I got abused for going Rabadon's on Soraka. This is after playing the standard boring lane support with philokage. This Morgana was just screaming at me about how I should build defensively or I would die in teamfights.
In the entire game I died twice, once because I was typing to her to stop trying to interrupt a 5 man dragon solo while we were 1 man dead and 1 man farming top, and once at the very end of the game.
Do people like getting heals that are worth nothing?
I've been on a Teemo kick lately and feel like I've been doing reasonably well. It may be my imagination, but I feel like the physical damage quints I have in my AD page for Lee Sin have really boosted Teemo's early game harass. I was an absolute terror to the Poppy and Sion I was laning against last night, especially since they kept deciding to focus my Blitzcrank partner for some reason.
Captain Teemo, poising ur HPs and running away screaming.
I got abused for going Rabadon's on Soraka. This is after playing the standard boring lane support with philokage. This Morgana was just screaming at me about how I should build defensively or I would die in teamfights.
In the entire game I died twice, once because I was typing to her to stop trying to interrupt a 5 man dragon solo while we were 1 man dead and 1 man farming top, and once at the very end of the game.
Do people like getting heals that are worth nothing?
Tank soraka with worthless heals is viable because you stay alive long enough to spam your Q a bunch, which makes any other magic damage allies do basically true damage.
She has so much utility from her nearly permasilence and her aoe 100 MR shred that completely foregoing her heals is as viable as building AP
with the huge caveat that your team is halfway decent and will take advantage of it
and that you don't suck and overextend in laning like i sometimes do
I have discovered jungle Amumu. It's the only jungle I'm not totally horrible at (so far). Mummy is such a fucking boss. Why did it take me so long to learn this?
We are increasing Sona's heal significantly at rank 1 in the upcoming patch (to make the numbers work out nicely we had to reduce the rank 5 very very slightly I believe).
This should allow her W to be a better 1-point wonder and hopefully open up offensive Sona builds a bit more.
Man Singed is going to be stupid on Dominion. Just running around, poisoning, sitting on his capture point and never letting anyone take it while never leaving either.
Man Singed is going to be stupid on Dominion. Just running around, poisoning, sitting on his capture point and never letting anyone take it while never leaving either.
Looking forward to this so much.
Running around farting all over capture points and then using Odyn's Veil to explode every so often.
Man Singed is going to be stupid on Dominion. Just running around, poisoning, sitting on his capture point and never letting anyone take it while never leaving either.
Yeah, been saying as much for a while. Tanky mobile deeps. Singed, Jarvan, and Rumble in particular.
...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
edited September 2011
yeah but dudes don't die for very long
you need about 3 boxes for a proper ambush, and that's minimum 20 secs setup time for a 20 sec death timer
also all those aoe moves that hit stealthed boxes are BS BROS
kog ult doesn't mark them, but it hits them
gragas barrels
orianna's EVERYTHING (fuk u orianna u a ho)
also those bushes that boxes can't see out of are real annoying
Man, Singed is good fun. I'm still not great with him, because he's fairly squishy early on. But holy crap, fling is the most fun I've ever had in this game.
Veigar was kind of terrible anyway so I don't consider it a huge loss, but Nasus was actually pretty viable. Veigar always seemed tremendously unfun to play, but different strokes I guess.
Veigar was kind of terrible anyway so I don't consider it a huge loss, but Nasus was actually pretty viable. Veigar always seemed tremendously unfun to play, but different strokes I guess.
As unfun as one shotting AP carries can be, I guess.
veigar's like "oh boy oh boy oh boy" as you anticipate 100-0ing someone
and then after twenty minutes it's like "OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY" as you 100-0 someone every minute for the rest of the game
In the entire game I died twice, once because I was typing to her to stop trying to interrupt a 5 man dragon solo while we were 1 man dead and 1 man farming top, and once at the very end of the game.
Do people like getting heals that are worth nothing?
Live - MrObersmith
PSN - Obersmith
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Aww, don't do that, how am I going to help you get better if you cant listen to me be angry at you!
Depressingly everyone beat me to these codes I've been waiting for a pax jax for ages.
Captain Teemo, poising ur HPs and running away screaming.
well after the kill yes
I tried minigolems but you can't set up fast enough in the bush to get 3-4 boxes in the bush between mid and wraiths
wraiths themselves only get you to about 3/4 through one
Tank soraka with worthless heals is viable because you stay alive long enough to spam your Q a bunch, which makes any other magic damage allies do basically true damage.
She has so much utility from her nearly permasilence and her aoe 100 MR shred that completely foregoing her heals is as viable as building AP
with the huge caveat that your team is halfway decent and will take advantage of it
and that you don't suck and overextend in laning like i sometimes do
I had a great time with Veigar against Xin the other day as he repeatedly jumped over my stun circle entirely to murder me.
And by great time I mean I wanted to smash my face into my keyboard.
try and hide in the bushes now, punks
Looking forward to this so much.
Running around farting all over capture points and then using Odyn's Veil to explode every so often.
Want Dominion nooooow.
or maybe it would
i suppose with that much movement lots of opportunity for box traps
on the plus side no wards
you need about 3 boxes for a proper ambush, and that's minimum 20 secs setup time for a 20 sec death timer
also all those aoe moves that hit stealthed boxes are BS BROS
kog ult doesn't mark them, but it hits them
gragas barrels
orianna's EVERYTHING (fuk u orianna u a ho)
also those bushes that boxes can't see out of are real annoying
i show u demonstration
think this has sum
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Maybe he used undying rage
Now that you mention it, I'm not sure.
But I'm assuming that, yes, he had items at some point.
Also, that thornmail bit is true, most of the deaths involved them killing themselves on me.
Same goes for Veigar.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
also what the hell, dude, i have tons of fun playing veigar and nasus is boring as heck
As unfun as one shotting AP carries can be, I guess.
and then after twenty minutes it's like "OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY" as you 100-0 someone every minute for the rest of the game