[EAST] PAX East 2012 Pictures and Video Thread



  • IfandbutIfandbut Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Just wondering if anyone managed to record "The Inner Demons and the Tribe: Dealing With Depression as a Gamer" panel on Sunday?

    I really wanted to go but felt, for lack of a better word, embarrassed telling my friends I wanted to go.

    If you were there but did not record, would you mind telling me what was covered?


    Ifandbut on
  • XX55XXXX55XX Registered User regular
    When was this? Sounded like my sort of thing.

  • TheJackoNerdTheJackoNerd The world's biggest nerd... EnglandRegistered User regular
    Interested in this too, would be great if it was recorded.


    Going to PAX East 2013/14 is my biggest goal right now. I plan to achieve it...
  • manaheimmanaheim Registered User regular
    britainyy wrote: »
    Thank you! This was my first cosplay and I wanted it to be as exact as possible to the original lol. :3

    BTW, I sent you an email. Let me know if you didn't get it.

    Chris Russo
    Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
    Me: http://www.impeng.com
    G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
    FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
  • bnarobnaro Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Here's my gallery on Flickr:

    This was my first year, and I had a great time. I got to meet Mike and Jerry out of sheer luck! Lots of great cosplayers too. I'm definitely going back next year.

    Here are some of my favorites...but there are more in the set (and even more that I have to process and upload—Pokemon bar crawl coming soon!):

    Best...So Much Effort!

    Most Creative

    I was just at the right place, at the right time to see these guys

    bnaro on
  • Error404Error404 Registered User regular
    HEY GUYZ i am nicci , at pax i was a skyrim dovahkiin girl mostly seen with my buddy steve as an elven bosmer mage .... if ANYONE has photos first of all thanks so much for picturing us and i would really appreciate you sending it my way , you can get me on here or if you wanna add me on fb i am " nicci fett" i hope everyone had a sweet pax and for everyone in costume with a not so warm costume ...god was it cold out or what :<

  • bnarobnaro Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    You guys were awesome! :)

    bnaro on
  • YsterathYsterath Registered User regular
    Chenzillah wrote: »
    I told a bunch of people to check out the penny arcade forums about these pictures... i was kinda shocked that they didn't know about PA

    Here are mine (apologies for the picture quality and disorganization came from uploading, i'll eventually fix it...)


    THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! Seriously ... I was Leona in there and the Chell with the GladOS is a friend we both were enforcing most of our time so we weren't in costume and finding pics is proving "interesting"

  • Error404Error404 Registered User regular
    bnaro ...awesome!!!! thank you!

  • AprecheApreche Registered User regular
    I don't want to be a braggart, but this was my idea and I am proud it went better than I hoped.


    I obviously had no hand in this, but it's just as awesome.


  • FieldStobaughFieldStobaugh PortlandRegistered User new member
    Check out the rest, HERE!

    We are many, you are but one. @FieldStobaugh
  • JOEPROJOEPRO Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei Wilmington, DelawareRegistered User regular
    Hi all, anyone happen to have any pics of me in my Sub-Zero costume? I have plenty but the more the merrier!

    I snapped a few pics while wondering around, let me know if the link broked.

    The ex-hosts of X-Play & Attack of the Show should be the floor hosts of the twitch.tv streams at PAX East!
  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Apreche wrote: »
    I obviously had no hand in this, but it's just as awesome.


    When I was dressed as Canadaman, Jerry told me to come to the closing ceremonies. I had no clue why and couldn't make it, this is why.

    Thank you Jerry, and thank you for posting this!

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  • PinderPinder Registered User regular
    Check out the rest, HERE!

    There was actually a man cosplaying as Poison as well, which is technically more accurate.

    This signature intentionally left blank.
  • AvianAvian #1 Runner Registered User regular
    Curious, there was someone who came into Console Freeplay (I think it was Saturday morning?) and wanted a few of the Enforcers behind the desk to pose for a picture. Curious if that person is on here/posted it. We were on the end of the table closest to the Magikarp photo.

  • britainyybritainyy Registered User regular
    Error404 wrote: »
    HEY GUYZ i am nicci , at pax i was a skyrim dovahkiin girl mostly seen with my buddy steve as an elven bosmer mage .... if ANYONE has photos first of all thanks so much for picturing us and i would really appreciate you sending it my way , you can get me on here or if you wanna add me on fb i am " nicci fett" i hope everyone had a sweet pax and for everyone in costume with a not so warm costume ...god was it cold out or what :<

    I have one of you, It's in my facebook album posted above

  • HandgimpHandgimp R+L=J Family PhotoRegistered User regular
    RoxasBlade wrote: »
    manaheim wrote: »

    Was this you? I sadly only got one shot of you, and pretty out of character... :-)


    Yup, that's me! I already saved that one. Amazing shot, I love candids like this. Thanks! : D

    You should post your picture with Mike and Khoo; I was impressed with Khoo's lungs when he yelled "Krahulik" across the lobby.

  • manaheimmanaheim Registered User regular
    RoxasBlade wrote: »
    manaheim wrote: »

    Was this you? I sadly only got one shot of you, and pretty out of character... :-)


    Yup, that's me! I already saved that one. Amazing shot, I love candids like this. Thanks! : D

    Oh cool. Hey drop me an email if you like and I can send you the two (turns out I had another) shots of you as high-res without the silly watermarks. :-) http://www.impeng.com/contact/

    Chris Russo
    Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
    Me: http://www.impeng.com
    G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
    FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
  • MASeffectMASeffect Registered User regular
    Below is a picture of me(left), Avatar Aang, and Zelkova(right). Was so much fun!

  • stebuustebuu Crabs are fucking crazy, and I hate horses Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Will there be/is there any way to see panel video? I'm super interested in the Khoo and A talk, but the one video I found on youtube has bad enough audio I can't hear it.

    stebuu on
  • arcadegamerarcadegamer longtime gamer and cartoon/anime watcher Westport ,MARegistered User regular
    edited April 2012
    smorggie wrote: »
    Here is a public link to my pictures on facebook

    I was Nurse Joy from Pokemon on Friday, Eve from Guild Wars on Saturday, and Miss Aubrey from Dance Central 2 on Sunday :)
    hi smorggie i have two pics of you as Nurse Joy and your friend to from friday http://flic.kr/p/bL6hQT they in my pubic flickr gallery and btw on my facebook page last year paxeast pics too if anyone want to friend me.

    arcadegamer on
  • MASeffectMASeffect Registered User regular
    Repeat of Jack. I'd love to get ahold of this if I could.

  • TheRussianFunkTheRussianFunk Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Hey, here's a shot of some of the 40k folks provided by the Commissar in the yellow hat:
    A link to his Deviantart

    I'm that farseer on the left! SNEAKY XENOS

    Also here's that Ork Gargant givin Boston a good Krumpin

    TheRussianFunk on
  • JerzeyLegendJerzeyLegend Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Does anyone remember the Team9000 Kangaroo?

    Dangaroo the Kangaroo was Team9000.net's official unofficial PAX mascot.

    He spent day 2 living it up, and what a wonderful time he had. He was photo-bombing cos-players, and tearing up the dance floor at the Curse after-party. I even was told he got interviewed on the PAX floor.

    Most of all he helped me win a sweet pair of Razer Electras.

    Check him out here: https://gallery.team9000.net/index/tags/19-dangaroo

    If you have any memories/pictures/videos of him, drop them here. I ask that you give me permission to share any photos you place in this thread with my friends at Team9000.

    JerzeyLegend on
  • aikoeaikoe Registered User regular
    Hi guys! I was Lucca on Saturday, running around with Marle and Crono. I've already seen several pictures of me. Thanks for posting them!

    I'm wondering if anyone has pictures of me dressed as Sheik on Friday. I wasn't in it very long because it was extremely uncomfortable, but I got stopped probably a hundred times on my way down the hallway, in line/on the way to the keynote, and during the very brief time in which I dropped by the expo hall. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take any pictures of it myself!

    PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
  • tincansamurai27tincansamurai27 Registered User regular
    manaheim wrote: »

    Hey everyone! This was me and I was wondering if anyone else had any more pictures? We totally forgot to take any and I only got to wear it on Saturday, unfortunately.

    Thanks for the awesome photo, too, manaheim!

  • CyzaineCyzaine Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    3rd PAX East, and this video may be one of the best things I experienced up to this point. Just seemed like everything that makes PAX unique and awesome in one quick minute.


    It continued til the end of the song, with the Firefall guy coming back and forth a few times. In the end the little girl said 'Don't go!' and gave him a high five. Was all around awesome.

    Cyzaine on
  • CyzaineCyzaine Registered User regular
    aikoe wrote: »
    Hi guys! I was Lucca on Saturday, running around with Marle and Crono. I've already seen several pictures of me. Thanks for posting them!

    I'm wondering if anyone has pictures of me dressed as Sheik on Friday. I wasn't in it very long because it was extremely uncomfortable, but I got stopped probably a hundred times on my way down the hallway, in line/on the way to the keynote, and during the very brief time in which I dropped by the expo hall. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take any pictures of it myself!

    Found one!


  • stardust462stardust462 Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    I'm looking for pictures of me in my Marle cosplay from Saturday. I'm also looking specifically for pictures of when I bumped into the other Chrono Trigger group that @stardust462 was in as Lucca. I looked back to view the picture after we split up and was distraught to learn that the picture never took.

    That wasn't me, I ended up not wearing Lucca :(

  • avsfan590avsfan590 Registered User regular
    I had my picture taken twice throughout the weekend so the chances are slim but I was dressed as Canadaman.

    YES, I saw you when I was in the line for Max Payne. I wanted to take a pic but didn't get time to. Epic costume!!

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    avsfan590 wrote: »
    I had my picture taken twice throughout the weekend so the chances are slim but I was dressed as Canadaman.

    YES, I saw you when I was in the line for Max Payne. I wanted to take a pic but didn't get time to. Epic costume!!

    Thanks a lot! The fact that anyone thought it was awesome was alien to me, I'll be improving it for next year for sure.

    EDIT: Also, the Escapist posted their gallery http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116695-PAX-East-2012-Cosplay-Gallery.30 I've seen a few familiar faces thus far.

    PayneTrayne on
    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • IfandbutIfandbut Registered User regular
    XX55XX wrote: »
    When was this? Sounded like my sort of thing.

    It was at 10:30 on Sunday.

  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular

    I might have missed it but I don't think anyone posted a link to G4's collection of photos from PAX East on this forum yet. so there it is ^^

  • XX55XXXX55XX Registered User regular
    Ifandbut wrote: »
    XX55XX wrote: »
    When was this? Sounded like my sort of thing.

    It was at 10:30 on Sunday.

    Oh, I was working then. Only had a one-day pass.

  • aikoeaikoe Registered User regular
    Cyzaine wrote: »

    THANK YOU! This is the only one I've seen so far, and I've been looking since I got home.
    I'm looking for pictures of me in my Marle cosplay from Saturday. I'm also looking specifically for pictures of when I bumped into the other Chrono Trigger group that @stardust462 was in as Lucca. I looked back to view the picture after we split up and was distraught to learn that the picture never took.

    That wasn't me, I ended up not wearing Lucca :(

    I think you mean me! We didn't get any pictures of the whole group, I don't think, but I know a few other people took them.

    PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
  • JACQATTACKJACQATTACK New York CityRegistered User regular
    manaheim wrote: »
    Just a few more from me...


    (I know, it's odd... I seem to bump into a woman with interesting stockings sitting against a wall all by herself at every convention... literally. It's so weird, so I take pictures of each one.) :-)

    That's me in the "interesting stockings" and Middle Earth Map dress. My Twitter friend directed me to this image.

    ...are my thighs really that fat? Dammit.

  • manaheimmanaheim Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    JACQATTACK wrote: »
    manaheim wrote: »
    Just a few more from me...


    (I know, it's odd... I seem to bump into a woman with interesting stockings sitting against a wall all by herself at every convention... literally. It's so weird, so I take pictures of each one.) :-)

    That's me in the "interesting stockings" and Middle Earth Map dress. My Twitter friend directed me to this image.

    ...are my thighs really that fat? Dammit.

    :lol: Well, for the record ... several guys I know have seen this picture among all the other PAX pictures and their reaction, without fail was ... um ... positive. :-) One guy's exact words were "Dayyuuummm..."

    I think you're just fine. :-)

    I'd be happy to send you a copy if you like, though given your reaction maybe not? :lol:

    manaheim on
    Chris Russo
    Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
    Me: http://www.impeng.com
    G+: http://tinyurl.com/6vss2ah
    FB: http://tinyurl.com/8yek348
  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    I finally uploaded my pictures: http://on.fb.me/Hygy6V

  • JACQATTACKJACQATTACK New York CityRegistered User regular
    manaheim wrote: »
    I'd be happy to send you a copy if you like, though given your reaction maybe not? :lol:

    Sure I'd appreciate a copy :)

    I also took a photo when I was in that spot with two little guys, maybe around age 8 or 9. I imagine the photo came out quite funny so if anyone has seen it I would appreciate a link.

    Also if anyone has photos of me from Friday night (same crazy stockings with my N7 hoodie) I'd really appreciate one of those. I got to Boston late so only made it to the Protomen table for a bit and then the concert itself.

This discussion has been closed.