Just uploaded my pictures. Feel free to tag yourself in any such photos. I wish I had gotten more pictures, I completely missed some of the awesome costumes in this thread. PAX is never long enough, right??
Ok, starting to upload photos now. I'll post a link to a G+ album later. Sorry if they're not that great. Let me know (PM or gmail@CronoZero) if you want me to take one down or if you want a higher resolution one (assuming it's a photo of you).
I know the panels were streamed but I am wondering if it was recorded?
As has been said before, the streamed panels were also recorded on twitch.tv. You can find them there (although they're indexed by day, not by panel, last I checked).
As has been said before, the streamed panels were also recorded on twitch.tv. You can find them there (although they're indexed by day, not by panel, last I checked).
Found it. Not there for that particular panel though.
Many thanks to these two, who took a hit for the team and got free Skyrim-treats in exchange for their photo. You can see the photo in context here.
EDIT: I was actually looking for Meat Shield with his arrow-in-the-knee when I found these two hanging out outside Arachnid theater. I'm super happy with the shot, and MS - you looked pretty busy anyway.
Pics I took, and pics of me that other took. Not a whole lot, I fear. The last four pictures in the album show the costume I was wearing on Sunday - again, if you see any other pictures of that costume on the Web, or if you took any yourself, please pass them along! I fixed the crown later, and I know I outright posed for several people. I would really love copies of those photographs.
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Also, during the weekend, I had a little personal project I was dealing with, here's a teaser, haha:
Aaaah, so that was you! I was around for at least two of those instances, although I obviously didn't directly participate
Lady LilybellGeeky Crafter & BakerSouth Shore, MARegistered Userregular
Does anyone have the sign outside the convention center saying "Welcome to PAXXXX " or "wanna play a game". I want them for my swag & photo collage I make every year.
I ♥ making awesome crafts! I ♥ my Cookie Brigaders!
Does anyone have the sign outside the convention center saying "Welcome to PAXXXX " or "wanna play a game". I want them for my swag & photo collage I make every year.
not sure what happened to this shot, i think the sign was starting to change, but it's "would you like to play a game?"
I'm sure it's a long shot, because I didn't really go as anything, but I'm hoping to find some pictures of me in my chainmail shirt with the bronze trim. Anyone happen to get one?
This is a mix of PAX East 2011 and perhaps 2012. Holly Conrad (Mass Effect Commander Shepard cosplay) from Crabcat Industries is the spotlight here from last year, and this year she is in the Comic Con documentary by Morgan Spurlock:
Does anyone have the sign outside the convention center saying "Welcome to PAXXXX " or "wanna play a game". I want them for my swag & photo collage I make every year.
not sure what happened to this shot, i think the sign was starting to change, but it's "would you like to play a game?"
Did anyone happen to get a picture of the ginger girl dressed up as Link on Friday? If so, I would be ever so grateful if I could get to see those pictures because it was my first time cosplaying, and I'd like to have pictures for my Senior Scrapbook and such.
Both are up on the twitch.tv page, as all that was livestreamed was also recorded.
3 (yes, there was a proposal at Riot's Cosplay Competition):
Anyone have a video of the proposal from the first Q&A?
Now going over the photos, will post when ready!
Here is Gamespot's video they got posted today.
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch- twitch.tv/pink_4ssass1n
The POTATO crew sings still alive on the rock band stage.
As has been said before, the streamed panels were also recorded on twitch.tv. You can find them there (although they're indexed by day, not by panel, last I checked).
Also, during the weekend, I had a little personal project I was dealing with, here's a teaser, haha:
Found it. Not there for that particular panel though.
Hahaha I'll have to have Arthur do that, it was taken on his 3DS. But yeah Khoo is magical and so are his vocal chords. XD
EDIT: I was actually looking for Meat Shield with his arrow-in-the-knee when I found these two hanging out outside Arachnid theater. I'm super happy with the shot, and MS - you looked pretty busy anyway.
Pics I took, and pics of me that other took. Not a whole lot, I fear. The last four pictures in the album show the costume I was wearing on Sunday - again, if you see any other pictures of that costume on the Web, or if you took any yourself, please pass them along! I fixed the crown later, and I know I outright posed for several people. I would really love copies of those photographs.
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Nerd Reactor's video
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch- twitch.tv/pink_4ssass1n
I ♥ making awesome crafts! I ♥ my Cookie Brigaders!
not sure what happened to this shot, i think the sign was starting to change, but it's "would you like to play a game?"
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I ♥ making awesome crafts! I ♥ my Cookie Brigaders!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cosplay.nation
Email: cosplayernation (at) gmail.com
thats me, if anyone managed to grab any photos of me I'd love you forever!
For those of you underagers, the monks were a reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. You'll understand when you're older. :P
Brilliant Reference, by the way!
Cosplay and surroundings:
The Enforcers:
Friday Concert:
And Music Video:
Great shots
also, if anyone knows who these two ladies are, that'd be really awesome. We hit it off right away, but I never got contact info!
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Not gingers, but I do have two fem links:
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I'm also hoping to spot the eevee family picture from the bar crawl and at least one picture of myself with the silly fluttershy hat from Sunday.