
Aw, son of a [Cards Against Humanity] (On break for a while, but reserves welcome)



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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    There are the parents who will hide the RNG determining their marriage, and then there are the ones who just do it in front of the kid. Pretending to care wins this one.

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    axman13axman13 Registered User regular
    discrider wrote: »
    There are the parents who will hide the RNG determining their marriage, and then there are the ones who just do it in front of the kid. Pretending to care wins this one.
    Did you seriously choose that over A DEFECTIVE CONDOM?
    You know what? Fine. Be that way. I'll just sit in the fetal position inside my little box over here I have in the corner and let my D10 do the talking from now on. Because that's the only reason I have one point, it's because I used a D10 on the one round I did win, the one with the spaceship.
    I'm not funny, but the D10 is, apparently.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Unfortunately, Extreaminatus had seen through their parent's ruse for years.

    Round 33: Extreaminatus is judging

    That's right, I killed _______. How, you ask? _______.

    Please PM your answers while Extreaminatus tries to come up with a good enough sob story to get out of the electric chair.

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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    axman13 wrote: »
    discrider wrote: »
    There are the parents who will hide the RNG determining their marriage, and then there are the ones who just do it in front of the kid. Pretending to care wins this one.
    Did you seriously choose that over A DEFECTIVE CONDOM?
    You know what? Fine. Be that way. I'll just sit in the fetal position inside my little box over here I have in the corner and let my D10 do the talking from now on. Because that's the only reason I have one point, it's because I used a D10 on the one round I did win, the one with the spaceship.
    I'm not funny, but the D10 is, apparently.

    This was how I felt the first game I played of this, as I also did not receive many cards. (This being the second time I've played this)
    It's why I pushed for winner judges over rotating judge, but I think rotating judge at least allows everyone to affect the game and Man in the Mists' split point system should resolve feeling unfunny as some points would got towards everyone then.

    This being said, the fact that I didn't do so well in my first game may also be somewhat correlated with me not finding the defective condom funny.
    I may be broken and may have thought "I don't see why I would be horribly scarred by discovering I'm getting a new sibling".

    discrider on
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    axman13axman13 Registered User regular
    I was aiming more towards the "narrator" was from the defective condom.
    As in the "narrator" was never supposed to exist.

    Maybe I do have a really outset sense of humor. Maybe I should leave and let someone else play.

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    ExtreaminatusExtreaminatus Go forth and amplify, the Noise Marines are here!Registered User regular
    I thought defective condom was gonna take it, actually.

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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I think I'm just too literally minded.
    Like time paradox didn't make sense to me in "Child tested: Mother approved" because that's not a time paradox, just a stable time loop.
    Similarly, if the narrator is old enough to question the defective condom, why have the parents held on to a defective condom for several years? That's just gross.
    And even more, if the parents are hiding Pretending to care, then they were first pretending to care outside, but have now progressed to just not expressing that facade to the kid at all. So the kid is receiving outright hostility. So even though the action itself doesn't make a lot of sense (maybe the parents are now only pretending to care for each other?), it made me laugh that this kid was now receiving zero care.

    discrider on
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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    discrider wrote: »
    I think I'm just too literally minded.

    This is entirely possible. :D

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Police are still interrogating @Initiatefailure to find out where the bodies are stashed.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Fair warning, I'm visiting family right now so the next round won't be until Monday afternoon or evening.

    That's right, I killed white people. How, you ask? Oompa-Loompas. (Boozer)
    That's right, I killed the homosexual lifestyle. How, you ask? Gay aliens. (Dr. Flamingo)
    That's right, I killed mouth herpes. How, you ask? The Sarlacc. (Axman13)
    That's right, I killed the miracle of childbirth. How, you ask? Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum. (Initiatefailure)
    That's right, I killed the economy. How, you ask? Corporate personhood. (Iongantas) (*)
    That's right, I killed a windmill full of corpses. How, you ask? Poor life choices. (Discrider)

    @Extreaminatus, what's going to spark the Trial of the Century?

    Man in the Mists on
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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    We are amazing people (we are awful people)

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    ExtreaminatusExtreaminatus Go forth and amplify, the Noise Marines are here!Registered User regular
    That's right, I killed the economy. How, you ask? Corporate personhood.

    This is just...it's so perfect.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Now for Iongantas' next phase: Rebuilding the economy in his image.

    He'll have until Monday afternoon to complete this task.

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    CogCog What'd you expect? Registered User regular
    There were a lot of exceptional plays that round.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    And since you'll be taking over for Axman13, who has withdrawn, you can show us how great and terrible you are.

    Round 34: Iongantas is judging

    And the Academy Award for _______ goes to _______.

    Please PM your answers while I try to detach this cat from my body.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Oh, right, work. That's a thing I have to do.

    And the Academy Award for balls goes to Wil Wheaton crashing an actual spaceship. (Cog)
    And the Academy Award for failing out of college, not having a job and never leaving my basement goes to my worthless son. (Extreaminatus)
    And the Academy Award for making a pouty face goes to The Little Engine That Could. (Boozer)
    And the Academy Award for having sex on top of a pizza goes to 72 virgins. (Dr. Flamingo)
    And the Academy Award for a mating display goes to William Shatner. (Discrider) (*)
    And the Academy Award for liking big butts and not being able to lie about it goes to Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king. (Initiatefailure)

    @Iongantas, who's getting a statue?

    Man in the Mists on
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    Fleur de AlysFleur de Alys Biohacker Registered User regular
    holy shit

    Triptycho: A card-and-dice tabletop indie RPG currently in development and playtesting
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    CogCog What'd you expect? Registered User regular
    I have rarely ever been so glad I'm not judging.

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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    This is a game of escalating, mutually assured destruction

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    IongantasIongantas Registered User regular
    I have to say, William Shatner has certainly gone to great lengths to show off mating displays.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Discrider is not the only one to remember him as Captain James T Kirk, intergalactic manwhore.

    Round 35: Discrider is judging

    What's the gift that keeps on giving?

    Please PM your answers while Discrider tries to make a family tree connection between Captain Kirk and Captain Jack Harkness

    Man in the Mists on
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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Wow, I did not expect to win that one.
    So many brilliant answers.

    discrider on
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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Good thing mouth herpes was already played.

    What's the gift that keeps on giving? Wearing underwear inside-out to avoid doing laundry (Initiatefailure)
    What's the gift that keeps on giving? Alcoholism (Iongantas)
    What's the gift that keeps on giving? Stuffing a child's face with Fun Dip until he starts having fun (Extreaminatus)
    What's the gift that keeps on giving? The size of my penis (Boozer)
    What's the gift that keeps on giving? These low, low prices (Dr. Flamingo)
    What's the gift that keeps on giving? The Quesadilla Explosion Salad from Chili's (Cog) (*)

    @Discrider, whose thought counted for the long term?

    Man in the Mists on
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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    I think someone has underestimated the size of my penis and not considered the practicalities of wrapping it.
    Of the other glorious answers though, The Quesadilla Explosion Salad from Chili's is truly the gift that keeps on giving, as it not only reminds the customer of its presence the next day, but, with some fresh tortillas, can be shared with friends as well!

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Just to be sure, "the size of my penis" is the winner?

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    CogCog What'd you expect? Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    discrider wrote: »
    The Quesadilla Explosion Salad from Chili's is truly the gift that keeps on giving

    Cog on
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    discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    The Quesadilla Explosion Salad from Chili's is the winner.
    The size of my penis got a "Thank god this one was able to be removed from the running on a technicality because otherwise I would have had to pick from 6 awesome answers".
    It comes down to the cards really, but if it had been just my penis, it wouldn't have been easily removed from the pool, and I would've had a harder time deciding on a winner.
    Still, power plays all around.

    discrider on
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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    And it only took Cog two rounds to explode onto the scene.

    Round 36: Cog is judging

    TSA guidelines now prohibit _______ on airplanes.

    Please PM your answers while Cog imagines experiencing the aftereffects of a Quesadilla Explosion Salad at 20,000 feet while in a small metal cylinder.

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    On a very important business phone call today, we were all discussing a slide in a presentation. This slide has a large, dark-colored rectangle with some text on it.

    Someone started calling it "the big black box," and it caught on, so we had about 15 minutes of people talking nonstop about a big black box and moving it around and putting things in it. It was all I could do not to giggle uncontrollably the whole time.

    I hate you all.

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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    then you showed them your bigger blacker box right?

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Made it into the PAX CAH panel. :D

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I found my panel deck button at the beginning of the CAH panel and told the guys I was sitting next to about it, and one of them had a dirty fork stuck to his button. We were unable to coax an explanation out of the CAH guys.

    Undead Scottsman on
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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    I wonder if @Extreaminatus spent all day at PAX too.

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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    They're such cool people. They used to share studio space with my friends' design firm. I recommend following them all on twitter. Trin and Jenn are constantly hilarious and max is too but he seems not as active lately. Then again they've been blowing up and must be so busy with everything they're doing I can't fault the guy for not tweeting as much

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    Next black card is blank, but this round's winner might not get a chance to choose the question. Details later.

    TSA guidelines now prohibit full frontal nudity on airplanes. (Extreaminatus)
    TSA guidelines now prohibit the hiccups on airplanes. (Dr. Flamingo)
    TSA guidelines now prohibit the Force on airplanes. (Iongantas)
    TSA guidelines now prohibit having a strong opinion about Obamacare on airplanes. (Initiatefailure) (*)
    TSA guidelines now prohibit amputees on airplanes. (Boozer)
    TSA guidelines now prohibit panda sex on airplanes. (Discrider)

    @Cog, what's going to guarantee a pre-flight visit from Officer Brownfinger?

    Man in the Mists on
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    CogCog What'd you expect? Registered User regular
    It's a tough call, but I think the most likely thing to cause a mid-air incident requiring the flight to be diverted is definitively having a strong opinion about Obamacare on airplanes.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    At least the attendants were able to quiet @Initiatefailure by giving them a blank black card to play with.

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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    Ahh crap I have to be clever without cards?

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Round 37: Initiatefailure is judging

    He's (the) _______ Gotham deserves, but the one it needs right now is _______.

    Please PM your answers while Initiatefailure buys some wonderful toys from the SkyMall.

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    Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Uh oh, looks like Scarecrow is looking to use @Cog as a test subject.

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