Movie Release Awareness for April '09



  • Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    they managed a plot, which is (arguably) what i think makes a movie watchable. i remember my friend tried to make me sit through tokyo drift and i was struggling to understand why the movie i was watching was happening. then i realized, it was so lil bow wow and man-jaw can do a montage on how to drive cars fast.
    i used those because those were movies that had both A) a halfway decent plot and B) awesome effects. it's not hard to manage both, but movies like fast and furious, live free die hard, and the transporter didn't even try godammit. it's insulting. not worth your or my time.
    there are some movies i watch and go 'i can see what they were trying to do here'
    others, well others it seems like they aren't even trying, just "LOOK STUFF EXPLODING"

    Local H Jay on
  • NarianNarian Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Then don't watch them.

    Narian on
  • SeptusSeptus Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Transformers is better than Fast and the Furious by virtue of giant robots vs. some cars.

    Septus on
    PSN: Kurahoshi1
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Septus wrote: »
    Transformers is better than Fast and the Furious by virtue of giant robots vs. some cars.

    Right, but then you're arguing the virtues of one man's penis-exploding effects versus another's (robots versus cars). And I'd agree, giant robots beat cars any day of the week. But I won't pretend that Transformers is better by virtue of some marginally deeper plot, or anything.
    others, well others it seems like they aren't even trying, just "LOOK STUFF EXPLODING" childhood nostalgia really strong enough that you didn't realize this is pretty much what Transformers did?

    Hey, want to see exactly how much of the plot of Transformers I remember?

    Or how much memorable dialogue?

    mcdermott on
  • SentrySentry Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Hmm... I seem to remember... in Transformers, them going to hide from the Decepticons in the middle of a large, populated, easily destroyable major metropolitan area.

    Sentry on
    When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
    'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Also, part of my ability to enjoy Fast & Furious may well stem from the fact that I never saw 2 Fast 2 Furious or Tokyo Drift. Because both were quite obviously dogshit. So I have very little negative baggage going into this, because as others have said The Fast and the Furious was a fairly passable Point Break knockoff with car racing and Vin Diesel.

    And now I want to go watch Point Break.

    mcdermott on
  • Vincent GraysonVincent Grayson Frederick, MDRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Septus wrote: »
    Transformers is better than Fast and the Furious by virtue of giant robots vs. some cars.

    Right, but then you're arguing the virtues of one man's penis-exploding effects versus another's (robots versus cars). And I'd agree, giant robots beat cars any day of the week. But I won't pretend that Transformers is better by virtue of some marginally deeper plot, or anything.
    others, well others it seems like they aren't even trying, just "LOOK STUFF EXPLODING" childhood nostalgia really strong enough that you didn't realize this is pretty much what Transformers did?

    Hey, want to see exactly how much of the plot of Transformers I remember?

    Or how much memorable dialogue?

    Transformers had some memorable lines, but all of them were lifted almost word for word from the cartoon.

    Vincent Grayson on
  • Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    i never said it was brilliant material.
    i'm not even sure what i'm arguing here, except that movies with no plot do not interest me
    transformers had enough of a plot for there to be a reason for those giant robots beating the shit out of each other
    i'm not going to pay to see car porn for the sake of car porn

    Local H Jay on
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    i never said it was brilliant material.
    i'm not even sure what i'm arguing here, except that movies with no plot do not interest me
    transformers had enough of a plot for there to be a reason for those giant robots beating the shit out of each other
    i'm not going to pay to see car porn for the sake of car porn

    Um....Fast & Furious (and the first movie) both had plots. More than enough to justify their action sequences. Just like Transformers.

    Again, you seem willing to forgive paper-thin plots when it's action that you enjoy, but not action that you do not. You are pulling this supposed difference in plot quality between Transformers and Fast & Furious (as well as between F&F and Speed Racer) almost entirely from your ass.

    mcdermott on
  • Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    well, i can't comment on the newer one since i haven't seen it, but the first and second both had lame excuses for plot that barely held my interest. perhaps i just found the concept of the movies boring in general but i didn't feel the movie was justified just for the neat scenes.
    more over, it might be because the other movie had giant robots from space turning into cars, i was probably more forgiving in the story department.
    i would definately pay $5 for a copy of transformers. but i wouldn't try to make anybody watch the fast and the furious, not if i liked them anyways.
    different strokes ah suppose.:|

    Local H Jay on
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    If I recall, the setup for Tokyo Drift was "your reckless driving is such a threat that we're sending you to Japan. You'll be safe from racing there!"


    cj iwakura on
  • geckahngeckahn Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    If I recall, the setup for Tokyo Drift was "your reckless driving is such a threat that we're sending you to Japan. You'll be safe from racing there!"


    There's a reason that I needed to be stoned to actually watch that entire movie.

    geckahn on
  • TheBoginatorTheBoginator Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    In other news, Disney has somehow come to the conclusion that making less prints than originally planned of the Hannah Montana movie available to theatres is going to make them more money. My boss actually had to fight just to get a copy.

    Just thought you guys would enjoy hearing about the latest example of Disney's douchebaggery to theatre-owners.

    TheBoginator on
    Robman wrote: »
    No you don't. It's mass effect brah, just grab your controller in one hand and your dick with the other and go to town
  • TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Because 2 packed screens as opposed to 3 packed screens is great for income revenue

    Tomanta on
  • DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2009
    Don't htey have to pay for the film itself? So they make them pay more to secure one then take a huge cut of the ticket sales?

    DarkWarrior on
  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    BoredGamer wrote: »
    That looks entertaining.
    "It's Dr. Who meets Shaun of the Dead", just the way the announcer said that has sold me on wanting to see this movie, and depressed me knowing that it's not likely to be released here for a while, if ever.

    see317 on
  • DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2009
    God I hate that every movie that involves British people revolves around us being hybrid beings with pubs.

    DarkWarrior on
  • TheBoginatorTheBoginator Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Don't htey have to pay for the film itself? So they make them pay more to secure one then take a huge cut of the ticket sales?

    It usually works the exact opposite. The movie companies take huge cuts out of ticket prices, (we keep about $2 for each $8 ticket we sell). The only time I can remember a studio coming close to outright making theatres pay for prints was with Watchmen, where they made the theatres guarantee that they would gross a certain amount, and pay the difference if they didn't.

    Back on topic, I'm looking forward to watching Observe & Report tomorrow night, and I'll let you guys know if it's just another forgettable manbaby-finally-grows-up comedy, or something worth watching.

    TheBoginator on
    Robman wrote: »
    No you don't. It's mass effect brah, just grab your controller in one hand and your dick with the other and go to town
  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Apparently there's date rape in Observe and Report. Don't bring your moms!

    Robos A Go Go on
  • DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2009
    All the reviews have said its pretty genius comedy.

    DarkWarrior on
  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    God I hate that every movie that involves British people revolves around us being hybrid beings with pubs.

    You must hate being British considering that that fact is 100% true. You're seriously challenging the fact that the stereotypical English bloke likes to spend time in pubs, drink beer, and meet his friends there. Thats like Americans complaining that they are portrayed as going out to eat a lot in movies.

    I'll give you movie pubs tend to be that odd sort of local which doesn't quite exist any more in the numbers it used to, but the English pub is a nearly uniquely british institution which almost everybody loves. And honestly, I don't think anyone really wants to see a movie about some dull married couple who doesn't go to the pub any more because they have a mortgage to think of and zzzzz.........

    Even describing it has made me fall asleep.

    tbloxham on
    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2009
    I've never been in a pub to drink, just to work there and noone I know goes to one either. It isn't the institution it used to be and hasn't been for like a decade at least.

    Now if we're portrayed as psychotic football hooligans and drunks, sure, but hanging out in pubs every free moment? I'm sure thats what Simon Pegg really does but all british people? Not by far.

    DarkWarrior on
  • TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Don't htey have to pay for the film itself? So they make them pay more to secure one then take a huge cut of the ticket sales?

    It usually works the exact opposite. The movie companies take huge cuts out of ticket prices, (we keep about $2 for each $8 ticket we sell). The only time I can remember a studio coming close to outright making theatres pay for prints was with Watchmen, where they made the theatres guarantee that they would gross a certain amount, and pay the difference if they didn't.

    Pretty much. Theaters get a larger cut of profit as the weeks go on (and studios less). Which means it makes even LESS sense for a studio to not do everything in their power to make sure anyone that wants to see it gets to on opening weekend.

    Tomanta on
  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I've never been in a pub to drink, just to work there and noone I know goes to one either. It isn't the institution it used to be and hasn't been for like a decade at least.

    Now if we're portrayed as psychotic football hooligans and drunks, sure, but hanging out in pubs every free moment? I'm sure thats what Simon Pegg really does but all british people? Not by far.

    The majority of British people who are interesting go to pubs a lot, its a simple fact. I agree that there has been some Americanization of things recently and English families are now far more likely to go to a restaurant perhaps, but why bother setting a movie in the UK and then simply picking a subset of people who don't do ver much and just behave exactly like Americans when they do?

    Seriously though, noone who lives in England can honestly state that the English don't go to pubs a lot by the standards of other nations. Remember that I include more than just the stereotypical local in this, if you go to a Weatherspoons, or a Firkin, or a Walkabout, or any one of dozens of national pub chains you fall into the same category. Clearly you and your friends may not, but most people do. Where do you go with your friends after work in England? The pub. Where do students go and eat and hang out? The pub. Where do most people meet people and watch sports? The pub. This isn't true in any other nation. In America, people meet and go to eat in restaurants, in the UK they meet and go to pubs.

    Heck, remember theres a whole other presented stereotype of English Raver/Clubber, and also the Football Loving Thug, and the Upper Class Posh bloke. I did live in the UK for 27 years, in towns and cities across the land and the one thing every single place had in common was that 'everyone' loved the pub.

    tbloxham on
    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2009
    Im just saying that more recently this is not true. They go to pubs, they also go to coffee shops and the like. Its not offensive or anything just that as soon as I saw it in that trailer I thought "They did this in Shaun of the Dead, its almost the exact same pub". You accept it in Shaun because hes a lazy bum who will die in that pub but then the next decent looking british film comes along and they hang out in the local to.

    Sure its nice that we're also the hardest mother fuckin' gangsters and football hooligans on Earth but eh, just saying there is a bit more to us than that. I mean American movies aren't filled with fat people for instance.

    DarkWarrior on
  • TheBoginatorTheBoginator Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    American movies aren't filled with fat people because we hate our fat selves.

    TheBoginator on
    Robman wrote: »
    No you don't. It's mass effect brah, just grab your controller in one hand and your dick with the other and go to town
  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Im just saying that more recently this is not true. They go to pubs, they also go to coffee shops and the like. Its not offensive or anything just that as soon as I saw it in that trailer I thought "They did this in Shaun of the Dead, its almost the exact same pub". You accept it in Shaun because hes a lazy bum who will die in that pub but then the next decent looking british film comes along and they hang out in the local to.

    Sure its nice that we're also the hardest mother fuckin' gangsters and football hooligans on Earth but eh, just saying there is a bit more to us than that. I mean American movies aren't filled with fat people for instance.

    However for example in an American movie every American in it, male or female, unless they are ascribed another stereotype beyond American will if given the chance demonstrate how they love Baseball and like to go to games. Even if this seems out of character for them. Why is this the case? Because a huge amount of americans, more than most other nationalities, do love to go to sporting events and to baseball games. True there are people who don't, but most do.

    The English quite simply do drink a lot and go to pubs a lot. The Italians do drink a lot of coffee. The Germans do like beer halls. The French do drink lots of wine in squares. Not everyone does it, but it is a national characteristic.

    Saying 'English people go to coffee shops, so they should in the movies" is naive. Coffee shops are boring and viewed as an American thing. Why have an English movie set in a Starbucks? Why bother even setting it in England if you don't exploit something uniquely English?

    You'll also notice in most English films its either perfect Wembley sunshine or dull and rainy, since those are the two weather conditions people associate with the UK.

    tbloxham on
    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • RikushixRikushix VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I'm seeing 17 Again with a gal friend of mine. Yes, I'm That Guy. That whipped, metrosexual guy who has more girl friends than guy friends.

    Rikushix on
  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Rikushix wrote: »
    I'm seeing 17 Again with a gal friend of mine. Yes, I'm That Guy. That whipped, metrosexual guy who has more girl friends than guy friends.

    At least it's got Dangle from Reno 911.

    Robos A Go Go on
  • DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2009
    tbloxham wrote: »
    Im just saying that more recently this is not true. They go to pubs, they also go to coffee shops and the like. Its not offensive or anything just that as soon as I saw it in that trailer I thought "They did this in Shaun of the Dead, its almost the exact same pub". You accept it in Shaun because hes a lazy bum who will die in that pub but then the next decent looking british film comes along and they hang out in the local to.

    Sure its nice that we're also the hardest mother fuckin' gangsters and football hooligans on Earth but eh, just saying there is a bit more to us than that. I mean American movies aren't filled with fat people for instance.

    However for example in an American movie every American in it, male or female, unless they are ascribed another stereotype beyond American will if given the chance demonstrate how they love Baseball and like to go to games. Even if this seems out of character for them. Why is this the case? Because a huge amount of americans, more than most other nationalities, do love to go to sporting events and to baseball games. True there are people who don't, but most do.

    The English quite simply do drink a lot and go to pubs a lot. The Italians do drink a lot of coffee. The Germans do like beer halls. The French do drink lots of wine in squares. Not everyone does it, but it is a national characteristic.

    Saying 'English people go to coffee shops, so they should in the movies" is naive. Coffee shops are boring and viewed as an American thing. Why have an English movie set in a Starbucks? Why bother even setting it in England if you don't exploit something uniquely English?

    You'll also notice in most English films its either perfect Wembley sunshine or dull and rainy, since those are the two weather conditions people associate with the UK.

    I feel racially stereotyped.

    Point me to a lawyer.

    BTW, I'm not saying it should be set in a coffee shop, its just kinda boring that the pub is a focal point for things. We have drug dens and council houses filled with crack heads to.

    DarkWarrior on
  • RikushixRikushix VancouverRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Rikushix wrote: »
    I'm seeing 17 Again with a gal friend of mine. Yes, I'm That Guy. That whipped, metrosexual guy who has more girl friends than guy friends.

    At least it's got Dangle from Reno 911.

    That's a huge plus, thank god.

    Although I'll readily admit, it's not a big deal for me seeing a movie with Zac Efron in it. If I can see Twilight, I can see anything.

    Rikushix on
  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I liked Hairspray.

    Robos A Go Go on
  • SentrySentry Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I liked Hairspray.

    Me too.

    Sentry on
    When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
    'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I don't know how I feel about Hairspray 2, though, since there's no source material to draw from. John Travolta won't be in it, though, so that's a good start!

    Robos A Go Go on
  • MeowsvilleMeowsville Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I don't know how I feel about Hairspray 2, though, since there's no source material to draw from. John Travolta won't be in it, though, so that's a good start!

    Hairspray 2?! NoOOooOOOoO!

    Meowsville on
  • TheBoginatorTheBoginator Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I'm more upset about John Travolta not being in it.

    Just got back from watching Observe and Report. Most of the other people I watched it with thought it was hilarious, but I didn't really like it much. There were a couple of good parts, but for the most part it was fairly predictable. Seth Rogan is once again playing a manbaby that matures slightly over the course of the movie, but this time with the added twist of descending slowly into madness (but only for a little bit, I guess they decided that was too interesting/funny)!

    We're watching the Hannah Montana movie Monday, so you guys will have to wait a couple more days to hear about that.

    TheBoginator on
    Robman wrote: »
    No you don't. It's mass effect brah, just grab your controller in one hand and your dick with the other and go to town
  • GigatonGigaton Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Just came fresh from the theater from watching Fast and Furious with some friends. At the beginning I felt awkward since car porn isn't my type of thing, but as the movie went on I just decided to relax and enjoy the visual stimulation. The action was great but some of the dialogue made me cringe. But what else are you going to expect for that type of movie? Overall I'd say it was worth the money and I left the screening happy.

    Gigaton on
  • HaikiraHaikira UKRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Was just checking out the OP, and noticed the Soloist. I remember checking out the trailer for this ages ago, and thought it looked like a good watch. So just doubled check to see if we have the same release date here in the UK. September 11th..... This is why i don't like checking out these threads, they get me depressed.

    Haikira on
  • RubickRubick Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Sentry wrote: »
    In regards to Rubick, I didn't think Adventureland was anything like the Office, because it seemed far, far more realistic. I can see myself or someone I know doing everything in Adventureland.

    I don't think it was like the humor in the Office at all - just the feeling I sometimes got from watching it, how awkward it made me feel and the situations came off to me. I know that's how it is being at that stage in your life, so I understand it coming from this film.

    Rubick on
  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I saw Fast and Furious last night.

    Enjoyable, but super brainless.

    (The FBI is all over trying to arrest Diesel's character and yet he always seems to be in his sister's house/garage/front lawn)

    There was something that really bothered me about the movie though...
    Motherfuckers kill off Michelle Rodriguez in about 10 minutes.


    TehSpectre on
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