[Prime] Thank You, Enforcers



  • mentok1982mentok1982 I could never leave you PAX baby. BaltimoreRegistered User regular
    I love my enforcer pals. One particular gentleman was extremely helpful and nice to me and I can't stress how thankful I am to him.
    He knows who he is.

    Oh and so do I. I know who he is.

    Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
    PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
    Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Power Glove for the win. I was already amped up for the Halo 4 panel at the Paramount. But getting a high-five from the enforcer with the Power Glove was awesome.

    I think you might have been scaring the little girl handing out the pipe cleaners. lol. Just a little too motivated for her I guess.

  • BeomooseBeomoose Registered User new member
    Many thanks to the Enforcers, without whom PAX could not happen.

  • patrickcentralpatrickcentral Registered User regular
    Signed. I am just now coming up from con crud, but thanks to the Enforcers for a mighty good PAX.

    You may know me as:
    @patrickcentral / ferroptic / sharktopus
    evidently I need to unify nicknames
  • geniagenia Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Thanks to all of the attendees for your cheerfulness, especially when you get stuck waiting in lines forever. Thanks to all of my fellow enforcers (veteran and new!) for making this a wonderful PAX.
    Imsorad wrote:
    Power Glove for the win. I was already amped up for the Halo 4 panel at the Paramount. But getting a high-five from the enforcer with the Power Glove was awesome.

    I think you might have been scaring the little girl handing out the pipe cleaners. lol. Just a little too motivated for her I guess.

    That's CosmicHippo, I'll let him know the powerglove high fives are loved. Thanks :D

    genia on
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