It will begin Friday March 11th at 12:01AM EST and end Sunday March 13th 11:59PM EST.
Each standard item to hunt will have a point value that will range from 1, 2 or 3. There will be special items to hunt at random times via Twitter and this thread that will be worth 5 points.
If your camera supports timestamps please enable them. If not, please follow Wheaton's Law when submitting pictures. Don't slip in pics from last year or someone else's.
It isn't required that you be in the picture unless the item states it.
Please upload your pics to an online album. Please email or pm the link. If it is password protected please include the password.
Scores will be tallied up the week I get home. Scores may not be post until March 20th.
If you find multiple items on the list that can be taken with one picture then it will count as a combo and you can mark them off your list.
There should be some sort of prizes but I am unsure as to what will be dished out. This is mostly for fun and exploration though. Prize(s) will be mailed out sometime late March or early April.
Don't kill yourself trying to complete everything on this list! Like it is mentioned above; this is for fun and exploration. There's a ton of items to scavenge so that people with all kinds of interests will be able to participate and have a great time.
The List
Take a picture of your badge (1)
Get a picture of you in front of BCEC or within it (1)
Attend a concert (2)
Attend a signing (2)
Attend a panel (2)
Watch a round of the Omegathon (1)
Attend a PA panel (Fri/Sun Q&A or Sat Make-a-Strip) (2)
Get three pictures of you in front of different Exhibitor Booths (3)
Eat in one of the food courts (1)
Get some swag! (1)
Give the Iron Guard salute (1)
Kick it in the Classic Console Lounge or Console Lounge (1)
Play a game in PC Freeplay (1)
Battle someone in the Handheld Lounge (1)
Get a picture of you or someone else at the Dance Central Lounge (2)
Play some arcade games at ACAM (1)
Play Steel Battalion (2)
Snap a picture of Pictochat (1)
Play a game involving dice (2)
Play a game involving cards (2)
Play a pen and paper game (3)
Play a demo (1)
Collect a PAX Trading Card (1)
Collect 5 different PAX Trading Cards (2)
Collect 25 different PAX Trading Cards (3)
Obtain a business card (1)
Obtain a button from a fellow PAXer (3)
Take a picture of a PAX Forum Challenge Coin (3)
Connect your PokeWalker with someone else (1)
Earn a badge from the PAX Pokemon League (2)
Earn 3 badges from the PAX Pokemon League (3)
Take a picture with or of a PAX Pokemon League gym leader or elite 4 or champion (1)
Take a picture with an Enforcer (1)
Take a picture with an Omeganaut (3)
Take a picture of someone wearing an interesting hat (2)
Take a picture of someone you knew online and meeting them IRL (2)
Take a picture of someone with a handheld gaming device from the past (3)
Get a picture of you or someone on a Sumo (1)
Picture of you standing in a line (1)
Eat something from outside the US (3)
Get a cookie from the Cookie Brigade (3)
Take a picture of your PAX Forum Badge (1)
Find Waldo (3)
Someone wearing a mask (1)
Someone from Team Fortress 2 (1)
Someone from the Mario franchise (1)
Someone from the Pokemon franchise (2)
Someone dressed like a ninja (1)
Excluding the other Cosplay objects, take 5 pictures of cosplay (3)
Friday item 12PM - Take a picture of the giant Pikachu (5)
Friday item 4PM - Check here or twitter (5)
Saturday item 12PM -
Saturday item 4PM - Check here or twitter or the fb group (5)
Sunday item 12PM - Check here or twitter or the fb group (5)
Sunday item 4PM - Check here or twitter or the fb group (5)
I'm interested!
I thought of doing something like a scavenger hunt for Prime, but didn't get it together. I still kept a mental list of the things I wanted on the scavenger hunt and checked them off as I did saw them.
I decided I would get it together for East and already have a list started. I was just going to wait a bit longer to post.
I don't know what exactly you had in mind, but this was my idea:
There'd be a list of things to do/find and photos would be required for you to get points for things on the list. Things on the list would include attending events (a concert, an official PA panel), completing tasks (play a demo, participate in a community event), and finding things (a Mario/Final Fantasy/Pokemon cosplayer, run into Gabe/Tycho/Wil Wheaton not at a panel/signing). Some items on the list you would only get credit for once, but others you'd be able to rack up points for doing/finding multiples. For example, finding 5 Mario cosplayers wouldn't get you extra points, but participating in multiple community events (pre-Pax dinner, MMT, barcrawl, assassins) would.
I'll definitely help in any way that I can. This would be awesome for encouraging people to get out to the community events and parts of PAX they might not see on their own.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Alright well sounds like its a go then. punzie, that's pretty much what I had in mind to do so we can work together with Arco.
I was thinking we could list items to hunt in 3 categories based on difficulty we think it is to obtain. Each category has a base point value. Hard = 3, Medium = 2, Easy =1. No duplicates as you said for like items. But let's say we have a cosplay item. We can make a list of things they can get a picture of and the first item is 3 points then each addtl one from the list they find is worth 1 point. Then we can have a special tier worth 5 points that is timed and will happen at random times throughout pax and announced on the twitter page. Maybe do like 2 of those a day each day of PAX.
Also things like the PrePax Dinner would probably be a hard item simply because its gonna cost $30 to get in. Whereas standing in front of BCEC = 1 point cause its free/easy.
I think a nice healthy list of things to do inside pax, around boston and community events would be good. Have a big variety of things for people to do so and find on their own without feeling like they HAVE to do something to participate in the scavenger hunt.
We can collab with the MMT and pokecrawl depending on what locations they pick.
I think it would be cool for people to be able to identify themselves as a hunter but I don't know how we'd do that. I'll get someone to make a badge for the trading card if people wanna add it on there.
We need an effective way to keep track of people's points and a way for them to show us their pictures which will be proof of said points.
I don't know what to do about prizes yet or if we want to do that.
I'll definitely help in any way that I can. This would be awesome for encouraging people to get out to the community events and parts of PAX they might not see on their own.
That was exactly the way I thought of it. By having the mental list, it helped encourage me to play some tabletop (never did any before at PAX), talk to more people, attend new panels, etc. Admittedly, I still didn't do some of the things I pout on my own list (attend a concert), but it was a nice way to make sure I got the most of my PAX and did things I haven't done at previous PAXes (Prime was my 3rd).
Not gonna lie, I kind of took the idea from this thread (which didn't pan out):
Maybe there are some more ideas of things to put on the list in there. And maybe we can get Imperfect's input on this too.
Rdr, I was planning on putting them in categories based on the types of items they were (for example: panels, chance encounters, cosplay. not totally sure on the categories yet) to make them easier to organize/find on the list. I just imagine having this list of 50 items and missing or forgetting something you would have had the chance to complete because you didn't see it on the list. If they were organized by category, that would cut down on that issue.
I hadn't worked out the point system yet. On the cosplayers though, I don't like getting additional points for seeing the same character multiple times. But maybe points for different characters in the same game or series. For example: you only get your 1 point for seeing Mario, no matter how many different Marios you see. But if you then see a Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, or another character form the Mushroom Kingdom, you rack up more points.
I know it'll be a pain to post all the pictures. Ideally it's be nice to find a way to keep it on the forums, but if not, we could maybe make a Facebook group and people could post their albums there?
On prizes: I can put up a prize. I make videogame-themed quilts and pillows and I'd be willing to offer a pillow to the winner. It'd be cool to have a bundle of stuff, so if other people can offer up prizes too that'd be most excellent (also, I want to play too, but winning my own pillow is lame :P).
Ah, I didn't see that Bingo thread. I wasn't able to go to Prime so I kinda tried not to depress myself by coming to the PAX forums much haha.
Categorizing the things to do is a good idea. And ya I meant you see a Mario 3 points and then Luigi 1 point, etc. No duplicate points for the same thing. I think the point system I posted will work out good. We'll do the categories for the items and then next to the specific thing we can put how many points its worth in parenthesis next to it.
A fb group would be good. If people don't have fb or don't want to use it then they can use picasa, flickr, etc to post their finds with captions and then they can email/pm a list of what they found and we can inspect/tally up the winners post-pax.
So rough example. Not saying these are the categories..we'll come up with a bunch of things to do and then categorize them.
Cosplay - First find is worth 3 points and each additional find is worth 1 point.
-Heavy from TF2
-The Witch
-Win a tshirt (2)
-Play Steel Battalion (1)
-Take a pic with an enforcer (1)
-Play a demo (1)
Community Events
-Attend Pre-PAX Dinner (3)
-Sing Karaoke at any community event (3)
-Find Revere's House (1)
We should start thinking of things to find/do. I know we might not get to think of some things cause the schedules for PAX and whatnot have not been posted and all the events aren't up yet.
Prizes sound great and I want that pillow or quilt! I'll throw up a prize or two but I don't know what they'll be.
Categorizing the things to do is a good idea. And ya I meant you see a Mario 3 points and then Luigi 1 point, etc. No duplicate points for the same thing. I think the point system I posted will work out good. We'll do the categories for the items and then next to the specific thing we can put how many points its worth in parenthesis next to it.
A fb group would be good. If people don't have fb or don't want to use it then they can use picasa, flickr, etc to post their finds with captions and then they can email/pm a list of what they found and we can inspect/tally up the winners post-pax.
I was somehow stuck on the thought of having all the pictures posted in one spot. Now that that unnecessary block is gone...
At the end people can just post a list of all the things they checked off the list and post a link to wherever they posted their pictures. The pictures will just have to be appropriately tagged/separated from their general PAX pics. (We shouldn't be expected to look through someones entire Flickr set of 500 PAX pics for the 30 or so that pertain to the scavenger hunt.)
Cosplay - First find is worth 3 points and each additional find is worth 1 point.
-Heavy from TF2
-The Witch
Are you saying only your first cosplay sighting is worth 3 points, no matter what it is and that's the only one worth that many points? I was thinking of breaking it down per game/series. First in each series is worth 3 and each additional within that series is worth 1 point. So it'd be more like this:
-Mushroom Kingdom
-Legend of Zelda
-Team Fortress 2
-The Witch (if she does it again)
-Cardboard Tube Samurai
-identify a cosplay character not listed here
Can we start a list maybe in the OP so that we can see the full ongoing list without having peruse each post?
Some of my ideas for categories and items for the list: (I'm really kind of lost on how much some of these should be worth, so feel free to discuss and adjust as you see fit.)
Official PAX Events
-attend the keynote (3)
-attend a concert (3)
-attend a PA panel (Fri/Sun Q&A or Sat Make-a-Strip) (2)
-go to a signing (1)
-watch a round of the Omegathon (1)
Around the Convention
-compete in a tournament (?)
-play a game with someone you don't know or just met (2)
-play a demo (1)
-play a multiplayer DS game (2)
-wait in a line (1)
-get free swag (other than what's in the swag bag) (1)
-play a game of Magic (if a deck is in the swag bag again) (1)
-give the Iron Guard salute (1)
-play Rock Band on the freeplay stage (2)
-play a Get In Line Game (1)
-nap on a beanbag (1)
-find someone napping on a beanbag (1)
-whatever you call it with the Pokewalker thingies (1)
-roll a d20 (1)
Community Events
-MMT (2)
-pre-PAX dinner (3)
-Fried Food Extravaganza (2)
-Bar Crawl (3)
-PAX Pokemon League (2)
-get a cookie from Cookie Brigade (1)
-distribute for Cookie Brigade (3)
-play Assassins (1)
-get/trade a trading card (?)
-get a button (1)
Chance Encounters - run into one of these people somewhere other than a panel or signing (3)
-Wil Wheaton
-Scott Kurtz
-Kris Straub
-(others depending on musical guests attending)
Some of these are simple. If you go to any of the panels, you'll wait in a line. However, I feel it's a part of the PAX experience, so it deserves a point.
I know cards are traded instead of buttons at East, but the community events still use buttons, so you'd likely have to do one of them to get a button.
For get a picture with an Enforcer, can it be 1 point per Enforcer in a single picture? Although then we may have to say it has to be taken during PAX-proper because you Enforcers could rack up the points by taking it during the after party or something. :P
And, of course, like you said, some things will have to be added later. Once we know what community events are happening, who the musical guests are, and all that stuff, we can add to the scavenger hunt list.
The pictures will just have to be appropriately tagged/separated from their general PAX pics. (We shouldn't be expected to look through someones entire Flickr set of 500 PAX pics for the 30 or so that pertain to the scavenger hunt.)
YES! I definitely won't have the time or willpower to search through tons of pics to try to spot one for the scavenger hunt.
Are you saying only your first cosplay sighting is worth 3 points, no matter what it is and that's the only one worth that many points? I was thinking of breaking it down per game/series. First in each series is worth 3 and each additional within that series is worth 1 point. So it'd be more like this:
-Mushroom Kingdom
-Legend of Zelda
-Team Fortress 2
-The Witch (if she does it again)
-Cardboard Tube Samurai
-identify a cosplay character not listed here
That works even better. Breaking it down and such. That way there's isn't a big list for people to search through to see if they got a point or not.
I don't know if I like the item cap idea. I'm not totally against it, but right now I'm going to say I'm not a fan.
A couple things I forgot to mention in the last post. I don't like the idea of putting specific games on the list. You mentioned Steel Battalion. I've never played that and don't know what it is. I know I'm sort of a hypocrite because I listed Magic, but, I mean, they GIVE it to you (or they did this year). Yeah, I'm still a hypocrite. :oops:
Isn't there some way to make it so multiple people can post to a single Twitter? It'd be cool if we could post hints/updates throughout PAX. Like "Just spotted Khoo in the queue room!" or "OMG Duke Nukem Forever demo playable for first time ever!! 5 points if you play it!" (<-- yeah, that would have been good for Prime). Unless you want to keep the Twitterz all to yourself :P
I don't know if I like the item cap idea. I'm not totally against it, but right now I'm going to say I'm not a fan.
A couple things I forgot to mention in the last post. I don't like the idea of putting specific games on the list. You mentioned Steel Battalion. I've never played that and don't know what it is. I know I'm sort of a hypocrite because I listed Magic, but, I mean, they GIVE it to you (or they did this year). Yeah, I'm still a hypocrite. :oops:
Isn't there some way to make it so multiple people can post to a single Twitter? It'd be cool if we could post hints/updates throughout PAX. Like "Just spotted Khoo in the queue room!" or "OMG Duke Nukem Forever demo playable for first time ever!! 5 points if you play it!" (<-- yeah, that would have been good for Prime). Unless you want to keep the Twitterz all to yourself :P
I don't think we should cap it either but just wanted to get your thoughts on it.
I mentioned Steel Battalion because it is its own event within PAX! This game is something EVERYONE has to experience it and now I will make it a goal to get you to play it at East. Otherwise I agree with not doing specific games.
Yes I'll pm you the password for the Twitter account. You'll just have to log out of your own and login to PAX_Scavengers and post. I think the ones people hunt from the twitter postings should be worth 5 points. We'd only do like 2 a day each day of PAX and they would be time sensitive.
I like that your list in the OP is essentially the list I gave you copied and pasted including "whatever you call it with the Pokewalker thingies".
I thought I read somewhere that there was some app that let multiple people post to 1 twitter account without them all having to know the password. If I knew where I read it, I'd look it up. But I'm pretty sure it was somewhere on the PAX forums. I guess a Goggle search would probably help me...
Now that you mention that, I did see the Steel Battalion thread, but I dismissed it because I didn't know what it was and I had a bunch of other things I was already doing.
Don't forget to add your pic with an Enforcer to the list (Around the Convention). Steel Battalion would go under Community I think. And so could participating in the PAX prank (3?) and witnessing the PAX prank (1?2?).
For Around the Convention: find a PSP.
Also, Arco sprinkles: delicious? painful for Arco?
Oh and after "get/trade a trading card", the next one should be "get a BUTTON".
And I say yes to us doing buttons! Maybe we can make it part of the hunt. People would have to find one of us and get their button. YES! I like my idea
OH! And "find Waldo" should go under either cosplay or around the con. (I guess it would logically go under cosplay, but for some reason I like it under around the convention center.)
Ya I'm busy at work and just threw your list in there. I'm gonna spruce it up and make it all purdy when its slow or when I'm home this afternoon. Wish work wouldn't interfere with me and my internets!
The twitter thing would be cool. Either way you have the password so that works.
Here's the fb group if anyone wants to join. This'll mainly be for posting pictures in albums under a centralized location but it isn't required at all!
ok, I'm being wet blanket here... are Scott Kurtz and Wil Wheaton coming BACK for 2011? has this been confirmed? if not, might want to squash that here and now, and just leave it as "guests of honor to be named later"
Sinkuu on
they made me a signature, but I eated it. and I have an 18 inch laptop. :P
ok, I'm being wet blanket here... are Scott Kurtz and Wil Wheaton coming BACK for 2011? has this been confirmed? if not, might want to squash that here and now, and just leave it as "guests of honor to be named later"
Well, its not a concrete or complete list. More of just a gathering of suggested things to go after that will be constantly getting tweaked.
Kurtz is kind of a part of the PA family now, so I doubt he wouldn't be there. But, yeah, like Rdr said, it's an unofficial list right now.
Should Moe be a person to find?
And in the cosplay category: be a cosplayer. Although if you're one of the characters already on the list, you wouldn't get points for "finding" yourself (unless maybe you are The One And Only PAXE Witch).
Get a 3-day badge could also go on the list, though I'm not sure what category.
punzie on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
This looks awesome so far guys! One thing punzie mentioned was to find Waldo, but remember, last year he didn't make it, should probably get confirmation that he'll be there before adding him to the list!
Also, there should totally be something about Big Red in there, it's kind of hard to miss the guy!
This looks awesome so far guys! One thing punzie mentioned was to find Waldo, but remember, last year he didn't make it, should probably get confirmation that he'll be there before adding him to the list!
Also, there should totally be something about Big Red in there, it's kind of hard to miss the guy!
I saw pics of at least 3 different Waldos at Prime, so even if Qs doesn't make it, you may still be able to find one.
I thought about including Big Red as a person to find, but it's kind of easy to find him in front of BYOC. I guess it could be required that you find him elsewhere.
Moe, the more elusive, the better!
Another item for Community: meet someone you formerly only knew online.
Does anyone want to throw out ideas for buttons? Does everyone like the idea of buttons?
I was thinking it could look like a picture from an Eye Spy book. But have things that are on the list to find/do: a DS, d20, beanbag, Pikachu, Pokewalker, Rock Band guitar, etc.
So I had a post typed up but accidentally closed out the tab.
I updated the list. If you have suggestions or additions please leave a reply. Note that we'll be making changes to the list very frequently up until PAX.
I decided to consolidate cosplay and make each one worth (1) cause there's a ton! However we can do cool things for specific cosplays and make them worth more. I made a few suggestions.
I've kinda grouped together a few items the main one will have a green dash and then underneath with two --'s will be its subitem.
I'll work with punzie on rules and such later on .
As for the buttons...I think if we can make some up that are about half the size of the Intel Prize buttons and ask scavengers to wear them to identify themselves that'd be cool. But PAXE is really about the trading cards and I'll have some of those made up this year and be handing them out.
Qs23 hasn't confirmed if he's going or not but he's been joining my fb groups and twitters for East-only events. So it is plausible we'll see him there. I didn't see a Waldo last year at East and I'm kind of glad because Qs23 is the true Waldo in my eyes.
Rdr on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited October 2010
Qs23 definitely has the best put together Waldo costume I've seen.
As for the buttons...I think if we can make some up that are about half the size of the Intel Prize buttons and ask scavengers to wear them to identify themselves that'd be cool. But PAXE is really about the trading cards and I'll have some of those made up this year and be handing them out.
I know East has trading cards instead of button trading, but I believe the MMT, PPL, and other community events still distribute buttons to their attendees. I didn't do community events at East, so I don't know for sure, but that's the impression I get from others threads here. Am I wrong?
First, please add me to the list of people that would love to participate! Though I doubt I'll win (I'll be too busy distributing for the Cookie Brigade...though at least I'll get credit for that!)
Second, the question of whether Scott Kurtz and/or Wil Wheaton would be attending PAX East 2011 was raised back on page 1. While I have no idea about Scott, though I'd agree that he's part of the PA family now, so I can't picture him not going, I have a minor clue that Wil will be there. Wil was one of the people that signed my wheelchair at the first PAX East, and when I mentioned that I'd be looking for repeat autographs on my new prosthetics, he was very excited about it, and said he couldn't wait...which would seem to indicate that he plans on being there. (at least, at the moment)
Unless you're going to spend your entire weekend scoring the scavenger hunt in addition to your Enforcer duties, having "first to blank" tasks are pointless.
Proving attendance at panels is troublesome if the panel does not have an easily identifiable object, such as the screen with the comic being drawn at the Make a Strip.
Asking participants to follow around staff of Penny Arcade or other famous people is a no-no.
Linked my original OP so you can get some ideas. Godspeed, good sir. You've also inspired me to start concocting a list for Prime 11.
First, please add me to the list of people that would love to participate! Though I doubt I'll win (I'll be too busy distributing for the Cookie Brigade...though at least I'll get credit for that!)
Second, the question of whether Scott Kurtz and/or Wil Wheaton would be attending PAX East 2011 was raised back on page 1. While I have no idea about Scott, though I'd agree that he's part of the PA family now, so I can't picture him not going, I have a minor clue that Wil will be there. Wil was one of the people that signed my wheelchair at the first PAX East, and when I mentioned that I'd be looking for repeat autographs on my new prosthetics, he was very excited about it, and said he couldn't wait...which would seem to indicate that he plans on being there. (at least, at the moment)
I saw you once at PAX East 2010 but you had a mob of people around you haha so I didn't say hi. I'll definitely find you and say hi this year. Awesome about the prosthetics! I hope Wil will be there next year to sign them. I think Wil and Kurtz will both be there.
Unless you're going to spend your entire weekend scoring the scavenger hunt in addition to your Enforcer duties, having "first to blank" tasks are pointless.
Proving attendance at panels is troublesome if the panel does not have an easily identifiable object, such as the screen with the comic being drawn at the Make a Strip.
Asking participants to follow around staff of Penny Arcade or other famous people is a no-no.
Linked my original OP so you can get some ideas. Godspeed, good sir. You've also inspired me to start concocting a list for Prime 11.
Thanks for linking your thread. I'll be looking through it and using it for reference and ideas.
I'll be enforcing but I won't be enforcing all weekend. I'm not worried if I win or not. I hope people see the list and they just have fun with it. I don't think anything we put on there is going to be super difficult and hopefully it'll get people to try new things and meet new people.
As for the people stalking PA/Famous people...I can only hope that people show respect and don't bother people unless they're casual walking around and not at a signing or performing in some way. I'd say that you don't necessarily have to bother the person. Maybe just get a picture of you and them in the same frame. They could be 20ft away talking to someone. I'll have to add some rules with it. Still gotta go over rules with punzie and Arco.
I am worried about people showing proof as certain events. I am hoping people can maybe turn on timestamping on their phones/cameras but we'll see how we want to do that. I am more in favor of people have fun with this. If they take a pic of a panel and its not their pic I hope they realize there's gonna be a ton of other things they can do that lying/cheating is pointless.
I look forward to being a participant in your scavenger hunt at Prime next year!
Personally, I'm not worried about winning. The Scavenger Hunt, for me, will be motivation to get out there and do/see things that I might not otherwise do or see! So, regardless of my score, I win!
Also, looking forward to saying hi, Rdr! We had nothing but a fantastic experience with the Enforcers last year, and I can't wait to see them (and everybody else) again!
Personally, I'm not worried about winning. The Scavenger Hunt, for me, will be motivation to get out there and do/see things that I might not otherwise do or see! So, regardless of my score, I win!
Exactly. I want people seeing this as a motivation to experience everything PAX and the community has to offer rather than a competition. However, someone will score the most points and it'd be cool to reward those people.
Rdr on
EvilBadmanDO NOT TRUST THIS MANRegistered Userregular
First, please add me to the list of people that would love to participate! Though I doubt I'll win (I'll be too busy distributing for the Cookie Brigade...though at least I'll get credit for that!)
Second, the question of whether Scott Kurtz and/or Wil Wheaton would be attending PAX East 2011 was raised back on page 1. While I have no idea about Scott, though I'd agree that he's part of the PA family now, so I can't picture him not going, I have a minor clue that Wil will be there. Wil was one of the people that signed my wheelchair at the first PAX East, and when I mentioned that I'd be looking for repeat autographs on my new prosthetics, he was very excited about it, and said he couldn't wait...which would seem to indicate that he plans on being there. (at least, at the moment)
I saw you once at PAX East 2010 but you had a mob of people around you haha so I didn't say hi. I'll definitely find you and say hi this year. Awesome about the prosthetics! I hope Wil will be there next year to sign them. I think Wil and Kurtz will both be there.
Unless you're going to spend your entire weekend scoring the scavenger hunt in addition to your Enforcer duties, having "first to blank" tasks are pointless.
Proving attendance at panels is troublesome if the panel does not have an easily identifiable object, such as the screen with the comic being drawn at the Make a Strip.
Asking participants to follow around staff of Penny Arcade or other famous people is a no-no.
Linked my original OP so you can get some ideas. Godspeed, good sir. You've also inspired me to start concocting a list for Prime 11.
Thanks for linking your thread. I'll be looking through it and using it for reference and ideas.
I'll be enforcing but I won't be enforcing all weekend. I'm not worried if I win or not. I hope people see the list and they just have fun with it. I don't think anything we put on there is going to be super difficult and hopefully it'll get people to try new things and meet new people.
As for the people stalking PA/Famous people...I can only hope that people show respect and don't bother people unless they're casual walking around and not at a signing or performing in some way. I'd say that you don't necessarily have to bother the person. Maybe just get a picture of you and them in the same frame. They could be 20ft away talking to someone. I'll have to add some rules with it. Still gotta go over rules with punzie and Arco.
I am worried about people showing proof as certain events. I am hoping people can maybe turn on timestamping on their phones/cameras but we'll see how we want to do that. I am more in favor of people have fun with this. If they take a pic of a panel and its not their pic I hope they realize there's gonna be a ton of other things they can do that lying/cheating is pointless.
I look forward to being a participant in your scavenger hunt at Prime next year!
Khoo pretty much sought me out to tell me to take G/T/Himself off the list, is the only reason I mention that.
Last time I got a bit caught up with this whole Omegathon "thing".. I didn't even take the opportunity to get some candid shots. That is totally changing next year (since I'm competing again!)
I thought of doing something like a scavenger hunt for Prime, but didn't get it together. I still kept a mental list of the things I wanted on the scavenger hunt and checked them off as I did saw them.
I decided I would get it together for East and already have a list started. I was just going to wait a bit longer to post.
I don't know what exactly you had in mind, but this was my idea:
There'd be a list of things to do/find and photos would be required for you to get points for things on the list. Things on the list would include attending events (a concert, an official PA panel), completing tasks (play a demo, participate in a community event), and finding things (a Mario/Final Fantasy/Pokemon cosplayer, run into Gabe/Tycho/Wil Wheaton not at a panel/signing). Some items on the list you would only get credit for once, but others you'd be able to rack up points for doing/finding multiples. For example, finding 5 Mario cosplayers wouldn't get you extra points, but participating in multiple community events (pre-Pax dinner, MMT, barcrawl, assassins) would.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I was thinking we could list items to hunt in 3 categories based on difficulty we think it is to obtain. Each category has a base point value. Hard = 3, Medium = 2, Easy =1. No duplicates as you said for like items. But let's say we have a cosplay item. We can make a list of things they can get a picture of and the first item is 3 points then each addtl one from the list they find is worth 1 point. Then we can have a special tier worth 5 points that is timed and will happen at random times throughout pax and announced on the twitter page. Maybe do like 2 of those a day each day of PAX.
Also things like the PrePax Dinner would probably be a hard item simply because its gonna cost $30 to get in. Whereas standing in front of BCEC = 1 point cause its free/easy.
I think a nice healthy list of things to do inside pax, around boston and community events would be good. Have a big variety of things for people to do so and find on their own without feeling like they HAVE to do something to participate in the scavenger hunt.
We can collab with the MMT and pokecrawl depending on what locations they pick.
I think it would be cool for people to be able to identify themselves as a hunter but I don't know how we'd do that. I'll get someone to make a badge for the trading card if people wanna add it on there.
We need an effective way to keep track of people's points and a way for them to show us their pictures which will be proof of said points.
I don't know what to do about prizes yet or if we want to do that.
That was exactly the way I thought of it. By having the mental list, it helped encourage me to play some tabletop (never did any before at PAX), talk to more people, attend new panels, etc. Admittedly, I still didn't do some of the things I pout on my own list (attend a concert), but it was a nice way to make sure I got the most of my PAX and did things I haven't done at previous PAXes (Prime was my 3rd).
Not gonna lie, I kind of took the idea from this thread (which didn't pan out):
Maybe there are some more ideas of things to put on the list in there. And maybe we can get Imperfect's input on this too.
Rdr, I was planning on putting them in categories based on the types of items they were (for example: panels, chance encounters, cosplay. not totally sure on the categories yet) to make them easier to organize/find on the list. I just imagine having this list of 50 items and missing or forgetting something you would have had the chance to complete because you didn't see it on the list. If they were organized by category, that would cut down on that issue.
I hadn't worked out the point system yet. On the cosplayers though, I don't like getting additional points for seeing the same character multiple times. But maybe points for different characters in the same game or series. For example: you only get your 1 point for seeing Mario, no matter how many different Marios you see. But if you then see a Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, or another character form the Mushroom Kingdom, you rack up more points.
I know it'll be a pain to post all the pictures. Ideally it's be nice to find a way to keep it on the forums, but if not, we could maybe make a Facebook group and people could post their albums there?
On prizes: I can put up a prize. I make videogame-themed quilts and pillows and I'd be willing to offer a pillow to the winner. It'd be cool to have a bundle of stuff, so if other people can offer up prizes too that'd be most excellent (also, I want to play too, but winning my own pillow is lame :P).
Categorizing the things to do is a good idea. And ya I meant you see a Mario 3 points and then Luigi 1 point, etc. No duplicate points for the same thing. I think the point system I posted will work out good. We'll do the categories for the items and then next to the specific thing we can put how many points its worth in parenthesis next to it.
A fb group would be good. If people don't have fb or don't want to use it then they can use picasa, flickr, etc to post their finds with captions and then they can email/pm a list of what they found and we can inspect/tally up the winners post-pax.
So rough example. Not saying these are the categories..we'll come up with a bunch of things to do and then categorize them.
Cosplay - First find is worth 3 points and each additional find is worth 1 point.
-Heavy from TF2
-The Witch
-Win a tshirt (2)
-Play Steel Battalion (1)
-Take a pic with an enforcer (1)
-Play a demo (1)
Community Events
-Attend Pre-PAX Dinner (3)
-Sing Karaoke at any community event (3)
-Find Revere's House (1)
We should start thinking of things to find/do. I know we might not get to think of some things cause the schedules for PAX and whatnot have not been posted and all the events aren't up yet.
Prizes sound great and I want that pillow or quilt! I'll throw up a prize or two but I don't know what they'll be.
I like this.
I was somehow stuck on the thought of having all the pictures posted in one spot. Now that that unnecessary block is gone...
At the end people can just post a list of all the things they checked off the list and post a link to wherever they posted their pictures. The pictures will just have to be appropriately tagged/separated from their general PAX pics. (We shouldn't be expected to look through someones entire Flickr set of 500 PAX pics for the 30 or so that pertain to the scavenger hunt.)
Are you saying only your first cosplay sighting is worth 3 points, no matter what it is and that's the only one worth that many points? I was thinking of breaking it down per game/series. First in each series is worth 3 and each additional within that series is worth 1 point. So it'd be more like this:
-Mushroom Kingdom
-Legend of Zelda
-Team Fortress 2
-The Witch (if she does it again)
-Cardboard Tube Samurai
-identify a cosplay character not listed here
Can we start a list maybe in the OP so that we can see the full ongoing list without having peruse each post?
Some of my ideas for categories and items for the list: (I'm really kind of lost on how much some of these should be worth, so feel free to discuss and adjust as you see fit.)
Official PAX Events
-attend the keynote (3)
-attend a concert (3)
-attend a PA panel (Fri/Sun Q&A or Sat Make-a-Strip) (2)
-go to a signing (1)
-watch a round of the Omegathon (1)
Around the Convention
-compete in a tournament (?)
-play a game with someone you don't know or just met (2)
-play a demo (1)
-play a multiplayer DS game (2)
-wait in a line (1)
-get free swag (other than what's in the swag bag) (1)
-play a game of Magic (if a deck is in the swag bag again) (1)
-give the Iron Guard salute (1)
-play Rock Band on the freeplay stage (2)
-play a Get In Line Game (1)
-nap on a beanbag (1)
-find someone napping on a beanbag (1)
-whatever you call it with the Pokewalker thingies (1)
-roll a d20 (1)
Community Events
-MMT (2)
-pre-PAX dinner (3)
-Fried Food Extravaganza (2)
-Bar Crawl (3)
-PAX Pokemon League (2)
-get a cookie from Cookie Brigade (1)
-distribute for Cookie Brigade (3)
-play Assassins (1)
-get/trade a trading card (?)
-get a button (1)
Chance Encounters - run into one of these people somewhere other than a panel or signing (3)
-Wil Wheaton
-Scott Kurtz
-Kris Straub
-(others depending on musical guests attending)
Some of these are simple. If you go to any of the panels, you'll wait in a line. However, I feel it's a part of the PAX experience, so it deserves a point.
I know cards are traded instead of buttons at East, but the community events still use buttons, so you'd likely have to do one of them to get a button.
For get a picture with an Enforcer, can it be 1 point per Enforcer in a single picture? Although then we may have to say it has to be taken during PAX-proper because you Enforcers could rack up the points by taking it during the after party or something. :P
And, of course, like you said, some things will have to be added later. Once we know what community events are happening, who the musical guests are, and all that stuff, we can add to the scavenger hunt list.
YES! I definitely won't have the time or willpower to search through tons of pics to try to spot one for the scavenger hunt.
That works even better. Breaking it down and such. That way there's isn't a big list for people to search through to see if they got a point or not.
Should be up soon. Do you think we should make a cap if things to hunt per category and to hunt overall?
A couple things I forgot to mention in the last post. I don't like the idea of putting specific games on the list. You mentioned Steel Battalion. I've never played that and don't know what it is. I know I'm sort of a hypocrite because I listed Magic, but, I mean, they GIVE it to you (or they did this year). Yeah, I'm still a hypocrite. :oops:
Isn't there some way to make it so multiple people can post to a single Twitter? It'd be cool if we could post hints/updates throughout PAX. Like "Just spotted Khoo in the queue room!" or "OMG Duke Nukem Forever demo playable for first time ever!! 5 points if you play it!" (<-- yeah, that would have been good for Prime). Unless you want to keep the Twitterz all to yourself :P
I don't think we should cap it either but just wanted to get your thoughts on it.
I mentioned Steel Battalion because it is its own event within PAX! This game is something EVERYONE has to experience it and now I will make it a goal to get you to play it at East. Otherwise I agree with not doing specific games.
Yes I'll pm you the password for the Twitter account. You'll just have to log out of your own and login to PAX_Scavengers and post. I think the ones people hunt from the twitter postings should be worth 5 points. We'd only do like 2 a day each day of PAX and they would be time sensitive.
I thought I read somewhere that there was some app that let multiple people post to 1 twitter account without them all having to know the password. If I knew where I read it, I'd look it up. But I'm pretty sure it was somewhere on the PAX forums. I guess a Goggle search would probably help me...
Now that you mention that, I did see the Steel Battalion thread, but I dismissed it because I didn't know what it was and I had a bunch of other things I was already doing.
Don't forget to add your pic with an Enforcer to the list (Around the Convention). Steel Battalion would go under Community I think. And so could participating in the PAX prank (3?) and witnessing the PAX prank (1?2?).
For Around the Convention: find a PSP.
Also, Arco sprinkles: delicious? painful for Arco?
And I say yes to us doing buttons! Maybe we can make it part of the hunt. People would have to find one of us and get their button. YES! I like my idea
OH! And "find Waldo" should go under either cosplay or around the con. (I guess it would logically go under cosplay, but for some reason I like it under around the convention center.)
Uh-oh, you've got my mind going...
The twitter thing would be cool. Either way you have the password so that works.
Delicious, yes. Painful, yes but the good kind.!/group.php?gid=153982927975112
Well, its not a concrete or complete list. More of just a gathering of suggested things to go after that will be constantly getting tweaked.
Should Moe be a person to find?
And in the cosplay category: be a cosplayer. Although if you're one of the characters already on the list, you wouldn't get points for "finding" yourself (unless maybe you are The One And Only PAXE Witch).
Get a 3-day badge could also go on the list, though I'm not sure what category.
Ya you are! I tried to find you last year. It is one of my main goals to purchase you a beer or beverage of your choice in 2011 though.
Also, there should totally be something about Big Red in there, it's kind of hard to miss the guy!
I saw pics of at least 3 different Waldos at Prime, so even if Qs doesn't make it, you may still be able to find one.
I thought about including Big Red as a person to find, but it's kind of easy to find him in front of BYOC. I guess it could be required that you find him elsewhere.
Moe, the more elusive, the better!
Another item for Community: meet someone you formerly only knew online.
Does anyone want to throw out ideas for buttons? Does everyone like the idea of buttons?
I was thinking it could look like a picture from an Eye Spy book. But have things that are on the list to find/do: a DS, d20, beanbag, Pikachu, Pokewalker, Rock Band guitar, etc.
I updated the list. If you have suggestions or additions please leave a reply. Note that we'll be making changes to the list very frequently up until PAX.
I decided to consolidate cosplay and make each one worth (1) cause there's a ton! However we can do cool things for specific cosplays and make them worth more. I made a few suggestions.
I've kinda grouped together a few items the main one will have a green dash and then underneath with two --'s will be its subitem.
I'll work with punzie on rules and such later on .
As for the buttons...I think if we can make some up that are about half the size of the Intel Prize buttons and ask scavengers to wear them to identify themselves that'd be cool. But PAXE is really about the trading cards and I'll have some of those made up this year and be handing them out.
Qs23 hasn't confirmed if he's going or not but he's been joining my fb groups and twitters for East-only events. So it is plausible we'll see him there. I didn't see a Waldo last year at East and I'm kind of glad because Qs23 is the true Waldo in my eyes.
This should be in the OP because I was uber confused about that while reading the new list.
I know East has trading cards instead of button trading, but I believe the MMT, PPL, and other community events still distribute buttons to their attendees. I didn't do community events at East, so I don't know for sure, but that's the impression I get from others threads here. Am I wrong?
I'll rework the subitems and make it more clear.
Reverted cosplay.
Agreed. He definitely is THE Waldo cosplayer. Just mentioning there were some copycats at Prime.
Around Boston:
ride the T
Second, the question of whether Scott Kurtz and/or Wil Wheaton would be attending PAX East 2011 was raised back on page 1. While I have no idea about Scott, though I'd agree that he's part of the PA family now, so I can't picture him not going, I have a minor clue that Wil will be there. Wil was one of the people that signed my wheelchair at the first PAX East, and when I mentioned that I'd be looking for repeat autographs on my new prosthetics, he was very excited about it, and said he couldn't wait...which would seem to indicate that he plans on being there. (at least, at the moment)
The only time I saw you was backstage. XD
Perhaps as an East thing should be "Participate in a spontaneous singalong?" :P
Unless you're going to spend your entire weekend scoring the scavenger hunt in addition to your Enforcer duties, having "first to blank" tasks are pointless.
Proving attendance at panels is troublesome if the panel does not have an easily identifiable object, such as the screen with the comic being drawn at the Make a Strip.
Asking participants to follow around staff of Penny Arcade or other famous people is a no-no.
Linked my original OP so you can get some ideas. Godspeed, good sir. You've also inspired me to start concocting a list for Prime 11.
I saw you once at PAX East 2010 but you had a mob of people around you haha so I didn't say hi. I'll definitely find you and say hi this year. Awesome about the prosthetics! I hope Wil will be there next year to sign them. I think Wil and Kurtz will both be there.
Thanks for linking your thread. I'll be looking through it and using it for reference and ideas.
I'll be enforcing but I won't be enforcing all weekend. I'm not worried if I win or not. I hope people see the list and they just have fun with it. I don't think anything we put on there is going to be super difficult and hopefully it'll get people to try new things and meet new people.
As for the people stalking PA/Famous people...I can only hope that people show respect and don't bother people unless they're casual walking around and not at a signing or performing in some way. I'd say that you don't necessarily have to bother the person. Maybe just get a picture of you and them in the same frame. They could be 20ft away talking to someone. I'll have to add some rules with it. Still gotta go over rules with punzie and Arco.
I am worried about people showing proof as certain events. I am hoping people can maybe turn on timestamping on their phones/cameras but we'll see how we want to do that. I am more in favor of people have fun with this. If they take a pic of a panel and its not their pic I hope they realize there's gonna be a ton of other things they can do that lying/cheating is pointless.
I look forward to being a participant in your scavenger hunt at Prime next year!
Also, looking forward to saying hi, Rdr! We had nothing but a fantastic experience with the Enforcers last year, and I can't wait to see them (and everybody else) again!
Exactly. I want people seeing this as a motivation to experience everything PAX and the community has to offer rather than a competition. However, someone will score the most points and it'd be cool to reward those people.
Khoo pretty much sought me out to tell me to take G/T/Himself off the list, is the only reason I mention that.
Ya that's what happened to me last year. I got home and had people asking me to share my experience with Boston and PAX and had no pictures haha.