
The newer action figures (and other toys) thread (NSF56k)



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    HeatwaveHeatwave Come, now, and walk the path of explosions with me!Registered User regular
    Man I have gone through my holiday without opening figma Rider of Black and MP Black Arachnia.

    And I'm pretty sure my MP Hound will arrive soon as well.

    Not to mention I still need to ship MP Bumblebee and figma Pharah.

    Where has my free time gone~!

    Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
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    maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    I bought the entire goddamn Mickey Mouse FiguartsZero line that Barnes & Noble currently has on sale because I'm weak.

    I was initially going to just nab three, maybe four of 'em, but I just kinda went whole hog. I figure I can sell whatever I decide I don't want down the line.

    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    I just watched an MP Hound transformation video, and holy moly, that is one of the most intricate transformations I've seen in a long time!

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    DelzhandDelzhand Hard to miss. Registered User regular
    Huh. The last Mickey there is the one I grew up with, and looking at a lineup as a kid it's the one I'd have said was the "real" Mickey, but as an adult, I vastly prefer the look of the first two.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    I finally have a licensed doll to show ya'll. This is Lelouch from Code Geass. Never watched it, never plan to. I just thought he was cute. I'm not going to put him in the uniform he comes with, either. There are some blue jeans that are in the mail for him, he currently is wearing the uniform slacks.

    I do have a use for his uniform jacket, though. I will probably deconstruct it to use as a starting pattern for a Systems Alliance uniform for the doll I'm making into Commander Shepard. I'll have to bring it in a bit since it's made for a larger body, and the design is all wrong and I'll rework that too, but it's an OK starting point.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    NobodyNobody Registered User regular
    Picked up Spinister while I was out today.

    Also, Target has started clearancing the Rainmakers set. The one near me had them down to $55.

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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    Hello, friends. My name is Delduwath and I have had a relapse; I have been buying toys.

    I kinda lost track of Transformers-related news for a year or two (it turns out that when you hungrily grab for every hobby that comes across your radar, you don't always have enough time - or even attention span - for all the hobbies you've already accumulated), and spent the last week or so catching up on YouTube reviews. There's been some really cool stuff released! I've ordered a bunch of it! I'll try to post photos and talk about the toys when they come in.

    One of the upsides of being out of the loop for a while is that all the 3rd party companies have a chance to release their own takes on a character, and you can kinda contrast and compare and pick the version you like best. The downside is that at this point, a bunch of the 3rd party stuff I want isn't in stock at the usual big-name online stores. Also, sometimes it's actually hard to decide which version you want! I'm trying to decide which Optimus Prime I want, choosing between:
    - MP Optimus Prime 3.0 (MP-44)
    - Transform Element TE-01
    - Magic Square Light of Freedom

    All the reviewers say that MP-44 is the very best MP-style version of Optimus that's been released, but to me the transformation actually looks too fiddly, the backpack looks too big, the bot mode has some visible panel outlines/exposed transformation mechanisms/panel gaps on the lower legs and around the kneecaps, and all the accessories are actually a detriment to me, because I'm never going to use them and they're just extra junk to keep around (or throw away, which feels bad). I expect the plastic quality and overall shelf-life to be the best, though, and there's a certain something to it being the official product. Also, might be my preferred truck mode, maybe?

    TE-01, in my opinion, looks the worst out of the three in bot mode - the proportions seem a little off, the legs a bit too thin and long, the chest windows a bit too large and square, the hands a bit too delicate and rounded. To be fair, I think it still looks great, and these things are really only noticeable when you put all three toys side-by-side. Also, it's novel for having the most unique transformation. Optmiuses since G1 have had the same transformation beats: the back of the truck folds down and splits into legs, the sides and back of the cab fold out into arms, head comes out of the top of the cab. All three of these toys follow that overall framework, but TE-01 seems to have the most unique details, especially in how the legs transform. That counts for a lot with me!

    The Light of Freedom has the dumbest name, but also looks the best (in my opinion). It has this slightly bulkier, chunkier appearance the I really like - makes Optimus look more like a powerhouse. I really like the grey thighs and skirt more than the white thighs and skirt of MP-44 and TE-01, but I think the solid yellow skirt details on those two is much better than the translucent yellow the Light of Freedom has. I think Light of Freedom has the best shade of blue on the lower legs, and it turns out I really like that it uses matte plastic all over instead of the metallic plastic with a sheen to it. My least favorite abdomen grille in bot mode of the three. It has a pretty traditional transformation, but still interesting; it might actually be in my Goldilocks zone of being intricate and involved enough to be interesting, but not so fiddly as to feel frustrating.

    I don't really have any particular emotional attachment to G1 toy accuracy, or G1 cartoon accuracy, or anything like that; I'm very shallow and love Transformers for the bodies, and just want the toy that looks the best to me, and has the most engaging transformation. I think I'm leaning towards Light of Freedom, because I think on the whole I like that look the best? MP-44 is very expensive, but the two third-party pieces are sold out in most places (from what I can see, I'd actually need to hit up eBay for Light of Justice). Ironically, I can get both the Transform Element and Magic Square offerings, together, for less than MP-44.



    But there is a very irrational, greedy, and borderline-irresponsible part of me that is whispering "They are all good in their own ways. Get all three. Line them up on the shelf. Bask in them."

    Do any of you folks have experience with any of these pieces? @Heatwave and @Betsuni, you have MP-44, right? Any complaints (or praise)? Worth the price of admission?

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    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    I don't have any hands on experience with TE's Optimus or MS' Optimus since I didn't really like certain things about either of them. Personally it came down to having a trailer. I passed on the first Masterpiece Optimus Prime MP-1 long ago because he did not come with a trailer. I did get MP-4 when he came out. This past few years I did get MP-10B because I missed out on the original release, then snagged MP-10 from Toys R Us before they went out of business.

    Here are the other things that went into my decision to get MP-44 over TE-01 and MS-01. MS looked like an improved MP-10 to me. Since I already had MP-10 (two versions) I just passed on it. This and the trailer made that an easy decision. It looks great and people who have it liked it since they were going for an improved MP-10.

    TE-01 was a wait and see for me since I wasn't too sure it would come out. There are some engineering design choices that I like with this version over MP-44, but to be honest MP-44 just looked more impressive in bot mode. I really didn't like how TE-01 has a bumper buttplate in the end. The backpack was smaller which I did like though. I was tempted to pick up the Nemesis Prime version just to check it out, but figured I have enough Optimus Prime molds on my shelves now.

    MP-44 is a really impressive transformer for me. The backpack is annoying being as big as it is, but it reminds me of a smoother MP-10 backpack. The oddest thing is the reason I went with MP-44 over the other two which is the gun. I hate MP-10's gun with it folding up. It honest bugs me so much that I usually leave it folded up in the backpack. Mainly because of the springs and the way the tip tends to curve upwards like a... Yeah. Anyways, once I saw 44's gun I wanted it. But now that I have 44 in hand it has a lot more going for it. The extras are neat and actually most of it stores under the trailer. The only thing that doesn't is Starscream's head and the jet pack. I just keep the jetpack on him and stuffed Starscream's head into the drone cockpit. Also I just put batteries in mine and having Peter Cullen's voice coming out is more awesome than I thought it would be.

    I feel like MP-44 is worth the price with his joints and looking great in both modes. The only downside is the legs being somewhat empty with the way they are folded. It sort of reminds me of Origami transforming more than the previous Transformers. Some don't like that and I don't blame them. But to me, it is well worth the price to make him look a bit more like the cartoon than my previous Optimus Primes. Which is funny since I bought a reissue G1 cab only toy and it makes me laugh how much make believe we had to do back then as kids. Heck, to me it was the magic of a vehicle becoming a robot. Hahahaha.

    If I had to give you a recommendation, and you didn't mind the 3P stuff, I'd say go with which one looks more interesting to you. You could also pick up the Takara Masterpiece Nemesis Prime if you wanted to just get the bot mode of MP-44 without the extras.

    Steam: betsuni7
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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    Thank you so much for the detailed analysis, Betsuni! I really appreciate it.

    Would you mind going into a bit more detail about which engineering design choices you liked more in the TE-01? I know it's tricky trying to describe something like "well there's this one flap with a hinge that's attached to a peg and that's cool", so if it's something along those lines, no worries.

    Also, you mentioned MP-44's joints as being a plus; what does that mean? That they offer more range of movement, or that they use better joint types, or that they're higher-quality construction?

    I have a reissue G1 Optimus floating around somewhere, and yeah, you're totally right - weirdly-shaped thin forearms, hands that are separate and need to plug in... If someone showed me a Masterpiece transformer back in the 90s, I think my head would probably pop off.

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    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    edited January 2020
    I'll have to update this post tonight when I look over TE-01 again to refresh my memory. But I remember that it looked really cool when they first brought it out.

    As for the comment on 44's joints. Yeah it really can do some crazy poses. Some are as good as the Revoltech figure. The waist has a hinge that you can unlock that allows it to do the poses. Plus the hinges in the waist area that allow the fake truck bumper (it looks like the white underwear with the yellow spots) actually folds up and inside itself to allow for some crazy leg bends. I originally read of some people having knee issues where the ratcheting would break but there are fixes for that (along with just getting a better replacement).

    Hahaha, yep. All of the G1 toys really were weird. But I loved them all. Still do love some over the newer stuff. Even though the newer stuff looks more realistic. Sometimes I just like a simple transformation.

    Edit: Ok, watched a transformation video of TE-01 again and I remember what I liked about it. I liked how the legs were made of the hitch area of the truck. That was a really nice way of keeping it all in one place as well as allow the foot to actually have some body to it. It may be hard to describe, but the foot on MP-44 is somewhat floating there rather than feeling solid like TE-01 looks. Also the way the alt mode looks is neat and clean. Everything covered up and flat. Also I loved how they kept the "arm transforming" feature from the cartoon/original toy. You know how his forearms come out from the sides of the truck above the wheelwell, his shoulders and biceps are the upper back portion of the sleeper area of the cab. That transforming motion that is also in MP-10.

    But honestly, after watching the video of TE-01 transforming and remembering some people's complaints about the "origami" type transforming of MP-44, I never realized how much origami TE-01 has as well. I really think that some of the engineers/designers who were working on MP-44 left and helped make TE-01 since they didn't like the end result of MP-44. The reason I think that is just the way it looks and transforms. Like I said earlier, MS-01 looks like a small upgrade of MP-10 by making it a bit cleaner, but keeping the bulk of the engineering from MP-10. This is easy to do by taking MP-10 and changing things around a bit, modifying the existing bot and improving it. TE-01 looks like a hybrid of MP-44 and MP-10. They kept the annoying exposed toes from MP-10, clean (no exposed kibble) lines on all the areas, and added in the cleaner bot mode from MP-44. They kept the legs only forming from the back of the hitch area like MP-10 and the upper torso comes from the cab area.

    But to be honest, after watching the video of TE-01 I'm glad I got MP-44 because it really is a balance between action figure and Transformer that I appreciate. The folding up of parts and hiding in the legs isn't really fun for me to transform, but I appreciate the cost to make it a fun action figure as well as a transforming toy. But to be honest, my perfect Optimus Prime would be something easy to transform, but have a really nice alt mode as well as robot mode (like the Masterpiece Grapple, Inferno, Ironhide and Ratchet) which all the current options out there do not do.

    Betsuni on
    Steam: betsuni7
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    HeatwaveHeatwave Come, now, and walk the path of explosions with me!Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    I have MP01, MP10 and MP44

    MP44 is probably the best, due to the poseabilty and the its design just exudes character.

    And character is probably the biggest selling point of any figure. It could have the worst articulation ever but if it has that certain level of charm it becomes instantly worth it regardless of the price.

    I feel MP44 has this and I definitely don’t regret buying it.

    I will say though that MP10 is still impressive despite the weak looking gun. I actually bought a custom black modified version of MP02 Magnus gun years ago from ebay which juuuust fits in its hand.

    And then immediately gave it to MP10-B because the black Nemesis Prime look is just, ugh, too good on this mold. *chefs kiss*

    Speaking of black convoys, I’m still super salty the upcoming MP black convoy is just a repaint of MP44. I like the mold and all but I don’t need another one. What I really wanted was an official MP Black convoy/Scourge from Car Robots/RID.

    I have the Fanshobby version from launch releas but after hearing about the initial breaks I havent touched him since, let alone transformed him. Also his toxic tyre smell from back then still pisses me because it took days for him to finally air out.

    Edit: just to expand upon the character thing. Modifications can sometimes go a long way to bring out the true potential of a figure. When I first got MP Ironhide, he was...fine I guess. But the hip pieces were definitely an eyesore. But then the shadowfisher hip/side replacement kit made him straight up awesome! Now I have him sitting in a stylish chair of LEGO, looking smoother than Don Draper.

    Heatwave on
    Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
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    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    Heatwave wrote: »
    I have MP01, MP10 and MP44

    MP44 is probably the best, due to the poseabilty and the its design just exudes character.

    And character is probably the biggest selling point of any figure. It could have the worst articulation ever but if it has that certain level of charm it becomes instantly worth it regardless of the price.

    I feel MP44 has this and I definitely don’t regret buying it.

    I will say though that MP10 is still impressive despite the weak looking gun. I actually bought a custom black modified version of MP02 Magnus gun years ago from ebay which juuuust fits in its hand.

    And then immediately gave it to MP10-B because the black Nemesis Prime look is just, ugh, too good on this mold. *chefs kiss*

    Speaking of black convoys, I’m still super salty the upcoming MP black convoy is just a repaint of MP44. I like the mold and all but I don’t need another one. What I really wanted was an official MP Black convoy/Scourge from Car Robots/RID.

    I have the Fanshobby version from launch releas but after hearing about the initial breaks I havent touched him since, let alone transformed him. Also his toxic tyre smell from back then still pisses me because it took days for him to finally air out.

    Edit: just to expand upon the character thing. Modifications can sometimes go a long way to bring out the true potential of a figure. When I first got MP Ironhide, he was...fine I guess. But the hip pieces were definitely an eyesore. But then the shadowfisher hip/side replacement kit made him straight up awesome! Now I have him sitting in a stylish chair of LEGO, looking smoother than Don Draper.

    I still am tempted to buy the black repaint of MP-44 (MP-49) just because I love the teal color of the weapons, effects and highlights. >_< But I really don't need yet another Optimus Prime mold figure.

    I put the Shadow Fisher parts on my Ironhide and liked it. Then after a month of looking at it, I actually took them off and put the original back. Even though the hips look cleaner and better, I sort of missed having the car parts dangling there like pockets (or empty gun holsters). So now I have a kit of those for Ironhide and Ratchet sitting there. Figure I'll wait for them to go out of stock and sell them to a fellow collector who really wants them for cost.

    Steam: betsuni7
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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    I haven't started constructing anything for her yet, but I got some clothes in the mail for my proto-Shepard, including boots that are perfect for the kit, all I have to do is color them black.

    I also angled her face downwards to give the standard Shepard glare. Honestly, put a mini-N7 patch on her and this would be a pretty good Shepard casual look.

    This isn't Shepard related, but I ordered this huge ass Vespa model recently, but I'm not sure how long it will take to get here:


    Yes, that is the scale of my dolls. Yes, one or all of them will be put on the Vespa. (is it out of character for Shepard to ride a Vespa? Dunno, but she's gonna)

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    I really appreciate all the Masterpiece Optimus/Legally-Distinct-From-Optimus discussion! It... hasn't really made it easier for me to decide, but I'm enjoying reading it!

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    How married are you to the MP sizeclass? Hasbro has a smaller, voyager scaled Prime toy coming out soon for the Earthrise toyline, complete with a trailer, for $50. It has a case of bumper-butt, but looks like a pretty good figure for the price.

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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    I tell you what, though: I haven't bought any toys in a couple of years, and so I'm really eager to get the ones I ordered last week. They still haven't even shipped and it is a g o n y.

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    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    How married are you to the MP sizeclass? Hasbro has a smaller, voyager scaled Prime toy coming out soon for the Earthrise toyline, complete with a trailer, for $50. It has a case of bumper-butt, but looks like a pretty good figure for the price.

    Yeah some of the Siege and Earthrise series mainline toys look really good. The Earth Prime and Grapple look like affordable Masterpieces. I also have been fiddling with the Siege Astrotrain for the last two nights and love it. It is a perfect mix of new toy and homage to the G1 toys/cartoon.

    Steam: betsuni7
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    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    Cambiata wrote: »
    I haven't started constructing anything for her yet, but I got some clothes in the mail for my proto-Shepard, including boots that are perfect for the kit, all I have to do is color them black.

    I also angled her face downwards to give the standard Shepard glare. Honestly, put a mini-N7 patch on her and this would be a pretty good Shepard casual look.

    This isn't Shepard related, but I ordered this huge ass Vespa model recently, but I'm not sure how long it will take to get here:


    Yes, that is the scale of my dolls. Yes, one or all of them will be put on the Vespa. (is it out of character for Shepard to ride a Vespa? Dunno, but she's gonna)

    That Vespa looks really great. Also loving your female Shepherd. Especially the glare.

    Steam: betsuni7
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    HeatwaveHeatwave Come, now, and walk the path of explosions with me!Registered User regular
    Man speaking of grapple, both him and inferno are one of the best mp g1 transformers ever. Love the way everything folds in and disappears

    Cambiata wrote: »
    I haven't started constructing anything for her yet, but I got some clothes in the mail for my proto-Shepard, including boots that are perfect for the kit, all I have to do is color them black.

    I also angled her face downwards to give the standard Shepard glare. Honestly, put a mini-N7 patch on her and this would be a pretty good Shepard casual look.

    This isn't Shepard related, but I ordered this huge ass Vespa model recently, but I'm not sure how long it will take to get here:


    Yes, that is the scale of my dolls. Yes, one or all of them will be put on the Vespa. (is it out of character for Shepard to ride a Vespa? Dunno, but she's gonna)

    Did you order the order the Vespa so Shepard do the “I should go” quote and drive away?

    Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    How married are you to the MP sizeclass? Hasbro has a smaller, voyager scaled Prime toy coming out soon for the Earthrise toyline, complete with a trailer, for $50. It has a case of bumper-butt, but looks like a pretty good figure for the price.
    Yeah, the Siege and (for me, personally) Earthrise figures have looked better than anything Hasbro's put out in like... a decade almost. That Earthrise Prime (which I think is technically considered Leader-class, probably because of the addition of the trailer?) is beautiful, the best general-line G1-style toy Prime we've had in maybe ever.

    I'm not married to MPs because of the size or scale - I don't care about scale (neither as an inherent attribute, nor as a way to keep figures in scale to each other), and frankly a smaller size would make it easier to find a place for them. What I am married to is attractive sculpts and interesting transformations (which I can't really qualify, other than by an I-know-it-when-I-see-it metric). The figures that are intended to be massively available in stores as toys, targeted at young kids, need to (1) have a level of complexity that is reasonable for the intended age range, and (2) be durable enough to withstand at least moderately rough play (and pass stuff like the drop test, etc). As a result, I think these figures tend to have bulkier components, simpler transformations, "play features" that are of no interest to me and just take up a certain plastic budget, and so on.

    Masterpiece figures are aimed at older, collector audiences, and so don't need to be durable in the same way, allowing for smaller and more delicate components and joints, leading to more refined sculpts and more involved transformations (which, in turns, can lead to better bot modes and alt modes, as smaller pieces can collapse more tightly as necessary). 3rd party figures are even more free of guarantees and obligations, with similar benefits, although the cost is that you often have tolerance issues, stress marks, and the like.

    I'm going to go on a personally-reflective tangent, so please feel free to skip the rest of this paragraph. Over the course of the past few months, I've slimmed down my collection ("hoard" might be more accurate) significantly. My wife is a minimalist, and although she tolerates all the junk that I have for all my various hobbies, I know that having so many things makes her anxious; if I can alleviate that, I should. More importantly, we have a toddler now, and if there's space for a bin of stuff, better that it be a bin of toys she plays with than a bin of toys I haven't looked at in five years. As I got rid of things, it became easier and easier to keep getting rid of things. I'm not going to judge what other people's approach is to material belongings, you do you; I think I have some natural hoarding tendencies, and nothing brings that out into the light like having to move apartments twice in a single year. After this second move, I've started looking at my stuff with a harsher and more critical eye. I know that for a while it was fashionable to be into Marie Kondo's philosophy, then it was fashionable to rag on being into Marie Kondo's philosophy (I think because a lot of the people being vocally into it are well-to-do white people who are affluent enough that they can get rid of most of their belongings without suffering any decrease in quality of life, while other folks are scraping by trying to make rent). I don't know much about the whole of her philosophy, but that often-quoted notion of "does this spark joy?" resonated when I first heard it. If you're looking to slim down your non-essential belongings, that sounds like a very good criteria to use. I've been trying to lean on it while going through my toys, and finding that a great deal many of them don't cause any stir of emotion in me. What's the point of holding on, then? For a while, it was having them just to have them; to keep the things that meant a lot to me in childhood as a sort of externalized memory. The same way one can look at a photo and be reminded of the event, I can look at this or that toy and be reminded of what it felt like to be a kid. For good or ill, though, I've had to discard a great deal many of these toys because the hard plastic has started to become slippery and the soft plastic has started to become sticky; I've talked about this a few months ago in this thread. Once the seal was broken, it felt like there wasn't much need to keep things purely for the sake of having them; I was free to keep only the things that made me happy.

    Overall, Masterpiece and most 3rd party toys offer me more of what I'm looking for than do the mass-market toys. I'm trying to be a bit more intentional and discerning about the toys I buy from now on, partially to keep a lid on how much stuff I have and partially to avoid having to throw out toys in the future ('cause it sucks). So, I feel like it makes sense to try and impose some guideline restrictions on myself. Like, I watched an Earthrise Cliffjumper review last night, and it's really cool! Very cool. Can I allow myself to buy something that is merely "really cool"? There are so many things that are really cool, that's what got me here in the first place. I need to try and buy things that are at the very least really really cool, you know? So, I'm not definitively ruling out Siege/Earthrise toys or anything, but I am giving preference to Masterpiece and 3rd party pieces. I dunno, does any of that make sense?
    Heatwave wrote: »
    Man speaking of grapple, both him and inferno are one of the best mp g1 transformers ever. Love the way everything folds in and disappears
    It really feels like magic. I think the legs on Ironhide and Ratchet are likewise magical - smooth planes and straight lines that seamlessly close to hide away the curves and bumps of the car mode.

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    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    I wanted to reply to your post @Delduwath since I am beginning to understand some of your pain. See, I'm a hoarder and now admit it to my wife and others. But lately I have come to understand that you can't keep everything you want or enjoy. Biggest thing right now is my Transformers. I began to buy ones that I really wanted as a kid and never got. Then I added Masterpieces or their 3P equivalent because I loved the engineering that was put into them. Their complexity and other things put them above the rest. I also buy/bought the regular line for my day to day fiddling and for my Niece and Nephew to play with when they come over. But yeah now my Transformers collection is getting a bit out of hand. I'm actually not buying everything that comes out and focusing on possibly thinning my existing collection. So yeah, I know what you mean a bit. Heck, I now have two Macross SoC DX Valkyries, two Hi-Metal Valkyries, and two SoC Voltrons (Lion and Vehicle) along with my 3.75" Star Wars collection. It is slowly getting out of hand and room to display.

    Honestly, I think after my Niece and Nephew no longer play with my Transformers I might go mostly Masterpieces (or equivalent) since they fit what I want out of them.

    Steam: betsuni7
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    HefflingHeffling No Pic EverRegistered User regular
    I have one shelf full of Transformers, two full of Star Wars Legos, and three full of Gundam (mostly MG and a few PG kits), with the hutch on my desk covered in RG Gundam. I like all of my toys, and routinely take them out to play with. I think the ones I like the least are the Combiner Wars TFs, but that's mostly because of the large amount of remolds.

    Gunpla, and to a lesser degree these days painting minifigs, is how I express myself artistically. And I enjoy having all of the finished models around. I did give away a lot of older, simpler transformers when I moved last (6 years ago), so I understand the feeling. At this point, in the future I eventually want to move into a larger home so I can have more display area.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    I used to be a completionist, but now I try to just get the figures that interest me. (Don't really have the room for more than that, plus it's safer on my wallet and sanity) I still have boxes and boxes of Transformers that I should look into selling most of (old G1 toys (plus some gobots), a complete set for the 2001 RiD line, a nearly complete set of Armada, a handful of Energon, a nearly complete set of the 2007 movie line, and various CHUG or CHUG stand-ins.), plus a ton of Lego sets I've taken apart (most superhero stuff, marvel and DC) that I stalled on because of dust allergies. At some point those are getting donated to various kids of people I know.

    I think my current set up stands as

    Living Room
    Large Bookshelf
    -Lego X-Wing & Tie Fighter
    -Lego 2012 Avengers
    -CHUG Autobots
    -CHUG Decepticons
    -NECA Portal & Half-Life figures
    -Blank Shelf (thinking of putting some Gears of War figures there, but I need to fix my broken Marcus Fenix)

    Small Bookshelf
    -Lego Helicarrier
    -NECA KotM Godzilla/Rodan/Mothra
    -Lego GotG Milano
    -Couple of blank shelves, though this is a bad case for displaying figures so I dunno if I'll fill them.

    -Omega Supreme/Devastator/Brave Maximus/Micromaster display (in disrepair while I try, unsuccessfully, to fix my Devastator)

    Bookshelf A
    -Misc CHUG figures (Female Autobots, a spare Windblade, Tankor/Tankor, Chromdome/Rewind)
    Bookshelf B
    -Masterpiece TF (mixed factions)

  • Options
    NobodyNobody Registered User regular
    Siege line was very weird for me aesthetically.

    Some very interesting designs (I ended up getting Shockwave and some of the Seekers), but the shiny plastic + painted battle damage just turned me off on it.

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    HeatwaveHeatwave Come, now, and walk the path of explosions with me!Registered User regular
    Man even just getting only the ones which interest me has left me with very little space left.

    I’d like to try selling old stuff on eBay but the thought of organizing shipping internationally, or even locally, terrifies me.

    Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
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    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    So the Warbotron WB03 Combiner Box Set, their not-Computron, is on sale for $150

    It never looked quite as good as Quantron to me, but that's a pretty huge discount

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
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    HefflingHeffling No Pic EverRegistered User regular
    I have the Wei Jiang upsized Warbotron and it is far superior to any of the Combiner Wars transformers.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    My Vespa model parts came in and I started building, unfortunately one of the parts was broken and I'm waiting to hear back from the company on a replacement.

    Meanwhile, Danny Choo of Smart Doll posted this message today:
    The new year back at work has been busy but we are managing the large volume of orders while working on the many Hollywood and anime prototypes.

    The next licensed anime guy will be announced at Wonder Festival Feb 9th. I won’t give anything away but after you see him you will be running with your chest stuck out and your arms flailing behind you. There was no other way to do his hair apart from using vinyl (a bit like the plamo hair prototype we made) in order to get the spikes on his head just like the anime but we made it so that you can change his wig to a standard BJD wig if you want. Vinyl hair enables us to so crazy hair like…Dragon Ball styles (hey that was just an example ;-)

    Have a look on the Smart Doll online store for the latest and greatest releases. While we will release a couple more new Smart Dolls between now and end of Feb - the avalanche of releases will come starting March.

    DC heroine Smart Dolls will start to launch March - May-ish. Ichinose will prob be around the same time.

    Mirai Store is being filled with more Star Wars goodies.

    The February release is clearly Naruto, or at least a character from Naruto. I don't really care about that anime tho, but it'll be interesting to see his take.

    "Ichinose" is Shiki Ichinose from THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls... I've never even heard of this anime. God I'm old.

    DC releases are the ones I'm hot for. Danny made a separate post asking people which version of Harley Quinn they'd want to see, I posted that I like her best in the jumpsuit from her first appearance in Batman: TAS. A lot of other people like that version too, but also people like the Suicide Squad or Arkham Asylum versions. He didn't exactly do a poll, so I doubt our posts will matter, but I really hope he does some version of her red and black outfit, even if it's modified to look more like Suicide Squad. Like the version of Harley Quinn from her own animated series I'd be OK with. But I honestly fucking hate that "Daddy's lil monster" t-shirt.

    I'm curious what he could be doing with lego, though. I can't imagine a lego figure would look that good 2 feet tall, though I do imagine there would be a market for it. But I don't see it being that lucrative going the other way and having Mirai (his flagship character) lego figures... though I think Mirai is very popular in Japan, so maybe I'm wrong.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    Heffling wrote: »
    I have the Wei Jiang upsized Warbotron and it is far superior to any of the Combiner Wars transformers.

    I have the Takara Computron with a couple add-ons, plus I have Quantron, so I'm not sure if I want another Computron.... my gut says... maybe

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    Not really a model itself but I got this custom made shirt from one of my favorite clothing shop off Instagram:

    I looked into it and that Gundam is Victory Gundam, a UC series I've actually never seen (because they never aired it on Toonami lol). Now I'm gonna have to find a kit for this Gundam. Also interested in finding a Turn-A-Gundam kit somewhere too.

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    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    Victory is interesting, it has one of the youngest mainline protagonists I think. It's also basically the end of the main UC shows I believe

    I love Turn A, pretty comfy show with a lot of unique designs. RIP Syd Mead : (

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
  • Options
    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    Cambiata wrote: »
    My Vespa model parts came in and I started building, unfortunately one of the parts was broken and I'm waiting to hear back from the company on a replacement.

    Meanwhile, Danny Choo of Smart Doll posted this message today:
    The new year back at work has been busy but we are managing the large volume of orders while working on the many Hollywood and anime prototypes.

    The next licensed anime guy will be announced at Wonder Festival Feb 9th. I won’t give anything away but after you see him you will be running with your chest stuck out and your arms flailing behind you. There was no other way to do his hair apart from using vinyl (a bit like the plamo hair prototype we made) in order to get the spikes on his head just like the anime but we made it so that you can change his wig to a standard BJD wig if you want. Vinyl hair enables us to so crazy hair like…Dragon Ball styles (hey that was just an example ;-)

    Have a look on the Smart Doll online store for the latest and greatest releases. While we will release a couple more new Smart Dolls between now and end of Feb - the avalanche of releases will come starting March.

    DC heroine Smart Dolls will start to launch March - May-ish. Ichinose will prob be around the same time.

    Mirai Store is being filled with more Star Wars goodies.

    The February release is clearly Naruto, or at least a character from Naruto. I don't really care about that anime tho, but it'll be interesting to see his take.

    "Ichinose" is Shiki Ichinose from THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls... I've never even heard of this anime. God I'm old.

    DC releases are the ones I'm hot for. Danny made a separate post asking people which version of Harley Quinn they'd want to see, I posted that I like her best in the jumpsuit from her first appearance in Batman: TAS. A lot of other people like that version too, but also people like the Suicide Squad or Arkham Asylum versions. He didn't exactly do a poll, so I doubt our posts will matter, but I really hope he does some version of her red and black outfit, even if it's modified to look more like Suicide Squad. Like the version of Harley Quinn from her own animated series I'd be OK with. But I honestly fucking hate that "Daddy's lil monster" t-shirt.

    I'm curious what he could be doing with lego, though. I can't imagine a lego figure would look that good 2 feet tall, though I do imagine there would be a market for it. But I don't see it being that lucrative going the other way and having Mirai (his flagship character) lego figures... though I think Mirai is very popular in Japan, so maybe I'm wrong.

    Good thing he doesn't make a Heero Yuy figure. Because I don't think my wife could resist.

    Steam: betsuni7
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    DelzhandDelzhand Hard to miss. Registered User regular
    Finally started Megs last night. Couldn't find nippers at the local craft store, so I fell back on a pair of nail clippers. They're slightly awkward but do the job well enough if you cut further on the sprue and then cut down.


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    DelzhandDelzhand Hard to miss. Registered User regular

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Somebody got a 3D printed Claymore shotgun in the mail.


    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    DelzhandDelzhand Hard to miss. Registered User regular
    Cam, your desktop gives me anxiety.

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    HefflingHeffling No Pic EverRegistered User regular
    I agree, you need more icons.

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    NobodyNobody Registered User regular
    Ended up ordering Siege Astrotrain and Apeface through Hasbro Pulse.

    I've heard rumors that Apeface showed up briefly at one of the nearby Targets, but the 4 near me are still full to the brim of Shockwaves, Megatrons and Starscreams. The two Walmarts? One was literally a dozen Brunts (that's it) and the other was great if you wanted Siege or G1 Shockwave.

    Amazon literally only had them through third party sellers who were...optimistic on their pricing.

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    BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    I've gone to the world of just buying them from online since they either are impossible to find like you found out, or never show up (then showing up at like Ross or something for next to nothing).

    Hope you enjoy them. I just got Astrotrain and actually like him. Now I'm hoping to find the G1 version from Walmart one of these days.

    Steam: betsuni7
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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    I was going to wait for both Rung and the two new micromaster packs to get into stock before I ordered them, but they immediately went from preorderable to sold out, so I guess I'm SOL.

    Really wish someone could figure out a better way of distributing these things.

    Undead Scottsman on
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