Magical Mystery Tour EAST 2010 - DAY 1 COMPLETE!



  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Ah, no worries =) I definitely think we should adopt the bus as our official logo though (outside of the trading cards), it's awesome. =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    A bit bigger.

    Goose! on
  • LTAcostaLTAcosta Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Mad_Scientist_Working: You go to Northeastern too? You're the first fellow Husky I've see on the forums. I've been plugging them every chance I get since I got here in September.

    And since I haven't been active in this thread for quite a while, I figured I'd give my opinion of the whole Duck Tour idea... Basically, the Duck Tours in Seattle aren't anything like the ones Ive seen here... I dont know if maybe I just saw a few duds, but it just seems like they are alot less energetic and less fun than the ones in Seattle. Also the actual vehicles look super old lol.

    LTAcosta on
  • MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    awww man, I tried to photoshop a picture of Paul Revere giving the thumbs-up and smiling, but in the end, it just looked really creepy....

    MetaverseNomad on
  • LTAcostaLTAcosta Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I got bored at work today and did this:

    LTAcosta on
  • VisionOfClarityVisionOfClarity Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    LTAcosta wrote: »
    Mad_Scientist_Working: You go to Northeastern too? You're the first fellow Husky I've see on the forums. I've been plugging them every chance I get since I got here in September.

    And since I haven't been active in this thread for quite a while, I figured I'd give my opinion of the whole Duck Tour idea... Basically, the Duck Tours in Seattle aren't anything like the ones Ive seen here... I dont know if maybe I just saw a few duds, but it just seems like they are alot less energetic and less fun than the ones in Seattle. Also the actual vehicles look super old lol.

    Most are WW2 vehicles so of course they're old.

    VisionOfClarity on
  • LTAcostaLTAcosta Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    LTAcosta wrote: »
    Mad_Scientist_Working: You go to Northeastern too? You're the first fellow Husky I've see on the forums. I've been plugging them every chance I get since I got here in September.

    And since I haven't been active in this thread for quite a while, I figured I'd give my opinion of the whole Duck Tour idea... Basically, the Duck Tours in Seattle aren't anything like the ones Ive seen here... I dont know if maybe I just saw a few duds, but it just seems like they are alot less energetic and less fun than the ones in Seattle. Also the actual vehicles look super old lol.

    Most are WW2 vehicles so of course they're old.

    i know that, but at least the ones in Seattle decided to put a new coat of paint on.

    LTAcosta on
  • VisionOfClarityVisionOfClarity Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I don't know which ones you've seen then because the Boston Ducks get painted every year and I've never seen one with old or peeling paint or anything like that. Unless you just don't care for the darker or plainer ones. I dunno I've lived here for 5 years and never seen a beat up one.

    VisionOfClarity on
  • LTAcostaLTAcosta Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Hmm maybe youre right about me not being used to the darker colors. I've never gotten too close to them, and I guess I'm just used to the bright white ones in Seattle.

    LTAcosta on
  • VisionOfClarityVisionOfClarity Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    No two ducks are the same colour technically. There are two yellow ducks, but they're different shades, and three differently shaded blue ones. It's how you can tell them apart. Drivers all have an 'A' duck and a 'B' duck so seeing the duck tells you which driver it is and that's all part of the way they run things. Different ducks have different stories too (like which ones were in which championship parades and most drivers can tell you which athletes were one them).

    VisionOfClarity on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Blah... so I've been feeling pretty under the weather since Saturday. =( I've been dragging myself to work, but I've been pretty drained by the time I get home, so as a result I've not worked on the site anymore yet. It's so close, I've just got to fix up some details. This weekend I'll try to give it another go.

    Also, the Red and Blue version of the bus will be awesome! Blue can be for Prime, and Red for East! =)

    And that would be an awesome thing to put on the side of the bus for the PAX East MMT logo if you could pull it off Nomad! That'd be excellent! =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • LTAcostaLTAcosta Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Blah... so I've been feeling pretty under the weather since Saturday. =( I've been dragging myself to work, but I've been pretty drained by the time I get home, so as a result I've not worked on the site anymore yet. It's so close, I've just got to fix up some details. This weekend I'll try to give it another go.

    Also, the Red and Blue version of the bus will be awesome! Blue can be for Prime, and Red for East! =)

    And that would be an awesome thing to put on the side of the bus for the PAX East MMT logo if you could pull it off Nomad! That'd be excellent! =)

    Yeah thats what I was thinking when I made the blue one too. Basically I took goose's, blew it up a bit more, and then redrew it to make it nice and crisp. If you want anything changed on it, just let me know, I have the original photoshop file with the layers still.

    LTAcosta on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Cool, thanks! =)=)

    Ugh, this week has been pretty miserable, it's the first time I've been sick enough to actually need to go to the doctor in more than ten years. Ugh. I should've probably gone earlier, but I figured it'd pass on its own like it usually does. Hopefully things will begin to be better by tomorrow and I'll be a bit more cognizant in the evenings... and thus able to keep pushing on what's left to be done with the site to get voting working.

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • ScalfinScalfin __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2009
    A fun idea for the logo might be a minute man holding the Duck Hunter guntroller.

    Edit: oh yeah, we have to go see the Rocky Horror show in Cambridge.

    Scalfin on
    The rest of you, I fucking hate you for the fact that I now have a blue dot on this god awful thread.
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Oh, that would be totally awesome. If Nomad makes her plan, it'll look somewhat similar... perhaps she can take that idea and run with it if she decides to keep going on it?

    Are you up for giving it one more shot Nomad? =) It would be neat to have like on the side of the bus... we'd need a similar iconic figure for the side of the Seattle bus though. What would work for Seattle?

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • ScalfinScalfin __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2009
    So make this long (or apply the color scheme and lines to a musket frame) and attach a wire to a nintendo at the minute man's feet?


    Scalfin on
    The rest of you, I fucking hate you for the fact that I now have a blue dot on this god awful thread.
  • mentok1982mentok1982 I could never leave you PAX baby. BaltimoreRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I don't know if this was already mentioned but I just heard on IGN Podcast Beyond (57:40-58:00) that at
    Boston harbor there is a mock ship where you can throw tea boxes into the water. The boxes are tied to
    something with ropes so that they can be retrieved.

    Does that sound interesting?

    mentok1982 on
    Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
    PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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  • ScalfinScalfin __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2009

    Scalfin on
    The rest of you, I fucking hate you for the fact that I now have a blue dot on this god awful thread.
  • LewieP's MummyLewieP's Mummy Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Oh, dear, how many times will I have to tell you Yankees that you add fresh, boiling water to tea to make the drink, not cold,smelly sea water?

    Me and LewieP will be there (me with tiara, him with beard!)

    LewieP's Mummy on
    For all the top UK Gaming Bargains, check out SavyGamer

    For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints

    "The power of the weirdness compels me."
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    lol! It'll be good to have you on LPM! You can look away when we start throwing it overboard! ;)=)

    EDIT: Ugh, procrastination and 1 vs. 100 killed my productivity this weekend. =( I'm almost there though, I've got a lot of testing to do... perhaps the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend can give me the time I need. I just have to get my butt in gear. =(

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • SillyconmindSillyconmind Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I'll be coming in midday I think on the 25th, will it be possible to meet up with the MTT?

    Sillyconmind on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Hmm, aye it should be possible, but depending on the time the tour may already be over (since that's on Thursday). In MMT Seattle, we usually wrap up the tour by 3pm or so to meet up with the CCST, and then we become one big group that goes to the other Pre-PAX events.

    A lot of things, I think, are still up in the air about pre-PAX activities in Boston: there won't be a CCST to meet up with for example, but there will be trains incoming. There also hasn't been anyone to step forward to arrange a Pre-PAX Dinner either... so if these gaps aren't filled by other Pre-PAX activities, the MMT could theoretically extend further into the evening!

    Basically, keep an eye out over here, and as we figure out what's happening for MMT East you'll have a better idea of how much tour will be left to do by the time you get here. Either way, it should be fun! =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • kahikahi Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I haven't arranged my travel yet, trying to decide if I want to fly or take a PAX train. Either way I want to do this and a set of people doing the PAX train should schedule it to be in in time for this.

    kahi on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited November 2009
    It's not possible for the PAX train to be on time for this. The point of the train is for everybody to be on the same train, if people want to ride the train and do this, they would have to leave a day early, and therefore not be on the same train as everybody else, thereby defeating the purpose of having everybody on the same train.


    Moe Fwacky on

  • radiobathradiobath Registered User new member
    edited November 2009
    Don't know if this was previously mentioned, but the Harry Potter exhibition at Museum of Science is only until February 21st. :(

    radiobath on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Oh, it is? Darn, we'll miss it! That's unfortunate, as that would've been awesome =(

    Still could be a good place to hit up anyways though! =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • SoCo_and_LimeSoCo_and_Lime Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I'll definitely come early for this

    SoCo_and_Lime on
    [x] Bolt Bus
    [x] Radisson Hotel Boston
    [x] Pre-Pax Dinner
    [x] BYOC and 3 Day Pass

  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Yay! =)

    I've had a week from hell over here... but I'm planning on making some improvements this coming week as long as it's a better week than this one has been work wise. =(

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I've gotten location voting working after getting myself back into it this afternoon, but I've been unable to actually upload it to my host. I'll keep you guys posted, looks like a temporary problem over there.

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • ZukiZuki Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I'm excited and enthusiastic about the MMT, but unsure if I'll actually be able to participate properly: My plane doesn't land in Boston until 4:05. Is the tour going to be over by then, still going strong, or what-have-you? It seems like it would be harder to coordinate if people are coming in and out of it as arrival times allow, but easier for more to participate in.

    Zuki on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    4:05 on Wednesday or 4:05 on Thursday?

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Alright, finally! =)

    The location voting is up! If you haven't already, register, and then go to:

    to vote on locations!

    Note that you can also add your own location(s) if you wish, and update existing locations' information at will! I figure this will be useful, because a lot of you know more about many of these locations than I do, and may have more to propose... and now you can do it automatically!

    Also, if anyone can come up with better Up, Down, and Neutral vote images, I'd be glad to take them... the current ones are my own (terrible) artwork. =)

    I'll be adding more features and making the location voting prettier as we go, but at least this should be a good start... so get to voting! =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • ZukiZuki Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    4:05 on Wednesday or 4:05 on Thursday?

    Thursday. I wouldn't be fussing if Wednesday, since I'd have all Thursday.

    Zuki on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Ahh... aye, admittedly I wasn't picturing the tour itself lasting much longer than that. I did picture us going to other Pre-PAX events shortly thereafter though!

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • dardordardor Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I think I'd be getting in around that time on Thursday as well...darn.

    dardor on
    I'll take a potato chip and eat it!
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Ah, understandable... darn =( Well, I think if you met up with us you could definitely come along with us to whatever events end up happening after the MMT (or for the tail end of the MMT =) )!

    So, on the voting topic, is there anything else you guys might want from the voting system? I tried to make it simple to use. Let me know! =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    If anyone wants it, I made a read only account to the SVN repository for the site:

    Username: forumers
    Password: wang

    If any of you feel like you've got a great idea to add to it, or just want to tool around with it, I can make you a write access account upon your request. =)

    I apologize for the mess in there, there's some half-implemented stuff going on in the source from an idea that I decided to wait until later to implement (supporting multiple MMTs from a single site). I started working on it, and then realized that I could just spawn off a new subdomain and post a fresh copy of the site there, and then change some text... which isn't elegant, but it'll work for now. =) But as a result, some of that half-finished code weaseled its way into the rest of the system so you might see some things in there that don't look like they make much rational sense. ;) I'll get around to cleaning it up sometime.

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • jlbpr00jlbpr00 Registered User new member
    edited December 2009
    I was looking at the list and a lot of the locations can be done on foot.There is a walking tour in which a person dressed in time period costumes takes the group to half of the sites listed and talk about the History of the City ( FYI the original Cheers bar on Boylston Street is NOT like the TV show. They only used the front of the building. Those wishing to visit the TV version, there is a replica of the bar/restaraunt in Fanueil Hall.

    jlbpr00 on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Aye jlbpr00, the Cheers Bar didn't make the current Location cut for just that reason... it'd be a big letdown. =) Someone can feel free to put it in the free to add to locations list for the voting purposes if they want, but I get a feeling that it won't get many votes because of that.

    I was thinking about an on-foot tour as well earlier, that one sounded like fun... but early on it seemed that a lot of people weren't up for the walking tour because of the time of year, and with Nomad's success in renting a bus I figured we'd give that a shot... I'm still looking into the bus situation however. My initial sending of E-Mails to the sales departments of various charter companies I could find only netted one response, but they had these buses that were apparently more like sleepers, and they said they didn't do the kind of thing we wanted to do (drive around to locations around town). I'm going to start making phone calls after the new year and see if I can get a hold of some of these people. =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Okay, the time has totally snuck up on me... we need to get this party started!

    To try and speed up this preparation process, I'm going to officially end location voting on February 10th: so if you haven't done so already, go to the MMT website and register to vote now!

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
This discussion has been closed.