I know we shouldn't be sharing who is on our ignore list, but apparently Raneados is. Every post by him is not shown because it says he's on my ignore list.
So I click edit ignore list and come to find out what I already knew to be true. It's empty. So I didn't accidentally add him like I thought.
So apparently something is wrong somewhere. I don't come across his posts often, so I don't know when this happened exactly. I just now noticed it and it's kind of annoying to have to click "view post" when I want to view his post.
I believe hitting some number of posts (100,000?) automatically puts you on everyones ignore list.
Better make 'em all gems, folks. Or at least keep the "lol" posts to a minimum.
Edit: or Tube could beat me like a red headed stepchild.
I would've thought there'd be more on the list. Or I would at least come accross it more often. But then again, it's taken me 2 1/2 years to get 14000 posts.
It's also kinda funny that people still go unaware of this 100k auto-ignore thing.
I'm also reasonably sure that the people who hit 100,000 posts were all SE++ denizens, and I barely pay attention to that board unless I'm linked to a thread from the Awesome Posts forum.
Edit - Well, not that TFS has the opportunity to do anything anymore.
Pff, I've had this account since 2003 and I haven't even cracked 40k.
You'd have to do a whole lot of frivolous posting over a very long time to hit 100,000.
And yeah, 100,000 is crap load. I've been registered since 2003 too and haven't even hit 3k yet.
Have you considered using the inverse of that as punishment? Particularly bad posters can be put on global ignore until they reach 100,000 posts, resulting in their freedom?
But if people are generally annoying they're ignored by people anyway.
I've been hear since 2003 and only managed 35k. Someone on here one notified me that I'm in the top 100 for post count.. even though if I project out the numbers (writes on notepad) I will hit 100,000 in 2022.
So if you're posting about 20 years worth of posts in less than half that, probably should look into IRC.
funfax: At 100,000 posts, you've had to wait at least 70 full days of time for the post cooldown to expire before you can post again.
Time between posts is 30 seconds, not 1 minute. So it is actually only 34 days. But still, that was an interesting thought that I never considered - that someone who has posted 100,000 times has spent 833 hours of idle time just waiting for the opportunity to post again.
Yeah but over 7 years there's 61320 hours (not including the leap year) so that number kinda dulls out.
Truly the gold standard in e-torture.
Make it a theme and then serve that theme to their IP
I did the math for my own posts here and at the current Posts Per Day rate it'd take me over 8 years to get to 100,000. Even though I post quite a bit. Putting it all in perspective like that makes me appreciate the reasoning behind the global ignore when you hit 100k a lot more.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
"Just", says the wizard. It's an extra inconvenience, after all – and that does seem to be the point. Come to think of it, you could also not serve people in superjail avatars and signatures.
Geez. You really are an EvilBadman.
Geeze, 37.6 more years for me.
You are the worst.
I thought it in my head, but I would never actually say it.
You must have me confused with my cousin, Madame Handjobsundjetski. She's Polish.
I'm intrigued AND scared.
Ah the future, 2037 is about when I'll hit mine.
Great minds think alike. I just have the balls to say it.
I'm pretty sure I'll never hit 100,000 posts. Too busy hustlin'.
Ask Rane.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Those statistics are probably off a bit because I made an account, posted three times then lurked for a number of months and then posted again, but still.