Just beyond the edges of the world, the Fair Folk bide their time, waiting for another opportunity to march forth from the formless Wyld to undo shaped reality.
Just beneath the skin of the world, the necrotic lords of the Underworld plot to share the gift of Oblivion with all living things.
Imprisoned within the infinite body of the Yozi-King Malfeas, the Demon Princes strive to escape to wreak vengeance on the gods and their champions.
In the Celestial City of Yu-Shan, the greatest of the gods cannot tear their attention from the seductive Games of Divinity, although Creation teeters on the brink of apocalypse.
The Chosen of the Gods, the
Exalted, are the only hope for Creation.
Their story is your story. What legends will they tell of your deeds?
The situation: The South is on the brink of war. The Realm is withdrawing its troops to the Blessed Isle in preparation for civil war, and the factions that have been just waiting for a chance to rip and tear at each others throats are taking advantage. The powderkeg is just waiting for a match, and now four explosive Solar Exalted have entered the city of Chiaroscuro, just looking for a fire to light.
Ex-Realm Military, his love for a Dynast is forbidden now that he is Anathema. His perfectly-sculpted flamepiece and abs aren't even close to the weapon that is his brilliant tactical mind.
Conlyth Gyler, Heaven's Winglord
Player: Plutonium
Dawn Caste
Anima Banner: Gold and Blue spinning rings of runes surround him, the glyphs formed of pulsating essence and written in a language known to none but the Unconquered Sun.
Motivation: To plunge the nations of the South into swift and deciding conflicts, sparing the millions that would perish in decade-long power struggles.
Essence OO
Personal Pool: 0/12
Peripheral Pool: 24/29 (5 attuned)
XP: 3/12
Willpower: 3/6
Health Levels:
Attributes, Abilities, Languages
Strength: OO
Dexterity: OOOO
Stamina: OO
Charisma: OOOO
Manipulation: OOOO
Appearance: OOO
Perception: OOO
Intellegence: OOO
Wits: OOO
Archery: 5 (Firewands 2)
Melee: 4 (Daiklaves 2)
War: 2 (Dynastic 2)
Integrity: 1
Performance: 1
Presence: 3
Resistance: 1
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 3
Dodge: 4uju8
Bureaucracy: 3
Linguistics: 2
Ride: 2
Socialize: 1
Lore: 1
Languages: High Realm, Low Realm, Flametongue
Virtues, Limit Break, Charms,:
Compassion: 3
Conviction: 2
Temperance: 1
Valor: 3
Valor Virtue Flaw: Vexing Frustration
Limit Break Condition: The Solar's plots are foiled, he suffers a setback, underestimates a foe, an underling or ally fails him, or other similar situations occur.
For one scene, the Solar takes matters into his own hands. "Do I have to do everything myself!" he cries as conventional wisdom and prudent judgment be damned, the exalt throws himself into success at this specific goal or task, ignoring all other matters until whatever thwarting him is dealt with. Whether this means leading a cavalry charge into a wall of hardened defenders that have already thrown back wave after wave, or poring hours into solving an elaborately vexing puzzle or riddle, it will get done, come heaven or high water.
Partial Control: The Solar can be roused temporarily from his current fixation to tend to events of critical importance or of an exceptionally distracting nature. However, the obsession lingers in the back of his mind, inflicting a -2 external penalty to any non-fixation-related actions taken while in this state.
Second Archery Excellency
Trance of Unhesitating Speed
Flashing Vengeance Draw
Arrow Storm Technique
Second Melee Excellency
Hungry Tiger Technique
Second War Excellency
Second Bureaucracy Excellency
Shadow over Water
Seven Shadows Evasion (Valor Flaw)
Second Presence Excellency
Backgrounds, Possessions, Intimacies
Resources: 4
Artifact: 2
Contact: 1
Manse: 1
Arbani Arms "Komodo Mk.3 TRE," a Perfect Flame Piece
Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage 9L, Rate 1, Range 10
Goldenrod, Orichalcum Daiklave
Speed 5, Accuracy +4, Damave +6L, Defense +3, Rate 4, Attune 5
Lonz, Fine Totikari Warhorse
Exceptional Officer's Lamellar
Soak +7L/9B, Mobility -1, Fatigue 0, Concealable
- Cathak Kailana, a Fire-Aspected Terrestrial Exalt, and former lover
- Komodo, a flame piece and gift from Kailana
- Goldenrod, Orichalcum Daiklave, his Solar inheritance.
- Lonz, his Warhorse
- Cathak Sindle, a mysterious dynast and follower of Cecylene
DDV: 5
PDV (Orichalcum Daiklave): 7
Natural Soak: 2B/1L/1A
Armor Soak: 9B/7L
Total Soak: 11B/8L/1A
Health Levels: 0/1/1/2/2/4/I
Flame Piece: speed 5, 14 attack dice, 9L base damage, rate 1, misc action to reload
Daiklave: speed 5, 14 attack dice, 8L base damage, rate 4
The women swoon at his poetry, the men die to his blade. Determined to act like an Anathema should, Ketan seeks to undermine the Realm's interests in the South, and forge his own path through destiny.
Ledaal Ketan
Caste: Zenith
Motivation: Destruction or Humiliation of the local Immaculate Order
Concept: The Warrior Poet
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
Charisma 5, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2,
Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 1
Willpower: 6
Essence: 3
Abilities: *Melee 5, *Thrown 1, War 1
*Integrity 1, *Performance 2, *Presence 4, *Resistance 2, *Survival 1*
Lore 1
*Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 3, Stealth 1
Bureaucracy 1, *Linguistics 5, Ride 2, *Socialize 1
Backgrounds: Resources 3, Familiar (some kind of bird - a Mospit?) 3, Artifact (Orichalum Dire Lance) 2, Contacts (House Ledaal) 1
Second Dodge Excellency
First Linguistics Excellency
Sagacious Reading of Intent
Flawless Brush Discipline
Letter-Within-A-Letter Technique
First Melee Excellency
Dipping Swallow Defense
Bulwark Stance
Heavenly Guardian Defense
Solar Counterattack
Statblock: PDV=8, DDV=5, Soak 1L/2B Armor +6L/+8B
Dire Lance attack: Accuracy 15 damage 12L/16L, Rate 3 Speed 5
Scarred and rugged, his gaze as piercing as the hawk that rides on his shoulder, his skill with a bow pierces the skin of his foes like his darkly handsome looks pierce the heart of his lovers.
TTsas Khan, Eclipse Caste
Essence OO
Willpower OOOOOO
Compassion O
Temperance OO
Conviction OOO
Valor OOO
Personal Essence 12; Peripheral Essence 29
Strength: OOO
Dexterity: OOOO
Stamina: OOOO
Charisma: OOOO
Manipulation: OOO
Appearance: OO
Perception: OO
Intellegence: OOO
Wits: OO
*Archery: 4
Melee: 2
*War: 4 (Specialization - Desert: 2)
*Linguistics: 1
*Ride: 3
*Socialize: 1
*Athletics: 1
Awareness: 2
*Dodge: 3
Investigation: 1
Presence: 2
*Resistance: 3
Survival: 3
Languages: Flametongue, Local Desert People Dialect.
- First War Excellency
- Mob Dispersing Rebuke
- Rout Stemming Gesture
- First Archery Excellency
- Trance of Unhesitating Speed
- There Is No Wind
- Master Horseman (Harmony of Spirits, Summoning Whistle, Speed Sustaining Technique, Spirit-Steadying)
- Sagacious Reading of Intent
- Hardship Surviving Mendicant Spirit
- Durability of Oak Meditation
- Iron Skin Concentration
- Familiars: 3 (1-dot badass hawk and 2-dot awesome horse)
- Allies: 3 (other tribal leaders who are also badasses)
- Followers: 5 (horde of loyal horseridin' barbarian maniacs)
- Resources: 2 (for like weapons and armor and saddles and stuff)
- Mentor: 2 (King Gezar, a god)
"Hazar", badass falcon, harbinger of war (1 dot)
Strength 2 Dexterity 4 Stamina 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Willpower 3
Athletics 5, Awareness 4, Dodge 5, Integrity 1, Investigation 2, Martial Arts 2, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Stealth 2, Survival 4
Attacks - Claw - Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 2L, Rate 2
Dodge DV 5, Soak 0L/2B
"Jalayir", awesome steed, Khan of Horses (2 dots)
Strength 5 Dexterity 4 Stamina 4 Perception 3 Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Willpower 4
Athletics 5, Awareness 2, Dodge 3, Integrity 1, Investigation 1, Martial Arts 4, Presence 1, Resistance 3, Survival 3
Attacks: Bite - Speed 5, Accuracy 9 Damage 3L Rate 1
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 8B, Rate 2
Dodge DV 4 Soak 0L/4B, HLs 0x1/-1x2/-2x2/-4x1/I
"For generations, my people, who wanted nothing more than to herd and live in the arid lands of the south, have been exploited and enslaved... the land ravaged for resources... man, beast, and nature alike subjugated by the will of the Empire.
Those days are at their end."
His people. All who come to his banners are family... some of them in the literal sense through the various marriages that have helped him strengthen his ties.
Jalayir. Though it is sometimes seen as foolish to gain too much attachment to a horse, Jalayir is exceptional and has a strong bond with The Khan.
Borte. The Khan's first wife. He has taken many since her, but she is his favorite, the one to whom he was betrothed at a young age.
Conlyth Gyler: Though Gyler may not entirely understand it, he has become The Khan's brother. Though in other societies the rituals that cause the bond of "brotherhood" are abstract, in the Khan's society they are very literal.
Anima Banner:
The golden silhouette of a rearing horse.
Virtue Flaw:
Heart of Stone (Conviction)
When pushed to the limit, Tsas Khan reacts in a not unpredictable manner for his personality. He feels and
expresses no emotion. At these times it seems he lacks any empathy and feeling (even more than usual) particularly for his enemies. He considers only efficiency - especially in warfare - as he makes decisions. The decidedly untactful manner with which he barks out his orders and indignance imposes a two-die penalty on all Social rolls involving face-to-face interactions.
Partial Control: Tsas Khan’s empathy is significantly reduced, but can still be accessed. He still suffers a two-die penalty to Social rolls involving face-to-face interaction, as his abrupt and cold manner remains unnerving or shocking. His primary motivation remains to be focused on efficiency, but he will avoid doing anything that would consider to be horribly wrong (even if it is efficient).
Duration: One full day
Limit Break Condition: When his enemies have cornered him, or when his allies spinelessly abandon their commitments (especially those of a military nature, of course).
Perfect Armor - Reinforced Buff Jacket - "The Lion's Skin"
+9B/5L, mobility 0, fatigue 1
Caught up in circumstances beyond his control, this scholarly sorcerer wields his knowledge against the dark Underworld to protect Creation, with a soft smile and meek demeanor, using his knowledge of the heart to seduce women with more than mere brash behavior.
The Ethereal Voice
Caste: Twilight
Motivation: To bring down the Immaculate Order
Concept: Spirit Seer
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3,
Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Virtue Flaw: Conviction (Heart of Flint)
Willpower: 5
Essence: 3
Abilities:Craft 2, Investigation 5(Specialty Conducting Interviews), Lore 3, Medicine 1, Occult 4 (Specialty Ghosts)
*Socialize 3, *Dodge 3, *Integrity 2, *Thrown 3, *Linguistics 2, Resistance 2, Bureaucracy 2
Backgrounds: Resources 3, Manse 2, Artifact 2 (Lamellar)
First Investigation Excellency
Durability of Oak Meditation
Crafty Observation
Judges Ear
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Spirit Detecting Glance
Spirit Cutting Attack
Evidence Discerning Method
Death of Obsidian Butterflies
Demon of the first circle or Emerald Counter magic
DDV: 4
PDV (Exceptional knife +1 to accuracy/defense/damage): 3
Natural Soak: 3B/1L
Armor Soak: 10B/9L
Total Soak: 13B/10L
Hardness: 6B/6L
Exceptional knives(m): speed 5, 3 attack dice, 5L base damage, rate 3
Exceptional knives(Thrown): speed 5, 6 attack dice, 5L base damage, rate 3, range 10
Lamellar (Artifact 2): Mobility:-1, Attune 3
Personal Essence: 14
Periphial Essence: 29/35 (3 attuned)
Stoic and mysterious, even dozens of women throwing themselves at his feet is insufficient to sway this deadly hunter of men from his path. Delivering justice with harsh judgements and a keen eye for the truly wicked, only the most pure can gain his alliance.
Arcturus, Night Caste
Bounty Hunter/Assassin
A rangy man, wearing tan and brown robes with his hood pulled up. The few glimpses of skin that you can see are sunburned, a man who has spent much time outside the city and in places with little to no shade.
Essence OO
Willpower OOOOOOOO
Compassion O
Temperance OOOO
Conviction OOOO
Valor OO
Personal Essence 14; Peripheral Essence 33
Strength: OOO
Dexterity: OOOO
Stamina: OOOO
Charisma: OO
Manipulation: OO
Appearance: OOO
Perception: OOOO
Intellegence: OO
Wits: OOO
*Melee: 4
*Integrity: 4
Resist: 2
*Survival: 4
*Investigation: 4
Lore: 1
*Athletics: 3
*Awareness: 4
*Dodge: 3
*Stealth: 4
*Ride: 4
- Easily Overlooked
- Mental Invisibility
- Invisible Statue Spirit
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Awareness Excellency
- Keen Sense (Sight)
- Survival Excellence
- Trackless Region Navigation
- Melee Excellency
- Reflex Sidestep Technique
- Contacts 3 (Chiaroscuro City)
- Backing 2 (The Guild)
- Resources 2
Motivation: Chiaroscuro has been a lawless hive for long enough. It's time to bring back order. Ultimately, it's on the heads of the Empire. If a few eggs get broken to make it happen, it won't cause me to lost sleep.
Intimacies: Justice for all. Not fairness or compassion. Justice in all of it's terrible glory.
Anima Banner: A snarling, silver wolf.
Virtue Flaw: The character wholly embraces cruelty. His conscience
vanishes, and he uses terror and cruelty to accomplish his goals,
with only contempt for any perceived or exhibited weakness. He
casually tortures and mutilates prisoners to sow terror and inspire
obedience. This cruelty causes a minimum two-die penalty on
all Social interactions not involving fear or intimidation.
Partial Control: The character can moderate his cruelty
when necessary. He casually intimidates and tortures
wherever effective and is incapable of kindness. However,
he can show restraint and indifference when cruelty would
be less effective. He still suffers from a one-die penalty to
other Social interactions.
Duration: One full day
Limit Break Condition: The character is subjected to
severe stress or backed against the wall.
Weapons: Straight Sword, Mace, Knives (x2)
Armor: Chain Shirt (hidden)
An old horse who upon first glance seems destined for Hassim's Glue Shoppe or the local butcher.
I'll contribute some input Once I get my hands the book.
Considering its rainfall I don't think you have to worry about variety in enemies.
I may be interested, it depends how busy I am going to be.
South is good. The luxury of Middle-Eastern fantasy, with harems, sultans, and Djinn living in the lap of luxury contrasted with brutal slave trades along the coast, the conquering foreigns of the realm and the native desert raiders... it's good stuff.
Not to mention Chiaroscuro is the coolest city in the game.
As for antagonists, no need to worry about variety. I want to really dig into the totally awesome potential of the setting rather than just skim the top, so unless you guys go crusading against the Deathlords you're going to get a lot of variety.
And the Great Curse, well... one of the reasons I want to start small with an emphasis on characters is so that we can really work out effective Limit Breaks, Motivations, and Intimacies, to draw out the more subtle bits of the social system and force you guys to live with a looming threat.
Though Southern does sound great!
A frozen wasteland where survival against the simple pressure of the environment is far more challenging than most monsters you'll face, the North is a curious direction. Really boring and cold, with a few monsters and Deathlords to fight, as well as massive rampaging armies of Fair Folk. Airships are the favored method of travel, mostly owned by the Haslanti League, who spend all their time fighting against the Realm. There's a good mix of stuff going on, but since I live in northern Canada the allure of icy wastes is largely lost on me. Not bad but there's better options.
The East: The East is big. Two parts!
1. The Scavenger Lands. City-states, rivers, trading, this place is a bustle of commercial activity, and has the least wandering monster syndrome of any of the other directions short of the Blessed Isle. Sijan, the city of the Dead(funerals and the like,) Nexus, the Superbig Trading City, Denandsor, the Empty City(aside from the army of robots keeping it empty,) Lookshy, the Bulwark of the East, holding an entire Dragon-Blooded Legion that refuses to bend knee to the Realm, and looking over it all like a festering boil is Thorns, the ruined city where the Mask of Winters rules over his undead minions and the undead Behemoth Juggernaut, on which his fortress is built and inside which he breeds an army of giant maggots, raised on supernaturally tough flesh, to eventually burst forth and consume the Scav Lands.
Good stuff!
2. The Jungles of the East. Lost temples to ancient gods, manses overrun by vines, Tribal fair folk hunting down humans along the ground, cities built out of the massive, ancient trees themselves. Talking animals, dinosaurs, huge-ass bugs, flowers that grow in your brain and take over your mind, Lunars stalking the enemies of Creation. It's a busy place, where survival of the fittest is the strongest law. Many brutalities abound in the jungles, and the people like it that way.
The South: One Thousand and One Nights sets the tone for the coastlands of the South. Sultans, harems, incredible luxury and wealth. The Perfect of Paragon, immortal and wise, rules over his city and lets none disobey him. Chiaroscuro raises broken glass towers to the sky in memory of the first age, profitable slave trades running through after its conquest by several different armies. The Lintha Demon-Pirates stalk the western coasts of the desert, terrorizing villages. The First and Forsaken Lion plots his advance into Creation from his giant fortress in the mountains of the Southern Underworld, and brushing against it, on the other side of Creation's skin, the city of Gem trades impossibly valuable stones to the rich traders who dare brave the passage into the furthest-south city.
The Cult of the Illuminated trains young Solars deep in the desert, keeping them safe from the Realm and indoctrinating them to serve their own cause, confident that the Solars will never be able to escape through the savage tribes and deadly heat, even if they wanted to.
The West: Pirates! Jungle islands! Volcano sacrifices! Pelagial cults deep underwater, serving their Neverborn Masters! The Silver Prince leads his undead legions to conquest by diplomacy with his silver tongue, preparing for his day of glory! The pirates of Coral battle the Lintha Demons with snarky replys and sharp cutlasses! And far beneath the sea, the floating fortress of Luthe, submerged in the First Age, holds the most powerful weapons that still exist in Creation that are not in the hold of a greater power. They're just protected by a Lunar who takes the form of an incredibly huge killer whale that eats ships.
And there's the Blessed Isle, overrun by the Dragon-Blooded and their Immaculate Order, where gods are worshipped on a daily schedule, Shadowlands are salted and purified before they become a threat, and cloak-and-dagger political maneuvering between arguing Dynasts is the order of the day. That's right in the middle.
BTW, that's just my personal summary off the top of my head. If you guys see different things you like about the directions, make sure to point 'em out, because I'm more than happy to play with differing viewpoints.
Both the Jungles of the East, and the West (with its bonus of pirates) give me happytime in the pants.
The south is not unappealing at all, on a side note.
Also, I would be all over a campaign in the West, but it does seem that everyone posting so far has been leaning towards the South, and I'm cool with that as well.
I guess my preference would be for the East or West. As far as caste, my first preference would be for Dawn Caste, followed by Twilight Caste.
If I had to choose, I would prefer the East or South, followed by the West and then the North, though I don't really have too strong a preference.
What sort of fighting style do you guys plan on taking? I'm planning on taking a Daiklave in one hand and a Firewand in the other, and splitting some charms between melee and archery.
Direction wise, South and then West sound most interesting. East could as well. North ..seems least and not just because of Rainfall's obvious distaste.
If I was making a Dawn Caste, I would be using a Daiklave. If I was doing Twilight I would focus on Sorcery, with a quarterstaff or allies for smacking mooks.
Added: Just what appeals to me from what I've read in the thread, fighting armies sounds really cool. Combine with the setting of the South and the group somehow getting involved in an escalating conflict that finally becomes all out war? Awesome. But that's just my initial thoughts, I still have no idea about the setting except what's in this thread.
I like this. There's a lot of potential for open war in the South, the Alchemicals(the Locust Horde) are planning to move in, the First and Forsaken Lion has his giant undead army that's just waiting to march into Creation, and there's various factions with smaller and less influential forces jockeying for position.
It's less of a controlled game than the Scavenger Lands, and the North is mostly in a stalemate between the Haslanti League and the Scarlet Empire, so if you want open warfare, the South is honestly your best bet for that kind of awesome stuff.
Looking for one post/day at the very least.
The influence of the Realms is pretty much along the coast of the Inland Sea. Beyond that, any number of minor powers are willing to deal with Solars and the tremendous power they have to offer. There is, of course, always the risk of running into Immaculate-friendly groups, who will promptly call for the Wyld Hunt and try to kill you, but for the most part you can shine a caste mark without getting stabbed by ninjas as long as you're not in REALM TERRITORIES!!
It's just a lot safer to be subtle about it, especially in big cities.
Okay, so a bunch of people have shown interest here.
Udjat_Eye - (South, Chiaroscuro pref.)
Papillon (Far from the Realms!)
Simulacrum (South)
Snowdown - Jungle (East/West, doesn't mind South)
Egos (South/West)
Plutonium (East/South)
Ringo (Likes the idea of war in the South.)
Hotran (South)
Undead Unicorn(No Locational Preference)
So it looks like overwhelmingly the south is going to be the area everyone wants to play in. Unless there's a massive upswell in votes for a different Direction, let's hit the South.
But the important question is, what do people want from the game?
Ringo - Warfare! Battling armies! Raah!
Udjat_Eye - Ultraviolence and the Great Curse.
Papillon - Wants to avoid the Wyld Hunt at least at the start.
I'd like some more input on what kind of a game you guys want to play. So far it looks like it's going to be a dramatic warfare scenario set across the dusty deserts of the Deep South, according to the three people who are chiming in. I like the sound of this, but more voices is good!
- Awesome set-piece battles or events.
- Situations that won't be easily solved by strait-up violence.
-dramatic/weighty one on one fights usually with a nice build-up
-personal stories falling into a much larger story affecting the lives of many (war ,politics,etc.)
- Little moments of significance either between characters or npcs that aren't violent. (as odd as it sounds I may be asking for a bit film noir feel here and there :I )
If no one objects, I'd like to play a range-focused Night caste.
Has anyone given thought to the group's past? Like, were we familiar with one another before the Jade Prison? CoI put us together?
Also, the massive-armies-clashing-in-the-desert bit rocks as far as this guy is concerned. Maybe toppling the government of one of the established cities (Gem? Paragon?) and dealing with the problems of rulership? Definitely one of those things the sourcebooks mention, that I've never seen played out.
PLENTY of fights, and by that I mean HUGE, HUGE battles. Us fighting off armies huge. As well as good personal duels and stuff.
Man there's a lot to read
I should be able to tell you what I would like out of the game tomorrow.
Pretty much this.
Reading PhB @ now. Can anyone just briefly encapsulate how the game's core mechanic works?
Have you played any of the old white wolf games?
Vampire the Masquerade, Hunter, Werewolf, Mage?
The mechanics are pretty much the same. even the character sheets look nearly identical
Basically most rolls are a stat+skill, stat+talent, stat+virtue, etc.
dice are all d10, there is a "target number"
the more dice you roll over the target number, the more "successes" you have...the more successes, the more successful your task is...or the more damage you do. difficulties can be 10 and above even...a roll of a natural 10, you re-roll the die, and add that number to the 10.
After that, if you're hitting someone, they have "soak" dice, where their successes (based on powers, armor, and/or stats) can lower your successes...."absorbing" some of the damage.
Did i get it right?
I didn't play any of those, no, mostly because they expected me to read through 60+ pages of fluff before--
White Wolf: If I'm playing a game, it's to play a fucking game. Your badly written setting bullshit disinterests me.
At least the comics are cool.
EDIT: Okay. Game isn't for me, I don't think.
Have fun!
When you're playing something like D&D, D20, or even other white-wolf games, you're usually rolling to hit, then rolling to see how much damage you do, and then HP goes down. Eventually, someone's HP drops to zero and they're out of the fight.
While on its surface, Exalted looks like this, it really isn't.
Exalts hit HARD. If an exalt hits with an attack that's been augmented by a charm, there's not much that will keep you standing up if you don't have a charm to defend against it. Even a guy in superheavy plate's not going to stand up to a Grand Goremaul with a few motes and a charm behind it.
So really, your essence becomes an extension of your HP, and in exalt-on-exalt combat, when you're out of motes, the end is nigh. Of course, this goes out the window when you're dealing with stuff like super-high soak antagonists or large armies of mortals or other exceptions, but in general, this is how it usually plays out.
Once you accept this as the basis of combat, unfortunately, the system becomes breakable by players who want to be combat monkeys. There's some builds out there that pretty much break the system and give a character unparalleled fighting ability, in exchange for sucking a lot of the fun out of the game. Because player X wanted to roll up his broken twilight essence reactor or whatever, the ST has to up the ante in terms of bad guys to keep him interested, and everyone else ends up not being able to do anything but watch from the sidelines because the power level has spiraled out of control.
So I'm going to agree with what Udjat said a page ago, about avoiding twinkage. I think that one of the things we could do is to keep everyone within the same essence range throughout, like for example, making sure that nobody's moving on to essence 4 or 5 while other people are still at essence 2.