
Forum culture



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    AldoAldo Hippo Hooray Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Elks, got a more errr, direct link?

    Aldo on
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2007
    redx wrote: »
    Elkamil wrote: »
    SE is great, but idiocy is harder to notice there, because of lack of topicality. If your comments don't fit, it's usually assumed to be off-topic. When it is noticed, though, it is not usually left unpunished.
    how many pages in are you talking about? I'm only looking at every other page, but so far the only thing I've seen is a potential christian nutbar, and that was kinda on topic, and the response was not too awful.
    Just use the thread search feature, and put in words like "retarded," "stupid," and "idiot."

    I'm saying it's not much different than what you'll get from D&D.

    Elki on
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    The CatThe Cat Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2007
    Obs, don't turn an interesting thread into "poor me"/"i think I'll slag off the forum I spend all my time in just to get some attention". Its terribly boring.

    as for the topic, I mostly stick to DD just because I don't have time to post in all the forums. I lurk around more broadly than I post.

    The Cat on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    you just fucking love the thread search feature don't you?

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2007
    And just because this is D&D, let's do some "evidence gathering."

    The forum returns only 350 results per term search.

    It takes SE from 01-15-2007 to this day to amass 350 instances of "retard." It takes D&D from 11-30-2006 to this day to amass the same number. Suck it, Obs, and go whine somewhere else.

    Elki on
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    ObsObs __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2007
    Elkamil wrote: »
    It takes SE from 01-15-2007 to this day to amass 350 instances of "retard." It takes D&D from 11-30-2006 to this day to amass the same number. Suck it, Obs, and go whine somewhere else.

    There is more than one way to call someone a retard.

    Obs on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    SE++ has far far more posts per day. Crazy more posts per day.

    Like, you are not figuring that into your calculations.

    you need to normalize those results so you actually get retardeds per post, not retardeds per day.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Obs wrote: »
    Elkamil wrote: »
    It takes SE from 01-15-2007 to this day to amass 350 instances of "retard." It takes D&D from 11-30-2006 to this day to amass the same number. Suck it, Obs, and go whine somewhere else.

    There is more than one way to call someone a retard.

    if we are comparing the merits of forums, I don't think that D&D wider vocabulary should count against it.

    It is not like calling things retarded was a meme over there, so the results in that light are actually pretty respectable.

    If you wanted to invest more energy and average a few diffrent sample words, you can, but you are not really casting any doubt on the veracity of his claim.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2007
    redx wrote: »
    If you wanted to invest more energy and average a few diffrent sample words, you can, but you are not really casting any doubt on the veracity of his claim.
    It'll be better for all if he doesn't, and follows Cat's advice.

    Elki on
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    EvilBadmanEvilBadman DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I love the other on-topic subforums. I use G&T for gaming news, D&D for other news, and the others are entertainment. I, however, cannot stand SE++.

    Let me first accentuate that 99% of Social Entropy ++ is not for me, and I know this to be true. "Why the hatred," you may ask, and the answer is simple: I enjoy the structure of the on-topic boards. All SE++ is to me is a poor man's FYAD (Knob's Rule post and a Livestock FYAD post from 2/10/07), which is also an annoyance, but on different boards and I digress.

    Additionally, SE++ is horrendously liberal in their usage of the word faggot. I touched on this in the Ignore topic in Tube's Forum, but it's practically a form of punctuation over there. I'm not trying to start a second debate over the words usage and offensiveness, just stating my opinion.

    I stay on this side of the fence, save forays into the YouTube thread, and on occasion, the new comic thread.

    EvilBadman on
    FyreWulff wrote: »
    I should note that Badman is fucking awesome
    XBL- Evil Badman; Steam- EvilBadman; Twitter - EvilBadman
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    ege02ege02 __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2007
    Obs wrote: »
    And I've definitely even seen some signs of prejudice.

    Speaking of D&D specifically, prejudice doesn't bother me as much as pretentiousness and elitism does.

    Even though there are a lot of level-headed, non-judgmental, smart people here, sometimes I look at the way people collectively try to cast down others (bandwagon-style) and I am reminded of high school.

    ege02 on
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    ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Obs wrote: »
    Why do some people choose to stay exclusive only to one subforum rather than wander around across all forums? I've observed that some people have problems and probably start to hyperventilate if they have to post in another forum, as if they are stepping into a bad neighborhood or Compton or some shit like that. It's just another subforum. Actually, some people don't even call them subforums they just refer to them as a bunch of seperate forums even!

    And I've definitely even seen some signs of prejudice. For instance, I've been to many Game Ons at G&T, and when somebody starts doing a lot of crazy shit like killing a bunch of guys or fuckin shit up I generally hear comments like "probably faggots from SE++" or "assholes from SE++"

    WHY DO


    p.s. is this breaking the fourth wall

    Getting back on topic... As you implied in your title, it's because the culture is different. People spend most of their time in a particular forum because of their interests. Over time, various people spending all their time in particular forums gives them all a unique culture, completely independent of one another with the exception of the handful of posters that post regularly in multiple. For the regulars, a new subforum might as well be a new forum altogether because they lose their name recognition and established identity. There're also differences in the rulesets and general behavior which can alienate people. SE++ in particular has higher bullshit tolerance than most of the other forums so some people find it juvenile.

    Zek on
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    HozHoz Cool Cat Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Personally, I like D&D because I find OCD much more interesting than ADD.
    Which subforum is AIDS?
    ege02 wrote: »
    Speaking of D&D specifically, prejudice doesn't bother me as much as pretentiousness and elitism does.

    Even though there are a lot of level-headed, non-judgmental, smart people here, sometimes I look at the way people collectively try to cast down others (bandwagon-style) and I am reminded of high school.
    I was with you until I realized who you are. I hate you.

    Hoz on
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    MrMisterMrMister Jesus dying on the cross in pain? Morally better than us. One has to go "all in".Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    EvilBadman wrote: »
    I, however, cannot stand SE++.

    Let me first accentuate that 99% of Social Entropy ++ is not for me, and I know this to be true. "Why the hatred," you may ask, and the answer is simple: I enjoy the structure of the on-topic boards...

    Additionally, SE++ is horrendously liberal in their usage of the word faggot. I touched on this in the Ignore topic in Tube's Forum, but it's practically a form of punctuation over there. I'm not trying to start a second debate over the words usage and offensiveness, just stating my opinion.

    Ditto'd on both counts.

    Sometimes I hop on over to AC to look at the cool art, or read a photo thread. Mainly though, I hang out in D&D--the other forums just don't interest me.

    MrMister on
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    SirUltimosSirUltimos Don't talk, Rusty. Just paint. Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I mostly stick to G&T. Gaming is my main hobby and so the discussions interest me a lot more and I've grown to understand all the in jokes and memes and know the people.

    D&D I like to lurk in and post sometimes because I find most of the topics to be interesting and again, I've learned most of the in jokes and grown to know the people.

    I like to lurk in H&A just because I find it enetertaining and interesting.

    I stay away from SE++ because it's just so wildly different from the forums I usually go to and I much prefer a more structured environment.

    SirUltimos on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Hoz wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Personally, I like D&D because I find OCD much more interesting than ADD.
    Which subforum is AIDS?



    The writer's block.

    i mean, you know what they say about the writing bug. Once it's inside you, you can never get rid of it.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2007
    I pride myself on the plethora of ways in which I can call someone a complete and utter fucktard and tell him to go stab himself in the face with a sharp implement.

    As to forums, I used to be frightened of SE++. Then I became a mod and checked it out, and found it wasn't that bad. It's not for me, though, so I generally steer clear. I like G&T, given the right thread topic, and H/A is helpful at times.

    ElJeffe on
    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
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    ValkunValkun Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Linksville definately had AIDS. It's immune system weakened and promptly perished.

    Like a couple others I view and post in everything except SE++. The highly structured discussions of D&D are just preferred over random chats in my opinion. As a whole, the PA forums are shining paragons of online dialogue hidden away in a most unexpected place.

    Valkun on
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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I like D&D. SE++ and G&T aren't really for me, mostly because I hate memes and anime screencaps (which means G&T doubly isn't for me).

    And yeah, you have to have something of a thick skin to post in D&D. Though, I agree with ege02 on the bandwagon thing. Regardless of what he said, I think he got way more shit for it than he deserved. _J_ was another good example of that.

    Thanatos on
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    EvilBadmanEvilBadman DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Thanatos wrote: »
    I like D&D. SE++ and G&T aren't really for me, mostly because I hate memes and anime screencaps (which means G&T doubly isn't for me).

    And yeah, you have to have something of a thick skin to post in D&D. Though, I agree with ege02 on the bandwagon thing. Regardless of what he said, I think he got way more shit for it than he deserved. _J_ was another good example of that.

    You are aware that pretty much died with the death of the chat thread, yes?

    EvilBadman on
    FyreWulff wrote: »
    I should note that Badman is fucking awesome
    XBL- Evil Badman; Steam- EvilBadman; Twitter - EvilBadman
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    PillsAreNicePillsAreNice Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I don't know, but in SE++ everybody jumped on my ass for mentioning Ringu. They called me a weeaboo and stuff, then I sat in a corner and cried.

    PillsAreNice on
    See my game reviews at: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=strangegamer
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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    EvilBadman wrote: »
    Thanatos wrote: »
    I like D&D. SE++ and G&T aren't really for me, mostly because I hate memes and anime screencaps (which means G&T doubly isn't for me).

    And yeah, you have to have something of a thick skin to post in D&D. Though, I agree with ege02 on the bandwagon thing. Regardless of what he said, I think he got way more shit for it than he deserved. _J_ was another good example of that.
    You are aware that pretty much died with the death of the chat thread, yes?
    If you don't think hating on Sony is a meme, you're nuts.

    Thanatos on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2007
    There is some bandwagoning in D&D. I've never heard it occur without cause, but it can be disproportionate. Ege caught it disproportionately for saying some dumb stuff. _J_ caught it for being unrelentingly annoying with his pedantry.

    Irond Will on
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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is some bandwagoning in D&D. I've never heard it occur without cause, but it can be disproportionate. Ege caught it disproportionately for saying some dumb stuff. _J_ caught it for being unrelentingly annoying with his pedantry.
    I think _J_ got a lot better, and people just continued giving him shit in spite of the fact that he got better. The same goes with ege.

    Thanatos on
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    ObsObs __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2007
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is a lot bandwagoning in D&D.

    It's pretty much impossible to clear your name. Once D&D brands you with a scarlett letter you are fucked.

    Obs on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Thanatos wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is some bandwagoning in D&D. I've never heard it occur without cause, but it can be disproportionate. Ege caught it disproportionately for saying some dumb stuff. _J_ caught it for being unrelentingly annoying with his pedantry.
    I think _J_ got a lot better, and people just continued giving him shit in spite of the fact that he got better. The same goes with ege.
    Seriously Will. You should pay more attention to what I post.

    Obs wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is a lot bandwagoning in D&D.

    It's pretty much impossible to clear your name. Once D&D brands you with a scarlett letter you are fucked.
    ehh... not really. Just look at Yar.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor changed Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    SE is my favorite forum to lurk. With such gems as the recent SO vs Mully forum battle, I don't see how anyone can not poke their head in from time to time.

    And G&T, shit, I presume most people on these boards like video games, and thats where they discuss them, so.. yeah. I really never grasped why the division between their regs and the rest is so sharp at times.

    I like D&D because I learn things from time to time, and between the pedantry and vitriol there sometimes forms genuinely interesting discussions on all manner of things.

    I don't read AC or the others (H/A has no forum identity, I do read that) because I am only one man.

    ArbitraryDescriptor on
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    deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I don't like to post in SE++ because it is a needlessly cruel culture. People are just angry or something over there.

    I used to like G&T a whole bunch but now whenever you say something negative about Nintendo you get branded a troll. It's no longer about fun over there, the way it once was. Plus GAF gets their news faster.

    Right now the best community PA has is Graphic Violence.

    deadonthestreet on
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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    redx wrote: »
    Obs wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is a lot bandwagoning in D&D.
    It's pretty much impossible to clear your name. Once D&D brands you with a scarlett letter you are fucked.
    ehh... not really. Just look at Yar.
    Yar catches a lot more shit than he deserves, too.

    Thanatos on
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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I don't like to post in SE++ because it is a needlessly cruel culture. People are just angry or something over there.
    Honestly, aside from the way they treat Uriel (which, whatever the guy has done, is really totally unnecessary), I think SE++ is probably nicer and more forgiving than D&D.

    Thanatos on
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    ObsObs __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2007
    Thanatos wrote: »
    redx wrote: »
    Obs wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is a lot bandwagoning in D&D.
    It's pretty much impossible to clear your name. Once D&D brands you with a scarlett letter you are fucked.
    ehh... not really. Just look at Yar.
    Yar catches a lot more shit than he deserves, too.

    Do I catch more shit than I deserve too

    Obs on
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2007
    Thanatos wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is some bandwagoning in D&D. I've never heard it occur without cause, but it can be disproportionate. Ege caught it disproportionately for saying some dumb stuff. _J_ caught it for being unrelentingly annoying with his pedantry.
    I think _J_ got a lot better, and people just continued giving him shit in spite of the fact that he got better. The same goes with ege.
    Yeah, _J_ was unfortunate. Especially when when people were picking on him even in the chat thread.

    Obs wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is a lot bandwagoning in D&D.
    It's pretty much impossible to clear your name. Once D&D brands you with a scarlett letter you are fucked.
    No it isn't. You'd have to put more effort into it than "stop picking on me!" though. If you say dumb shit, get bandwagoned, and say more dumb shit, don't expect anybody's opinion to change.

    Elki on
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    deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Thanatos wrote: »
    I don't like to post in SE++ because it is a needlessly cruel culture. People are just angry or something over there.
    Honestly, aside from the way they treat Uriel (which, whatever the guy has done, is really totally unnecessary), I think SE++ is probably nicer and more forgiving than D&D.
    Well the way I see it, if you say something that people disagree with here you'll get insulted then they'll tell you why you're wrong.

    Over there there's a lot of "shut the fuck up, fag," for no real reason. Or at least that's the impression I get.


    I really hate

    When people

    All post like this

    deadonthestreet on
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    MrMisterMrMister Jesus dying on the cross in pain? Morally better than us. One has to go "all in".Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Elkamil wrote: »
    No it isn't. You'd have to put more effort into it than "stop picking on me!" though. If you say dumb shit, get bandwagoned, and say more dumb shit, don't expect anybody's opinion to change.

    People here are pretty harsh once they've decided you're retarded. Sometimes, this is unfortunate. However, the other times, we're dealing with Casket.

    MrMister on
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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Obs wrote: »
    Thanatos wrote: »
    redx wrote: »
    Obs wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    There is a lot bandwagoning in D&D.
    It's pretty much impossible to clear your name. Once D&D brands you with a scarlett letter you are fucked.
    ehh... not really. Just look at Yar.
    Yar catches a lot more shit than he deserves, too.
    Do I catch more shit than I deserve too
    Maybe slightly, but if so, not by much.

    You're certainly not a lost cause, but you ask for it an awful lot.

    Thanatos on
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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Elkamil wrote: »
    No it isn't. You'd have to put more effort into it than "stop picking on me!" though. If you say dumb shit, get bandwagoned, and say more dumb shit, don't expect anybody's opinion to change.

    I was just thinking of the Casket incident. I know Tynic and myself told him on two different occasions what he had to do to stop the violence. The big thing is the D&D is going to hold you to your statements. You simply can't ignore it and hope it goes away on it's own.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2007
    MrMister wrote: »
    Elkamil wrote: »
    No it isn't. You'd have to put more effort into it than "stop picking on me!" though. If you say dumb shit, get bandwagoned, and say more dumb shit, don't expect anybody's opinion to change.

    People here are pretty harsh once they've decided you're retarded. Sometimes, this is unfortunate. However, the other times, we're dealing with Casket.

    That's exactly who I thinking of.

    Elki on
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    ObsObs __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2007
    Thanatos wrote: »
    I don't like to post in SE++ because it is a needlessly cruel culture. People are just angry or something over there.
    Honestly, aside from the way they treat Uriel (which, whatever the guy has done, is really totally unnecessary), I think SE++ is probably nicer and more forgiving than D&D.
    Well the way I see it, if you say something that people disagree with here you'll get insulted then they'll tell you why you're wrong.

    Over there there's a lot of "shut the fuck up, fag," for no real reason. Or at least that's the impression I get.


    I really hate

    When people

    All post like this

    I'd rather be told to "shut the fuck up" than to be crushed with someone else's bullshit opinions, and then told to shut the fuck up.

    Obs on
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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Elkamil wrote: »
    No it isn't. You'd have to put more effort into it than "stop picking on me!" though. If you say dumb shit, get bandwagoned, and say more dumb shit, don't expect anybody's opinion to change.
    I was just thinking of the Casket incident. I know Tynic and myself told him on two different occasions what he had to do to stop the violence. The big thing is the D&D is going to hold you to your statements. You simply can't ignore it and hope it goes away on it's own.
    And for the love of god, if you say something stupid, just own up to it, and apologize.

    It'll make things go a lot smoother. Lord knows I've said a lot of stupid shit over my time here.

    Thanatos on
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    KusuguttaiKusuguttai __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2007
    Smasher wrote: »
    Kusuguttai wrote: »
    I wish I would have screencapped my ban message.
    What'd it say?

    "Banned for midgets in spandex, Manbeef, and general NSFWness"

    Kusuguttai on
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