Little Big Planet 2?
So there’s this crazy new game called LittleBigPlanet 2, you may have heard of it. It’s the sequel to this awesomely innovative platform game where you can make your own levels. LBP2 has expanded on this and now you can make...well...anything. LBP is a physics, puzzle, platformer. LBP2 is a platform for games. Everything from platform levels, racing games to overhead shooters. Someone even made an FPS.
They've even linked in an awesome website over at You can check out what's going on with the community, see what levels are hot and add levels to your 'queue'. When you get to your PS3 they'll be waiting for you to play. Awesome eh? Just don't be put off by all the LittleBig Assassin Creeds, LittleBig Metal Gears and recreations of GreenHill Zone and Super Mario Bros 1-1, there's actually some amazingly original content out there.
Need some people to play with? Well here's a handy list of PSN names for you to add:
(PSN Name, followed by PA Forum Name)
SirGrinchx - Mr_Grinch
Italax - Italax
anoffday - anoffday
h4prlite - Crotchless Gorilla Suit
LutExIV - LutExIV
unintentional - unintentional
NickleDL - Nickle
Carb0nfire - Carbonfire
sojakfa - Shorn Scrotum Man
NailbunnyPD - NailbunnyPD
Captaindino - hatedinamerica
Toma84 - Toma
OrangeTroz - Braintrust
YamiNoSenshi - YamiNoSenshi
Metahybrid - Metahybrid
And how about some awesome levels to play? Have a gander at some PA Forum member creations!:
SirGrinchx - - Factory of Doom (PA Retro Comp) - LBP1
h4prlite - - Temple of Wonder - LBP1
LutExIV - - Sackboy's Castle Adventure pt 1 - LBP2
bsjezz - - Flying Monkey Examination Squadron GO! - LBP2
T3hJake -
Braintrust -
Braintrust - - Blue Unicorn Demo
Donkey Show - - The Fist of Craft Earth
Handy stuff by Darkravine -
Want adding to either list? Just send me a pm.
To help add to the above list we're going to have some level building 'competitions'.
Competition Time!
I'm open for suggestions for future challenges and changes to the 'rules'. However to kick things off, how about this as a start:
- 2 Week dev time. Is this long enough being the game's just come out?
- For each competition we’ll have a theme, picked by the winner of the previous competition.
- Themes should generally be loose and not a ‘game-type’. For instance ‘over-head shooter’ isn’t a theme. If we keep to this rule it means hopefully we’ll have a nice varied spread each time and people who have no interest in a certain game-type won’t feel excluded, and people that like to experiment should have lots of scope too.
- One level per challenge. No 100 level linked epics. If you want to expand on your idea then that’s great, but you’ll be judged on the level you submit.
- Open development talk should be encouraged, if you’re stuck trying to get something on your level to work then ask!
- Don’t worry if you don’t think your level is up to much, submit it anyway, that’s the only way you’ll improve!
- When you've finished your level and you're ready to 'submit' it for play, just post a link in here to your page and I'll add it to a section in the op.
- Voting can be done by anyone reading here, not just those competing. When we're getting to the voting stage I'll also post a link in the general LittleBigPlanet thread to get opinions from there too.
- The person with the most votes is the winner! Huzzah!
This week’s theme: Fairground/Theme Parks.
I've picked this because:
A) My honeymoon in June was to Florida and I’m still on a theme park high.
There should be lots of potential to try out the new tools. Lots of mechanical bits and pieces, opportunities to use sack bots, vehicles, funky camera angles and all sorts.
C) It should offer up lots of variety. How about an overhead ‘Zombieland’ style shooter? A whack-a-mole mini game? A rollercoaster race? Spooky haunted house style platforming? Multiplayer Bumper car game?
And because I've picked the theme without taking a vote I'll offer up a prize IF we get more than five people competing.
Prize will be of little value, you'll probably hate it and it may or may not be poisonous.
Further note:
If people take absolute exception to the theme and want a change, then I'm happy to do that. If two weeks isn't long enough or is too long then we'll change that too. In fact if anything above doesn't satisfy then just speak up and we can change it round.
Submissions! - Circus Minimus Maximus by Braintrust
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
Count me in.
PSN: h4prlite
Same with me. I joined in a couple of the LBP1 competitions (or attempted to) but they were run on the tail end of the game's popularity. I'm hoping getting in close to release date will guarantee us a few people entering
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
OP, I would add one little cravat, the previous weeks winner should pick the next theme... Unless you guys are fond of this democracy thing.
Steam/PSN/XBox Live:LutExIV
I'll probably jump into the contests a little later though!
PSN: unintentional
Thanks Mr_Grinch, I was meaning to start a new thread over the weekend, but then I got caught up in building stuff :P
Somehow this game has awakened some creative spark in me that I haven't had in a while. I guess that's sort of the point, but it's still surprising to me. I figured I'd have a couple things I wanted to try out, but generally I've never really delved deep into level creation tools for any game so I wasn't sure.
Also, would it be worth it to pick up lbp1 and go through the story mode to unlock stuff? Are there a lot of materials/objects that aren't available in lbp2?
e: As a side note, I just recently got the PS3, so I don't have too many psn friends. If you want to fudge around in create or co-op though the story to unlock some stuff, send me a request. Alternatively if you get a random friend invite from me, now you know why.
Well, if you must blow off making a new thread for something....
...I have a feeling I may be blowing off large swaths of my actual life for this, actually.
Steam/PSN/XBox Live:LutExIV
I keep meaning to friend you (and a few other people in the LBP threads), but I very much dislike that I can't send the request over the web :? SONYYYYYYYYYYY!
I think my Mario Sackbot works!
I still gotta add some programming for powerups and some enemy logic like when to kill him and such
but it works!
I want to see it. Show it to me.
And if it does work, you should package it up and release it. You'd get tons of downloads if you promise people improved jumping physics for their levels. Internet famous!
join me and check it out!
my plan right now is to try and also make Mega Man and Sonic sackbots and release all three of them together.
I have a feeling all the conversation about the game will just move over here anyway, so this discussion may be moot.
I believe it's in the community section. Though for me, when I sign in with levels in my queue, I usually get a popup when I get to my pod that tells me I have levels waiting. So magical!
Also, do I have you on my friends list Speed? I could have sworn I did, but then I remember never seeing you online, so maybe I don't :oops:
I'm happy to change it if that's what everyone wants. I just didn't want to crap on the other thread. I'll work on an updated op etc and chuck the competition stuff at the bottom and update it every two weeks.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Thread with an updated OP > Thread where OP hasn't been active for three months.
But yea, I don't think the OP needs to be super detailed or anything, just maybe have PSN IDs and perhaps a list of links to PA levels (both competition and ones you think should be on the list)
I'll do it tomorrow when I'm at work. God Damn I love this game, I'm feeling the same love I did when I first played the beta. Incidentally I also can't believe that the level I published IN the beta is still there. I love MM.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
you've joined me in lbp2 more than once! I'm on there as mushpie
I just need to try and find time for it.
The theme is probably going to stump me more than anything. Just because it'll require a certain "feel" that I'm going to struggle to hit.
Oh derp derp. :rotate:
I'll probably never make a level, but I can always use more LBP friends.
PSN Name: BFicky
A theme park level does sound fun, though.....hrrrmmm. We'll see.
Yeah, if I wasn't neck-deep in my current level, I'd definitely be interested in this category. Lots of potential, especially for minigames and the like.
Also, mutant clowns.
Sometimes I Stream Games:
I have been to many THeme Parks and Funfairs which have had a circus, so I'd guess so
Also someone should make this:
Someone more skilled than I.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Carbonfire, is your PSN name just "Carbonfire"? Sorry if it's in your sig but it's blocked at my work!
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Also, question about voice recording. The tutorial on magic mouths says that you can use a headset to record vocals, but can you also just use a microphone? I don't have a mic, but I do have a Rock Band USB microphone. I don't have it here currently or I'd just check myself.
Theres a zero in there. Carb0nFire. :^:
Also, got weapons mostly working on my level, along with a pretty slick dash mechanic. Now all I need to do is:
- Finish the Health System
- Work on the spawn mechanism
- Work on the enemies
- Create an intro (possibly with a Blast Radius-like Menu system....maybe)
Get data out how?
And can't you already make a self-playing piano with the sequencer?
NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
You can do that. Tags and Object Changers and (I think) Movers can be placed right on the sequencer, just like sounds.