So near the end of the great reign of
Hatshetsup, Queen of the Nile, Conqueror of Worlds and what not, the idea of a succession game came up. Those who were interested thought we should put such a thing in a new thread for those who like Civ but were not interested in my LP of Civ to get in. This is that thread.
So what's Civ4?
Read my OP in the other thread, slacker.
What's a Succession Game?
A Succession Game is a game where each player plays a certain number of turns, uploads the save and posts a bunch of screenshots and explains what happened, and then the next person in line plays the next set of turns and does the same.
Cool! What version will we be playing?
We will be playing Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword with its latest patch (3.19). For ease of dotmaps and general awesomeness, the
BUG mod is recommended, but not required. It's pretty cool though and makes things easier!
What are the map settings going to be?
We have to decide! I recommend Large Map/Epic speed/Prince but that's my default settings and we just did that for the LP, so we can maybe do something else.
Who are we going to be? Hatshetsup sucks!
Hey, you shut up about Hattie. She's pretty awesome. We could leave it up to the RNG, or we could pick. Personally I hate protective leaders and think Financial is too powerful, but I don't care really. Whoever!
How long will turns last? How many players can sign up?
Epic has 750 turns. I think the ideal would be 50 turns for each player the first time around and then 25 the second time. Which gives us 10 players. This can be up for discussion. If we get more than 10 players, we could possibly have the A Team and B Team and have two competing games. We'd have to operate on the honor system peaking at our territory in the farther ahead game though. Or operate on a strict schedule which is no fun.
How long will we have to take our turn?
I'd hope to get an update every two or three days or so. But no hard deadline. After maybe a week without hearing from you that you're planning on doing it soon we'll skip you and move on to the next player.
Who's playing? And in what order will we be playing?
So far:
Team A in order:
Fourth Estate
An update that looks much like that of Sulebum's reign. Spies!Again with the very similar narrative.FWD The reign of Emperor FunkyFWD completes the Arcadian domination of the planet
Silburnl builds a lot of axemen
Streltsy decides having a functioning economy is for sissies
Had an army and decided to use it
[strike]jclast[/strike] Romantic Undead
The Reign of Roman Ticun the Diarist
Kris_xK warmongers. Ouchies.
FencingSax continues the push to the tundra
Team 1 in order:
The reign of Sulebum IBumin seizes control of the party apparatus
Kivutar The reign of Kivutar, divine messenger of Apollo.
The bloody reign of Werewolf I
Vicious persecution of Zulus continues
Janisarries, bitches
[strike]Thetheroo[/strike] Foefaller
Foefaller fells his foes
The Stalinist Samtonia destroys the enemies of the Revolution
Rawkking Goodguy
Hey look, this game is over.
[strike]Romantic Undead[/strike]
[strike]Rawkking Goodguy[/strike]
As far as the order goes, RNG or people can pick approximately what era they'd like to play in. I'd gladly kick things off with the boring first 50 turns since I just did the LP.
Any hints on screenshots and what not?
Civ4 has a very convenient feature of taking shots for you. Just hit the Print Screen button on your keyboard at any time and a shot will be taken. It'll be placed in the Screenshots folder wherever you put your Beyond the Sword directory. Program Files -> Firaxis -> Civ 4 -> Beyond the Sword is default. If you want to crop things to showcase a foreign wonder creation or religion being founded, please do! Or draw pictures, battle plans, dot maps if you don't have BUG mod, or anything like that, go ahead. I suggest getting
Rightload or something similar to upload batches of images at once.
How do I sign up to play some turns?
Sign up in some kind of
colorful fashion.Summary!
Everybody plays some turns, hands off to next person.
Need a map size, type, game length, number of opponents, difficulty level, any special settings you want (No Tech Brokering, for instance)
Need a ruler.
Need some players.
Need an order.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
You is already there from the old thread!
Well, I... just want to be sure!!
Anyway, my Leader suggestions are both the Celts, Cathrine, and the Caesars.
Well, sure, but... ew. I suppose in the sense you don't have to deal with him, but they have such a crap unique building!
You vote to win easily?
Depends what difficulty we are playing on, but it also might help the newer players.
If not we could always play as AMERICA! Washington all the way
If more sign up we can have competing Succession games or something else. Who knows!
Noble difficulty and I get to name all the cities.
I'd rather not do Earth2 then, otherwise I'd get annoyed how everything is off (silly I know, but still)
If we are gonna go Dutch (which personally I don't want to) perhaps, Pangea/Large/rocky(or anything but temprate/arid)/low water level?
That'd be Pangaea, Terra is the everyone starts on one continent, there is another continent with no one on it, and the AIs are REALLY bad at it.
You really want Aggressive, don't you?
The Dutch, Romans, Inca, and Darius unilaterally.
Anyone else is fair game.
Go nuts, I'll stop pushing my preference.
Also: if more people want in, come on down!
And we need to discuss how we're ordering people.
I vote Pangaea, any civ, temperate climate
Utilitarian descriptions are fine.
On player ordering, I suggest we attempt to alternate experienced and rookie players, so that the new players have a decent base to build off and the experienced folks end up with plenty of problems to fix. :P
EDIT: Game length Epic, difficulty in the Warlord to Prince range depending on the balance of player skills.
Emperor for me. Getting Horseback Riding from a goodie hut in 3200 BC is kind of silly.
Highest completion is Diety but that was British/Water Map/Space so it was kinda rigged.
Monarch may be a good middle of the road choice.
I meant to say Noble.
If not, then I'd like to sign up for a stint.
As to setup I say let's *not* have a spiritual leader - massive civic switching (and consequential chaos) will give the grognard players another thing to deal with. Beyond that (and any other proscriptions that are agreed) I say let's go with a random civ and see how well we can flex to the strengths/weaknesses of the hand we are dealt.
Indeed I'd like to push for pretty much random everything - knowing the map type can lead to unrealistic strategies.
I generally play around the Prince level, but I'm out of practise.