
Dentists: Your teeth's natural enemy.

KakodaimonosKakodaimonos Code fondlerHelping the 1% get richerRegistered User regular
Or maybe the dental techs. I went in for a routine cleaning and checkup last night. Everything was going fine until the tech got a little too aggressive with the pick. She was working around my back molar and got under the edge of my crown. A hard yank and my crown came right off.

They then tried to tell me to go to another dentist to get a temporary crown. Because I was their last patient and they didn't want to stay late. When I told them no and that they were the ones who put the crown in the first time, they tried to fix it. But they ground a little of the crown down while getting the cement off.

So I'm sitting with a temporary crown waiting to go see another dentist to get another crown fitted. I'm not expecting much.

Has anyone ever had a good dentist? Hacks, the whole lot of them.



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    crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    i have a very good dentist and a very good oral surgeon

    there was this dude in downtown tampa though who told me i needed a root canal when i didn't (i put it off for years until i found my new dentist and he was like nah you just need a filling) and had his hygienist give me the most painful deep cleaning in the world

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    VeldrinVeldrin Sham bam bamina Registered User regular
    I haven't been to a dentist in far too long.

    I think I have good teeth and I look after them pretty well as far as I know, but I'm kind of a little terrified to go to a dentist because I have this tiny irrational fear that they're going to find something HORRIBLY WRONG regardless.

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    BeastehBeasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular
    i had a cary in one of my lower right molars a couple of years ago and it ended up weakening and chipping off my crown

    so i had to get a fake crown and then it had to be packed and filled and i was crying in the chair because of the pain and misery and i hate dentists forever

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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    annual dentist trips is my new thing

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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    My dentist is very nice: He's competent, explains what he's doing and why, and can answer any questions I had for him after receiving diabetes. Also his surgery is plastered with Far Side comics and has this on the ceiling for something to look at:


    It used to be a parody of it with Ahnold, Sly Stallone, Bruce Willis and a bunch of other action stars on it. I miss that poster.

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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    my teeth are all fine luckily

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    crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    now that i have health insurance i can get to the dentist more often and i can also afford to get the rest of my wisdom teeth pulled

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
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    HunterHunter Chemist with a heart of Au Registered User regular
    My dentist is great, but the hygienists that do the routine cleaning is another story. It's like spinning the wheel of torture to see if you're going to get a nice one, one that's not so bad but a little crazy with the pick, or the one lady who flosses your teeth with razor wire and makes the blood flow like a river out of my gums.

    The last time I went, it looked like a horror movie was shown on my little bib they put on me. Either that or my dentist's office was set in a Zach Snyder movie.

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    Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    I haven't been to a dentist in over a decade.

    If I get pain or can feel a cavity then yeah, I'll go.

    Otherwise, fuck no.

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    HunterHunter Chemist with a heart of Au Registered User regular
    I haven't been to a dentist in over a decade.

    If I get pain or can feel a cavity then yeah, I'll go.

    Otherwise, fuck no.


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    PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    What a timely thread.

    Tomorrow I'm going to get hooks attached to my braces.
    And on Monday (Unknown time) I'm going to get some bone taken out of my lower jaw.

    My orthodontist, oral surgeon and dentist are all top notch.
    The dentist is really social and high energy, explains everything as much as I need (sometimes the appointments are a bit late because he does this with everyone, but it's worth it)
    My orthodontist is stellar. He could see I was panicking and took the initiative to talk me down, laughs and jokes but he's an ultimate perfectionist.
    The oral surgeon I haven't had as much time with yet, but that will be changing soon. He's really personable and imparts both a great sense of "Sit back, I know what I'm doing" and "I'm going to tell you as much as you want to know"

    I haven't had a bad dental assistant yet, I don't get the impression a bad one would either last or stay bad for long at those offices.

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    Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    I don't have the prettiest teeth, no.

    They're thoroughly (seriously, brushing my teeth takes about 10 minutes) scrubbed twice a day though!

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    crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    when i was in for one of my 8 (!!!) cavity fillings my dentist was like oh this one isn't even very deep and we don't even have to numb you up, we can just use a laser to drill

    and then he used a goddamn laser to painlessly drill my tooth it owned

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    BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    9 out of 10 dentists recommend you eat more sugar

    I remember dating a dentist and how she got one of her fondest wishes done to her while at work
    She pulled her canines and had the vampire style ones installed a implants I have the scars to prove they were really sharp and worked too well

    I am doomed to have shitty teeth it seems if I go by what my family has

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Hunter wrote: »
    I haven't been to a dentist in over a decade.

    If I get pain or can feel a cavity then yeah, I'll go.

    Otherwise, fuck no.


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    LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    I've always had great dentists, and was lucky enough when I got my braces to get them on the NHS just before I turned 18 (the changed the rules afterwards to something like only free if they cause trouble, not just aesthetics??) so I'm really glad I waited the three years of braces out because teeth were really jumbled up and now they're perfect.

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    HunterHunter Chemist with a heart of Au Registered User regular
    My teeth were all crooked before I had braces when I was in grade school. Then from like 6th grade to 10th they looked great.

    Then my wisdom teeth on the bottom grew in (literally) horizontally, screwing up the bottom row. So my teeth on top = perfectly straight. Bottom = not so much.

    Fuck you wisdom teeth.

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    BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    They pulled my wisdom teeth when I was in a coma
    I only found out they did this because they grew back

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    Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    Your teeth grew back?

    Are you a shark, Brainleech?

    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
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    HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    I'm going to the dentist in a few hours. They're probably going to harangue me something or the other.

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    jgeisjgeis Registered User regular
    I used to have the best dentist as a child, very frank and careful. He understood the line where kids needed enough honesty and just enough vagueness about a procedure to calm them down. His work was top notch as well. I know this less from my own experience and more from my younger brother who had extremely soft teeth as a child and eventually had to have like 75% of his baby teeth pulled/modified/filled to be able to eat anything. That dentist did not fuck around and got that shit sorted out.

    My mouth is tiny, however, with a relatively small range of motion. Any trip to the dentist is usually a minor ordeal for me so I haven't been but once since I left high school (so like once in the last 6 years). That last time they said everything was cool and I haven't had any pain so I just keep putting it off.

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    BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Your teeth grew back?

    Are you a shark, Brainleech?

    I was told it's rare but it happens

    Brainleech on
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    Mr PinkMr Pink I got cats for youRegistered User regular
    My dentist once stopped working on me mid fillings to talk to a lady on the phone who had a complaint and 'wouldn't stop calling'.

    I sat for twenty minutes while he did that until the pain meds wore off, then had to go through the whole process again so he could finish.

    I don't go to that dentist anymore.

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    mcpmcp Registered User regular
    I pretty much have every tooth in my head drilled and filled.

    My parents took me to a shyster dentist growing up, and i'm pretty sure he drilled my teeth when they didn't need to be drilled.

    I haven't had a cavity since I stopped going to him. I'm not sure if that's because I don't have any, or if my teeth are more silverstuff than toothstuffs.

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    mcpmcp Registered User regular
    also, if I ever went to the dentist and they had these things:


    I would kill them all with one of those tiny picks.

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    TefTef Registered User regular
    I haven't been to a dentist in over a decade.

    If I get pain or can feel a cavity then yeah, I'll go.

    Otherwise, fuck no.

    Go to the dentist you silly duffer!

    Prevention is better than care

    help a fellow forumer meet their mental health care needs because USA healthcare sucks!

    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better

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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    crwth wrote: »
    when i was in for one of my 8 (!!!) cavity fillings my dentist was like oh this one isn't even very deep and we don't even have to numb you up, we can just use a laser to drill

    and then he used a goddamn laser to painlessly drill my tooth it owned

    Set phasers to flouride.

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    MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    the dentist before my current one had super duper hot techs and it's impossible to be smooth to someone saying you have nice teeth when they've got a metal hook in your mouth

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    mcp wrote: »
    also, if I ever went to the dentist and they had these things:


    I would kill them all with one of those tiny picks.
    What the hell were they thinking?

    That is fucking terrifying.

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    crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    one of the dental assistants i had was pretty cute but my mouth was all numbed up with topical ointment so i was making an ass out of myself no matter what i tried to say

    so i guess same as usual, only with a numb mouth

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    KakodaimonosKakodaimonos Code fondler Helping the 1% get richerRegistered User regular
    crwth wrote: »
    when i was in for one of my 8 (!!!) cavity fillings my dentist was like oh this one isn't even very deep and we don't even have to numb you up, we can just use a laser to drill

    and then he used a goddamn laser to painlessly drill my tooth it owned

    I had almost the same thing happen when I was 10.

    Except my dentist used the drill.

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    PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    mcp wrote: »
    also, if I ever went to the dentist and they had these things:


    I would kill them all with one of those tiny picks.
    What the hell were they thinking?

    That is fucking terrifying.

    I love those things!
    They make me smile at how ridiculous they are

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    SnowbearSnowbear Registered User regular
    Ok so in July of 2012 I had my wisdom teeth removed, all told not terrible. I was under gas and had my ipod playing music so whatever.
    Last week I get a letter from this dentist trying to bill me for $1000 claiming that they had attempted to bill my family's insurance several time and it had apparently never been approved and/or processed? What confused me the most was that they waited 15 months before contacting me about this issue.

    p.s. there is no way I am paying that. I have dental insurance and the place is in-network, fuck that.

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    VegemyteVegemyte Registered User regular
    I went to the dentist yesterday; good guy who made my mouth feel clean and made me feel bad about not ever flossing

    the assistant was pretty aggressive with her vacuum thing, though

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    Mr FuzzbuttMr Fuzzbutt Registered User regular
    hi dentist i heard you like teeth


    broken image link
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    crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    i only had one wisdom tooth removed because it was causing me really bad pain and would wake me up in the middle of the night

    so i guess in addition to me going under anesthesia he also injected local anesthetic while he was operating

    anywho long story short the left side of my lower lip and my jaw were still numb like a month later and i was scared he'd accidentally caused some nerve damage

    it eventually went away though

    mostly...i can still feel a little numbness but it's pretty minor

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    Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    Tef wrote: »
    I haven't been to a dentist in over a decade.

    If I get pain or can feel a cavity then yeah, I'll go.

    Otherwise, fuck no.

    Go to the dentist you silly duffer!

    Prevention is better than care

    Man, my teeth are fine. My wisdom teeth even came through with zero problems and no pain.

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    SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG #1 PARROTHEAD margaritavilleRegistered User regular
    I'm going to school to be a dentist! Ask me anything

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    SnowbearSnowbear Registered User regular
    Sometimes nerve damage occurs when removing wisdom teeth. They warned me about that before my procedure.

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