Below is the proposed tournament schedule. Rooms and start times TBD. These are the ones planned, we are not looking to add any more.
Registration for the Friday Tournaments opens as soon as PAX opens, in Tabletop HQ. Spaces are limited and will be first come, first served. Tournaments organized in partnership with Pandemonium Books and Games.
Settlers of Catan
Warhammer Fantasy (1250 Point Armies)
Registration for the Saturday Tournaments opens at 5 PM Saturday, in Tabletop HQ. Spaces are limited and will be first come, first served. Tournaments organized in partnership with Pandemonium Books and Games.
Yu Gi Oh (Advanced Constructed)
Puerto Rico
Settlers of Catan
Registration for the Sunday Tournaments opens at 5 PM Sunday, in Tabletop HQ. Spaces are limited and will be first come, first served. Tournaments organized in partnership with Pandemonium Books and Games.
Warhammer 40,000 (1250 Point Armies)
Arcane Legions
Settlers of Catan
FatherFletch on
Tabletop Manager
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
For those interested in Magic, I would also recommend the Duel Decks. The two are well balanced against each other and are perfect as a jump off point for building a more customized deck. The other nice thing is you can see exactly what you're getting in them.
gilby123 on
"Where would we be without the agitators of the
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
And I'd be interested in the Roborally tourney for sure.
gilby123 on
"Where would we be without the agitators of the
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
For all the hardcore tourney play will there be a casual gamers corner for those of us who play but only once every 4 months and don't know the details of every page of the rule book?
For all the hardcore tourney play will there be a casual gamers corner for those of us who play but only once every 4 months and don't know the details of every page of the rule book?
More than welcome to join our table! I think in general boardgamers are very very open to teaching newcomers. I actually far prefer teaching a game and watching someone pick up the rules and strategy to anything. Also probably going to bring 3 or 4 co-op games like Red November, Pandemic, and Arkham Horror (if you have a spare hour or three) and those are always fun to play with newcomers.
For all the hardcore tourney play will there be a casual gamers corner for those of us who play but only once every 4 months and don't know the details of every page of the rule book?
The tournaments will only take up about 10% of the total space we have for Tabletop. Another 40% is WotC and the rest is demos, freeplay and open gaming. There should be plenty of space and things for all gamers, casual to hardcore.
FatherFletch on
Tabletop Manager
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
Also probably going to bring 3 or 4 co-op games like [...] Arkham Horror (if you have a spare hour or three) and those are always fun to play with newcomers.
Ooo, sign me up for that one. It's a game I have wanted to buy but have not yet as no one I know has ever played it. Depending on when and where you run that one I would like to be around for it.
You're certainly welcome to it. Arkham is an interesting case because it can be a real bear to learn (even most experienced players misplay some key rules) but it's actually not that hard at all to teach. I've taught my wife and her friends to play in about 15 mins. May actually share one character with the wife here so I can focus a bit more on DMing/rules lawyering (there's a lot to keep track of in AH).
I quit MTG a little after rerevised. If there's a nub area or group, I'd probably be interested in getting caught up. Might as well give my local comic shop some money I don't have for things I don't need! ;D
How bout a pickup game of D&D 4e, with an anime theme. I am considering running a game based off the anime "Darker than Black" and I'd like to test it before I run it at Anime boston the following week. Also if I finish reading the book, paranoia might be on the block too.
Plaid Hat games is supposed to be there at booth #639.
For anyone who hasn't tried Summoner Wars, I highly recommend it. If you've tried out Heroscape before, this is similar to it with a bit of deck-building mixed in. mTg fans would have a blast with this game. I'm definitely going to check out the booth on Sunday as the creator of the game may be demoing two entirely new factions. [I'm going to try to get some stuff signed ]
If you like tactical card-based combat and deck-building, this is an awesome new offering to the gaming community. Unlike mTg, there are no real *money cards* like moxes, etc. so deck building is not as stressful on teh wallet.
Hope to meet some of y'all there in the freeplay area, too.
Any Twilight Imperium fans out there, was debating hauling up my copy but I don't want to bother if I can't find at least 3-4 players. I was hoping to see that in the house game list or someone else bringing a copy though because I'm flying in from the south... the DEEP south...
Plaid Hat games is supposed to be there at booth #639.
For anyone who hasn't tried Summoner Wars, I highly recommend it. If you've tried out Heroscape before, this is similar to it with a bit of deck-building mixed in. mTg fans would have a blast with this game. I'm definitely going to check out the booth on Sunday as the creator of the game may be demoing two entirely new factions. [I'm going to try to get some stuff signed ]
If you like tactical card-based combat and deck-building, this is an awesome new offering to the gaming community. Unlike mTg, there are no real *money cards* like moxes, etc. so deck building is not as stressful on teh wallet.
Hope to meet some of y'all there in the freeplay area, too.
Any Twilight Imperium fans out there, was debating hauling up my copy but I don't want to bother if I can't find at least 3-4 players. I was hoping to see that in the house game list or someone else bringing a copy though because I'm flying in from the south... the DEEP south...
I want to try that game if people don't mind teaching a noob. Of course this would require more people actually wanting to play it.
Guys, I don't know if this is epic or not... but I have this...
It's still fresh and sealed since I bought it a while ago. I think PAX would be a great place to try it out.
I know nothing of this game but I suspect it is not a simple "skin" of any other Monopoly game. Reading the back it sounded like there where a few extra rules about conquering other lands and such. I expect to laugh more than I expect to strategize.
If people would be interested, all I would ask is that you are somewhat within my age group and actually know your Python.
As a bonus round I also found my old collection of Illuminati Cards (first edition), I bet some people out there know what I'm talking about.
The original Illuminati game or the Illuminati CCG?
I've got all 3 decks of the original Illuminati game. I'll have it at con.
The original card game. Actually I think I have the first expansion too but I am not sure, it's been a while. I do know that I had every card from the first. There was never a boring game.
Any Twilight Imperium fans out there, was debating hauling up my copy but I don't want to bother if I can't find at least 3-4 players. I was hoping to see that in the house game list or someone else bringing a copy though because I'm flying in from the south... the DEEP south...
To echo what someone said a couple of posts up, if you don't mind teaching it to a complete noob, I've wanted to try this game for a long, long time. But I can totally understand you not wanting to schlep such a huge game just to run a workshop on it.
Any Twilight Imperium fans out there, was debating hauling up my copy but I don't want to bother if I can't find at least 3-4 players. I was hoping to see that in the house game list or someone else bringing a copy though because I'm flying in from the south... the DEEP south...
To echo what someone said a couple of posts up, if you don't mind teaching it to a complete noob, I've wanted to try this game for a long, long time. But I can totally understand you not wanting to schlep such a huge game just to run a workshop on it.
I'd be willing to play, are you thinking after-hours or during the con?
The original Illuminati game or the Illuminati CCG?
I've got all 3 decks of the original Illuminati game. I'll have it at con.
The original card game. Actually I think I have the first expansion too but I am not sure, it's been a while. I do know that I had every card from the first. There was never a boring game.
if the box is marked "Illuminati", you're talking the Board game.
if it's marked "INWO", it's the CCG.
the MIB (Steve Jackson Games Demo Team) will be there, and most likely running Demos of Illuminati.
Sinkuu on
they made me a signature, but I eated it. and I have an 18 inch laptop. :P
hmmm... well to basically sum up Twilight Imperium... It's like Risk on crack with a shot of steroids. Like Risk, a game can take the better part of a day to play, especially if your playing with new people. All in all though, it is a pretty fun and addictive game.
I was thinking about it last night and since there isn't a big one piece game board. I might be able to just take it out of the box and pack it into my backpack as carry-on.
As far as 'when,' I hadn't really decided. Like I said before 1 game can take like 4-5 hours to play. So if we do try to play during PAX we'd probably have to start early-ish. If we do it after hours we'd probably be up late. Though, there are plenty of variant rules that apply to the game, and we could do what me and my friends usually do. Set a defined play time and at the end of it, he who has the most victory points wins.
If there is still interest I'll probably bring it. Especially if I can manage to fit all the necessary pieces into my backpack. So would you guys still be up for that?
if the box is marked "Illuminati", you're talking the Board game.
if it's marked "INWO", it's the CCG.
the MIB (Steve Jackson Games Demo Team) will be there, and most likely running Demos of Illuminati.
I have the INWO CCG game. I did not know there was a board game.
However the more I read... the more I think I should stop freaking out on trying to find the best game there is out there to try. My family happens to love board games but I never get to try out the funky stuff like Settlers. I think that just getting into a game of any kind with people I will get to know for the first time could be a great experience on it's own.
Anyway, my Python offer still stands. However I do admit, I would have though that stuff would have been "epic", but I guess this kind of epic stuff is vanilla for something like PAX.
Was thinking about running a couple Classic Battletech games if anyone is interested.
How exactly does one get a table? First come first server or sign up?
No clue, I was wondering the exact same thing Then again I should take some time and search around the forum's, I doubt the information is not here somewhere.
There's a 40K tourney...really wish I could bring my army on the plane, but I already had enough problems the last time I tried to transport an army on a plane to Germany...lots of broken bits, lots of sadness
Harlequin - I may be bringing my army. I can't bring enough for a 2500pt tournament (plus I'm leaving mid afternoon sunday) so the tournament is a no-go for me. But I'm still interested in playing some PA guys while I'm down there!
Yeah my concern is the hassle of bringing an army on a plane, 2500 pts is more than I could fit in hand luggage, and I'm guessing that putting it in my checked luggage would end in tears...
Below is the proposed tournament schedule. Rooms and start times TBD. These are the ones planned, we are not looking to add any more.
Registration for the Friday Tournaments opens as soon as PAX opens, in Tabletop HQ. Spaces are limited and will be first come, first served. Tournaments organized in partnership with Pandemonium Books and Games.
Settlers of Catan
Warhammer Fantasy (1250 Point Armies)
Registration for the Saturday Tournaments opens at 5 PM Saturday, in Tabletop HQ. Spaces are limited and will be first come, first served. Tournaments organized in partnership with Pandemonium Books and Games.
Yu Gi Oh (Advanced Constructed)
Puerto Rico
Settlers of Catan
Registration for the Sunday Tournaments opens at 5 PM Sunday, in Tabletop HQ. Spaces are limited and will be first come, first served. Tournaments organized in partnership with Pandemonium Books and Games.
Warhammer 40,000 (1250 Point Armies)
Arcane Legions
Settlers of Catan
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
I'm definitely signing up for the Munchkin one. I'd love a shot at Robo and Puerto Rico.
Surprised at not seeing one for Stone Age, though.
Yahoo group GCIACST
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
Ooo, sign me up for that one. It's a game I have wanted to buy but have not yet as no one I know has ever played it. Depending on when and where you run that one I would like to be around for it.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Got all the expansions too, though I imagine I'll stick to my two favorites, Dunwich and KIY (one at a time too, not a fan of mixing expansions).
For anyone who hasn't tried Summoner Wars, I highly recommend it. If you've tried out Heroscape before, this is similar to it with a bit of deck-building mixed in. mTg fans would have a blast with this game. I'm definitely going to check out the booth on Sunday as the creator of the game may be demoing two entirely new factions. [I'm going to try to get some stuff signed
If you like tactical card-based combat and deck-building, this is an awesome new offering to the gaming community. Unlike mTg, there are no real *money cards* like moxes, etc. so deck building is not as stressful on teh wallet.
Hope to meet some of y'all there in the freeplay area, too.
Ooh, sounds like a game I'd love to play.
I want to try that game if people don't mind teaching a noob. Of course this would require more people actually wanting to play it.
It's still fresh and sealed since I bought it a while ago. I think PAX would be a great place to try it out.
I know nothing of this game but I suspect it is not a simple "skin" of any other Monopoly game. Reading the back it sounded like there where a few extra rules about conquering other lands and such. I expect to laugh more than I expect to strategize.
If people would be interested, all I would ask is that you are somewhat within my age group and actually know your Python.
I've got all 3 decks of the original Illuminati game. I'll have it at con.
Yahoo group GCIACST
Zombie survival horror RPG.
'Nuff said.
Might even award (small) prizes for surviving to the end.
The original card game. Actually I think I have the first expansion too but I am not sure, it's been a while. I do know that I had every card from the first. There was never a boring game.
To echo what someone said a couple of posts up, if you don't mind teaching it to a complete noob, I've wanted to try this game for a long, long time. But I can totally understand you not wanting to schlep such a huge game just to run a workshop on it.
I'd be willing to play, are you thinking after-hours or during the con?
if the box is marked "Illuminati", you're talking the Board game.
if it's marked "INWO", it's the CCG.
the MIB (Steve Jackson Games Demo Team) will be there, and most likely running Demos of Illuminati.
I was thinking about it last night and since there isn't a big one piece game board. I might be able to just take it out of the box and pack it into my backpack as carry-on.
As far as 'when,' I hadn't really decided. Like I said before 1 game can take like 4-5 hours to play. So if we do try to play during PAX we'd probably have to start early-ish. If we do it after hours we'd probably be up late. Though, there are plenty of variant rules that apply to the game, and we could do what me and my friends usually do. Set a defined play time and at the end of it, he who has the most victory points wins.
If there is still interest I'll probably bring it. Especially if I can manage to fit all the necessary pieces into my backpack. So would you guys still be up for that?
Just let us know where and when to be to play.
I'll bring some Sun Chips.
We already have a tournament scheduled. Sign up at the show.
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
I have the INWO CCG game. I did not know there was a board game.
However the more I read... the more I think I should stop freaking out on trying to find the best game there is out there to try. My family happens to love board games but I never get to try out the funky stuff like Settlers. I think that just getting into a game of any kind with people I will get to know for the first time could be a great experience on it's own.
Anyway, my Python offer still stands. However I do admit, I would have though that stuff would have been "epic", but I guess this kind of epic stuff is vanilla for something like PAX.
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
How exactly does one get a table? First come first server or sign up?
No clue, I was wondering the exact same thing