If I were to pick up a copy this week, would I have enough time between now and PAX to have something of use for trading?
Maybe...if you spent good time on it. The first map you can get is around halfway through the storyline, at I'd say about 8-10 hrs in. I think that map always ends in Equinox, and he's not all that hard, mostly because he can't use Disruptive Wave to nuke your buffs and tension. Once you beat it, you can trade it.
Also, there's a decent story here, but I'd say it's more corn than meat.
What about 3:00 pm every day in the handheld HQ? That way there's some consistency.
That's what this thread is about, guys! I'm down for 3pm every day... We'll recognize each other after the first day anyway...
Even if there are Pokemon events in the handheld HQ, I don't think our group would be big enough to impose. Besides, if we just used it as a home base just to meet, we could walk to a nearby area so we wouldn't be bothering those events.
I wish I had a map so I could see where everything is laid out.
If I were to pick up a copy this week, would I have enough time between now and PAX to have something of use for trading?
Maybe...if you spent good time on it. The first map you can get is around halfway through the storyline, at I'd say about 8-10 hrs in. I think that map always ends in Equinox, and he's not all that hard, mostly because he can't use Disruptive Wave to nuke your buffs and tension. Once you beat it, you can trade it.
Can I make a request that people don't trade the Granite Cave of Woe? Once you get it and beat it, you'll receive another treasure map. Try to beat that map and trade it. Even if it's low level, I'd rather have something different.
Even if there are Pokemon events in the handheld HQ, I don't think our group would be big enough to impose. Besides, if we just used it as a home base just to meet, we could walk to a nearby area so we wouldn't be bothering those events.
I wish I had a map so I could see where everything is laid out.
There will be a map shortly showing the entire layout.
And I vote we try to outnumber the Pokemon! Takeover the Lounge. Mass Multiplayer and swapping.
The ONLY suckage is that you have to keep paying attention because you can only get 3 people at a time. with as many people as will be there, that will fill up and cycle multiple times.
Another question: Do you have to *have* a map to get a map? Seems to me there are going to be some event maps and whatnot that only a few people have (hopefully everyone by the end of the weekend!)
So will I still be able to get maps if I haven't managed to beat any of my own?
Another question: Do you have to *have* a map to get a map? Seems to me there are going to be some event maps and whatnot that only a few people have (hopefully everyone by the end of the weekend!)
So will I still be able to get maps if I haven't managed to beat any of my own?
no. I went and got a bunch of maps from people even though my dude was only lvl 12 and didn't have any.
Another question: Do you have to *have* a map to get a map? Seems to me there are going to be some event maps and whatnot that only a few people have (hopefully everyone by the end of the weekend!)
So will I still be able to get maps if I haven't managed to beat any of my own?
In order to give and/or receive maps, you just need to have unlocked the Inn in Stornway. Personally, I feel like if you're going to be tagging with others to get a map, try to bring a map along (other than the first one you get). It just seems like e-courtesy to me. (Though I do realize that people will be in different stages of the storyline and may not have beaten a map yet.)
My problem is I have the maps I just haven't beaten them...
I got a lot of maps from the people at the best buy and gamestop events that are like way above what my poor characters can take, but I'm trying
I don't think that that's gonna be a problem... If everyone shows up and brings their A-Game, we can all work together to take down everyone's problem maps.
On Friday, someone gave me the Masayuki map, and a couple hours later, I was distributing it. We can all grind on my game (or that other guy that has it ... DJAAAM?) and then work on other people's maps...
I don't think that that's gonna be a problem... If everyone shows up and brings their A-Game, we can all work together to take down everyone's problem maps.
On Friday, someone gave me the Masayuki map, and a couple hours later, I was distributing it. We can all grind on my game (or that other guy that has it ... DJAAAM?) and then work on other people's maps...
Thats my rough plan. Thats why I'm working out a few more skill points for my main so he's ready to go Multiplayer in some worlds and get some help in mine.
try to bring a map along (other than the first one you get).
Oh don't worry, I will. I just don't have any yet, and time is getting short!
I think it might be worthwhile to have a "help we're low level" meetup before the main meetup so that a bunch of us can work together and at least get a few maps done. It's kind of tough to find the other people around your own level once the meetups get big. I'm not likely to make it that much further in the game before PAX, and while I can probably beat a few Lv. 1 maps on my own, I won't have any decent maps to share with anyone. I'd be happy to help trade around some easy maps, though!
My problem is that I hit Alltrades Abbey and immediately became obsessive about racking up skill points. I'm sitting on a bunch of skill points and am waffling about how to assign them. I really need to move on.
try to bring a map along (other than the first one you get).
Oh don't worry, I will. I just don't have any yet, and time is getting short!
I think it might be worthwhile to have a "help we're low level" meetup before the main meetup so that a bunch of us can work together and at least get a few maps done.
No worries, pal. I got you covered... I can sprint down to King Metal Heaven in about ten minutes, give or take, and one call to arms later, and I'm taking a trio of low level-tons up to the lofty heights.
Also, I don't think it'll be too hard to get organized into groups, if we just start yelling out stuff like "EVERYONE WHO'S BETEEN 10-20 GO OVER BY THE GUY WITH THE PHOENIX WRIGHT COSTUME!" "EVERYONE FROM 20-30..." Well, you get the idea.
OK, looking at 3pm everyday and conflicts with "main" events.
Friday 3pm: Looks good from here. APPROVAL.
Saturday 3pm: Puts us in the middle of Acquisitions, Inc. Possibly devastating, but I'm in for sacrifices. APPROVAL.
Sunday 3pm: This comes just after the PA Panel #2, and in the best time to grab food before the Omegathon Final at 530 (and the inevitable line dance to occur beforehand). If we kept it at 3pm, I would probably skip out. If we wanted to get together at, oh, say noon, I would be in. And yes, I do realize that's Bill Amend time.
I think that we shouldn't be too sad if we have to miss one of three meetups, but end of the day Sunday is already a time of stress and "what can I see before it all ends," and I'm not sure 3pm is a good time to meet up.
OK, looking at 3pm everyday and conflicts with "main" events.
Friday 3pm: Looks good from here. APPROVAL.
Saturday 3pm: Puts us in the middle of Acquisitions, Inc. Possibly devastating, but I'm in for sacrifices. APPROVAL.
Sunday 3pm: This comes just after the PA Panel #2, and in the best time to grab food before the Omegathon Final at 530 (and the inevitable line dance to occur beforehand). If we kept it at 3pm, I would probably skip out. If we wanted to get together at, oh, say noon, I would be in. And yes, I do realize that's Bill Amend time.
I think that we shouldn't be too sad if we have to miss one of three meetups, but end of the day Sunday is already a time of stress and "what can I see before it all ends," and I'm not sure 3pm is a good time to meet up.
And do remember that it won't be at just the meet-up's. I will probably have my guy out and sharing almost all weekend when not playing, and if you see me on yours you can hollar and I'll probably be up for a multi-player round.
I haven't gotten to the point yet where I can retrain as something else yet, but I'm hoping i'll ginet there soon, my main person is level 14 already so apparently i've been going through stuff kind of slowly.
And do remember that it won't be at just the meet-up's. I will probably have my guy out and sharing almost all weekend when not playing, and if you see me on yours you can hollar and I'll probably be up for a multi-player round.
Absolutely! I'm hoping my sign will be noticeable enough that I can easily be seen while waiting in lines. Lines are like less formal meetups, right? I should be available for trading at the very least all weekend long.
Me, my wife, and a friend are ridiculously excited for the DQIX love-in. We have quite a few maps to share, and will probably be playing all weekend.
We'll definitely be there for the meetups, but if people are interested, it'd be pretty fun to head out to a place like GameWorks or something where we can all enjoy a few drinks while we're destroying/getting destroyed by Grotto Bosses.
Anywho, I may or may not be walking around w/ a shirt that says "Canvassing" on it xD - so if you see me, be sure to say "yo".
I am super excited for this as well! I'm also still kind of a lower level, but it sounds like there are a decent amount of people in this thread who are also in the same 15-20 range that I am, so I am hoping I'll still be able to party up with some of you guys at PAX because seriously NONE of my friends that live near me are playing DQIX. I had a chance to try multiplayer when an out-of-town friend came to visit for a few days and it is seriously freaking addictive like whoa.
I will be constantly canvassing and checking to re-set up my canvassing as much as possible once I hit the max of 3 tags.
One thing that is handy that I discovered from Otakon is that even if you have reached your max of 3 tags, as long as you are still in tag mode it will not preclude you from other people being able to canvass you. So, y'know, in case anyone was wondering about the 3 tag limit, you can at least rest assured that you will be showing up in other people's inns and helping them out.
Another thing from Otakon that other people may or may not like the idea of - in my profile/personal greeting, I added my Twitter username (@ndoto) so if someone ends up tagging me, they can shoot me a message to say hey or get to know me or whatever. It worked out pretty well last time, so I'm looking forward to tagging you guys at PAX! :^:
Another thing from Otakon that other people may or may not like the idea of - in my profile/personal greeting, I added my Twitter username (@ndoto) so if someone ends up tagging me, they can shoot me a message to say hey or get to know me or whatever. It worked out pretty well last time, so I'm looking forward to tagging you guys at PAX! :^:
how did we (read: I) not see this before? Changing my DQIX profile right now!
Another thing from Otakon that other people may or may not like the idea of - in my profile/personal greeting, I added my Twitter username (@ndoto) so if someone ends up tagging me, they can shoot me a message to say hey or get to know me or whatever. It worked out pretty well last time, so I'm looking forward to tagging you guys at PAX! :^:
how did we (read: I) not see this before? Changing my DQIX profile right now!
I'm glad you mentioned it! I saw some people doing this at a Best Buy tag event and I changed my profile when I noticed. I was able to connect with a few new friends through FB and Twitter afterwards. It was cool! Maybe this should be put in the OP?
As you can see from the title change, I've added a list of everyone's (all two people so far), twitter usernames. Changing your ingame profile is a good idea, but wouldn't it be just a teeny bit better to go into PAX with a bunch of tweet-hungry DQIX buddies? Just imagine, you too could be getting tweets like
"Hey guys, waiting in line for the Dickwolf appreciation panel, come by and grind King Metals with me"
"Diablo III is awesome, or at least would be if I could beat Zoma LvL 99, come help me out!"
Post your username here and I'll add it to the list in the OP, when I can. Which is a couple times a day. Hopefully.
Then add everyone else on the list and check back periodically!
I have been following this thread. I have been looking forward to these meetups, and have been working hard to try and get a original map to share.
I plan to tweet it up during PAX @GeekyRyan
I'm tr0tsky0, but I doubt i'll be doing much tweeting down at PAX, especially if I don't get a US Sim Card
Normally, I'd agree with you, but I'm jumping in both feet on this one. Rogers has an international txt package, five bucks gets you 25 texts outgoing (overages charged at same rate, so what, 20 cents a piece?), and unlimited incoming in the states. I'm just setting myself to follow everyone and everything via mobile, and just texting when I want a shout out. Most carriers have some kind of travel special.
I'm tr0tsky0, but I doubt i'll be doing much tweeting down at PAX, especially if I don't get a US Sim Card
Normally, I'd agree with you, but I'm jumping in both feet on this one. Rogers has an international txt package, five bucks gets you 25 texts outgoing (overages charged at same rate, so what, 20 cents a piece?), and unlimited incoming in the states. I'm just setting myself to follow everyone and everything via mobile, and just texting when I want a shout out. Most carriers have some kind of travel special.
Also, keep in mind that they usually have wireless available, although relying solely on that might not be a great idea, as it has been spotty in the past. But if you have a device that can connect via wireless, you can do your twitterererering that way.
we are both post game, I'm grinding all my chars to double 50 classes and she is in 40's doing questing..I have some highmaps I've picked up from events and will more then likely getting more. Really hoping to get to king slimes soon.
Maybe...if you spent good time on it. The first map you can get is around halfway through the storyline, at I'd say about 8-10 hrs in. I think that map always ends in Equinox, and he's not all that hard, mostly because he can't use Disruptive Wave to nuke your buffs and tension. Once you beat it, you can trade it.
Also, there's a decent story here, but I'd say it's more corn than meat.
Violets are blue
Even if there are Pokemon events in the handheld HQ, I don't think our group would be big enough to impose. Besides, if we just used it as a home base just to meet, we could walk to a nearby area so we wouldn't be bothering those events.
I wish I had a map so I could see where everything is laid out.
Can I make a request that people don't trade the Granite Cave of Woe? Once you get it and beat it, you'll receive another treasure map. Try to beat that map and trade it. Even if it's low level, I'd rather have something different.
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
There will be a map shortly showing the entire layout.
And I vote we try to outnumber the Pokemon! Takeover the Lounge. Mass Multiplayer and swapping.
The ONLY suckage is that you have to keep paying attention because you can only get 3 people at a time. with as many people as will be there, that will fill up and cycle multiple times.
So will I still be able to get maps if I haven't managed to beat any of my own?
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
no. I went and got a bunch of maps from people even though my dude was only lvl 12 and didn't have any.
In order to give and/or receive maps, you just need to have unlocked the Inn in Stornway. Personally, I feel like if you're going to be tagging with others to get a map, try to bring a map along (other than the first one you get). It just seems like e-courtesy to me. (Though I do realize that people will be in different stages of the storyline and may not have beaten a map yet.)
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
I got a lot of maps from the people at the best buy and gamestop events that are like way above what my poor characters can take, but I'm trying
I don't think that that's gonna be a problem... If everyone shows up and brings their A-Game, we can all work together to take down everyone's problem maps.
On Friday, someone gave me the Masayuki map, and a couple hours later, I was distributing it. We can all grind on my game (or that other guy that has it ... DJAAAM?) and then work on other people's maps...
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Thats my rough plan. Thats why I'm working out a few more skill points for my main so he's ready to go Multiplayer in some worlds and get some help in mine.
Oh don't worry, I will. I just don't have any yet, and time is getting short!
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
My problem is that I hit Alltrades Abbey and immediately became obsessive about racking up skill points. I'm sitting on a bunch of skill points and am waffling about how to assign them. I really need to move on.
No worries, pal. I got you covered... I can sprint down to King Metal Heaven in about ten minutes, give or take, and one call to arms later, and I'm taking a trio of low level-tons up to the lofty heights.
Also, I don't think it'll be too hard to get organized into groups, if we just start yelling out stuff like "EVERYONE WHO'S BETEEN 10-20 GO OVER BY THE GUY WITH THE PHOENIX WRIGHT COSTUME!" "EVERYONE FROM 20-30..." Well, you get the idea.
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
My guys are about 20 right now (except my "main," who retrained to warrior as soon as she hit Alltrades)
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
Friday 3pm: Looks good from here. APPROVAL.
Saturday 3pm: Puts us in the middle of Acquisitions, Inc. Possibly devastating, but I'm in for sacrifices. APPROVAL.
Sunday 3pm: This comes just after the PA Panel #2, and in the best time to grab food before the Omegathon Final at 530 (and the inevitable line dance to occur beforehand). If we kept it at 3pm, I would probably skip out. If we wanted to get together at, oh, say noon, I would be in. And yes, I do realize that's Bill Amend time.
I think that we shouldn't be too sad if we have to miss one of three meetups, but end of the day Sunday is already a time of stress and "what can I see before it all ends," and I'm not sure 3pm is a good time to meet up.
And do remember that it won't be at just the meet-up's. I will probably have my guy out and sharing almost all weekend when not playing, and if you see me on yours you can hollar and I'll probably be up for a multi-player round.
Absolutely! I'm hoping my sign will be noticeable enough that I can easily be seen while waiting in lines. Lines are like less formal meetups, right? I should be available for trading at the very least all weekend long.
We'll definitely be there for the meetups, but if people are interested, it'd be pretty fun to head out to a place like GameWorks or something where we can all enjoy a few drinks while we're destroying/getting destroyed by Grotto Bosses.
Anywho, I may or may not be walking around w/ a shirt that says "Canvassing" on it xD - so if you see me, be sure to say "yo".
I will be constantly canvassing and checking to re-set up my canvassing as much as possible once I hit the max of 3 tags.
One thing that is handy that I discovered from Otakon is that even if you have reached your max of 3 tags, as long as you are still in tag mode it will not preclude you from other people being able to canvass you. So, y'know, in case anyone was wondering about the 3 tag limit, you can at least rest assured that you will be showing up in other people's inns and helping them out.
Another thing from Otakon that other people may or may not like the idea of - in my profile/personal greeting, I added my Twitter username (@ndoto) so if someone ends up tagging me, they can shoot me a message to say hey or get to know me or whatever. It worked out pretty well last time, so I'm looking forward to tagging you guys at PAX! :^:
how did we (read: I) not see this before? Changing my DQIX profile right now!
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
I'm glad you mentioned it! I saw some people doing this at a Best Buy tag event and I changed my profile when I noticed. I was able to connect with a few new friends through FB and Twitter afterwards. It was cool! Maybe this should be put in the OP?
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
Hahaha! Yessssssss. You should totally do it.
Also, good call w/ the twitter thing ndoto!
"Hey guys, waiting in line for the Dickwolf appreciation panel, come by and grind King Metals with me"
"Diablo III is awesome, or at least would be if I could beat Zoma LvL 99, come help me out!"
Post your username here and I'll add it to the list in the OP, when I can. Which is a couple times a day. Hopefully.
Then add everyone else on the list and check back periodically!
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Edit: I made a Twitter list, which I will do my best to keep updated: http://twitter.com/akjak/dqixers
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
I plan to tweet it up during PAX @GeekyRyan
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Normally, I'd agree with you, but I'm jumping in both feet on this one. Rogers has an international txt package, five bucks gets you 25 texts outgoing (overages charged at same rate, so what, 20 cents a piece?), and unlimited incoming in the states. I'm just setting myself to follow everyone and everything via mobile, and just texting when I want a shout out. Most carriers have some kind of travel special.
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
I haven't really used twitter much myself, but I guess now's a good time to start.
I'm post-game but have no MKS map so I'm still only in my 40/50s.
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
I've made new friends at the Best Buy and Gamestop events, and... well, I have no doubt PAX will be even better.
My twitter feed: @monkeyhole
Also, keep in mind that they usually have wireless available, although relying solely on that might not be a great idea, as it has been spotty in the past. But if you have a device that can connect via wireless, you can do your twitterererering that way.
@solelron and @ccbostick
we are both post game, I'm grinding all my chars to double 50 classes and she is in 40's doing questing..I have some highmaps I've picked up from events and will more then likely getting more. Really hoping to get to king slimes soon.