D&D 4E: The Halls Of Tizun Thane (Recruitment)



  • DacDac Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Helix09 wrote: »
    Hi. Sort of new to PbP and first time playing 4e. If you have any room I'd appreciate it.

    Character sheet: Alphon 'Al' Prendergast

    Human Fighter (Geared towards sword and shield Defender)

    Don't forget that you get an attack bonus by being proficient with your Longsword (+3 for that weapon, iirc). Don't forget to record that, and your strength-modded damage, somewhere in there.

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • ProbadProbad Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Helix09 wrote: »
    Then he noticed the oh-so-casual saunter of a halfling move towards the pair. By instinct he tightened his belt pouch and bought four drinks. All smiles and raucous jabs with the bartender, Al descended in a swath of noise plunking down the mugs of ale between the Eladrin, pointedly forcing a stein into the halfling’s hands and slapping him on the back. “Howdy Ilmarinen. Long time. These friends of yours?”

    Eyeballs on that one, I see, and maybe one of the elves too. Reed thought, no longer bothering with any sort of stealth once the ale was in his hands. He gave the drink a quiet eye, but the human who had forced it upon him seemed to mean the group no ill. Besides, It'd been some time since he'd enjoyed a pinch of drink, much less a proper stein, and if the brew seemed fair enough to his eye and nose, it certainly couldn't harm his tongue any.

    And if his appearance is grim, all the better to keep any pesky goblins away. The human seemed to know the Eldarin well enough - one of them at least, and Reed was well aware that old friendships often resulted in new adventures. New adventures which might keep a halfling in enough gold to have a pint whenever he wished. And enough gold to enjoy that pint in peace, Avandra willing.

    Reed, of course, wasn't as innocent in his intentions toward the group as he may have seemed. He didn't mean them harm, but he had a feeling that harm might be on its way to him. Being a thief may have been tricky, but being an ex-thief could prove more dangerous still. And if trouble found him out, well, being surrounded by large men in thick armor could be quite the blessing.

    So, with a hearty drink to solidify his intentions, and an appreciative nod to Alphon, he introduced himself:

    "Reed at your service, sirs. I overheard a bit of your business, and I have the feeling that you might find yourself in need of one of my particular skills."

    And I might find myself in need of yours.

    Probad on
  • Prester JohnPrester John Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Anarchy wrote: »

    "I could do with some adventure and I'm sure there are a few things that we can learn from each other. Shall we set off? The name's Lucan by the way."

    Ilmarinen grinned and clapped his kinsman on the shoulder. "Good man! Lucan; a fine, strong name -- good to meet you! Then it's settled! Unless you have other business in town, we'll provision tonight and leave in the morning. Ready yourself well; the woods near the Temple of Kord are infested with goblins. They're disorganized, thankfully, but still dangerous. We'll have to be careful."

    As he was finishing his speech, there was a rustling behind him, and he turned around to find a halfling -- the same halfling as before (having thankfully not disappeared) and a fellow he thought he recognized.
    “Howdy Ilmarinen. Long time. These friends of yours?”

    Ilmarinen squinted, trying to place the human's name. He seemed to recall that the man had arrested him once. Pendleton, maybe? No, that wasn't it. But something like that. Before Ilmarinen could speak, the halfling piped up:
    "Reed at your service, sirs. I overheard a bit of your business, and I have the feeling that you might find yourself in need of one of my particular skills."

    "Well, a pleasure then, Reed. As for needing your services.. that remains to be seen, but it's a start, isn't it? Indeed, it's a start."

    A fine motley bunch I'm collecting here, thought Ilmarinen, but I suppose it beats that last pack of idle whoremongers. The halfling looks capable enough, anyway.

    He turned to the human: "And Prendergast, wasn't it? I say, last I heard you were going on about some giant mice, or something, wasn't that it? I'm surprised to see you in these parts, at any rate."

    He addressed them both: "Allow me to introduce my newest companion, Lucan Loreweaver. We're off to the Temple of Kord in the morning, and then after that, who knows? The city, maybe, or wherever fortune takes us."

    Prester John on
  • Helix09Helix09 Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Don't forget that you get an attack bonus by being proficient with your Longsword (+3 for that weapon, iirc). Don't forget to record that, and your strength-modded damage, somewhere in there.

    Thanks Dac, I appreciate the tips.
    I just got the PHB yesterday. >.>

    N00b Questions
    1) So for Longsword to hit that’s +3 (Fighter Proficiency), +4 (Str 18 bonus), +1 (Fighter Weapon Talent—One handed) = +8 total bonus to hit
    2) Longsword damage bonus: +1 Weapon Focus (Hv Blades) + 4 (Str 18 bonus) = +5 damage?
    3) So if a power (Steel Serpent Strike) says a hit does 2[W] + Str modifier damage, is that going to be 2d8 (base longsword) +4 (strength) + 1 (Weapon Focus)? Or does the Weapon Focus get doubled because it is 2[W]?
    4) Does the Fighter Weapon Talent: One handed (+1 to attack) apply to ranged one handed weapons (thrown dagger)?

    So, with a hearty drink to solidify his intentions, and an appreciative nod to Alphon, he introduced himself:

    "Reed at your service, sirs. I overheard a bit of your business, and I have the feeling that you might find yourself in need of one of my particular skills."

    Alphon grinned at the halfling as he raised the frothy mug of beer to his lips. Ah yes. An expert of the particulars, he thought, downing half the pint and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Like all good street-monsters, Al knew that on some occasions you had to go into the deep shadows of a seedy dive and hire the wisdom of some ‘expert.’ Usually the aforementioned professor of the necessary had a name like ‘Legs’, ‘Fingers’ or ‘Lucky.’ And necessary they were, for the bailiff would turn a deaf ear so some merchant or nobleman who was offended that the Watch found contraband thanks to the lucky find of a conveniently unlocked door.

    Well my lad, let’s hope you are adept in more than one of your particular skills. We may very well need it for whatever Ilmarinen has planned. For the time being though, belt pouches are a bit snarly to untie when you are seeing two of them.
    He turned to the human: "And Prendergast, wasn't it? I say, last I heard you were going on about some giant mice, or something, wasn't that it? I'm surprised to see you in these parts, at any rate."

    Al’s face broadened into a genuine smile. “Al, just Al. I’m impressed Ilmarinen! Usually folks always mangle my name and call me Pendleton, or just Watchman. Got a good head for details, sir.” Alphon took another pull from his mug thoughtfully. He recalled arresting Ilmarinen for public drunkenness on the night of Avandra’s festival.

    Then again allowing him to sing himself dry while Alphon answered questions like ‘No your Lordship, I don’t recall seeing an arrogant eladrin bastard warlord sir. Yes, I understand that Lady Selachi’s dowry is now ruined. Yessir. I will immediately turn him over to your House guards so you may have a discussion of how this will be redressed. That will be our first priority sir.’

    It had paid well. Thanks to Ilmarinen, Alphon was able to buy little Jimmy his first wand and Janna the monograph of General Tacitus she had her heart set on. That was also the first time in a long while he had been asked to spell ‘disemboweled’. On occasion Janna worried him a bit.

    He smiled and shook Ilmarinen’s hand. “So you heard about that in your travels? Turns out the Watch doesn’t pay extra if you are among the few to survive a nest of wererats. Nasty things. Smart too. They were doing smuggling on the side to pay for … well who knows what wererats do with gold. After that fiasco I decided my blade and my shield were worth more than the Watch were paying. It looks like you are brewing up some options.” He nodded to Lucian and introduced himself, “Alphon Prendergast. Watch
    veteran and looking for something with equal risk and more rewards.”
    The two humans gave little notice to the elf in rusted chainmail, a patchwork beard, and unkempt hair.

    The scent of loam and earth cut through his cigar smoke like a knife. Al looked up at the approaching dirt smudged figure, and nodded in greeting. Ilmarinen attracted all kinds.

    Helix09 on
    D&D setting work in Progress: http://infernalcity.wikispaces.com/
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    I'll be choosing the party tonight (giving a couple of other people who've pm'ed me a chance to write something up). Apologies to anyone who doesn't end up in the party.

    Bogart on
  • ArasakiArasaki Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Character Sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=103938

    Alaen walked into the town, grateful for the chance of a night spent out of the wilds. The hunt had been long, but it had ended as they all do; a single arrow bringing down his target. He headed towards the tavern, looking forward to a refreshing drink after the time he had spent chasing down his quarry. He scanned the board as he passed it, seeing if any new bounties had been posted, but there seemed to be nothing of note.

    Stepping into the tavern, he noticed there were several newcomers. Two eldarin he had not seen before were talking with a halfling that seemed to be vaguely familiar and Al Prendergast, a watchman well known to him - Al had on occassion helped out with information on the bounties Alaen claimed. Another elf was stood to the side, the holy symbol of Melora on a chain around his neck. Alaen nodded his greeting to Al before heading over to the bar to arrange for his room for the night and a drink.

    Alaen propped himself against the bar, and hailed the barmaid.

    "Wine, and a room for tonight," he said in soft tones.

    "Another bounty, Alaen?"

    "Indeed. A long hunt, but a profitable one." Alaen nodded towards the strangers. "New faces in town."

    "Aye, there's been a fair few around since the rumours about Tizun Thane."

    Alaen nodded, mulling over the information while she fetched his wine. She returned shortly, and he sipped from his drink while considering his options. Making a decision, he headed over to Al.

    "Greetings my friend, it has been a while. Have you heard anything of note?"

    Arasaki on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    OK, party will be (six instead of five):

    Anarchy - eladrin wizard.
    Prester John - eladrin warlord.
    Fiaryn - human swordmage.
    Probad - halfling rogue.
    Jam Warrior - dragonborn paladin.
    Dac - human warlock.

    Apologies for anyone who wanted to play and isn't in the party. I resorted to rolling a dice in the end, as everyone's RP posts were just what I was hoping for. I'll be going over your mythweavers sheets over the next day or so (making sure everything looks ok and so forth) and making the IC/OOC thread either tomorrow night or Friday night. In the meantime, feel free to RP amongst yourselves. Any questions, just ask.

    Bogart on
  • AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Excellent, looking forward to the game. :D

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Woo, solid line up! Odds are high that we won't die!* :D

    *Too fast

    Edit: Dac, brief question. Are you positive Eyebite, a power which relies upon Charisma for its attack rolls (of which you have an 8) is what you want to take with your extra At-Will choice? If I recall, the Star Pact At-Will Dire Radiance (or something) uses Constitution and deals extra damage if something draws closer to you. That'd probably be pretty handy for a melee-lock.

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • ArasakiArasaki Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Thanks for waiting for me to post :)

    Arasaki on
  • DacDac Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    Woo, solid line up! Odds are high that we won't die!* :D

    *Too fast

    Edit: Dac, brief question. Are you positive Eyebite, a power which relies upon Charisma for its attack rolls (of which you have an 8) is what you want to take with your extra At-Will choice? If I recall, the Star Pact At-Will Dire Radiance (or something) uses Constitution and deals extra damage if something draws closer to you. That'd probably be pretty handy for a melee-lock.

    Yeah, I noticed that part of it after I had finished distributing my stats and such. Since Charisma is such a dump stat for me, obviously it's not ideal.

    I'll probably be going with Dire Radiance as it's, like, the only other choice*

    *Unless someone knows of extra Warlock At-Wills from somewhere.

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    There's Spiteful Glamor, which is the Dark Pact At-Will but uh...yeah. Charisma based. Probably best to just go with Dire Radiance. :lol:

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Woop! Looking forward to it.

    Jam Warrior on
  • Prester JohnPrester John Registered User regular
    edited January 2009

    Prester John on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Arasaki wrote: »
    Thanks for waiting for me to post :)

    If anyone drops out or disappears you and Helix09 will obviously be first choice for replacements.

    Bogart on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Some things that would be helpful on your mythweavers sheets - under the powers section please mark each power in the title box with an E/U/D depending on whether it's encounter/utility or daily. If you have to prepare dailies then tick the box next to the title of the power you've trained for the day. In your quick attacks section stick a + in front of whatever number you've got in the attack box (niggly, but it's helpful).

    I think we'll be having just one thread to play in serving both IC and OOC needs (keeps the board from getting cluttered). OOC stuff and rolling can be put into spoilers and IC stuff will be posted normally.

    Combat posts should follow this sort of template:
    Move: Shift from A1 to A3
    Minor Action: Neck beer link to invisible castle roll
    Standard Action: Belch link to invisible castle roll Damage link to invisible castle roll

    Enemy at P2 - Hit! 12 Damage. 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends)..
    Enemy at P9 - Miss.

    Notes about other effects or somesuch here.
    All Invisible Castle rolls should have your character name and the campaign name filled out (enabling me to track rolls and find filthy cheating re-rollers) as well as the name of the power and whatever defence you're rolling against (i.e. ' Fireball - Int vs Reflex 22') in the notes section.

    For initiative, we can try to keep either to straight initiative order or keep it a little looser, taking a turn if the guy ahead of you isn't around and they're ok with peopl jumping the queue (might be useful if you say now whether you're ok with this). Obviously bad guys will keep to straight initiative order and you can't jump their place in the queue.

    Game thread will follow tonight, probably. Tomorrow if not.

    Oh, and everyone should roll for initiative and post the result. You're in a spot of bother.

    Bogart on
  • Prester JohnPrester John Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Bogart wrote: »
    I'll be going over your mythweavers sheets over the next day or so (making sure everything looks ok and so forth)

    If it's alright with you: I just picked up Martial Power on my way to work, and after I've had a chance to look through it more closely, would you mind if I changed a few powers around? No problem if not. Thanks!

    edit: I'll also update my mythweaver sheet with the information you requested when I get home.

    Prester John on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Bogart wrote: »
    I'll be going over your mythweavers sheets over the next day or so (making sure everything looks ok and so forth)

    If it's alright with you: I just picked up Martial Power on my way to work, and after I've had a chance to look through it more closely, would you mind if I changed a few powers around? No problem if not. Thanks!

    edit: I'll also update my mythweaver sheet with the information you requested when I get home.

    That's fine. You might want to check the post you replied to again, as I just edited it with a couple of requests.

    Bogart on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Mind if I switch one At-Will around? Gonna ditch Booming Blade for Sword Burst. I think Sword Burst/Frigid Blade/Lightning Lure gives me more overall utility. Also, initiative roll to come. :)

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Switching around powers now is fine, but when the IC thread goes up you'll have to keep whatever you've got (at least until level two) unless you have a very good reason or you're willing to bribe me.

    And can people post their opinion on the two choices of how we do initiative?

    Bogart on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    The "a little" looser option seemed to work out alright in Denada's Floating Grave game. I think we could probably manage that. :)

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • Prester JohnPrester John Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Bogart wrote: »
    Switching around powers now is fine, but when the IC thread goes up you'll have to keep whatever you've got (at least until level two) unless you have a very good reason or you're willing to bribe me.

    I'll just wait until level 2, then.
    And can people post their opinion on the two choices of how we do initiative?

    I'm fine with the looser initiative option as it seems like it would help things move a bit faster. Also, folks, when you're rolling initiative, please remember that if you're within ten squares of Ilmarinen, and can see and hear him, you get +2 to your roll due to my Combat Leader trait.

    And, finally, Ilmarinen's initiative roll:

    Yaaaaaaay, the brilliant combat genius gets caught completely flatfooted.

    Prester John on
  • AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I think a strict ordering of initative is better as the actions of characters earlier in the initiative order may affect what others would want to do and it would save the editing of posts. But I'm fine with either option.

    Thats just my two cents...

    Also, I hope this isn't a sign of whats to come... Initative (1d20=2)

    Edit: That should be 4, forgot to include the +2, but either way, thats not good.
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    The "a little" looser option seemed to work out alright in Denada's Floating Grave game. I think we could probably manage that. :)

    I thought they were doing a strict interpretation of the order. My bad...

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Bogart wrote: »
    Switching around powers now is fine, but when the IC thread goes up you'll have to keep whatever you've got (at least until level two) unless you have a very good reason or you're willing to bribe me.

    I'll just wait until level 2, then.

    Tell you what, as long as you respec your powers before your first attack roll we'll call it square.

    Also, you both suck at rolling initiative and one particular member of your party is going to so mad with you guys.

    Bogart on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Anarchy wrote: »
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    The "a little" looser option seemed to work out alright in Denada's Floating Grave game. I think we could probably manage that. :)

    I thought they were doing a strict interpretation of the order. My bad...

    We are, but also some people have said they're ok with peeps jumping the queue so we're doing a mixture of both (I think).

    Bogart on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited January 2009



    Hoorays. :lol:

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Ahahahaha. Man, you guys are in trouble.

    Bogart on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Anarchy, you actually got 6, with your own Int bonus (+2) and the warlord bonus (+2)
    Fiaryn, I'll let you keep the 14 (please post the IC roll) and we'll manually add the +2 warlord bonus for a total of 16.
    Prester John you stick with your shameful 10.

    Everyone else make sure to add the +2 from Prester's warlord bonus. Except Probad. You're out of range for reasons which will become clear.

    Bogart on
  • Prester JohnPrester John Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Bogart wrote: »
    Bogart wrote: »
    Switching around powers now is fine, but when the IC thread goes up you'll have to keep whatever you've got (at least until level two) unless you have a very good reason or you're willing to bribe me.

    I'll just wait until level 2, then.

    Tell you what, as long as you respec your powers before your first attack roll we'll call it square.

    Also, you both suck at rolling initiative and one particular member of your party is going to so mad with you guys.

    OK, I sequestered myself in my office with my shiny new book and the D&DI Compendium (my work ethic is amazing), and made some changes, which are reflected on my mythweaver's sheet:

    -swapped out my Improved Initiative feat for Eladrin Soldier (proficiency with spears, +2 dam with spears and longswords)
    -swapped out the Viper's Sting at-will power for the Opening Shove at-will
    -swapped the longsword and shield for a greatspear

    The good news? Fun semi-controllery stuff.

    The bad news? I lose my +4 to initiative. Which means that my initiative roll drops from 10 to 6. :cry:

    Prester John on
  • DacDac Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Adding another woefully low result to the pile. Initiative (1d20 2=8)

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • ProbadProbad Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Initiative (1d20+2+4=22)


    Dang it Bogart, you posted that while I was rolling and fixing my character sheet :P

    Probad on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    On Invisible Castle, can everyone put the campaign as The Halls Of Tizun Thane (copy and paste this exactly with no spaces at the front or back, as different capitalisation makes it a different campaign), thus making it nice and easy to find under one heading (here) and not cluttering up the IC campaign boards.

    So far on the initiative front we have:

    Probad: 20
    Fiaryn: 16
    Dac: 8
    Prester John: 6
    Anarchy: 6

    Bogart on
  • DacDac Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Will use that from now on.

    Unless you want me to reroll with the new campaign name :)

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Dac wrote: »
    Will use that from now on.

    Unless you want me to reroll with the new campaign name :)

    No, but nice try.

    For bad guys, I'll probably be using one initiative roll with the highest monster bonus for all of them unless their modifiers are really far apart. I realise this isn't quite fair on you guys, but in PbP it's a better alternative than rolling for each individual monster as that would mean combat might take ages.

    Bogart on
  • DacDac Registered User regular
    edited January 2009

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Enemy Initiative: using Goblin Hexer's Initiative modifier. (1d20+3=12)

    Just waiting for Jam Warrior to post his initiative and then I'll sort out the IC thread.

    Bogart on
  • Prester JohnPrester John Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I'm assuming that this thread is still a mix of IC and OOC, but I'm going to spoiler this just in case:
    One thing occurs to me: several of my warlord powers allow other party members to move before I finish my turn, allowing me to do things like set up combat advantage before I make my attack roll. For example, wolf pack tactics states "Special: Before you attack, you let one ally adjacent to either you or the target shift 1 square as a free action." (emphasis added). Obviously in a PBP game it would take an annoyingly long time to do this exactly.

    Do we have/want to set up some kind of house rule to approximate the effect? A couple of ideas:

    1) I could state at the beginning of the round that I'm reserve the action, conditional upon the other player stating that they accept my suggestion, at which point I would either take the action (if other players/monsters acted in the meantime) or wait until my turn came up and then act as normal. I like this idea the best, I think. It's a bit kludgy, but it doesn't seem unfair or broken, and if the other player doesn't accept the suggestion, then I just do something else, and no harm done.

    2) I could simply assume that the other player accepts my suggested move for purposes of making my attack, and then edit if it later turns out that the player didn't want to take the suggestion. PROS: In the best case scenario, everything moves along fairly quickly. CONS: If the other player doesn't accept the suggestion, it could potentially affect not only my turn, but that of every other player/monster who acted between the time I took my turn and the time the other player stated that he wasn't accepting the suggestion. That would be super annoying for everyone.

    3) Modify the power so that it approximates the effect in a PBP-workable manner. For example, wolf pack tactics could simply grant me combat advantage against a target if there's an ally who would normally be eligible to receive the benefit, and who, by shifting one, could flank the target. PROS: fast and fairly straightforward. CONS: Powers like wolf pack tactics have other uses besides setting up flanks; for example, if the wizard gets too close to the Big Nasty Melee Monster, I can shift the wizard out of melee range so that he can either attack or run away without provoking opportunity attacks.


    Prester John on
  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Including warlord bonus:


    Crappest init going first!

    Jam Warrior on
  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    Prester - the first, I think, if everyone else agrees.

    Jam Warrior - awesome, I'll get the new thread sorted in the next hour or two.

    Bogart on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Option 1 sounds fine.

    And as for your Initiative roll Jam ahahahahaha.

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
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