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Tabletop Games at PAX East



  • ezicklezickl Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Yeah, I'm disappointed by that as well. But to answer your question I'm also bringing my core books, though I don't have any splats or minis.

    ezickl on
  • AstroLadAstroLad Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    What are the RoboRally rules then, if not 4p single elimination?

    Also any chance for more tournaments? (Ahem, RftG). Realize not but thought I'd ask anyway!

    And Dominion is using random kingdom cards from base I assume?

    AstroLad on
  • KamakazieKamakazie Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    So what's the plan for after hours board gaming? Are we going to do this at the convention hall or was there another place planned?

    Kamakazie on
  • theauthormtheauthorm Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I'm ecxcited about the table top pressence at PAX,

    I have some prototype games I've been working on lookig to get handfuls of playtesters if anyone's interested. I'm bringing my five prototypes (super hero based, word game based, croquet based, steampunk based, and fighter tournament based) and I'll be bringing

    and Last Night on Earth (if I can find a place for it in my baggage)

    theauthorm on
  • DortmunderDortmunder Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Kamakazie wrote: »
    So what's the plan for after hours board gaming? Are we going to do this at the convention hall or was there another place planned?

    Well apparently the tabletop room will be open until 2 AM? Is that confirmed?

    Seems like a good place to throw down some polyhedrals.

    Dortmunder on
  • undeadundead Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Where tabletop gaming has more than one room at this convention, which room will TTHQ be located in? Also, will TTHQ have sign-up sheets for all the tabletop gaming tournaments (I'm particularly interested in Munchkin)?

    undead on
    As I am, so shall ye be.

    Yahoo group GCIACST
  • Lugh LamfhadaLugh Lamfhada Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    After skimming through the posts I've seen a lot of stuff about board, minature, and card games but I haven't seen much about pen and paper rpgs. I know WotC has there own D&D stuff going on, but what about other ones? I was personally hoping to get in some Shadowrun but wouldn't mind something else.

    Lugh Lamfhada on
    Too much paprika.
    Shit! Too much paprika!
  • EverAndADayEverAndADay Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    Hey, I know there's a tournament on Friday night for Warhammer Fantasy, but I'm not a big fan of 1250, I was wondering if there's anyone who'd want to play a 2000 pt game or two on Friday night?

    EverAndADay on
  • GHoooSTSGHoooSTS Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    So any confirmed Warmachine players? I wouldn't mind getting in a game or two, but I'm not going to bring anything without confirmed opponents, it's too bulky and fragile.

    GHoooSTS on
  • DangoFrankDangoFrank Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Im excited about PAX in a week, but I looked at my collection today and wondered what I should take for the tabletop gaming space. I want to bring one or two games and I have: BSG/Warhammer: chaos in the old world/Ticket to ride/ Carcossane/ Dominion/ Puerto Rico/ Race for the galaxy. What do you guys think I should bring?

    DangoFrank on
  • rurugbyrurugby Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    theauthorm wrote: »
    I'm ecxcited about the table top pressence at PAX,

    I have some prototype games I've been working on lookig to get handfuls of playtesters if anyone's interested. I'm bringing my five prototypes (super hero based, word game based, croquet based, steampunk based, and fighter tournament based) and I'll be bringing

    and Last Night on Earth (if I can find a place for it in my baggage)

    I would like to learn Guillotine -- just planning to bring light stuff like the Fluxxes -- with the size of the convention and that taking the bus in from Portland, ME

    rurugby on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2010
    I've got a few things packed in a bag for the train. I probably won't bring all of it into PAX, being that tabletop will likely have some of it, but I've packed Munchkin/Munchkin 2/Munchkin Dice, Dominion/Intrigue, Zombie Fluxx and the Catan Card Game.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • AstroLadAstroLad Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Finalized what we're bringing. I'm just getting together some good player aids now to teach people with (and to remind myself with for games I haven't played in a while).

    -Arkham Horror+Dunwich
    -Race for the Galaxy+expansions
    -Ticket To Ride+1910
    -RoboRally (may bring expansions)
    -Formula D (maybe)
    -Galaxy Trucker+Big Expansion
    -Last Night on Earth+expansions (maybe)
    -PitchCar w/ Extensions (maybe)
    -Twilight Struggle
    -Battle Line
    -Stone Age
    -Red November

    Going to pick and choose a few to bring at various times and leave the rest at the hotel across the street easily accessible.

    AstroLad on
  • SchloboSchlobo Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    If anyone is interested, I was considering leading a one-shot of Dark Heresy, Fantasy Flight Games' W40k tabletop rpg. If you're familiar with the game, we could handle character creation beforehand - if not, I'll just roll you one on the spot and see what happens from there :P

    Any takers?

    Schlobo on
  • ezicklezickl Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Schlobo wrote: »
    If anyone is interested, I was considering leading a one-shot of Dark Heresy, Fantasy Flight Games' W40k tabletop rpg. If you're familiar with the game, we could handle character creation beforehand - if not, I'll just roll you one on the spot and see what happens from there :P

    Any takers?

    Oo! I've been dying to try DH for a while. I haven't read all of the way through the rulebook yet, but I should be fairly familiar with the rules and the such by PAX.

    ezickl on
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Any word on the format of the Robo Rally tournament? Also, with the tourney starting at 4 on the dot, do you think it's realistic to get over to Robo Rally sign-up, get back to keynote in line in time to get a seat, and then actually make it back in time to Robo Rally in time to play? If keynote runs even a little long it would hold up the omegathon announcements, which is half the reason I want to go to the keynote now, and might miss out on the robo rally I was looking forward to.

    Gundabad on
  • AstroLadAstroLad Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Yeah I wish someone would be kind enough to post the BG tourney rules and formats. Particularly interested in those for Dominion and RR though I figure the first is mostly straightforward.

    AstroLad on
  • Lord JezoLord Jezo Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    All these people bringing games to PAXE that I want to try things with.. how are we supposed to find them and get into forum games with 20kMans showing up every day?

    Lord Jezo on
  • FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Lord Jezo wrote: »
    All these people bringing games to PAXE that I want to try things with.. how are we supposed to find them and get into forum games with 20kMans showing up every day?

    This should be a problem...

    However it's a problem I will relish having :winky:

    Frugus on
    Frugus Eggbeater
  • SingolloSingollo Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Frugus wrote: »
    Lord Jezo wrote: »
    All these people bringing games to PAXE that I want to try things with.. how are we supposed to find them and get into forum games with 20kMans showing up every day?

    This should be a problem...

    However it's a problem I will relish having :winky:

    Well TT is open all day and will have many of the games people are indicating they are bring and others available for you to checkout. So really i see no issue here. I am pretty sure it wont be hard to find a group.

    Singollo on
  • SingolloSingollo Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Gundabad wrote: »
    Any word on the format of the Robo Rally tournament? Also, with the tourney starting at 4 on the dot, do you think it's realistic to get over to Robo Rally sign-up, get back to keynote in line in time to get a seat, and then actually make it back in time to Robo Rally in time to play? If keynote runs even a little long it would hold up the omegathon announcements, which is half the reason I want to go to the keynote now, and might miss out on the robo rally I was looking forward to.

    I'm sure its standard rules but who knows there are so many methods to play it. As for getting over to TT HQ then to the keynote. I will let you in on a secret you will see TT as you leave the que room so if your towards the front of the line and theirs no delay in registering for the tournament you should still have time to get to the second or third floor. Note though On the official pax twitter page it said doors open for keynote when the doors open to the convention. Aka door opens some will go and get a seat for keynote some will go other places like exhibit hall some will go get registered for tournaments. I do not know the answer too if the keynote runs long. I would venture to guess if it runs long best to bounce though during registration you will know when it starts. Hope this helps also note all this info can be found in the forums main paxsite and official pax twitter.

    Singollo on
  • GamingCthulhuGamingCthulhu Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    All I know is I'm so looking forward to some Arkham Horror at PAX. I haven't Decided on if I'm bringing my copy or not yet though.. I treasure it like it was my own child and possibly lossing it would suck.

    GamingCthulhu on
  • Fool01095Fool01095 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Anyone have any info on the 1250 Warhammer tournament? Like do we need painted models/is there a scoring system/when we should register/ect?

    Fool01095 on
  • AstroLadAstroLad Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    You're welcome to play with me presuming we can keep the numbers to around 3-5 (as I'm sure you know AH gets ugly with >5; 4 is ideal really). I'll probably run 2-3 games. Bringing AH+DH and all the small-box expansions. Be particularly happy to have someone around for DH since I haven't played it in a long time and thus could use some help on some of the rules issues.

    AstroLad on
  • SchloboSchlobo Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    Well, this thread is a bit too big and bloated to effectively organize a game; how about this:

    Anyone who is interested in playing Dark Heresy sometime during the weekend, shoot me a PM, and we'll go from there =D

    Schlobo on
  • SingolloSingollo Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Fool01095 wrote: »
    Anyone have any info on the 1250 Warhammer tournament? Like do we need painted models/is there a scoring system/when we should register/ect?

    First yes you'll want to register in TT HQ. As for painted it probably not be required but i don't know. As for rules im not sure though both you could find out upon registering.

    Singollo on
  • Fool01095Fool01095 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Singollo wrote: »
    Fool01095 wrote: »
    Anyone have any info on the 1250 Warhammer tournament? Like do we need painted models/is there a scoring system/when we should register/ect?

    First yes you'll want to register in TT HQ. As for painted it probably not be required but i don't know. As for rules im not sure though both you could find out upon registering.

    Oh, so you register the day of I take it? I figured there'd be a list online or something.

    Fool01095 on
  • 50 More Trash50 More Trash Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I saw that TableTop has it, but I'll also be bringing my basic deck of Chez Geek and a few dice for counters... doesn't take much place to play so I figure it might be good to go just about anywhere... if you've never played it's tons of fun and takes about 5 minutes to learn and about 30 minutes to a game (especially with the basic set, the expansions made things a little confusing and long sometimes, not a bad thing, but more complex) ...

    50 More Trash on
  • philbertdephilbertde Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Ohhh Pitchcar! Are you going to leave Pitchcar in the games library? If not, please shoot me a PM if you'd like another player, I've been dying to track down Pitchcar forever.

    philbertde on
  • AstroLadAstroLad Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    philbertde wrote: »
    Ohhh Pitchcar! Are you going to leave Pitchcar in the games library? If not, please shoot me a PM if you'd like another player, I've been dying to track down Pitchcar forever.

    Still thinking about it. I've already got an entire very large suitcase full of BGs so PitchCar may be a casualty. I'll see though.

    AstroLad on
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I decided to pack a small selection based on games that don't take a long time, and that are also in small boxes, so I could fit a few in my backpack and break one out while in a line. I ended up packing:
    - Cthulhu Dice
    - Super Munchkin
    - Red November

    Gundabad on
  • willmannyeatthatwillmannyeatthat Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Hmm, I think my gf and I would be interested in some Last Night on Earth, assuming we don't go out to get hammered. One thing that her and I have a tradition on is that on any trip we have gone together, we whip out our pokemon cards and start playing. We played for 4 hours strait one time when we had a layover at LAX.

    willmannyeatthat on
    Pokemon Pearl: 4640 3998 1657
  • LordDaxLordDax Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Anyone interested in a Smallworld or TOMBS game? Any MTGers staying at the Colonnade?

    LordDax on
    WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
    Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
  • BitstreamBitstream Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    LordDax wrote: »
    Anyone interested in a Smallworld or TOMBS game? Any MTGers staying at the Colonnade?

    I am absolutely interested in Smallworld. I also have a copy of Betrayal that's seen some hot cannibal action on the train, and at least a couple of people looking to play. Always looking for more!

    Bitstream on
  • mad_typistmad_typist Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I saw that TableTop has it, but I'll also be bringing my basic deck of Chez Geek and a few dice for counters... doesn't take much place to play so I figure it might be good to go just about anywhere... if you've never played it's tons of fun and takes about 5 minutes to learn and about 30 minutes to a game (especially with the basic set, the expansions made things a little confusing and long sometimes, not a bad thing, but more complex) ...

    Oooh... I love Chez Geek!

    mad_typist on
  • mspencermspencer PAX [ENFORCER] Council Bluffs, IARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Here's a list of the games we currently have in Tabletop HQ. We're hoping to add more tomorrow, but these are games that are already here and already checked in. Be sure to check us out in room 111 on the first floor, between the registration and queue rooms!
    Apples to Apples
    Arcane Legions: Dragons Far East
    Arcane Legions: Egyptian Cavalry
    Arcane Legions: Han Cavalry
    Arcane Legions: Roman Booster Packs
    Arcane Legions: Servant of Thebes
    Arcane Legions: Siege Engines of Rome
    Arcane Legions: Two Player Starter Kits Rome & Han
    Are You A Werewolf?
    Arkham Horror
    Axis & Allies
    Battlestar Galactica
    Before I Kill You, Mister Bond
    Betrayal at House on the Hill
    Big Idea
    Canasta Caliente
    Castle Panic
    Chez Cthulhu
    Chez Dork
    Chez Geek
    Chez Geek 2: Slack Attack
    Chez Geek 3: Block Party
    Chez Goth
    Circvs Maximvs
    Cosmic Cows
    Descent: Journeys in the Dark
    Devil Bunny Hates The Earth
    Devil Bunny Needs A Ham
    Diceland: Extra Space
    Do You Worship Cthulhu?
    Dominion: Intrigue
    Dungeon Twister: Basic Set
    Eco Fluxx
    En Garde!
    EVE: Conquests
    Falling: Goblin Edition
    Farming Game
    Filthy Rich
    Frog Juice
    Fury of Dracula
    Galaxy Trucker
    Game of Thrones
    Get Out
    Girl Genius: The Works
    Give Me The Brain
    Give Me The Brain: Czech Edition
    Grave Robbers from Outer Space
    Grave Robbers II: Skippy's Revenge
    Great Brain Robbery
    Infernal Contraption
    Jungle Speed
    Killer Bunnies and the Journey to Jupiter
    Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot
    Last Night on Earth
    Light Speed
    Lord of the Fries
    Lord of the Rings
    Lost Cities
    Lunch Money
    Merchant of Venus
    Monty Python Fluxx
    Munchkin Bites
    Munchkin Booty
    Munchkin Cthulhu
    Munchkin Fu
    Munchkin Quest 2: Looking for Group
    Munchkin Quest: The Munchkin Boardgame
    Nexus Ops
    Ninja Burger
    Ninja Versus Ninja
    Paradise Cab
    Penny Arcade: Card Game
    Phase 10
    Pink Godzilla Dev Kit
    Pirate's Cove
    Power Grid
    Puerto Rico
    Race for the Galaxy
    Red November
    Risk 2210
    Save Doctor Lucky
    Scotland Yard
    Scrabble: Slam!
    Settlers of Catan: Seafarers
    Shadows Over Camelot
    Small World
    SPANC: Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls
    Star Munchkin
    Starcraft: The Board Game
    Stars Are Right
    Starship Catan
    Suicide Bomber Card Game
    This is a game
    Thurn & Taxis
    Ticket to Ride
    Tigris & Euphrates
    Timestreams: Stone Age vs Future Tech
    Unexploded Cow

    mspencer on
    XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
    QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
  • Sharp101Sharp101 TorontoRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Hey Spencer, any chance you'll be running a Paranoia game? :P

    (I almost brought my Paranoia XP hardcover)

    Sharp101 on
  • mspencermspencer PAX [ENFORCER] Council Bluffs, IARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I thought about it, but didn't have time to plan anything or space to bring my books and whatnot.

    (No space partly because of my extra large Console Freeplay loan. 75 Xbox 360 games, 17 PS3 games. I was told I'm crazy several times. But helping people have fun is AWESOME. :-) )

    mspencer on
    XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
    QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
  • AstroLadAstroLad Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Are there any set times for the tournaments? Last I saw there was a daily list but sans times. Interested in Dominion and Robo Rally.

    AstroLad on
  • mspencermspencer PAX [ENFORCER] Council Bluffs, IARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    There are. I've heard there's a typo but I don't know which one is it. I'll find out for you.
    From my camera phone in Boston, to my web server in Iowa, to you!

    Edit: No problem!

    mspencer on
    XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
    QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
This discussion has been closed.