Okay, so it seems everybody has their own idea of who should be this year's PAX keynote. Personally, I don't know what the guys at PA have in store for this year, but instead of having a thread for everybody's keynote idea, we're going to open up this thread for everybody to pitch who they think should be the keynote for this year. Now, this thread in no way guarantees that any of these people will be the keynote. The actual keynote speaker will be announced by the guys at PA later on this summer. So go to town, everybody.
I would think potential speakers would fall into two basic categories. People that are widely known for their involvement in making games such as Shigeru Miyamoto and people that are famous for other reasons but are known to be gamers Like Wil Wheaton.
Jack Thompson. Or Voldemort. They're much the same...
the first thing i though of was Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth and i could find an image of the dark wizard from futurama
however, before the vin diesel was locked...
not that i like/care about vin diesel i really dont care,but a compelling argument is his game "the wheelman"
he starts, and i think directs produces...something
maybe animate? j/k he couldnt do that...
but he could standout his booth and give out mints? he is as buff as the haze dude, why not have him give out drugs as you play his game, i meant mints, not drugs....... but if you said his game sucked you would be killed right there, scary shit
but he could standout his booth and give out mints? he is as buff as the haze dude, why not have him give out drugs as you play his game, i meant mints, not drugs....... but if you said his game sucked you would be killed right there, scary shit
The Haze dude was HAWK from the classic American Gladiators series. He was always the ladies man on that show, too.
I could definitely agree to Riddick handing out mints, but I just can't imagine him being anything more than a booth babe. Maybe he can hand out Brawndo samples?
Vote for voice of GLADOS, as she and her husband have been involved in voice over work for quite some time.
Jeff Green, editor in chief of the now-totally-online Games For Windows. What can I say? The guy cracks me up and has the perspective of a lifetime gamer.
As per the now locked Bruce Campbell thread, I would also recommend Bruce Campbell because he is Bruce Campbell and brings a certain Bruce Campbell-ism everywhere he goes, and yes, that is a good thing. He also is living testament to perseverance is pursuing your passion, whatever it may be. And as the thread pointed out, he has been portrayed and done voice work and mocap in games since 1997. As the Spider-Man series proved, he can handle narration.
Lastly, I would fucking love it if you could get Stephen Hawking. Not only is he a living legend and super genius, but that computer voice he uses is perfect for this venue.
I think Joss Whedon would be awesome. I've always been a big fan and if the shout out to Browncoats in last year's keynote was any indication, I'm not alone.
Weird Al would also be great. I saw him in concert this year and he was AMAZING!
Well since Gary is a bit on the dead side, we could get the other guy who created D&D. Though I still think Bruce Campbell would be a million times better.
I think Joss Whedon would be awesome. I've always been a big fan and if the shout out to Browncoats in last year's keynote was any indication, I'm not alone.
Seconding Joss. Joss is Boss.
Also, how about mc chris? He'll already be there, is a gamer (just listen to some of his tracks), and also fills the all around nerd requirement (his work with wiliams street on Aqua Teen, Sealab, etc.). Judging from his banter on stage and the few times I've spoken with him after shows, he's well spoken enough to pull off a keynote as well.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2008
There have been at least 4 limed quotes in the last 2 days. I can't remember the last time I've seen lime in here before this week. It's kind of annoying. I mean, if you're quoting a post, you don't really need to lime it.
There have been at least 4 limed quotes in the last 2 days. I can't remember the last time I've seen lime in here before this week. It's kind of annoying. I mean, if you're quoting a post, you don't really need to lime it.
There have been at least 4 limed quotes in the last 2 days. I can't remember the last time I've seen lime in here before this week. It's kind of annoying. I mean, if you're quoting a post, you don't really need to lime it.
Everytime I quote moe from now on, I am going to lime it.
There have been at least 4 limed quotes in the last 2 days. I can't remember the last time I've seen lime in here before this week. It's kind of annoying. I mean, if you're quoting a post, you don't really need to lime it.
Everytime I quotemoefromnowon,I am going to limeit.
It could always be worse.
Transparent on
PAXtrain '10, let's do this!
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2008
Yeah, I could start doling out infractions for people abusing the color options
Lastly, I would fucking love it if you could get Stephen Hawking. Not only is he a living legend and super genius, but that computer voice he uses is perfect for this venue.
Also, I second the vote for Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw. The drawbacks are that his style includes way more expletives than we would probably want for such a family friendly event . That and he lives in Australia, and Airline tickets == Expensive.
Plus, given his ravaging of SSBB this week, he's likely to get lynched by Nintendo fanboys when getting off the plane.
Also, I second the vote for Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw. The drawbacks are that his style includes way more expletives than we would probably want for such a family friendly event . That and he lives in Australia, and Airline tickets == Expensive.
Plus, given his ravaging of SSBB this week, he's likely to get lynched by Nintendo fanboys when getting off the plane.
family friendly? I think you're thinking of the wrong PAX. We're talking about an event where Tycho admitted to "cockthirsty" being his favorite swear.
family friendly? I think you're thinking of the wrong PAX. We're talking about an event where Tycho admitted to "cockthirsty" being his favorite swear.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
the first thing i though of was Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth and i could find an image of the dark wizard from futurama
however, before the vin diesel was locked...
not that i like/care about vin diesel i really dont care,but a compelling argument is his game "the wheelman"
he starts, and i think directs produces...something
maybe animate? j/k he couldnt do that...
but he could standout his booth and give out mints? he is as buff as the haze dude, why not have him give out drugs as you play his game, i meant mints, not drugs....... but if you said his game sucked you would be killed right there, scary shit
The keynote can be them saying they will show up but never do. It would be like them acting out their game.
I'm kidding.
The Haze dude was HAWK from the classic American Gladiators series. He was always the ladies man on that show, too.
I could definitely agree to Riddick handing out mints, but I just can't imagine him being anything more than a booth babe. Maybe he can hand out Brawndo samples?
Vote for voice of GLADOS, as she and her husband have been involved in voice over work for quite some time.
Jeff Green, editor in chief of the now-totally-online Games For Windows. What can I say? The guy cracks me up and has the perspective of a lifetime gamer.
As per the now locked Bruce Campbell thread, I would also recommend Bruce Campbell because he is Bruce Campbell and brings a certain Bruce Campbell-ism everywhere he goes, and yes, that is a good thing. He also is living testament to perseverance is pursuing your passion, whatever it may be. And as the thread pointed out, he has been portrayed and done voice work and mocap in games since 1997. As the Spider-Man series proved, he can handle narration.
Lastly, I would fucking love it if you could get Stephen Hawking. Not only is he a living legend and super genius, but that computer voice he uses is perfect for this venue.
Weird Al would also be great. I saw him in concert this year and he was AMAZING!
Seconding Joss. Joss is Boss.
Also, how about mc chris? He'll already be there, is a gamer (just listen to some of his tracks), and also fills the all around nerd requirement (his work with wiliams street on Aqua Teen, Sealab, etc.). Judging from his banter on stage and the few times I've spoken with him after shows, he's well spoken enough to pull off a keynote as well.
Oh my god.
I... I really couldn't help myself. Sorry Moe.
Is it recent? I just thought people added it for emphasis.
But, I am new.
I will soooo shit my drawers!
I agree. It's just too much.
lemoning > liming.
Everytime I quote moe from now on, I am going to lime it.
It could always be worse.
Hit the dirt!
Stephen Hawking / GLaDOS face off!
Plus, given his ravaging of SSBB this week, he's likely to get lynched by Nintendo fanboys when getting off the plane.
family friendly? I think you're thinking of the wrong PAX. We're talking about an event where Tycho admitted to "cockthirsty" being his favorite swear.
Which was then replaced with "fuckstick".