I had my picture taken a few times on saturday, but I can't seem to find any pictures that anyone took. I was wearing a pink wig and nurse hat with a pink dress and an apron with a pink pocket and an egg sewn onto it (i was a chansey).
I believe I win for "most shots taken of POTATO". Thank you and goodnight!
Instigator5000Noob SaibotThe NetherrealmRegistered Usernew member
Hey everyone, for those of you who saw me I was Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat 9 with my friend who was a Jedi.
So far the all the pictures I've seen are awesome. We have a huge collection of pictures between the two of us with other cosplayers. Next time I have a chance I'll upload some.
Again, if you see yourself in any of my photos (see previous posts for other days), let me know via email/PM and I can give you a higher res copy or take it down if you want.
Also, here are the remaining photos of my personal project for PAX East!
So, I won't be keeping these paddles. I'll be sending them off to Jamie and Child's Play (after I figure out how to send them without the signatures all smudging) and she/they can decide what to do with them.
It was a pretty cool cosplay. I didn't pose with anyone really. Just my Jawa buddy with his protest sign.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
folkitLucille Bluth is my spirit animal.FloridaRegistered Userregular
edited May 2012
I've been trying to find pictures online of me in my Star Wars dress from Saturday. I know people took pictures, but so far, I haven't been able to find any
I finally started editing and uploading my PAX pictures! I have most of my Friday pictures up on my Flickr, including Supercommuter's set. I'll get my Minibosses photos up soon. I wish we could have stayed after that, but oh well. I'll post Saturday and Sunday's photos as soon as I can. Here you go!
We are posting this to help those who lost Facebook Cosplay Profiles this week, especially those in the PAX EAST cosplay community.
Here's how Cosplayer Nation: The Documentary responded. We don't guarantee this will work - yet at least, a start to Strike Back. This purging has affected not only our Cosplayer Nation documentary but also conventions, and cosplayers who use their facebook cosplay profile as a legitmate "calling card".
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
What I thought was the coolest hidden blade:
Awesome! yay, another pic of me! You just made my crappy day a thousand times better.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
A few more:
And the intro to the final round of Omegathon:
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
HERE'S mah PAX-East Album
E... solo.... la patata! (the potato)
I believe I win for "most shots taken of POTATO". Thank you and goodnight!
So far the all the pictures I've seen are awesome. We have a huge collection of pictures between the two of us with other cosplayers. Next time I have a chance I'll upload some.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Again, if you see yourself in any of my photos (see previous posts for other days), let me know via email/PM and I can give you a higher res copy or take it down if you want.
Also, here are the remaining photos of my personal project for PAX East!
So, I won't be keeping these paddles. I'll be sending them off to Jamie and Child's Play (after I figure out how to send them without the signatures all smudging) and she/they can decide what to do with them.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Pax East 2012 Virtual Boy
the irony of playing the 3ds while wearing a virtual boy is more than palpable
anyone get to pose with the Crabhead Zombie from Half-Life on Saturday?
This what you're looking for? I didn't pose with you, but I'm fair sure that's you. ;p
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
i was just wondering if anyone got to pose with me, i know people took abijillion pics of me lol - just hoping everyone liked the costume i guess
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
For reference, here it is:
derpy drunky picture from the sw:tor party
better shot of the dress
president wrestling
Friday's Set
Supercommuter - Friday Night Concerts
3 Day Pass: [x] // Travel: [ x] // Time Off: [ x] // Hotel: [x]
Twitter: @amysophie
Twitter: amysophie
Gamertag/Steam: Vixen Valentine
Let's Play Money Making Game
We actually had to leave the SECOND this was done to catch a cab over to Anime Boston for two more. It was a tiring evening to put it lightly!
We are posting this to help those who lost Facebook Cosplay Profiles this week, especially those in the PAX EAST cosplay community.
Here's how Cosplayer Nation: The Documentary responded. We don't guarantee this will work - yet at least, a start to Strike Back. This purging has affected not only our Cosplayer Nation documentary but also conventions, and cosplayers who use their facebook cosplay profile as a legitmate "calling card".
The Facebook Cosplay Purging - How to Appeal -
The Facebook Cosplay Purging - History of the Wipeout -
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cosplay.nation
Email: cosplayernation (at) gmail.com