I'm looking forward to participating in a couple of the tabletop tourneys, but I was just wondering if there was a cost to enter? Like, for a prize for the winner or something like that. Or is it just free play/bragging rights?
So the tourneys have been locked down, what you see is what you get. As for entry fees, you paid to get into PAX, you won't pay for anything else that PAX does. Tourneys are always free. And the prizes will be super awesome and extra-rare medals.
As for games that aren't on the tourney schedule, you are free to find other players and take some table space to play any game your heart desires. Also, look to our Twitter feed (@PAX_TT) for other folks who are #lfgtt
EDIT: Certain tournaments, such as Magic Sealed Deck tourneys, do come with a fee to purchase the required decks and the like, but nothing that is PAX run will cost extra.
Is anyone bringing their 40k army? Will there be tables to play on, with terrain, etc.?
Privateer Press will be running some games for their products. There is no official or unofficial GW presence planned for PAX Prime 2010.
As to any terrain being available outside of Privateer Press' area we are not aware of anyone planning to bring any in this year.
FatherFletch on
Tabletop Manager
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
One thing of particular note at the bottom is the Castle Ravenloft Board Game Challenge, a new product demoed this past weekend at GenCon, but not yet available to the public.
Also, Warhorn has produced a site describing Playing D&D at PAX Prime 2010:
GW doesn't do PAX . . . EVER. They are convinced they don't need it, which I kinda understand, what with Gamesday and all that, but the least they could do is have some kind of presence. It's not exactly fair to those of us who don't want to fly to Chicago or Baltimore for just Warhammer.
EDIT: For those of you who want to call Games Workshop Customer Service and bitch at them for not doing PAX, here is their number: 1 800 394 4263
Are POGS included anywhere at PAX? I'm new..feel free to laugh at me. I know POGS are old school but I just won a set on ebay and was hoping to find people to play with...
is dominion:prosperity going to be included? I'm asssuming this could be tough to get enough copies, also rules for use of the new base cards are iffy I hear.
Getting my hands on Prosperity will be difficult. It is supposed to ship on the 31st, so I wouldn't expect it in stores until the 3rd or 4th most likely. I will try to obtain it, but I make no promises.
Are POGS included anywhere at PAX? I'm new..feel free to laugh at me. I know POGS are old school but I just won a set on ebay and was hoping to find people to play with...
Heh, if I knew where my POGs were, I'd totally have a game with you.
The continued absence of GW makes me a sad panda, but at the same time it makes me want to get into WarMachine. Privateer Press seems like a much cooler company, and let's face it: the models are awesome.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
The continued absence of GW makes me a sad panda, but at the same time it makes me want to get into WarMachine. Privateer Press seems like a much cooler company, and let's face it: the models are awesome.
Agreed GW should be present, and agreed that the temptation to dip my toes into their Warmachine demos will likely be overpowering. It would also be nice to support a game company that's home base is in Bellevue as opposed to Nottingham (Though in all fairness, this fact may have something to do with Privateer's presence/GW's absence in and of itself ).
susan on
2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion 2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Will there be a Twitter lfg channel like last year? I kept using it and almost no one ever responded in '09. It felt like the twitter idea for tabletop games seemed very last minute (as I saw it was scribbled on a white board) so maybe more early advertising will make it more useful.
Will there be a Twitter lfg channel like last year? I kept using it and almost no one ever responded in '09. It felt like the twitter idea for tabletop games seemed very last minute (as I saw it was scribbled on a white board) so maybe more early advertising will make it more useful.
There will! More info to come in the next few days, but the plan is to definitely make LFG via twitter more user friendly and visible. Stay tuned!
As I'll be officiating this tournament, I want to make a couple things things clear:
1) All players are welcome to play in ALL THREE rounds of Pandemic. You will not be eliminated based on your performance in the first or second rounds. But you will play with different teammates each round -- so don't anticipate on signing up as a Team, and expect to work together through all three rounds.
2) In Round 1, when there are four Epidemic Cards, all players hands will be played OPEN to their teammates.
In Round 2 (5 Epidemic Cards) and Round 3 (6 Epidemic Cards), as per the rulebook, player's hands will be CLOSED to their teammates.
Yes, this means that if your Medic really needs you as the dispatcher to move him to a particular location, you have to TELL everyone which cards you have, or how many of a certain color you have. You cannot SHOW the cards to each other or let the active player grab the card from your hand.
A lot of casual games play with their hands Open to all other players, regardless of the level of difficulty. Remember, we're going to try to go by the as printed rules, and as such, be prepared to communicate with your teammates effectively given this restriction.
Keep the questions coming! I'll answer as much as I can about this or any of the other tournaments we're running, and I hope to see as many of you as possible in our Tournament Room.
So I'm a big ol' dummy and I don't really get the format of the tourney. DO you go to all of them, and are the numbers next to the time alt time?
To clarify further:
The Start Times of the Tournaments are staggered, by a half hour each, to give us a chance to set up and marshal all of the signed-up players for that particular game to their seats and go over the ground rules of the tournament, and announce table pairings.
If you play in the Ticket to Ride tournament on Friday, you won't be able to play in the Dominion tournament on Friday. You get to choose ONE of the concurrently running tournaments to sign up for -- you can't hop between tables and play Ticket to Ride and then Dominion. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey conflicts and all of that.
However, as we expect a STRONG turnout for the Dominion tournament, we're running it 3x over the weekend.
It is NOT one mega-long tournament spread out over three days. it's three separate Dominion tournaments. If you desire, and there's room, you can sign up for them separately and play in all three. Just apply Wheaton's Law as necessary.
Oh! I thought it was some huge board game decathlon. How is pandemic planned to be used in a competition?
Lackey is spot on in his reply. Each line entry on the tourney schedule represents 1 tournament. Nothing runs multiple days, and nothing runs ALL day. Each event is a self-contained drop of fun and awesomeness. With prizes!
As for the schedule and Pandemic, all of that is listed in the OP now for easier reference. I will attempt to answer any other questions and add them to the OP as well.
Just flipping through the thread... what are the Friday Night Frenzy/Saturday Night Showdown bits? Because if that's the chance to find a group of people motivated to crank through a round of Arkham Horror or BSG (I'll admit I'm partial to the latter) that'd be sweet.
Particularly on Friday (don't want to miss Paul & Storm).
Just flipping through the thread... what are the Friday Night Frenzy/Saturday Night Showdown bits? Because if that's the chance to find a group of people motivated to crank through a round of Arkham Horror or BSG (I'll admit I'm partial to the latter) that'd be sweet.
Particularly on Friday (don't want to miss Paul & Storm).
The Friday Night Frenzy and Saturday Night Showdown will each be a set of mystery games, which will only be revealed after you've signed up and the tournament begins. That's all I can say
However, if you find yourself in need of players for Arkham Horror or BSG, I'd recommend you put your request on the whiteboard in TT HQ (Room 213), with something to the effect of "LFG: 3 for BSG @ 9 pm - txt to 555-5555). Also, if you're able to access Twitter, you can send a tweet with the #ttlfg hashtag, letting those monitoring the tag know you're looking for players.
We plan on projecting Twitter posts with #ttlfg, as well as our @pax_tt posts, somewhere in the vicinity of our TT HQ.
The continued absence of GW makes me a sad panda, but at the same time it makes me want to get into WarMachine. Privateer Press seems like a much cooler company, and let's face it: the models are awesome.
Hey, I already left the number for GW customer service. So, call and bitch at them. Unless there is a public outcry, they won't do anything.
Signup sheets for the *FRIDAY* tournaments will be available on-site in Rm. 213 (the Tabletop Headquarters) as soon as PAX is open (10:00 am) on Friday.
Signups for *SATURDAY* tournaments will be available in TT HQ starting at 7:00 p.m. Friday, after Expo Hall closes.
Signups for *SUNDAY* tournaments will be available in TT HQ starting at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, again, after Expo Hall Closes.
For each Tournament, the signup sheet will be available to add your name to it until 10 minutes before the tournament begins. So, Friday's first Tournament, Ticket To Ride, starts at 11:00 am, so consider stopping by TT HQ right away if you want to take part in it, as we'll be closing the signup list at 10:50 am promptly. Similarly, the Dominion tournament signup sheet will only be available until 11:20 am, and so on.
This will repeat for each day's tournaments.
There is also a maximum of 32 players for each tournament. Any one who signs up as the 33rd person onward will be automatically wait listed.
Either way is fine with me, I was just curious.
As for games that aren't on the tourney schedule, you are free to find other players and take some table space to play any game your heart desires. Also, look to our Twitter feed (@PAX_TT) for other folks who are #lfgtt
EDIT: Certain tournaments, such as Magic Sealed Deck tourneys, do come with a fee to purchase the required decks and the like, but nothing that is PAX run will cost extra.
North American Catan Championship Qualifiers - http://www.facebook.com/mayfairgames#!/event.php?eid=126160977428107&index=1
As to any terrain being available outside of Privateer Press' area we are not aware of anyone planning to bring any in this year.
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
One thing of particular note at the bottom is the Castle Ravenloft Board Game Challenge, a new product demoed this past weekend at GenCon, but not yet available to the public.
Also, Warhorn has produced a site describing Playing D&D at PAX Prime 2010:
Finally, if you wish to register for any of these D&D events, you'll want to head to http://warhorn.net/pax-2010/ and sign up.
EDIT: For those of you who want to call Games Workshop Customer Service and bitch at them for not doing PAX, here is their number: 1 800 394 4263
Anyone know if Yu-Gi-Oh is gonna have a spot at PAX?????
Go take a look at http://privateerpress.com/pax-2010-event-schedule-announced
Heh, if I knew where my POGs were, I'd totally have a game with you.
Thanks for PA Forumer Custom Special for finding the info.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Agreed GW should be present, and agreed that the temptation to dip my toes into their Warmachine demos will likely be overpowering. It would also be nice to support a game company that's home base is in Bellevue as opposed to Nottingham (Though in all fairness, this fact may have something to do with Privateer's presence/GW's absence in and of itself
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
There will! More info to come in the next few days, but the plan is to definitely make LFG via twitter more user friendly and visible. Stay tuned!
Google +
The numbers on each row are start and end times of each tournament, assuming you go... all... the... WAY!
Adding to confusion is there are multiple tournaments for some games. For example, there's a Dominion tournament each day.
At least, I'm pretty sure that's the intent. I want to play some Dominion but I'm sure as hell not giving 24 hours to it.
Google +
PucSpifo defined the rules for the Pandemic tournament in an earlier post (seen at http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showpost.php?p=15321754&postcount=30)
As I'll be officiating this tournament, I want to make a couple things things clear:
1) All players are welcome to play in ALL THREE rounds of Pandemic. You will not be eliminated based on your performance in the first or second rounds. But you will play with different teammates each round -- so don't anticipate on signing up as a Team, and expect to work together through all three rounds.
2) In Round 1, when there are four Epidemic Cards, all players hands will be played OPEN to their teammates.
In Round 2 (5 Epidemic Cards) and Round 3 (6 Epidemic Cards), as per the rulebook, player's hands will be CLOSED to their teammates.
Yes, this means that if your Medic really needs you as the dispatcher to move him to a particular location, you have to TELL everyone which cards you have, or how many of a certain color you have. You cannot SHOW the cards to each other or let the active player grab the card from your hand.
A lot of casual games play with their hands Open to all other players, regardless of the level of difficulty. Remember, we're going to try to go by the as printed rules, and as such, be prepared to communicate with your teammates effectively given this restriction.
Keep the questions coming! I'll answer as much as I can about this or any of the other tournaments we're running, and I hope to see as many of you as possible in our Tournament Room.
To clarify further:
The Start Times of the Tournaments are staggered, by a half hour each, to give us a chance to set up and marshal all of the signed-up players for that particular game to their seats and go over the ground rules of the tournament, and announce table pairings.
If you play in the Ticket to Ride tournament on Friday, you won't be able to play in the Dominion tournament on Friday. You get to choose ONE of the concurrently running tournaments to sign up for -- you can't hop between tables and play Ticket to Ride and then Dominion. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey conflicts and all of that.
However, as we expect a STRONG turnout for the Dominion tournament, we're running it 3x over the weekend.
It is NOT one mega-long tournament spread out over three days. it's three separate Dominion tournaments. If you desire, and there's room, you can sign up for them separately and play in all three. Just apply Wheaton's Law as necessary.
Hope this helps!
PAX Tabletop Tournament Officiant
Enjoy, and if you have questions/changes, please don't hesitate to ask me.
Tabletop Tournament Officiant
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
Lackey is spot on in his reply. Each line entry on the tourney schedule represents 1 tournament. Nothing runs multiple days, and nothing runs ALL day. Each event is a self-contained drop of fun and awesomeness. With prizes!
As for the schedule and Pandemic, all of that is listed in the OP now for easier reference. I will attempt to answer any other questions and add them to the OP as well.
Google +
Particularly on Friday (don't want to miss Paul & Storm).
The Friday Night Frenzy and Saturday Night Showdown will each be a set of mystery games, which will only be revealed after you've signed up and the tournament begins. That's all I can say
However, if you find yourself in need of players for Arkham Horror or BSG, I'd recommend you put your request on the whiteboard in TT HQ (Room 213), with something to the effect of "LFG: 3 for BSG @ 9 pm - txt to 555-5555). Also, if you're able to access Twitter, you can send a tweet with the #ttlfg hashtag, letting those monitoring the tag know you're looking for players.
We plan on projecting Twitter posts with #ttlfg, as well as our @pax_tt posts, somewhere in the vicinity of our TT HQ.
Hey, I already left the number for GW customer service. So, call and bitch at them. Unless there is a public outcry, they won't do anything.
Signup sheets for the *FRIDAY* tournaments will be available on-site in Rm. 213 (the Tabletop Headquarters) as soon as PAX is open (10:00 am) on Friday.
Signups for *SATURDAY* tournaments will be available in TT HQ starting at 7:00 p.m. Friday, after Expo Hall closes.
Signups for *SUNDAY* tournaments will be available in TT HQ starting at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, again, after Expo Hall Closes.
For each Tournament, the signup sheet will be available to add your name to it until 10 minutes before the tournament begins. So, Friday's first Tournament, Ticket To Ride, starts at 11:00 am, so consider stopping by TT HQ right away if you want to take part in it, as we'll be closing the signup list at 10:50 am promptly. Similarly, the Dominion tournament signup sheet will only be available until 11:20 am, and so on.
This will repeat for each day's tournaments.
There is also a maximum of 32 players for each tournament. Any one who signs up as the 33rd person onward will be automatically wait listed.
In case you have not seen it already, the list of tournaments, and their times, can be seen at http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=120490
Note: Tournaments will take place in Room 2B, a few minutes walk away from TT HQ in Room 213.
Good luck to everyone who plans to participate, and please let me know if you have any questions!
PAX Tabletop Tournament Officiant