The "I Just Don't Get It" Thread



  • StrangeAttractorStrangeAttractor Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Referring back to the original post - I LOVE games with the "show don't tell" style of storytelling.


    They are just so much more dynamic, interesting and intelligent. But I can understand that they're not for everyone.

    StrangeAttractor on
    Sig pics are pretentious.
  • AkatsukiAkatsuki Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Halo. Sure, nice controls, but the single player is disgusting. The level design is pain in the ass, the levels are all the same, they were clearly noobs. The multiplayer saves the game perhaps. Halo 2, I really liked though.

    Akatsuki on
    Preacher wrote: inner weaboo can kawaii all over this desu.

    Pokémon HGSS: 1205 1613 4041
  • SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    I've tried to organize mine a little:

    Don't get a little:

    Metal Gear: They made a great sneaking game engine, then proceeded to make games that were little more than a series of boss fights...

    Shadow of the Colossus: The game consists of a series of fights that take 10 interesting minutes to figure out and understand how to beat a colossus, then 50 minutes of drudgery as you actually do it.

    Ocarina of Time: It was fun...just not THAT fun. I liked Wind Waker better.

    Don't get at all:

    Here's the biggie for me: Half-life 1 and 2. There's almost no plot here, even less than the maligned Metroid Prime, with no freedom of movement, dull combat with boring weapons....I own and have tried to play both, but just can't get through it. There's nothing interesting here to me.

    Every time somebody says that these games have ushered in a new era of gaming without cut-scenes, I want to throttle them. When I compare this to my favorite shooter, Max Payne, I will take cutscenes and actual story any day of the week, and twice on sunday.

    SageinaRage on
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Honestly, I always felt Metal Gear was more about gadgetry than stealth. This is going back to the original Metal Gear. I mean, the basic point is to go around collecting weapons and gadgets to circumvent and/or destroy things as you progress through the game.

    I loved finding and trying out all the keycards in the original Metal Gear. One of my favorite NES games.

    Sage: Totally with you on OOT versus Wind Waker. I thought OOT had a lot to it, but it felt extremely claustrophobic...unrealistically so.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • jedijzjedijz Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Any and all sports games. I just don't see the point. I play video games so I can do the stuff I can't do in real life. I can't take my "level 3 death sword with +3 charisma" out and go slay some demons, but I can go outside and play baseball. I can't turn into a demon in a post-apocalyptic world and fight Satan, but I can go out and play football.

    Why play something on a console when you can go out and do it in real-life? (with the exception of the GTA series of course)
    You must not like Guitar Hero.

    jedijz on
    Goomba wrote: »
    It is no easy task winning a 1v3. You must jump many a hurdle, bettering three armies, the smallest.

    Aye, no mere man may win an uphill battle against thrice your men, it takes a courageous heart and will that makes steel look like copper. When you are that, then, and only then, may you win a 1v3.
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited January 2007

    Here's the biggie for me: Half-life 1 and 2. There's almost no plot here, even less than the maligned Metroid Prime, with no freedom of movement, dull combat with boring weapons....I own and have tried to play both, but just can't get through it. There's nothing interesting here to me.

    Every time somebody says that these games have ushered in a new era of gaming without cut-scenes, I want to throttle them. When I compare this to my favorite shooter, Max Payne, I will take cutscenes and actual story any day of the week, and twice on sunday.
    Level design was what really made the two games, I feel.
    Not combat, not graphics, not lack of cutscenes, not plot.
    You may find the actual shooting dull, but there is more imagination in some of those levels than almost any other action game.

    Xagarath on
  • Eight RooksEight Rooks Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    fireside wrote:
    fireside wrote:
    JRPGs (especially ones with random battles). I just can't see how anyone can find them fun. What is so fun about walking across a map, only to get into a random battle from some invisible enemy, only to be bored sitting a screen choosing what your character does only to wait a minute so you can choose something else? And once you beat the battle, you get to do it over again. Random battles made since, you know, on FF1, but why the hell 20 years later, when Earthbound and even Chrono Trigger did it, are we still not having enemies that are, you know, on the fucking screen? That you can, you know, see, and maybe if you have mad skillz, can avoid? I just don't get it.

    But do you like any kind of RPG at all? Opinions opinions lol - I just can't get my head around this unspoken implication that Western games are somehow magically free of the same or equivalent of said drudgery as some see it. They're not. They're really not. Nor does not having any random battles somehow stick game A on a totally different level to game B (though of course I'm not arguing that invisible random battles are anything other than a frustrating anachronism :P ). I dislike most SNES-era RPGs and never played any at the time they were originally released, but still, Chrono Trigger was pretty much as boring to me as FFVI.

    I don't even like RPGs in general. But a Western RPG like Oblivion (that's a western RPG right) I can see how someone could like. I just can't imagine how anyone can like random battles and menu based battles, which are more often than not in JRPGs, and are some of the most popular games. Evar. The point of the topic is what you just don't get. And I don't get how anyone can like a "JRPG". I'm not being xenophobic in my naming of "JRPG", but to me, random battles and menu-based battles = JRPG.

    No no no, I wasn't accusing you of xenophobia. You don't like RPGs in general, that's fair enough, probably not much I can do about that. :) All I meant was, to me, Morrowind - to use one of your examples - is every bit as crushingly fucking boring as any tedious JRPG I've ever come across, just for different reasons. An empty, barren world with no life to it at all. Flat, textbook cookie-cutter writing for everyone from the most important lynchpin of the plot down to the most generic shopkeeper. Dead, practically vacant cities. Endless busywork to get even the most insignificant thing done. I could do this for God knows how many other games, too... it's not that I like random battles or anything - I might enjoy the combat system, but I still don't think it's possible to enjoy getting charged out of thin air every ten seconds. ;) But I can look at what the game does offer me and think "Ick, random battles, but on the other hand..." in much the same way as someone else might look at Elder Scrolls and say "meh, level grind, playing to work, but on the other hand..."

    Just saying. :P

    Eight Rooks on
    <AtlusParker> Sorry I'm playing Pokemon and vomiting at the same time so I'm not following the conversation in a linear fashion.

    Read my book. (It has a robot in it.)
  • Daisuke SpoonDaisuke Spoon Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    jedijz wrote:
    Any and all sports games. I just don't see the point. I play video games so I can do the stuff I can't do in real life. I can't take my "level 3 death sword with +3 charisma" out and go slay some demons, but I can go outside and play baseball. I can't turn into a demon in a post-apocalyptic world and fight Satan, but I can go out and play football.

    Why play something on a console when you can go out and do it in real-life? (with the exception of the GTA series of course)
    You must not like Guitar Hero.

    I considered buying guitar hero, but since I play an actual guitar I thought it would be kind of stupid of me to buy it.

    Daisuke Spoon on
    Pokeymanz: 0002-2940-9674
  • firesidefireside Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    fireside wrote:
    fireside wrote:
    JRPGs (especially ones with random battles). I just can't see how anyone can find them fun. What is so fun about walking across a map, only to get into a random battle from some invisible enemy, only to be bored sitting a screen choosing what your character does only to wait a minute so you can choose something else? And once you beat the battle, you get to do it over again. Random battles made since, you know, on FF1, but why the hell 20 years later, when Earthbound and even Chrono Trigger did it, are we still not having enemies that are, you know, on the fucking screen? That you can, you know, see, and maybe if you have mad skillz, can avoid? I just don't get it.

    But do you like any kind of RPG at all? Opinions opinions lol - I just can't get my head around this unspoken implication that Western games are somehow magically free of the same or equivalent of said drudgery as some see it. They're not. They're really not. Nor does not having any random battles somehow stick game A on a totally different level to game B (though of course I'm not arguing that invisible random battles are anything other than a frustrating anachronism :P ). I dislike most SNES-era RPGs and never played any at the time they were originally released, but still, Chrono Trigger was pretty much as boring to me as FFVI.

    I don't even like RPGs in general. But a Western RPG like Oblivion (that's a western RPG right) I can see how someone could like. I just can't imagine how anyone can like random battles and menu based battles, which are more often than not in JRPGs, and are some of the most popular games. Evar. The point of the topic is what you just don't get. And I don't get how anyone can like a "JRPG". I'm not being xenophobic in my naming of "JRPG", but to me, random battles and menu-based battles = JRPG.

    No no no, I wasn't accusing you of xenophobia. You don't like RPGs in general, that's fair enough, probably not much I can do about that. :) All I meant was, to me, Morrowind - to use one of your examples - is every bit as crushingly fucking boring as any tedious JRPG I've ever come across, just for different reasons. An empty, barren world with no life to it at all. Flat, textbook cookie-cutter writing for everyone from the most important lynchpin of the plot down to the most generic shopkeeper. Dead, practically vacant cities. Endless busywork to get even the most insignificant thing done. I could do this for God knows how many other games, too... it's not that I like random battles or anything - I might enjoy the combat system, but I still don't think it's possible to enjoy getting charged out of thin air every ten seconds. ;) But I can look at what the game does offer me and think "Ick, random battles, but on the other hand..." in much the same way as someone else might look at Elder Scrolls and say "meh, level grind, playing to work, but on the other hand..."

    Just saying. :P
    Well I was just using JRPGs instead of just RPGs because I have honestly never played a "Western" RPG. Though I have no doubt they're just as bad in different ways. But you don't see people skipping school to play Oblivion (anywhere) like people supposedly do for Dragon Quest (in Japan), which is really what I don't get. Just how are these boring, tedious games so wildly popular?

    fireside on
  • ÆthelredÆthelred Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    I second (fifth? sixth?) the lack of appreciation for Metroid Prime from some people here. I know it's a brilliantly crafted game; I just can't enjoy it. It feels so lonely and every time I try to replay it I get depressed, or bored at the long walks.

    Æthelred on
    pokes: 1505 8032 8399
  • fragglefartfragglefart Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Pokemon, seriously WTF.

    It was ok, I liked the Pokemon designs, and the gameworld. But the capturing and battling elements both sucked huge mountains of scrotum.

    fragglefart on
  • BacklashBacklash Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    jedijz wrote:
    Any and all sports games. I just don't see the point. I play video games so I can do the stuff I can't do in real life. I can't take my "level 3 death sword with +3 charisma" out and go slay some demons, but I can go outside and play baseball. I can't turn into a demon in a post-apocalyptic world and fight Satan, but I can go out and play football.

    Why play something on a console when you can go out and do it in real-life? (with the exception of the GTA series of course)
    You must not like Guitar Hero.

    I considered buying guitar hero, but since I play an actual guitar I thought it would be kind of stupid of me to buy it.

    This arguement always seems strange to me. The sports one, not the GH.
    I mean, honestly, how often do you actually go out and play baseball and football?

    Furthermore, how often do you do it with professional players that know how to get you the ball on a post pattern?

    Backlash on
    SSBB: 2921-8745-1438
    Diamond: 2320-2615-4086
  • Daisuke SpoonDaisuke Spoon Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Backlash wrote:
    jedijz wrote:
    Any and all sports games. I just don't see the point. I play video games so I can do the stuff I can't do in real life. I can't take my "level 3 death sword with +3 charisma" out and go slay some demons, but I can go outside and play baseball. I can't turn into a demon in a post-apocalyptic world and fight Satan, but I can go out and play football.

    Why play something on a console when you can go out and do it in real-life? (with the exception of the GTA series of course)
    You must not like Guitar Hero.

    I considered buying guitar hero, but since I play an actual guitar I thought it would be kind of stupid of me to buy it.

    This arguement always seems strange to me. The sports one, not the GH.
    I mean, honestly, how often do you actually go out and play baseball and football?

    Furthermore, how often do you do it with professional players that know how to get you the ball on a post pattern?

    Well if you play sports for like your school or something, alot I would assume.

    And being able to use players from a professional team just isn't enough for me to want to buy a sports game.

    Daisuke Spoon on
    Pokeymanz: 0002-2940-9674
  • DarlanDarlan Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Add another vote toward Elite Beat Agents- you tap circles (and spin sometimes) all the while listening to music ranging from ear bleedingly bad to meh. That's it. I can see why someone might find the stories kinda interesting, I like the digital-manga presentation, but definitely not worth a purchase to me.

    Darlan on
  • BacklashBacklash Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Backlash wrote:
    jedijz wrote:
    Any and all sports games. I just don't see the point. I play video games so I can do the stuff I can't do in real life. I can't take my "level 3 death sword with +3 charisma" out and go slay some demons, but I can go outside and play baseball. I can't turn into a demon in a post-apocalyptic world and fight Satan, but I can go out and play football.

    Why play something on a console when you can go out and do it in real-life? (with the exception of the GTA series of course)
    You must not like Guitar Hero.

    I considered buying guitar hero, but since I play an actual guitar I thought it would be kind of stupid of me to buy it.

    This arguement always seems strange to me. The sports one, not the GH.
    I mean, honestly, how often do you actually go out and play baseball and football?

    Furthermore, how often do you do it with professional players that know how to get you the ball on a post pattern?

    Well if you play sports for like your school or something, alot I would assume.

    And being able to use players from a professional team just isn't enough for me to want to buy a sports game.

    Well, I meant you specifically. Cause I can totally understand if you just don't like sports, so naturally the games wouldn't do anything for you.

    What I guess I don't get is, if you like sports, why you wouldn't like the games?

    I mean even the professional players still play Madden.

    Backlash on
    SSBB: 2921-8745-1438
    Diamond: 2320-2615-4086
  • Gorilla SaladGorilla Salad Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Guild Wars. Don't know why
    I've never really liked Final Fantasy games that much.

    Gorilla Salad on
  • StormyWatersStormyWaters Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Arkady wrote:
    Ocarina of Time (I'm going to get flamed so hard). It isn't so much that I don't get it. It's an expansive world and comes with all the things people tend to like about that sort of thing, except that I didn't. I hated the world. I hated walking across that damn field. I hated the plot. I hated the combat. I hated the dungeons. I hated just about everything, except fishing, which they did quite well. I get why people like it so much, I guess it just isn't for me.

    Amen. I could not get into the game, and I really enjoyed Zelda and LTTP. But the 3d combat just felt horrible to me, and I absolutely hate exploring in games, so i just ended up putting it down.

    Also, Planescape-great story. But honestly it should just be a book.

    StormyWaters on
  • DeswaDeswa Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Darlan wrote:
    Add another vote toward Elite Beat Agents- you tap circles (and spin sometimes) all the while listening to music ranging from ear bleedingly bad to meh. That's it. I can see why someone might find the stories kinda interesting, I like the digital-manga presentation, but definitely not worth a purchase to me.
    I agreed with this idea at first, but then I actually got to play it and it was awesome.
    I considered buying guitar hero, but since I play an actual guitar I thought it would be kind of stupid of me to buy it.
    As stupid as it sounds, my brother overheard people saying they want to sell their guitar to buy guitar hero 2.

    Deswa on
    gobassgo wrote:
    "It ain't rape, it's surprise sex!"
    wii : 3788 3264 2419 8070
  • CherrnCherrn Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Also, Planescape-great story. But honestly it should just be a book.

    The music and the voice acting sincerely disagrees with you :wink:

    Cherrn on
    All creature will die and all the things will be broken. That's the law of samurai.
  • PancakePancake Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Cherrn wrote:
    Also, Planescape-great story. But honestly it should just be a book.

    The music and the voice acting sincerely disagrees with you :wink:
    It also was made into a book. A terrible one.

    Pancake on
  • TuomaTuoma Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Gran Turismo series. The single most boring gaming experience after Halos (1&2) singelplayer.

    Kinda Metroid Prime 2, played trough the first one a million times, never replayed the second though... Did not feel very "metroid" to me.

    Tuoma on
  • ÆthelredÆthelred Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Arkady wrote:
    Ocarina of Time (I'm going to get flamed so hard). It isn't so much that I don't get it. It's an expansive world and comes with all the things people tend to like about that sort of thing, except that I didn't. I hated the world. I hated walking across that damn field. I hated the plot. I hated the combat. I hated the dungeons. I hated just about everything, except fishing, which they did quite well. I get why people like it so much, I guess it just isn't for me.

    Amen. I could not get into the game, and I really enjoyed Zelda and LTTP. But the 3d combat just felt horrible to me, and I absolutely hate exploring in games, so i just ended up putting it down.
    Did you play Wind Waker before OoT by any chance? The first person in this thread to dislike OoT did, and I can see how going back to OoT's lack of camera control and control sensitivity might have that effect, as opposed to coming across it fresh.

    Æthelred on
    pokes: 1505 8032 8399
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Pancake wrote:
    Cherrn wrote:
    Also, Planescape-great story. But honestly it should just be a book.

    The music and the voice acting sincerely disagrees with you :wink:
    It also was made into a book. A terrible one.
    Plus, a book would remove the crucial element of choice, which was made made it so interesting.

    Xagarath on
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Xagarath wrote:
    Pancake wrote:
    Cherrn wrote:
    Also, Planescape-great story. But honestly it should just be a book.

    The music and the voice acting sincerely disagrees with you :wink:
    It also was made into a book. A terrible one.
    Plus, a book would remove the crucial element of choice, which was made made it so interesting.

    Added to the fact that as the player (personally speaking here), I felt more involved in the story, since I came to identify with the characters more, especially the nameless one, but also the other NPC's since they were invariably tied to what decisions I made. What I got out of the story felt like so much more because I was allowed to put something into shaping it (if not necessarily where the story eventually goes, but how it gets there).

    subedii on
  • flamebroiledchickenflamebroiledchicken Registered User regular
    edited January 2007

    I love the concept, I love the atmosphere, I WANT TO LOVE IT.

    But I just can't.


    "Action points" are the stupidest idea ever. Just let me shoot that scorpion until it dies. But I think that any kind of turn-based combat is retarded.

    I want to love this game so much, because the setting and plot and atmosphere seem so awesome, but gah...that combat.

    flamebroiledchicken on
  • Daisuke SpoonDaisuke Spoon Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Backlash wrote:
    Backlash wrote:
    jedijz wrote:
    Any and all sports games. I just don't see the point. I play video games so I can do the stuff I can't do in real life. I can't take my "level 3 death sword with +3 charisma" out and go slay some demons, but I can go outside and play baseball. I can't turn into a demon in a post-apocalyptic world and fight Satan, but I can go out and play football.

    Why play something on a console when you can go out and do it in real-life? (with the exception of the GTA series of course)
    You must not like Guitar Hero.

    I considered buying guitar hero, but since I play an actual guitar I thought it would be kind of stupid of me to buy it.

    This arguement always seems strange to me. The sports one, not the GH.
    I mean, honestly, how often do you actually go out and play baseball and football?

    Furthermore, how often do you do it with professional players that know how to get you the ball on a post pattern?

    Well if you play sports for like your school or something, alot I would assume.

    And being able to use players from a professional team just isn't enough for me to want to buy a sports game.

    Well, I meant you specifically. Cause I can totally understand if you just don't like sports, so naturally the games wouldn't do anything for you.

    What I guess I don't get is, if you like sports, why you wouldn't like the games?

    I mean even the professional players still play Madden.

    I like sports, it's just that playing them on a console just isn't appealing to me in the slightest.

    For me its like, if I could go out in the real world and slay monsters and level up and all that good stuff, why would I want to play a video game about it too? I could just go out and do it and most likely have more fun doing so.

    This is just me though, I know people whose whole life is sports and they play the video games, and the actual sports, constantly.

    Daisuke Spoon on
    Pokeymanz: 0002-2940-9674
  • ProhassProhass Registered User regular
    edited January 2007

    Prohass on
  • RaereRaere Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Just got Disgaea and finished the tutorials...doesn't seem too appealing to me yet. From what everyone was saying, I was expecting it to blow my socks off. So far, it seems like an average tactics RPG with PS1 graphics.

    Raere on
  • FinalGamerFinalGamer Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    the HALO series. I just could not get into them for some reason.
    Also, Skies of Arcadia. I know, I know, it's a great RPG but dammit, something about it makes me go "uhh" know?
    Maybe it's the graphics?

    FinalGamer on
    "Videogames are bad for you? That's what they said about rock 'n' roll." - Shigeru Miyamoto
    Magic > Breakdance 2
  • SithDrummerSithDrummer Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    titmouse wrote:
    I don't get Splinter Cell. I seems like there is only one correct way of doing something and if you don't do it, you will get killed.
    Meh, the reason why I liked Splinter Cell 1 was because I saw all of the "solutions" to these pseudo-puzzles right away, and I was able to pull them off properly most of the time, so the suspension of disbelief was never really lost - I wasn't ever pulled out of the game thinking "maybe the devs put the exit another place." That said, while still somewhat linear, Chaos Theory considerably improved on the first game's rigid structure. With SC:CT, I see a viable "solution", try it, and then the next time I play the level, I usually notice a new one.

    As for my own answer, I can't see how people can like MMORPGs or JRPGs without being mindlessly addicted. Grind grind grind grind grind grind grind level grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind. Somewhere in there you get a better weapon, which is about as close to interesting as that sort of gameplay is to me.

    SithDrummer on
  • VyerVyer Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Metal Gear Solid. All of them.

    I've played 1 and 3. I really like *elements* of the games; stuff like the camo in 3 for example, uses of the different weapons and such and the story is interesting for the most part...but I just don't enjoy it.

    It seems clunky to me and I'm never really motivated to keep going.

    I don't know. I have a lot of respect for the series and Kojima - and while I certainly don't hate the games - I just don't get excited about them like other people do.

    Vyer on
  • Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Fallout. Played 2, which is generally considered the best, and couldn't get into it. At all. Also Baldur's Gate to an extent, but with BG I've really been trying to get into it and play it. It seems to be considered by many to be one of the best games of all time, so I've been pushing through it step by step hoping something in it will hook me and make me as crazy about it as everyone else seems to be.

    I've also found out that I'm just not an amazing fan of Zelda type games. Discovered this while playing through Okami, that the whole dungeon by dungeon thing just don't appeal to me as much as they seem to do to everyone else. I get very little pleasure from tromping through a Zeldaesque dungeon, most enjoyment is obtained from the rewards after the dungeon.

    I got Twilight Princess on principle, and it's fun, but is very far and away from the orgamsathon that everyone around here is creaming over imo. Better than Okami by a large amount, but still filled with glaring problems and just a lot of unfun experiences that aren't quite made up for from the pleasure of getting some cool new item or a tidbit of story.

    Although this doesn't seem to apply to the older school Zelda. I can still play through Link to the Past and enjoy it almost as much as when it was brand new. (Although I still don't really like the dungeons)

    Cilla Black on
  • mayor cigar facemayor cigar face Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Page- wrote:
    TelMarine wrote:
    Page- wrote:
    FPS that aren't Quake. Yes, I'm kind of a prick about this, but why? Each and every one is slow and shallow compared to Quake, and though sometimes fun for a little bit, they just don't do anything.

    while I don't agree with this completely (I have enjoyed my fair number of shooters), but when it comes to DM yes by all means yes. Movement, weapons, everything is just unparalleled for me.

    Let me qualify that a bit. Competitive FPS' that aren't Quake. I understand a WW shooter or Rainbow Six, but no other FPS has the depth of Quake, so what's the point? And don't even get me started on console FPS. ZZZ.

    Which brings up another point for me. I love Rainbow Six, and I love Rogue Spear. They're probably the only FPS I really like besides Quake. But what the hell is with the consistent dumbing-down of the series? I heard Vegas even has rebounding health like Halo. What. The. Fuck? Go realism or go home, please.

    What about FEAR? That had quite a goddamn bit of depth to it just in AI alone. Plus some of my favorite multiplayer in any FPS.

    mayor cigar face on
  • TheSonicRetardTheSonicRetard Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Elder Scrolls. Both Marrowind and Oblivion.

    I get it, it's got a fucking huge world. I just can't stand that it's basically a sandbox. I want a very involved, very expressed main story that forces me through the world. And I don't want to have to search it out.

    TheSonicRetard on
  • deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Elder Scrolls. Both Marrowind and Oblivion.

    I get it, it's got a fucking huge world. I just can't stand that it's basically a sandbox. I want a very involved, very expressed main story that forces me through the world. And I don't want to have to search it out.
    I was totally coming here to post this exact same thing.

    It just doesn't work for me, at all.

    deadonthestreet on
  • fjafjanfjafjan Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Hmm, Oblivion, I finished it(main quest and the guild quests), but I was never really that INTO it.
    The gameplay was just too simple, cast offensive spell, block, hit hit, block, hit hit, block, offensive spell, block, hit hit...

    Also I first had some problems getitng into metroid prime but I tried it again over the holidays and I really got into it and nearly finished it...

    fjafjan on
    Yepp, THE Fjafjan (who's THE fjafjan?)
    - "Proving once again the deadliest animal of all ... is the Zoo Keeper" - Philip J Fry
  • TheSonicRetardTheSonicRetard Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Backlash wrote:
    jedijz wrote:
    Any and all sports games. I just don't see the point. I play video games so I can do the stuff I can't do in real life. I can't take my "level 3 death sword with +3 charisma" out and go slay some demons, but I can go outside and play baseball. I can't turn into a demon in a post-apocalyptic world and fight Satan, but I can go out and play football.

    Why play something on a console when you can go out and do it in real-life? (with the exception of the GTA series of course)
    You must not like Guitar Hero.

    I considered buying guitar hero, but since I play an actual guitar I thought it would be kind of stupid of me to buy it.

    This arguement always seems strange to me. The sports one, not the GH.
    I mean, honestly, how often do you actually go out and play baseball and football?

    Furthermore, how often do you do it with professional players that know how to get you the ball on a post pattern?

    Yeah, playing sports games are really different from playing real sports.

    For one, you can't gather up 21 other people at 3:00 am to have a game of football. And even if you could, they wouldn't all be good people. And you wouldn't have the insane atmosphere of playing in front of 98,000 fans.

    And even then, you'd only get to play 1 position. How the fuck am I supposed to hike the ball, then toss 80 yards downfield... to myself, who then breaks a tackle and latterals... to myself, to run it into the endzone?

    Not to mention I simply don't have the skill or arm to throw 80 yards.

    EDIT: To expand on it, you said you play video games to do stuff you can't do. Well, I assume you don't play FPS games, then, because you could easily go buy a gun and then shoot shit. The difference is that just because you COULD do it, doesn't mean you CAN do it, if you catch my drift. Same thing with sports titles.

    Wii Baseball is a good example of why I prefer video game baseball to real baseball. For one, I can't pitch. After 2 innings of pitching at Wii Baseball, my arm is exhausted. I still want to play, because I think it's fun, but I physically cannot because I'm not a real baseball player, and I don't go through pitching training. But, like I said, I still want to play.

    TheSonicRetard on
  • TheSonicRetardTheSonicRetard Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Elder Scrolls. Both Marrowind and Oblivion.

    I get it, it's got a fucking huge world. I just can't stand that it's basically a sandbox. I want a very involved, very expressed main story that forces me through the world. And I don't want to have to search it out.
    I was totally coming here to post this exact same thing.

    It just doesn't work for me, at all.

    This is why I think I'm loving Zelda: TP so much. To me, it feels like what I wanted Elder Scrolls to be. I got the huge fucking world, and I got someone forcing me through it all.

    It should be noted that when I play zelda: TP or OoT or stuff like that, I only do the main quest. I hate side quests simply because they're too sandboxy. I hate that sandbox has become a trend - to me, it just seems like lazy gameplay design. Give me a full game. I don't play games to go to a mirror world where I can do whatever the fuck I want, I play games to go through a quest.

    TheSonicRetard on
  • SimBenSimBen Hodor? Hodor Hodor.Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    For a long while I didn't "get" Half-Life 1. I thought it was just too repetitive and not fun enough; too much navigating rooms, not enough shooting people in the face. I basically hated that tentacle boss in the missile silo, and when I finally got past it, I find myself in a minecart maze? That just did it for me and I refused to play the game for years.

    Then I picked it up again last year and stuck through it... found that the bits where you're shooting humans far surpass the bits where you're shooting aliens. :D (one of the reasons I find the last segment of the game rather tedious, but oh well).

    SimBen on
  • ScopsScops Registered User regular
    edited January 2007

    I love the concept, I love the atmosphere, I WANT TO LOVE IT.

    But I just can't.

    I, unfortunately, agree. I never got in to Fallout, no matter how cool it seemed. That said, I am somewhat interested in the upcoming Fallout 3.

    Scops on
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