StarCraft: Starcraft 3 is basically Starcraft Brawler, the mod, and it's amazing?!



  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    Oh god....
    The DeepMind team restricted AlphaStar’s capabilities, ensuring for example that it could not perform moves at superhuman speeds. This proved crucial to the AI’s success, because instead of beating humans through speed alone, it was forced to learn winning long-term strategies.

    Also, sadly I doubt this will hold true for long:
    While DeepMind states that it will never be involved in military work

    MMMig on
    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    MMMig wrote: »
    Also, sadly I doubt this will hold true for long:
    While DeepMind states that it will never be involved in military work

    Yeah, I don't want real world RTS simulations with other countries based around AI, thanks. I'm sure we run stuff like that against statistics and probability, but something like DeepMind in the military sounds scary.

  • hlprmnkyhlprmnky Registered User regular
    MMMig wrote: »
    Also, sadly I doubt this will hold true for long:
    While DeepMind states that it will never be involved in military work

    Yeah, I don't want real world RTS simulations with other countries based around AI, thanks. I'm sure we run stuff like that against statistics and probability, but something like DeepMind in the military sounds scary.

    Grunts everywhere doing whatever the feed in their helmet HMD screen says absolutely without question. Drive a tanker truck full of latex paint into the desert outside the base and leave it there? Sure thing, man. DeepMind must have a reason it needs to be there.

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  • MonwynMonwyn Apathy's a tragedy, and boredom is a crime. A little bit of everything, all of the time.Registered User regular
    In other news, there's a new round of balance tweaks for testing.

    Battlecruiser changes undone (fine)
    Infested Terrans gone, Infestors now have Dark Swarm that only protects ground units against air attacks and costs 100 energy (Hydras still suck and this is too expensive to help)
    Zealot Charge no longer deals charge damage, but makes Zealot movement speed comparable to that of off-creep Speedlings (!!!)

  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    edited October 2019
    More significantly, zealot speed equivalent to a stimmed marine.

    They're now completely removing the bonus Charge impact damage. I think this decreases the power of zealots in the initial combat against stimmed bio, but makes them more powerful in any form of extended skirmish because they'll be able to engage and disengage more cleanly without being tied to the charge cooldown.

    Dhalphir on
  • BloodySlothBloodySloth Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    Infestors pooping out infested terrans from nowhere always seemed thematically really weird to me, but infested terrans are also cool, so completely getting rid of them is a shame.
    DeepMind has come

    44 days from noob to GrandMaster.

    pff, big deal, half of all people on your average twitch chat are GrandMaster. Or so I've been told.

    BloodySloth on
  • The Zombie PenguinThe Zombie Penguin Eternal Hungry Corpse Registered User regular
    Be very interested to see that AI thrown at something like League of Legends, or a similar team based game. That seems a step beyond? But also not htat big a step given how MOBAs grew out of RTSes.

    Also is that a specific refrence, Hlprmnky?

    Ideas hate it when you anthropomorphize them
    Switch: 0293 6817 9891
  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    Be very interested to see that AI thrown at something like League of Legends, or a similar team based game. That seems a step beyond? But also not htat big a step given how MOBAs grew out of RTSes.

    Also is that a specific refrence, Hlprmnky?

    Already done in DOTA2. Look here:

  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    the worst thing about new changes to balance test maps is they always sound so cool and make me want to do some ladder, but then i'd be playing with the old balance, which isn't as interesting, so i don't do anything, and then i forget about laddering, and i tune out and never notice when the changes go live

    repeat every balance pass

  • hlprmnkyhlprmnky Registered User regular
    Be very interested to see that AI thrown at something like League of Legends, or a similar team based game. That seems a step beyond? But also not htat big a step given how MOBAs grew out of RTSes.

    Also is that a specific refrence, Hlprmnky?

    Nope, just how I imagine genetic algorithms will fight wars.

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  • VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    I like these changes. never liked infested terrans, I just don't like almost anything that's made to be spammed like that, and zealots sound more like SC1. all for it.

    bummed about maru at blizzcon but I was glad Serral got knocked down. nothing against him -at all-, just always fun to see an underdog win.

    I'm actually not even sure who won the finals! but I did see who won Hearthstone! that's crazy! not even sure who she is, I haven't followed HS in over 2 years now (crazy!!! I was so into that game as some of you know) but my jaw dropped. awesome news.

    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
  • BloodySlothBloodySloth Registered User regular
    I don't know if it's been mentioned at all during Blizzcon, but they're introducing Mengsk as a new co-op commander:

    It sounds like he focuses on having a bulk trash army of worker/soldiers who can be equipped with purchasable weaponry, backing up a smaller but more elite force of high powered versions of typical terran units.

    I've always really liked the idea of having workers that can be conscripted into fighting units. Now I just need to actually start playing co-op like I've been meaning to forever.

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    I don't know if it's been mentioned at all during Blizzcon, but they're introducing Mengsk as a new co-op commander:

    It sounds like he focuses on having a bulk trash army of worker/soldiers who can be equipped with purchasable weaponry, backing up a smaller but more elite force of high powered versions of typical terran units.

    I've always really liked the idea of having workers that can be conscripted into fighting units. Now I just need to actually start playing co-op like I've been meaning to forever.

    They mentioned him at the opening presentation ID: kime#1822
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  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    If people are interested, Scarlett vs Maru is on below in the qualifiers for IEM Katowice, and it is already incredible 9 mins into first game.

    Invictus on
    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • WingedWeaselWingedWeasel Registered User regular
    I have no idea how to interpret the wcs --> esl change

    This also goes for hearthstone and warcaft 3 it would appear. On the Warcraft side it seems great, no idea for these eothers

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    Protoss op.

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • fadingathedgesfadingathedges Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    Just did placements—first time I've played since WoL. Bronzey!

    e~ Bronze 100 to Silver 3 in 1 match? I'll take it!

    fadingathedges on
  • PriscaPrisca Registered User regular
    The early builds of StarCraft ghost has been trending on news discussion sites. It's really rough, I can see why Blizzard shelved it, lol!

  • BloodySlothBloodySloth Registered User regular
    I haven't watched all of the footage, but I skimmed through some of it yesterday and, keeping in mind it's an unfinished build, I think the game looks like it could have been pretty cool in, like, 2004. I think seeing it for the first time in 2020 is not to best context for a game that was going to come out on the original xbox.

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    I kinda liked it, actually.

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    If people are interested, the GSL Super Tournament started Wednesday; from the first four matches, all are reasonable, but Parting v Trap and sOs v Rogue are in particular worth watching.

    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    TSL5, the most prestigious online tournament there is, is completing play on its second day today, and, uh. Uhhhh....I have watched a lot of, a lot. A lot a lot. And this might very well be the craziest day of Starcraft I have ever watched. I expect the vod will be up on soon, and probably they'll start a rerun after the finish in the next 60 or 90 minutes, but the point is, people: seriously consider watching some of this, if SC2 is entertaining to you at all.

    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    I know this is not a popular thread at this point, but I was watching GSL just now (this is the link to last night) and I realized that the skills necessary to be a world-class commentator (purely in terms of game-knowledge, putting aside public speaking) and the skills necessary to be an observer are substantially different, as I watched the observer move to a thing that the commentators didn't get.

    I understand that the example i've given doesn't itself show the point I'm making, but the details do. All I really wanna say is that SC2 as a spectator sport is at least as good as BW and I didn't appreciate that until literally now.

    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • BloodySlothBloodySloth Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    For those not keeping up with StarCraft, Scarlett has started fucking around in Brood War recently and has made it to S rank on the Korean Ladder in like a month.

    Anyway, long story short, Artosis and Scarlett just played a best of 7 showmatch, with Tasteless casting. I won't spoil the results but it ended up being an excellent set of games to watch:

    BloodySloth on
  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    For those not keeping up with StarCraft, Scarlett has started fucking around in Brood War recently and has made it to S rank on the Korean Ladder in like a month.

    Anyway, long story short, Artosis and Scarlett just played a best of 7 showmatch, with Tasteless casting. I won't spoil the results but it ended up being an excellent set of games to watch:

    I watched this live and it was the best live BW I've watched, and I have been following Korean pro BW since;.....i dunno, 2004?

    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • BloodySlothBloodySloth Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    I wanted to keep a multi-screen going to see everyone's perspectives, but Scarlett's mic was real quiet and I couldn't get behind the music she plays while streaming, so I cut it down to just tasteless and arty.
    I admit to no small amount of schadenfreude watching Artosis' face during those fist two games. It was probably wise of him to keep his mic muted during the match.

    BloodySloth on
  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    Just want to say I appreciate this thread title and am stealing this joke

  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    edited September 2020
    Everybody, real talk now.

    I played BW from its release, in my early teens, searching out Korean replays (back when replays were the canonical way of experiencing a past game, and VODs of someone else analyzing were pffff not even second-best), until War3 basically, following pro SC the whole time. I played SC2 in the beta; I was diamond ranked when that was the highest league available. I, vividly, remember waking up at 3 in the morning to watch FruitDealer beat HopeTorture when Zerg was conceded to be so much the worst race that even FruitDealer in the final was understood to be insane (FruitDealer beat a mass thor strat with mass banelings in a way that foreshadows contemporary play). I have followed SC2, ranging from avidly to rabidly, over eight of the ten years it's been around, including a full year of subscription to gomTV.

    I say this not to gain your respect, but to give impact and importance to what I say following.

    Competitive SC2, particularly in the foreign scene, is better to watch now than literally it has ever been. Tomorrow, on esl_sc2 at twitch, starting at noon New York time, the most interesting non-Korean final sets of a tournament ever are occurring. To be clear, the acclaimed best two players in the world are playing in the EU tournament tomorrow, Serral and Reynor, and they are playing in the loser bracket finals. Whoever wins plays Clem, a barely-18-years-old French phenomenon who has been good for a couple years but has shot to the stratosphere in the last six months. These games are insanely entertaining, all the way through.
    Then, after, there will be the NA finals, which mirror EU in a crazy way. Astrea, a young meteor who has spent the last year training and performing in Korea, the victor of the winner's finals, awaits the survivor from the loser's finals. The loser's finals is Scarlett v Neeb, who have been the accepted best players in North America since literally like 2013, both of which were pushed to the loser's bracket by Astrea in 3-2 Bo5s.

    look, sc2 is stressful as shit and weird to play. but it's the best spectator esport there is, and this is the best time to watch, and tomorrow is the best day to watch. do what you gotta do.

    Invictus on
    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    I do still love playing SC2, it's just just so much effort compared to any other competitive game that I always cave and do something else lol ID: kime#1822
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  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    Hah, yeah with my old-man hands I feel the tension of playing at high apm.

    Man... remember battle reports?

    Stay a while and listen my children, of the days when replays weren't even a thing.

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    For the record, I was wrong about start time; they're starting later on the finals day. It is starting in a little under 1.5 hours, at 2:30 pm New York time, not noon.

    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • hlprmnkyhlprmnky Registered User regular
    And I happened to check in on the forums at precisely the right time. Haven't fired up SC2 since before LotV came out but still love watching a good ZvZ.

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  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    hlprmnky wrote: »
    And I happened to check in on the forums at precisely the right time. Haven't fired up SC2 since before LotV came out but still love watching a good ZvZ.

    These are, I believe, the best ZvZs to watch in the history of SC2.

    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • hlprmnkyhlprmnky Registered User regular
    Invictus wrote: »
    hlprmnky wrote: »
    And I happened to check in on the forums at precisely the right time. Haven't fired up SC2 since before LotV came out but still love watching a good ZvZ.

    These are, I believe, the best ZvZs to watch in the history of SC2.

    I think the only Zerg tech not used sometime in those matches was the venerable Nydus Worm. Must ...remember... that I am an Old™. Must ...resist ...urge to reinstall SC2...

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  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Current ZvT game 3 spoiler
    For the Swarrrrrrm! ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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  • hlprmnkyhlprmnky Registered User regular
    Scarlett fighting holy shit. Very glad I got to spend today watching these instead of whatever else I had been gonna do.

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  • SorCSorC Registered User regular
    hlprmnky wrote: »
    Invictus wrote: »
    hlprmnky wrote: »
    And I happened to check in on the forums at precisely the right time. Haven't fired up SC2 since before LotV came out but still love watching a good ZvZ.

    These are, I believe, the best ZvZs to watch in the history of SC2.

    I think the only Zerg tech not used sometime in those matches was the venerable Nydus Worm. Must ...remember... that I am an Old™. Must ...resist ...urge to reinstall SC2...

    Unless you have physical difficulty playing (RSI etc), being old is no barrier. I submit for evidence that DRG, Parting and Bomber are all back in GSL after doing their military service.

    That and I reinstalled not so long ago and am back in diamond league. I am 37 ......

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    SorC wrote: »
    hlprmnky wrote: »
    Invictus wrote: »
    hlprmnky wrote: »
    And I happened to check in on the forums at precisely the right time. Haven't fired up SC2 since before LotV came out but still love watching a good ZvZ.

    These are, I believe, the best ZvZs to watch in the history of SC2.

    I think the only Zerg tech not used sometime in those matches was the venerable Nydus Worm. Must ...remember... that I am an Old™. Must ...resist ...urge to reinstall SC2...

    Unless you have physical difficulty playing (RSI etc), being old is no barrier. I submit for evidence that DRG, Parting and Bomber are all back in GSL after doing their military service.

    That and I reinstalled not so long ago and am back in diamond league. I am 37 ......

    Yeah but you're protoss so...


    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    TLO is leaving TL after over a decade.

    Witty signature comment goes here...

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