Aw, son of a [Cards Against Humanity] (On break for a while, but reserves welcome)



  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Why are other players making it so hard for me to win?

  • Fleur de AlysFleur de Alys Biohacker Registered User regular
    A few answers people wish they still had for this one:
    sexy pillow fights
    the entire Internet
    Sunny D! Alright!

    Triptycho: A card-and-dice tabletop indie RPG currently in development and playtesting
  • CogCog What'd you expect? Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    I'm comfortable with my answer this time around. Its the geese who are always judging that keep fucking it up.

    Cog on
  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Wow, @Dr. Flamingo got smited at the doors.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    Guess who stayed up way too late blowing up ships and shanghaiing them into his fleet?

    Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us horse meat. (Dr. Flamingo)
    Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us pictures of boobs. (Cog)
    Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us heteronormativity. (Boozer)
    Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us MechaHitler. (Discrider)
    Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us chainsaws for hands. (Extreaminatus) (*)
    Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us Krampus, the Austrian Christmas monster. (Initiatefailure)

    @Iongantas, who has the best angle for kickstarting their own religion?

    Man in the Mists on
  • IongantasIongantas Registered User regular
    Blessed are they who have chainsaws for hands, for they shall cut the shit out of everything.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    I'm sorry, Extreaminatus. As much as I want to, I cannot give you a high-five.

    Round 48: Extreaminatus is judging

    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was _______.

    Please PM your answers while Extreaminatus fondly remembers being able to play with keyboards and mice.

  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    ...If anyone has the Star Trek uniform card in their hands...

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    see317 wrote: »
    ...If anyone has the Star Trek uniform card in their hands...

    Calling a card always makes it weaker IMO.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    You know, I actually remember a time before the internet. Hell I even remember when there weren't portable phones.
    Get off my lawn!

    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was allowing nacho cheese to curdle in your beard while you creep in League of Legends. (Cog)
    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was clearing a bloody path through Walmart with a scimitar. (Iongantas)
    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was fisting. (Discrider)
    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was masturbation. (Initiatefailure) (*)
    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was the Star Wars Holiday Special. (Boozer)
    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was the Amish. (Dr. Flamingo)

    @Extreaminatus, what brings back fond memories that make you want to stroke your chin?

    Man in the Mists on
  • ExtreaminatusExtreaminatus Go forth and amplify, the Noise Marines are here!Registered User regular
    Lord knows my after class time passing was spent roughing up the suspect enough times a day that I could have been charged with cruel and unusual punishment.

    Kids these days with their iPods and their Internet. In my day, all we needed to pass the time was masturbation.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    But how will these kids learn how to make friends without participating in a healthy group activity such as fisting?
    Only masturbation just stunts their social growth. :(

  • ExtreaminatusExtreaminatus Go forth and amplify, the Noise Marines are here!Registered User regular
    Circle jerks?

    Soggy biscuit?


    There's plenty of options, really.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Ohhh, now I see.
    I hadn't been exposed to the full range of masturbation applications obviously.
    Must be based somewhat on socio-geographical factors.
    Different strokes for different folks and all that.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Indeed, Initiatefailure has done them all. With video to prove it.

    Round 49: Initiatefailure is judging

    Press DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT B to unleash _______.

    Please PM your answers while Initiatefailure laments the cool down on the Sticky Cannon shot.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    It's interesting how some of the lines from Last Week Tonight could make good CAH answers. Two gems from the latest episode are "a clown made of mummified foreskin and cotton candy" and "a mint condition uterus".

    Press DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT B to unleash a man in yoga pants with a ponytail and feather earrings. (Boozer)
    Press DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT B to unleash crazy opium eyes. (Cog)
    Press DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT B to unleash Rudolph's bright red balls. (Extreaminatus)
    Press DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT B to unleash the bleeding ghostly foreskins of a thousand botched circumcisions. (Iongantas) (*)
    Press DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT B to unleash when you fart and a little bit comes out. (Dr. Flamingo)
    Press DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT B to unleash the Hawaiian goddess Kapo and her flying detachable vagina. (Discrider)

    @Initiatefailure, what's got you wiggling your joystick like a madman?

    Man in the Mists on
  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    ... wut... I'm gonna have to think about this one. I like all of these and they all paint beautiful pictures.

    but I think... I think in terms of a Super Combo to defeat your enemy, that the Shor- bleeding ghostly foreskins of a thousand botched circumcisions-yuken would be the most immediately devastating

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    So. Now we know how Iongantas defeated Jewcano.

    Round 50: Iongantas is judging

    Why am I sticky?

    Please PM your answers while Iongantas desperately attempts to evade an enraged Fasto.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Initiatefailure has never seen my Zeroest Suit Samus.

  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    Wow, that was fast. Guess everyone wanted to get to the cleaning off part ASAP.

    Why am I sticky? Pulling out (Extreaminatus)
    Why am I sticky? Flying sex snakes (Discrider) (*)
    Why am I sticky? A low standard of living (Cog)
    Why am I sticky? Girls that always be textin' (Boozer)
    Why am I sticky? A cum-stained Starfleet Uniform (Initiatefailure)
    Why am I sticky? A stick (Dr. Flamingo)

    @Iongantas, why is the winner stuck to the ceiling?

    Man in the Mists on
  • IongantasIongantas Registered User regular
    I always love it when I get carried away by flying sex snakes.
    Honorable mention to textin' girls and starfleet uniforms.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Poor Discrider can't catch a break. What do they hear when they pull back the shower curtain?

    Round 51: Discrider is judging

    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate _______.

    Please PM your answers while Discrider plans a snake-friendly homage to bukkake.

  • ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    @Dr. Flamingo should totally have won that one. :D Literal LOL moment. I applaud you, sir!

    Elvenshae on
  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    Holy crap I didn't see that. A stick is genius

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Not sure if it was a blank card.
    I would have written "Being a stick" if it was.
    But if "a stick" is a prior CAH card, then it was the best play.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited August 2015
    Yes, Dr. Flamingo did deploy blank power with that answer. Credit where it's due, it was definitely an unexpected angle.

    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate the peaceful and nonthreatening rise of China. (Dr. Flamingo)
    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate fear itself. (Extreaminatus)
    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate statistically validated stereotypes. (Boozer)
    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate that ass. (Initiatefailure)
    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate being on fire. (Iongantas) (*)
    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate a black male in his early 20s, last seen wearing a hoodie. (Cog)

    @Discrider, what would look best bellowing "REMEMBER ME!"?

    Man in the Mists on
  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate being on fire.

    If only because it would be awesome if this were @Iongantas‌ 's winning card.
    But also because I would totally order a statue of me on fire.

  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    I heard that not only would it be worthy of every future Burning Man festival, but every hour the fire will flare and be shaped to spell out


    Thank you everyone for helping break in the new thread. The next game will likely start Wednesday.

  • BoozerBoozer Registered User regular
    Great game! Super close until the end. So many questions left the judges with tough decisions.

    Bobby 'Bulldog' Lenko - [PBP] [Vampire] The Restless City
    PSN: Boozer_777
  • CogCog What'd you expect? Registered User regular
    The Haiku round really stood out as an epic group effort.

  • ExtreaminatusExtreaminatus Go forth and amplify, the Noise Marines are here!Registered User regular
    Good game! I couldn't keep up this round. Guess I gotta train up for the next one.

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Sometimes you have to wonder if the bigger freaks are up on stage or in the audience.

    You've seen the bearded lady! You've seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon the grey nutrient broth that sustains Mitt Romney! (Iongantas)
    You've seen the bearded lady! You've seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon a mime having a stroke! (Axman13)
    You've seen the bearded lady! You've seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon being a motherfucking sorcerer! (Dr. Flamingo)
    You've seen the bearded lady! You've seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II! (Initiatefailure)
    You've seen the bearded lady! You've seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon testicular torsion! (Discrider) (*)
    You've seen the bearded lady! You've seen the ring of fire! Now, ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon police brutality! (Extreaminatus)

    @Boozer, what's the belle of the carnival?
    Sorry for the lateness tonight.

    Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits Jean-Claude Van Damme against carnies. (Extreaminatus)
    Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits actually taking candy from a baby against eating all the cookies before the AIDS bake-sale. (Dr. Flamingo)
    Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits fabricating statistics against immaculate conception. (Axman13)
    Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits three consecutive seconds of happiness against estrogen. (Initiatefailure)
    Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits hot people against a big hoopla about nothing. (Discrider) (*)
    Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits Sean Penn against an army of skeletons. (Iongantas)

    @Boozer, what looks like it'll pack the most EPS (explosions per second)?
    Oh, right, work. That's a thing I have to do.

    And the Academy Award for balls goes to Wil Wheaton crashing an actual spaceship. (Cog)
    And the Academy Award for failing out of college, not having a job and never leaving my basement goes to my worthless son. (Extreaminatus)
    And the Academy Award for making a pouty face goes to The Little Engine That Could. (Boozer)
    And the Academy Award for having sex on top of a pizza goes to 72 virgins. (Dr. Flamingo)
    And the Academy Award for a mating display goes to William Shatner. (Discrider) (*)
    And the Academy Award for liking big butts and not being able to lie about it goes to Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king. (Initiatefailure)

    @Iongantas, who's getting a statue?
    discrider wrote: »
    When I am a billionaire, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate being on fire.


    Bit miffed I couldn't convert surging into the lead into a win.
    But it was a pretty good game, especially towards the end there.
    Next game: Get a single blank black card, and win the game because 10 points instead of 9

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Oh and @Gizzy so she doesn't miss it this time :P

  • GizzyGizzy i am a cat PhoenixRegistered User regular
    Yessss count me in!

    Switch Animal Crossing Friend Code: SW-5107-9276-1030
    Island Name: Felinefine
  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    That was a lot of fun. I had brief hopes of a late game comeback but it was just too late!

    I haven't been able to play in person for months now so this was nice.

  • IongantasIongantas Registered User regular
    W00t I say, verily!

  • CogCog What'd you expect? Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    I want to play a full game now and not inherit someone else's half ass game.

    Cog on
  • ExtreaminatusExtreaminatus Go forth and amplify, the Noise Marines are here!Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    Reserve up!
    You know, after Cog gets a shot at a full game.

    Extreaminatus on
  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    Cog wrote: »
    I want to play a full game now and not inherit someone else's half ass game.

    Hey that was our half ass game you jerk!

    Also reserve me please. I'm on mobile and can't figure out the color tag using the UI so if that code is wrong I'll fix it at home

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