And yeah, you can find my photography company, G+ and Facebook URLs all in my sig there. I'll generally post when I'm planning to be at shows and whatnot, so please follow me if you're interested.
Those photos are great, what kind of camera are you using?
I was using a Nikon D300, primarily with a Nikkor 24-70 2.8. I was really hoping my Nikon D4 would have made it to me before PAX, but nooooo.... *grrrr*. Maybe I'll get lucky and it will show up by Comicon. :-)
BTW, I re-did Alice. I just couldn't let that poster stay there. I hate to edit things like this, but ... well, judge for yourself... :-)
Just a reminder, if you're in one of these just give me a shout and I'll be very happy to send you a high res version of your shot. I just ask that you give me a byline with my URL if you use the picture for anything.
I have a few more I need to post. I'll get those up soon.
Hey guys! I was cosplaying as Hit-girl on Friday and Saturday. I have already found quite a few pictures of me in costume that people have posted, but if there is anyone else who has any shots of me I would love to have them! Thanks!
Hey everyone! On Friday I was Jill Valentine (RE1/REMake version) in a sandwich (Jill Sandwich, anyone?) for about 2hrs before I got sick of wearing it :P
Holy cow, I saw you as Jill, but was in a rush and/or too socially awkward to tell you that I thought it was awesome. I never even played the original RE, but I'm a sucker for that line.
So needless to say I have no photos, but I hope you find some!
Hey guys! I was cosplaying as Hit-girl on Friday and Saturday. I have already found quite a few pictures of me in costume that people have posted, but if there is anyone else who has any shots of me I would love to have them! Thanks!
Not sure if you've seen it yet, but I'll repost for posterity. Was this you?
Hey guys! I was cosplaying as Hit-girl on Friday and Saturday. I have already found quite a few pictures of me in costume that people have posted, but if there is anyone else who has any shots of me I would love to have them! Thanks!
Not sure if you've seen it yet, but I'll repost for posterity. Was this you?
Hey everyone! On Friday I was Jill Valentine (RE1/REMake version) in a sandwich (Jill Sandwich, anyone?) for about 2hrs before I got sick of wearing it :P
Holy cow, I saw you as Jill, but was in a rush and/or too socially awkward to tell you that I thought it was awesome. I never even played the original RE, but I'm a sucker for that line.
So needless to say I have no photos, but I hope you find some!
Awh, you should've totally said hi! It's okay, I'm socially awkward too :P But thanks!
Any tips on working with the sometimes awkward lighting at events like this? Especially without holding people up for a long time?
Oh I'd be happy to give some tips on the joys of low-light photography. I've had quite a bit of experience with it from my weddings, but the conferences are even more quirky. :-)
But first are the tips on avoiding needing to use the low light tricks in the first place.
1. If you have a flash that you can bounce off a wall or a ceiling, this can be a good option. Never pop a flash into someone's face. It does seriously unfortunate things to the picture... and to the eyesight of your subject.
2. If there is a somewhat high ceiling a flash bounced off the ceiling may be a challenge, but you can make it work by turning up the ISO on your camera AND using the flash together. Try not to go too high on the ISO if you can avoid it... and if you get into a place like the convention center, you may as well abandon this idea as you're pretty much going to eat your batteries in seconds as the flash will have to kill itself to make it work.
3. Consider using a large area bounce card on your flash... this will redirect light to your subject without it being TOO harsh. The larger the area the better, even though you'll look like a bit of a dork with a sail on the top of your camera. :-)
4. Try to position your subject somewhere where there is some light, and interestingly when you can find hallways with windows, that can be a fantastic place to make it work.
And then there are the tips for maximizing your results in low light...
1. Unfortunately, some of the tips are related to gear...
a> Plain and simple, having a faster lens helps. I run all F2.8 and F1.8 constant aperture lenses. They make a huge difference because you can capture the same image with less light than you would need for a slower lens. Unfortunately many of these are pricey... HOWEVER... most major manufacturers make a 50mm 1.8 lens that is usually around $100. Quite affordable, excellent optical quality, and REALLY fast. This is a great option and a wonderful little lens.
b> Also, simply stated, a better or newer camera will tend to handle higher ISO ("film speed") better and produce less noise in the end result. Here you sort of have to know the limitations of your camera and what it can and cannot do. I spent most of my PAX day on ISO1600 which is about where it's max "acceptable" (for my taste) level is. I took some at ISO2000, which is "fine", but not ideal. When my D4 arrives, I'll be able to push it very easily into the 12,000 range. Woot. :-)
2. Shoot RAW and "expose to the right". Most modern cameras will take RAW pictures. This is basically a full sensor dump of all the information that the sensor captured when you took the shot. A RAW image will allow you some leeway in color and exposure adjustment, which also allows you to do a rather cute trick... exposing to the right. Exposing to the right is deliberately over-exposing your shot by a bit with the intention of backing it down a bit in post processing. Why? Good question. See, the noise you find in most images will be found far more in the sections of the picture that are less exposed. Since your camera is actually retaining the information of a good 2-3 stops in each direction of exposure, why not take advantage? Expose the picture for the shadows, reducing the noise in the darker areas (and irradicating it in the brighter ones), and then back it down to get the proper visual exposure in post processing. Note... this is not for the feint hearted. RAW image editing can be a bit quirky. :-)
Thos are sort of the "key bits". I hope it's helpful!
I was there on Saturday as Courier 6 from Fallout NV (Black cowgirl hat, brown leather jacket, Pipboy and Laser Rifle). I didn't get any photos of myself (got some of my nephew as pikachu, though). A lot of people took photos of me but I can't find any! If anyone finds one, it would be awesome. Really curious how I looked as I am not photogenic. Thanks!
I was there on Saturday as Courier 6 from Fallout NV (Black cowgirl hat, brown leather jacket, Pipboy and Laser Rifle). I didn't get any photos of myself (got some of my nephew as pikachu, though). A lot of people took photos of me but I can't find any! If anyone finds one, it would be awesome. Really curious how I looked as I am not photogenic. Thanks!
Hey everyone! On Friday I was Jill Valentine (RE1/REMake version) in a sandwich (Jill Sandwich, anyone?) for about 2hrs before I got sick of wearing it :P
Ah I'd love to see these! Also, kudos for basing it off the original Resident Evil and not the RE5 Jill or anything. The older RE games are true classics !
TheJackoNerd on
Going to PAX East 2013/14 is my biggest goal right now. I plan to achieve it...
I've been browsing the forums for the past few days because some of my friends are requesting pics of me from PAX. I was Dovahkiin. Tons of photos were taken of me but I have yet to find one posted. I was with a Blue Spy too for most of the time on Saturday.
I've been browsing the forums for the past few days because some of my friends are requesting pics of me from PAX. I was Dovahkiin. Tons of photos were taken of me but I have yet to find one posted. I was with a Blue Spy too for most of the time on Saturday.
I think I saw you walking around near the Rock Band setup yesterday, but I didn't stop to take a picture. Sorry.
I was Leona from League of Legends and my buddy had a Mass Effect uniform. I would like pictures if you've got 'em! This is a picture of us that I nabbed from G4TV's gallery for reference:
I got some cards/slips from some of the people who took my photo, but in case any of the rest of you are watching this thread: I was out in my Faerie Queen costume today. Black and gold dress, copper crown decorated with leaves, copper wire earpieces with black feathers attached, painted cheeks and (for at least part of the day) a white face mask with silver glitter. After hitting up the Geek Chic booth I was also carrying around a couple wicked wooden knives. I unfortunately don't have any pictures on my own camera, and my friend hasn't sent me the pic she took on her iPhone yet, so I don't have a picture to show you for reference, but I'll try to get it up soon.
If you know what I'm talking about and you took my photo, I'd love a copy! Please send it to cassandra dot lease at gmail dot com.
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
My friend and I were dressed as Protoman and Mega man, Protomen style. Anyone got pics of us? I can't find any, lots were taken of us. My friend had a black trench coat and a grey shirt and yellow scarf and we both had the helmets and arm cannons, we were all over the place on Friday. Pic's would awesome if anyone has them.
I was the GLaDOS in the bodysuit with the cake. I would really love some photos as I have none of myself. I'll be posting my own things up tomorrow when I have some time.
My son was dressed up as Link (called "Little Link" by most attendees) all 3 days, I would love any photos people snapped of him. I was wearing a Metroid hat on my head and would like any pics people snapped of me. I am especially interested to know if anyone got a picture of when someone dressed as Samus "shot" the metorid off my head.
Thin Red PasteWay out in the sticks.Registered Userregular
edited April 2012
Anyone have pics of the big warhammer 40k group, particularly from in the expo hall on saturday? We were stuck in one spot over by the paintball thing for almost two hours because there was a constant stream of people wanting pics but i havent come across any of them yet. We had two commissars (i was the one with the beard), two cadians, a krieger, and for a little while an eldar farseer and an ork gargant.
Also, im hoping to find some of me and one of the cadians where i'm using my pistol to point out something in the uplifting primer or executing him.
Anyone have pics of the big warhammer 40k group, particularly from in the expo hall on saturday? We were stuck in one spot over by the paintball thing for almost two hours because there was a constant stream of people wanting pics but i havent come across any of them yet. We had two commissars (i was the one with the beard), two cadians, a krieger, and for a little while an eldar farseer and an ork gargant.
I was Leona from League of Legends and my buddy had a Mass Effect uniform. I would like pictures if you've got 'em! This is a picture of us that I nabbed from G4TV's gallery for reference:
I'll (hopefully) have my ME buddy's pics in a couple days.
I got one of your buddy! And I'd love to see the one he got of me on Friday. I was in the ME1 Normandy Crew uniform on Friday.
If anyone's got pics of the red-headed Spartan Kelly, that was me! I'd love to see some of the pics you guys snagged.
I've kept a tally on my arm of how many pics were taken of me and I came up with 66 tally marks. Some of youmay remember that cause they looked like "kill" counts. ;p
Here are links to my two facebook albums. There are other pics non-cosplay,I hope you guys enjoy them. Maybe you'll see something you missed. PaxEast '12 1.0 PaxEast '12 2.0
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Sorry there aren't more, I lost my wallet around lunchtime and was a little too freaked out to take many pics. Thankfully, it was returned during Omegathon!
The link is also in his signature :P
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch-
Don't bother me with such trivialities! *grumble* Perhaps I should have looked closer?
And yeah, you can find my photography company, G+ and Facebook URLs all in my sig there. I'll generally post when I'm planning to be at shows and whatnot, so please follow me if you're interested.
I was using a Nikon D300, primarily with a Nikkor 24-70 2.8. I was really hoping my Nikon D4 would have made it to me before PAX, but nooooo.... *grrrr*. Maybe I'll get lucky and it will show up by Comicon. :-)
BTW, I re-did Alice. I just couldn't let that poster stay there. I hate to edit things like this, but ... well, judge for yourself... :-)
Just a reminder, if you're in one of these just give me a shout and I'll be very happy to send you a high res version of your shot. I just ask that you give me a byline with my URL if you use the picture for anything.
I have a few more I need to post. I'll get those up soon.
Thanks, everyone!
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Any tips on working with the sometimes awkward lighting at events like this? Especially without holding people up for a long time?
Holy cow, I saw you as Jill, but was in a rush and/or too socially awkward to tell you that I thought it was awesome. I never even played the original RE, but I'm a sucker for that line.
So needless to say I have no photos, but I hope you find some!
Not sure if you've seen it yet, but I'll repost for posterity. Was this you?!145#cid=D288D657BC4B373A&id=D288D657BC4B373A!260
By the way, awesome costume if this was you. I am happy that I was able to run into you again and take that photo.
That would be me, thanks for posting! Also, thanks for the compliment, I'm glad my first cosplay was a success
Awh, you should've totally said hi! It's okay, I'm socially awkward too :P But thanks!
Oh I'd be happy to give some tips on the joys of low-light photography. I've had quite a bit of experience with it from my weddings, but the conferences are even more quirky. :-)
But first are the tips on avoiding needing to use the low light tricks in the first place.
1. If you have a flash that you can bounce off a wall or a ceiling, this can be a good option. Never pop a flash into someone's face. It does seriously unfortunate things to the picture... and to the eyesight of your subject.
2. If there is a somewhat high ceiling a flash bounced off the ceiling may be a challenge, but you can make it work by turning up the ISO on your camera AND using the flash together. Try not to go too high on the ISO if you can avoid it... and if you get into a place like the convention center, you may as well abandon this idea as you're pretty much going to eat your batteries in seconds as the flash will have to kill itself to make it work.
3. Consider using a large area bounce card on your flash... this will redirect light to your subject without it being TOO harsh. The larger the area the better, even though you'll look like a bit of a dork with a sail on the top of your camera. :-)
4. Try to position your subject somewhere where there is some light, and interestingly when you can find hallways with windows, that can be a fantastic place to make it work.
And then there are the tips for maximizing your results in low light...
1. Unfortunately, some of the tips are related to gear...
a> Plain and simple, having a faster lens helps. I run all F2.8 and F1.8 constant aperture lenses. They make a huge difference because you can capture the same image with less light than you would need for a slower lens. Unfortunately many of these are pricey... HOWEVER... most major manufacturers make a 50mm 1.8 lens that is usually around $100. Quite affordable, excellent optical quality, and REALLY fast. This is a great option and a wonderful little lens.
b> Also, simply stated, a better or newer camera will tend to handle higher ISO ("film speed") better and produce less noise in the end result. Here you sort of have to know the limitations of your camera and what it can and cannot do. I spent most of my PAX day on ISO1600 which is about where it's max "acceptable" (for my taste) level is. I took some at ISO2000, which is "fine", but not ideal. When my D4 arrives, I'll be able to push it very easily into the 12,000 range. Woot. :-)
2. Shoot RAW and "expose to the right". Most modern cameras will take RAW pictures. This is basically a full sensor dump of all the information that the sensor captured when you took the shot. A RAW image will allow you some leeway in color and exposure adjustment, which also allows you to do a rather cute trick... exposing to the right. Exposing to the right is deliberately over-exposing your shot by a bit with the intention of backing it down a bit in post processing. Why? Good question. See, the noise you find in most images will be found far more in the sections of the picture that are less exposed. Since your camera is actually retaining the information of a good 2-3 stops in each direction of exposure, why not take advantage? Expose the picture for the shadows, reducing the noise in the darker areas (and irradicating it in the brighter ones), and then back it down to get the proper visual exposure in post processing. Note... this is not for the feint hearted. RAW image editing can be a bit quirky. :-)
Thos are sort of the "key bits". I hope it's helpful!
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Twitter page:
I was there on Saturday as Courier 6 from Fallout NV (Black cowgirl hat, brown leather jacket, Pipboy and Laser Rifle). I didn't get any photos of myself (got some of my nephew as pikachu, though). A lot of people took photos of me but I can't find any! If anyone finds one, it would be awesome. Really curious how I looked as I am not photogenic.
Oh man, I'd love to see that one myself!
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
I haven't heard anyone ask for any of the ones I took so far so I didn't repost them, but if you're curious... well, there they are.
Gamer... photographer... lead monkey coordinator.
Ah I'd love to see these! Also, kudos for basing it off the original Resident Evil and not the RE5 Jill or anything. The older RE games are true classics
Going to PAX East 2013/14 is my biggest goal right now. I plan to achieve it...
LOL! You are awesome!
Twitter page:
I think I saw you walking around near the Rock Band setup yesterday, but I didn't stop to take a picture. Sorry.
I'll (hopefully) have my ME buddy's pics in a couple days.
Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
If you know what I'm talking about and you took my photo, I'd love a copy! Please send it to cassandra dot lease at gmail dot com.
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Here are mine
It says "Content is Unavailable"
Also, im hoping to find some of me and one of the cadians where i'm using my pistol to point out something in the uplifting primer or executing him.
Also here:
If you send me your email I can send you over the alternate shots I took that I didn't upload.
If anyone's got pics of the red-headed Spartan Kelly, that was me! I'd love to see some of the pics you guys snagged.
I've kept a tally on my arm of how many pics were taken of me and I came up with 66 tally marks. Some of youmay remember that cause they looked like "kill" counts. ;p
Here are links to my two facebook albums. There are other pics non-cosplay,I hope you guys enjoy them. Maybe you'll see something you missed.
PaxEast '12 1.0
PaxEast '12 2.0
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Sorry there aren't more, I lost my wallet around lunchtime and was a little too freaked out to take many pics. Thankfully, it was returned during Omegathon!