:44 left and a fresh set of downs for the Saints with LA only having 1 TD that a PI lets them bring the clock down to nothing before trying a high percentage FG attempt

    Admittedly that's a lot to process in a split second.
    True, I think the processing was before the play started and was basically “can’t let them score”

    Wait, you were talking about the DB, not the ref?

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    The worst had to cutting to the DB and seeing him flex like he single-handedly won the game with a great play.

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    GyralGyral Registered User regular
    Funny thing is that if he doesn't pull up, Marcus Williams could have blasted Diggs like that last year in the MN/NO game.

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    The NFL is 'reviewing' whether to make PI calls reviewable.

    So whatever they do, they'll fuck it up somehow.

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    y2jake215y2jake215 certified Flat Birther theorist the Last Good Boy onlineRegistered User regular
    Pats will get to throw a flag on any incompletion to gronk, yippee

    maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
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    RedTideRedTide Registered User regular
    The NFL is 'reviewing' whether to make PI calls reviewable.

    So whatever they do, they'll fuck it up somehow.

    Any play/call should be challengeable. Just no additional challenges for each team.

    If your receiver gets mugged in a big spot it shouldn't go unchecked

    RedTide#1907 on Battle.net
    Come Overwatch with meeeee
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    y2jake215y2jake215 certified Flat Birther theorist the Last Good Boy onlineRegistered User regular
    Wait I lied he’ll be retired

    maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    I'm not a Patriots fan but I want them to destroy the Rams, make it even more apparent we got screwed out of a good game with Brees vs Brady, make the entire Rams team have a severe case of Ryan Leaf.

    I want it to be the equivalent of that '14 Germany v Brazil World Cup game and I want the field mics to pick hundred of "I literally can't even" from the crowd.

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    MorganVMorganV Registered User regular
    RedTide wrote: »
    The NFL is 'reviewing' whether to make PI calls reviewable.

    So whatever they do, they'll fuck it up somehow.

    Any play/call should be challengeable. Just no additional challenges for each team.

    If your receiver gets mugged in a big spot it shouldn't go unchecked

    I've always thought that the challenge system should go...
    If it's confirmed, you lose a challenge and a time out.
    If it stands, you lose one of your choice.
    If it's overturned, you lose neither.

    I've never liked the idea that a team can get dicked out of challenges by incompetency. Yay, that botched TD, Interception, and 50 yd play call in the first half all got overturned because the judges suck! Now we're out of challenges, because them screwing us, still cost us something. Huh? Wha?

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    LAR DB is boasting that it was DPI.

    I'm already not watching the game. They aren't helping themselves.

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    knitdanknitdan In ur base Killin ur guysRegistered User regular
    This is all too complicated.

    Just have Goodell invoke rule 17 section 2 article 3

    “I was quick when I came in here, I’m twice as quick now”
    -Indiana Solo, runner of blades
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    GyralGyral Registered User regular
    The NFL is 'reviewing' whether to make PI calls reviewable.

    So whatever they do, they'll fuck it up somehow.
    Every hail mary to end a game ends in an untimed down on the 1 yard line.

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    BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    LAR DB is boasting that it was DPI.

    I'm already not watching the game. They aren't helping themselves.

    It's not like he's claiming he had some grand plan to pull a fast one on the officials, he was just saying "Yeah, I thought I was beat so I just tried to take the penalty instead of giving up the TD."

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    IlpalaIlpala Just this guy, y'know TexasRegistered User regular
    knitdan wrote: »
    This is all too complicated.

    Just have Goodell invoke rule 17 section 2 article 3

    I didn't know about that rule until earlier today and pretty immediately compared it to the idea that the queen of england can overrule parliament. It might SAY she can somewhere (I don't really know if this is the case), but if someone actually tried to make it happen, they would learn their mistake very quickly.

    FF XIV - Qih'to Furishu (on Siren), Battle.Net - Ilpala#1975
    Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
    Fuck Joe Manchin
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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    As much as I’d like to see the calls gotten right the current review process is so interminable that I don’t want more of it under any circumstances

    I have always felt like review ought to be for correcting egregious mistakes, not for like, whether an 8 yard cross was complete

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
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    Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    The issue is the NFL being cheap about officiating

    Better/more officials to get the calls right the first time

    Captain Inertia on
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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Just have a video official. Making the ref walk to the replay booth is stupid af.

    So many reviews are visible on the first or second play through and then we wait 8 more minutes to wonder how the nfl will screw this one up.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Knight_ wrote: »
    Just have a video official. Making the ref walk to the replay booth is stupid af.

    So many reviews are visible on the first or second play through and then we wait 8 more minutes to wonder how the nfl will screw this one up.

    This is the college system. It's not better.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    I was rooting for the rams and a rams chiefs super bowl, but the more and more I see that hit, I don't see how it was missed. Such a bad non call

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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Knight_ wrote: »
    Just have a video official. Making the ref walk to the replay booth is stupid af.

    So many reviews are visible on the first or second play through and then we wait 8 more minutes to wonder how the nfl will screw this one up.

    This is the college system. It's not better.

    Just because the ncaa has managed to shit the bed doesn’t mean everyone else has to.

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    Knight_ wrote: »
    Knight_ wrote: »
    Just have a video official. Making the ref walk to the replay booth is stupid af.

    So many reviews are visible on the first or second play through and then we wait 8 more minutes to wonder how the nfl will screw this one up.

    This is the college system. It's not better.

    Just because the ncaa has managed to shit the bed doesn’t mean everyone else has to.
    NFL wrote:
    Hold my beer!

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    y2jake215y2jake215 certified Flat Birther theorist the Last Good Boy onlineRegistered User regular
    PantsB wrote: »
    I'm a 3rd generation season ticket holder and my father's father got tickets in 1960. My uncle has account number 18. I went to dozens of games in the 80s and early 90s because 3rd tier seating and having me sit on a lap or squeeze in on the bench was cheaper than baby sitting.

    Spoiled, sure. But it's a tough market that doesn't tolerate stupid and a demanding one. All the teams have gotten pretty smart the last 25 years

    the first game I ever watched was the snow bowl, I have literally known only this

    maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
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