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PAX08 = Lamest Day EVER

kenpachisankenpachisan Registered User regular
edited September 2008 in PAX Archive
So crowded I could barely move, it got to the point where I was just seething mad trying to move around I got a huge headache. I stood in lines for the majority of the day. The one or 2 games I waited in line for 20-30 min to play when I got up there I felt so damn guilty for making the 300 people behind me wait that I just left after 30 seconds... I spent most of the day just wandering aimlessly being told by random people how cool my dethklok t-shirt was...

I signed up for one of the Dell UT3 mini tourneys, the stupid idiot "DJ" didn't call my name and they skipped me in my round and then the last round they set up for 3 in one game instead of 4 in 2 games. I asked why they didn't call my name and they started right after, she was like ohh sorry. I wasted 30 min of time. The whole day was just that feeling over and over...

The swag was all rubish... absolute CRAP. I'm not even going to bother talking about it it pisses me off to much. Cheap ass companies... yay a post card with your logo on it I'll frame this right away! Some 12yo kid and a member of the tenchcoat mafia almost took my head off diving for a retarded Dell thin vinyl bag...

Trying to find anything was impossible. The enforcers were all clueless.

Most of the people at the booths were oblivious to everything and appeared to be having just as much fun as i was. And who could blame them.

The DS wifi didn't work most of the time, the pictochat was nothing but 30yo virgin fatties drawing wangs for the sumo sized girl on the sumo next to them.

The concert was ehh, ok. nothing to write home about.

Where the hell were the vendors!?! only a couple vendors with CRAZY high prices cause there was no competition at all! $12 for a bleach necklace that sells for $3 on ebay? no thanks...

Only one thing made me happy at all, the Bleach: Dark Souls DS game at the sega booth. No one was playing it so i got a lot of time on it and it was awesome. twice the characters as the jap version. Super coolness... but it didn't make up for the overall lameness.

Make some major changes PAX or you're going to blow up. Change to a bigger venue. You're the largest freakin game expo around now you need to go big now! You cannot squeeze that many people into the convention center it's horribly unsafe and extremely frustrating for everyone! Seattle Center should be able to hold the people nessisary. You could use the key arena maybe and you got the center house, lots of smaller places around it and maybe the science center I don't know... You got to do something. The Convention center is awesome, but if you stay there you need to limit ticket sales. Period. Ya turning people away sucks but it's better a few people who didn't pre-order get turned away than everyone having a terrible time...

You need to make the choice, if yuou want to be the big kid on the block you need to go to a huge venue. If not you cannot simply cram everyone into a tiny area and call it good. I can't believe the fire dept didn't shut the place down to be quite honest.

kenpachisan on


  • PotUPotU __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2008
    Waiting for 20-30 is completely normal.

    PotU on
  • Queen BrewerQueen Brewer Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    What bigger venue could PA possibly find in the Seattle area???

    Queen Brewer on
    <Moe_Fwacky> once i had next door neighbors
    <Moe_Fwacky> nice girls
    <Moe_Fwacky> lesbians
    <Moe_Fwacky> robbed drugstores together
  • GoogalashGoogalash Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    FYI WSCTC is the largest venue in WA. PAX is not currently using all of the center. There is more space to grow into. Yes its crowded this year but the center was limiting attendance in areas based on fire/safety codes and etc.

    Googalash on
  • luxeraluxera Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    This is my first PAX, and I will admit that it was crowded. I waited in line for over an hour to play Left 4 Dead, but it was totally worth it. I saw a bunch of cool games, and met some cool new people which is what PAX is all about for me. I got sick Thursday night so i didnt enjoy Friday 100%, but saturday was pretty good. Im just going to take this as a learning experience for next year. I think, considering the amoutn of people, everything was done pretty well.

    luxera on
  • AstayonixAstayonix Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Seattle Center and Key Arena would be HORRIBLE CHOICES! The convention center is a good choice, but yeah, if there's a way to use more of the space that would be good. Other than that, the OP'er is just a troll. PAX was, is, and always will be awesome and one of the highlights of my year. And for the record, the Enforcers are kickass!

    Astayonix on
    Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
    IRC - #n37 key=topic
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    omg, things are more expensive in an event venue than they are on ebay, where they don't have to pay employees, building costs, and make even more money on shipping? that's unheard of! you're entitled to your opinion, just keep in mind that it's invalid!

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • apotheosapotheos Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2008
    Really this sounds like a whole bunch of personal problems dressed up in the gaudy guide of a complant. You got a headache, take a Motrin. Don't want to stand in line? Don't fucking stand in line! Or bring a PSP and stand in line and have an excellent time.

    Yes, PAX is growing. Yes, it was a little crowded this year. Yes, I had a wonderful time and so would you if you just relaxed and had some fun.

    apotheos on

  • kenpachisankenpachisan Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    lol, funny. considering there was a total of 1 or 2 vendors I think my point was more than valid.

    All of them were in fact. You guys can make excuses all you want. It was horrible. what is the point is going and paying to stand in line to see things you can dl online? Getting worthless crappy un-swag, and nothing to bring home but a t-shirt. Ohh you got to play for 3 min on some game that'll be out in a month or 2 anyways... yipee! If you seriously sat on those games for 30 min then you're a complete jerk considering the massive people in line behind you. I'm sorry if I felt the other 500 people behind me should get to see it too. I mean with the whole 2-3 displays at each booth. so if everyone played just 10 min, that's 12-24ish people an hour at any given booth. bringing the total number of people who could get any real time (if you consider 10 min to be enough time) to around 100-200 people. if you account for all the booths there's no way most people got to play more than a couple games for any amount of time. There was simply too small of an area to set up enough demos for the thousands and thousands of attendees. So there was nothing to little to play, nothing to buy, and insane lines for everything.

    And if a fire broke out in the main area it would have been a freakin nerdique. Open it up and spread the stuff all over the place so everyone's not falling all over each other. I'm just blow away that you would say "it was a LITTLE crowded"... did you drop acid before the show and were in your own little world? Because the one I was in I couldn't move an inch without having to push my way through a line 10 miles long or even to get around for most of the first 6 hours.

    Poor planning all around. It's plain and obvious. If you people can't admit that you're the ones with the personal problems.

    kenpachisan on
  • phejphej Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I created a forum account just to reply to this. I think this falls into exactly what the girl at the Q&A, after the keynote, was talking about - some people are never happy. And it's vocal minority, that's you kenpachisan, that give us a bad name.

    Suck it up, nothing is perfect and everything changes. So PAX08 is different from PAX07, that doesn't make it worse.

    phej on
  • apotheosapotheos Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2008
    Well come on. He has an opinion. And there is a forum for that.

    apotheos on

  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    phej wrote: »
    I created a forum account just to reply to this. I think this falls into exactly what the girl at the Q&A, after the keynote, was talking about - some people are never happy. And it's vocal minority, that's you kenpachisan, that give us a bad name.

    Suck it up, nothing is perfect and everything changes. So PAX08 is different from PAX07, that doesn't make it worse.

    actually, i think 08 is shaping up better than 07, but 06 was still the best!
    apotheos wrote: »
    Well come on. He has an opinion. And there is a forum for that.

    and you're right, his opinion may be unpopular around those trying to enjoy this event which only comes for 3 days a year, but his opinion is related to the subject matter of the forum, so i apologize.

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I actually believe the op makes some good points. I'm not convinced it's quite THAT bad, but the lines for everything are horrid, and I've seen almost no swag myself (I got a pin from Razer. While talking to them about my not-working Razer mouse.)

    This year is missing something from 07, and I think most of it has to do with the crowds. I enjoyed Friday immensely, in large part because I was hanging with some very fine individuals all around. Even so, though, I'm seriously considering skipping PAX09.

    Houn on
  • kenpachisankenpachisan Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    phej wrote: »
    I created a forum account just to reply to this. I think this falls into exactly what the girl at the Q&A, after the keynote, was talking about - some people are never happy. And it's vocal minority, that's you kenpachisan, that give us a bad name.

    Suck it up, nothing is perfect and everything changes. So PAX08 is different from PAX07, that doesn't make it worse.

    wrong. I would have been very happy had I not had there not been the over-crowding, even with the many bad points I saw If I would have had the chance to get in on all the game demos I would have come away happy. Alas I could not. You can call me all the names you want and decide whatever you want I feel that they did a very bad job. If you can't handle that then I'm sorry. You suck it up.

    kenpachisan on
  • phejphej Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    actually, i think 08 is shaping up better than 07, but 06 was still the best!

    This is my first PAX, so I can't compare with previous years. However, I think PAX08 has been awesome. Definitely everything I thought it would be - if not more.

    phej on
  • phejphej Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    wrong. I would have been very happy had I not had there not been the over-crowding, even with the many bad points I saw If I would have had the chance to get in on all the game demos I would have come away happy. Alas I could not.

    That's a problem with any event that gets this big - E3, ComicCon, PAX, Leipzig - and it's something that I expect from these events. If I didn't want to wait, I would stay home and dl them but I didn't, I came here to have the experience.
    You can call me all the names you want and decide whatever you want I feel that they did a very bad job. If you can't handle that then I'm sorry. You suck it up.

    Read my post again, I didn't call you any names, just trying to have a discussion.

    phej on
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    phej wrote: »
    I created a forum account just to reply to this. I think this falls into exactly what the girl at the Q&A, after the keynote, was talking about - some people are never happy. And it's vocal minority, that's you kenpachisan, that give us a bad name.

    Suck it up, nothing is perfect and everything changes. So PAX08 is different from PAX07, that doesn't make it worse.

    wrong. I would have been very happy had I not had there not been the over-crowding, even with the many bad points I saw If I would have had the chance to get in on all the game demos I would have come away happy. Alas I could not. You can call me all the names you want and decide whatever you want I feel that they did a very bad job. If you can't handle that then I'm sorry. You suck it up.

    just reflect on what i mentioned in my last post, most of us here are having the time of our lives. this is a huge event for us that only comes once a year. not trying to offend, but when someone comes in and shits on our parade, you can't expect not to upset anyone. that said, i'm sorry it's too crowded for you, but there is one thing you can do to help the problem...

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    phej wrote: »
    I created a forum account just to reply to this. I think this falls into exactly what the girl at the Q&A, after the keynote, was talking about - some people are never happy. And it's vocal minority, that's you kenpachisan, that give us a bad name.

    Suck it up, nothing is perfect and everything changes. So PAX08 is different from PAX07, that doesn't make it worse.

    wrong. I would have been very happy had I not had there not been the over-crowding, even with the many bad points I saw If I would have had the chance to get in on all the game demos I would have come away happy. Alas I could not. You can call me all the names you want and decide whatever you want I feel that they did a very bad job. If you can't handle that then I'm sorry. You suck it up.

    just reflect on what i mentioned in my last post, most of us here are having the time of our lives. this is a huge event for us that only comes once a year. not trying to offend, but when someone comes in and shits on our parade, you can't expect not to upset anyone. that said, i'm sorry it's too crowded for you, but there is one thing you can do to help the problem...

    He's not shitting on your parade. He's stating his opinion. It's completely valid, and it's the experience he had. Just as your opinion is completely valid based on the experience you had. Don't be so defensive. ;-) Everyone's right in this case.

    Houn on
  • IncredibleScottIncredibleScott Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I just got back from PAX. I've been to many conventions before, and I have to say this is the best I've been to.

    The swag is rubbish? Huh...I guess this Fallout 3 puppet, minibooklet, and other cool stuff isn't good enough. Those cool Bioware Dragonage Posters? Hmm probably rubbish too.

    I didn't have any difficulty finding anything. Seriously everything is pretty much on the top floor. You also have the handy "World Maps" that is located on your convention guide and displayed prominently in several areas in the building.

    20-30 minutes to wait in line for one of the most highly anticipated games of the year? What do you expect? Although I admit the longest I have to wait in line to play a game demo was about 5 minutes. Seriously there's only 4-5 people crowded around most game demo booths and people are usually shifting in and out.

    Also I don't really see the issue with the vendors. Although there's a noticeable few vendors (I'd say about 8-10) in the whole convention hall, I don't find it disappointing in the least, I come to the convention for the speakers, the exhibits, and the fantastic atmosphere being around others with similar interests...not to buy stuff.

    Ohh...and the Seattle Center would be a horrible venue. First, it's already taken (Bumbershoot is this same weekend) and it's simply too large for this sort of convention.

    IncredibleScott on
  • KedriKedri Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    phej wrote: »
    I created a forum account just to reply to this. I think this falls into exactly what the girl at the Q&A, after the keynote, was talking about - some people are never happy. And it's vocal minority, that's you kenpachisan, that give us a bad name.

    Suck it up, nothing is perfect and everything changes. So PAX08 is different from PAX07, that doesn't make it worse.
    Some people are also never happy about people being unhappy.

    Kedri on
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    The swag is rubbish? Huh...I guess this Fallout 3 puppet, minibooklet, and other cool stuff isn't good enough. Those cool Bioware Dragonage Posters? Hmm probably rubbish too.

    Grats on that. I didn't have the patience to wait in line at the Bioware booth. I also predicted what a major fail it would be trying to get into the Fallout 3 Presentation; at least you got something for it, though.

    Houn on
  • November6November6 Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    did someone say FIRE!

    BURN IT!

    Procedural firesssssss

    November6 on
    fucos: Past tense of focus, you have already lost focus that you can't even spell focus. Can be combined with shit for impressing anonymous crowds; fucoshit. source: Wil Weaton
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    it's simply too large for this sort of convention.

    Negative. The WSCTC is the largest venue in WA that can hold PAX.

    As far as firecode complaints... We never violated firecode. When areas were approaching capicity they were closed off when it got close to being full until more people left. Seattle has a pretty strict firecode too so I dont really see fault in this.

    The WSCTC holds shows that have way more attendance than PAX btw, the northwest home and garden show has around 100,000 people and is far more crowded than PAX and still doesnt violate fire code :P

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • KyoutekiKyouteki Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    apotheos wrote: »
    Well come on. He has an opinion. And there is a forum for that.

    Kyouteki on
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    it's simply too large for this sort of convention.

    Negative. The WSCTC is the largest venue in WA that can hold PAX.

    This, sir, is what frightens me. ;-)

    If I go next year, I'm doing BYOC, if for no other reason than to have at least ONE activity I can do without standing in a Line.

    I don't blame anyone. If anything, this should be a sign of the success of Penny Arcade, and a testament to the hard work put in by everyone, ESPECIALLY the Enforcers.

    I just Fucking. Hate. Lines. :P

    Houn on
  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I agree with the part that the expo hall needs to extand and have larger areas for the bigger companies, might help. If everyone is cramming into one spot, that spot need to be bigger. Really, it needs to be a full floor. More walking is worth having less crowds. Now, everything else about PAX is great, it's just that one area.

    Buraisu on
  • IncredibleScottIncredibleScott Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    it's simply too large for this sort of convention.

    Negative. The WSCTC is the largest venue in WA that can hold PAX.

    As far as firecode complaints... We never violated firecode. When areas were approaching capicity they were closed off when it got close to being full until more people left. Seattle has a pretty strict firecode too so I dont really see fault in this.

    The WSCTC holds shows that have way more attendance than PAX btw, the northwest home and garden show has around 100,000 people and is far more crowded than PAX and still doesnt violate fire code :P

    You quoted the wrong person. I was referring to the Seattle Center as being too large for this convention. I found the current convention center (WSCTC) to be just right.

    And yeah...there definitely are more crowded (and rowdy) events. Try going to Bumbershoot tomorrow during evening hours and you'll see what I mean. And for the record, I thought the Enforcers were pretty cool.

    That said, I think PAX was fantastic and I will come out again next year!

    IncredibleScott on
  • epitaxialepitaxial Registered User new member
    edited August 2008
    When PAX only costs $30 to enter and doesn't have minimum age restriction - it's going to be crowded and you're going to have long lines. It's only going to get worse as it becomes a victim of it's own success unless they do something about it.

    Schwag really wasn't half bad - you just had to work for it rather than it just being handed out to you [This ain't the old days of E3 and GDC].

    epitaxial on
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    it's simply too large for this sort of convention.

    Negative. The WSCTC is the largest venue in WA that can hold PAX.

    As far as firecode complaints... We never violated firecode. When areas were approaching capicity they were closed off when it got close to being full until more people left. Seattle has a pretty strict firecode too so I dont really see fault in this.

    The WSCTC holds shows that have way more attendance than PAX btw, the northwest home and garden show has around 100,000 people and is far more crowded than PAX and still doesnt violate fire code :P

    You quoted the wrong person. I was referring to the Seattle Center as being too large for this convention. I found the current convention center (WSCTC) to be just right.

    And yeah...there definitely are more crowded (and rowdy) events. Try going to Bumbershoot tomorrow during evening hours and you'll see what I mean. And for the record, I thought the Enforcers were pretty cool.

    That said, I think PAX was fantastic and I will come out again next year!

    no, he was right. the seattle center doesn't have much indoor space available for conventions. the mall is there, but that can't really be used like this. the wsctc has a LOT more applicable room than the seattle center.

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • MoonrushMoonrush Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    There is an easy way to get rid of the crowds... Make the price to get in higher... Make it like Disneyland, but make it so the vendors have to have some sort of swag item that people can get without having to compete, or stand around menacingly, mabye a barcode on your badge that vendors can sign off with a scan gun, and enter you in their prize contests. It isn't that bad though, at least I think.. I kind of enjoy the crowds, otherwise it is not really a show..

    Just my opinion.

    Moonrush on
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Those of you who weren't at the Meydenbaur in 2006 don't know what crowded really is.

    Also, I think the phrase is: "there is a venue for that." :)

    DJBreslin on
  • SkinnaySkinnay Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    epitaxial wrote: »
    When PAX only costs $30 to enter and doesn't have minimum age restriction - it's going to be crowded and you're going to have long lines. It's only going to get worse as it becomes a victim of it's own success unless they do something about it.

    east coast pax 2010 pretty much covered that one lol

    Skinnay on
    I'm Awesome!!!
  • glue is made of horsesglue is made of horses Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    So crowded I could barely move, it got to the point where I was just seething mad trying to move around I got a huge headache. I stood in lines for the majority of the day. The one or 2 games I waited in line for 20-30 min to play when I got up there I felt so damn guilty for making the 300 people behind me wait that I just left after 30 seconds... I spent most of the day just wandering aimlessly being told by random people how cool my dethklok t-shirt was...

    I signed up for one of the Dell UT3 mini tourneys, the stupid idiot "DJ" didn't call my name and they skipped me in my round and then the last round they set up for 3 in one game instead of 4 in 2 games. I asked why they didn't call my name and they started right after, she was like ohh sorry. I wasted 30 min of time. The whole day was just that feeling over and over...

    The swag was all rubish... absolute CRAP. I'm not even going to bother talking about it it pisses me off to much. Cheap ass companies... yay a post card with your logo on it I'll frame this right away! Some 12yo kid and a member of the tenchcoat mafia almost took my head off diving for a retarded Dell thin vinyl bag...

    Trying to find anything was impossible. The enforcers were all clueless.

    Most of the people at the booths were oblivious to everything and appeared to be having just as much fun as i was. And who could blame them.

    The DS wifi didn't work most of the time, the pictochat was nothing but 30yo virgin fatties drawing wangs for the sumo sized girl on the sumo next to them.

    The concert was ehh, ok. nothing to write home about.

    Where the hell were the vendors!?! only a couple vendors with CRAZY high prices cause there was no competition at all! $12 for a bleach necklace that sells for $3 on ebay? no thanks...

    Only one thing made me happy at all, the Bleach: Dark Souls DS game at the sega booth. No one was playing it so i got a lot of time on it and it was awesome. twice the characters as the jap version. Super coolness... but it didn't make up for the overall lameness.

    Make some major changes PAX or you're going to blow up. Change to a bigger venue. You're the largest freakin game expo around now you need to go big now! You cannot squeeze that many people into the convention center it's horribly unsafe and extremely frustrating for everyone! Seattle Center should be able to hold the people nessisary. You could use the key arena maybe and you got the center house, lots of smaller places around it and maybe the science center I don't know... You got to do something. The Convention center is awesome, but if you stay there you need to limit ticket sales. Period. Ya turning people away sucks but it's better a few people who didn't pre-order get turned away than everyone having a terrible time...

    Allow me to translate...

    "I was ragging hardcore and my flow was REALLY heavy, I looked into my golden pokemon purse and AVAST! I'd forgotten my TAMPAX! I rushed to the little girls room and shockingly there were no tampon machines in the ladies room!

    Shame on you PAX for not slipping some hygeine products into our complimentary PAX attendee bags, Shame on the Enforcers for not getting me some napkins and fuck all the Exhibitors for not giving out those really fancy TAMPAX Pearls!
    And fuck all the attendees for thinking I'm fat! and making me stand around all bloated!"

    EPIC FAIL! Give up gaming if you don't want to wait around for shit.

    glue is made of horses on
  • JustinSane07JustinSane07 Really, stupid? Brockton__BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2008
    I find PAX to be crowded but I don't find it to be a problem. I saw all the booths at least twice, played the games I was interested in, went to all the major panels that I wanted too and saw the Friday night concerts and I was still searching for something to do Saturday afternoon.

    I think the waiting time really depends on the booth. Like MK vs. DC is fast turn over because of the nature of the game, so are the various racing games. Games like Star Craft would have a fast turn over if the game itself didn't take 40-60 minutes for a single round of play.

    It's more the MMOs that are the huge problem. People were logging into WoW on their own fucking accounts and running around doing normal stuff. Why the fuck are you at PAX if you're just gonna talk to your WoW friends?! You're not even checking out the fucking expansion!

    I felt the Razer booth was a pain in the ass. They closed it off mid day for a tournament? That's not really a good way to show off your product, to shut it down mid-day Saturday for a tourney. But whatever, I walked the 15 feet to watch Harmonix show off RB2 at the Microsoft booth. Good fun.

    JustinSane07 on
  • SpawnOfCthulhuSpawnOfCthulhu Also that Snifit guy. Gig Harbor, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Yeah, the Razer booth was kind of annoying.
    Especially when they guy kept saying the same three things on the microphone for like 4 hours.
    You could hear it across the expo hall.
    "If you are not in the Call of Duty 4 tournament, please leave the server!"

    SpawnOfCthulhu on
  • Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I've got some complaints too, actually.

    1. Whiny, complaining people with an undeserved sense of self-worth.
    2. People who ask dumb questions (or just make noises, in one case) at Q&As and waste everyone's time.
    3. People who just leave their garbage on the floor while they're waiting in line.

    yeah I guess I can't complain much about the free promotional items or the very large window they give before popular panels to line up

    my problems all tend to be with the attendees!

    Kuribo's Shoe on
  • AlisonderAlisonder Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I signed up for one of the Dell UT3 mini tourneys, the stupid idiot "DJ" didn't call my name and they skipped me in my round and then the last round they set up for 3 in one game instead of 4 in 2 games. I asked why they didn't call my name and they started right after, she was like ohh sorry. I wasted 30 min of time. The whole day was just that feeling over and over...
    Try waiting inline for SC 2 for 4 hours, or 2 hrs for WotLK only to have some jerk cut in after you go and get the booth people to come and log back in for the guy ahead of you. Never be nice to people, kid didnt even save my place in line as thanks.... haha best 20min spent playing so far tho :D.

    Alisonder on
  • kenpachisankenpachisan Registered User regular
    edited August 2008

    Allow me to translate...

    "I was ragging hardcore and my flow was REALLY heavy, I looked into my golden pokemon purse and AVAST! I'd forgotten my TAMPAX! I rushed to the little girls room and shockingly there were no tampon machines in the ladies room!

    Shame on you PAX for not slipping some hygeine products into our complimentary PAX attendee bags, Shame on the Enforcers for not getting me some napkins and fuck all the Exhibitors for not giving out those really fancy TAMPAX Pearls!
    And fuck all the attendees for thinking I'm fat! and making me stand around all bloated!"

    EPIC FAIL! Give up gaming if you don't want to wait around for shit.


    I was one of the 500 lb. hairy backed pussies who were drawing cocks in the pictochat

    kenpachisan on
  • KaitouAyashiKaitouAyashi Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Ok, seriously? Is this your first con? Are you ten years old?

    Because're going to wait for things. There are going to be lines. If it weren't popular and busy and no one was here - you could go first for everything, there'd be no waiting, all the swag would be ultra rare, and life would be all rainbows and unicorns and shit.

    Yes, your opinions are valid and blah blah blah fishcakes, but it sounds to me like you're A) mad that you didn't properly prepare for the PAX experience, and B) whining about it. Because, ultimately, if you aren't having a good time - you have to admit that at least a part of it is YOUR FAULT.

    Maybe you made a bad choice of where to go, what to do, who to hang with, how much to spend, or whatever. Maybe the event was all around suck, but you still CHOSE. TO. GO.

    So the Blame Ends with You, really. Sorry you're mad about it, but.....there you go.

    Also, there's only so much planning you can do for any type of large scale event. It's also not a big, deep pocketed, largely insured corporation footing the bill. Sometimes things pop up that are totally unexpected and you just gotta roll with the punches.

    KaitouAyashi on
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
    [15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
    PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
  • kenpachisankenpachisan Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    BigRed wrote: »
    it's simply too large for this sort of convention.

    Negative. The WSCTC is the largest venue in WA that can hold PAX.

    As far as firecode complaints... We never violated firecode. When areas were approaching capicity they were closed off when it got close to being full until more people left. Seattle has a pretty strict firecode too so I dont really see fault in this.

    The WSCTC holds shows that have way more attendance than PAX btw, the northwest home and garden show has around 100,000 people and is far more crowded than PAX and still doesnt violate fire code :P

    well that must be living hell on earth then. Cause I can't imagine being in a mass of sweaty bodies larger than PAX was. Regaurdless of anything, there were too many people for THIS type of event to be fun for me personally. It's simply my opinion and I'm entitled to it. If you fanbois don't like it then go ahead and post your flames all you want it don't bother me at all.

    kenpachisan on
  • kenpachisankenpachisan Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Ok, seriously? Is this your first con? Are you ten years old?

    Because're going to wait for things. There are going to be lines. If it weren't popular and busy and no one was here - you could go first for everything, there'd be no waiting, all the swag would be ultra rare, and life would be all rainbows and unicorns and shit.

    Yes, your opinions are valid and blah blah blah fishcakes, but it sounds to me like you're A) mad that you didn't properly prepare for the PAX experience, and B) whining about it. Because, ultimately, if you aren't having a good time - you have to admit that at least a part of it is YOUR FAULT.

    Maybe you made a bad choice of where to go, what to do, who to hang with, how much to spend, or whatever. Maybe the event was all around suck, but you still CHOSE. TO. GO.

    So the Blame Ends with You, really. Sorry you're mad about it, but.....there you go.

    Also, there's only so much planning you can do for any type of large scale event. It's also not a big, deep pocketed, largely insured corporation footing the bill. Sometimes things pop up that are totally unexpected and you just gotta roll with the punches.

    No, it wasn't my fault. I prepared very well. I did everything I possibly could to have as much fun as i could, why the hell else would I go if not to have fun. But in the actual experience it was not fun at all. Waiting in line after crazy line for nothing but a demo or 30 seconds of play time on a game that's coming out in 1 month anyways isn't worth the time to me. The swag was all garbage. utter crap. I tossed all of it out but 2 or 3 things, and even the one altier poster and the beer cozy were not all that great. The comapnies there were cheap as hell man.

    I forgot to mention the cryptic studios, they actually gave away some decent stuff but only to a few people who knew rediculously obscure comic book questions. But the library event was awesome, all the free beer and food you wanted that was cool. I got wasted and full then called a cab home. If not for that I would have had nothing but a negative experience. I didn't get 1 single game of multiplay in on my ds, and I brought every single game on the list of recommended games during the certain times and many more than that. The couple speaking events I got in on were boring, and the computers were all slow and had nothing I haven't owned a year+ on them.

    Like I said, the only game I was really happy about was the Bleach: Dark Souls game. no lines which was cool...

    I just feel like nothing there was really worth spending the time in lines. Most of it could be seen as well online. The swag was beyond lame, and the DS multiplayer play (which was a huge draw for me) was non-existant!

    If the convention center is the biggest place possible, then there is no choice but to put a cap on attendance. The expo sucks when it's stuffed like that. big time.

    and blow me to everyone who can't take it. seriously go suck a fat one.

    kenpachisan on
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