We should start planning the Prime 2013 coin! Hopefully the world doesn't explode hasn't exploded by then...
EDIT: Herpaderp. It's a coin, not a button
We should start planning the Prime 2013 coin! Hopefully the world doesn't explode hasn't exploded by then...
EDIT: Herpaderp. It's a coin, not a button
Actually, PAX East 2013 is the next community coin, not the PAX Prime 2013 coin. It is a good idea to hold off planning the next one until the current PAX event is done, because we don't want to lose our focus on the current initiative.
"In Europe, it's not America."
Scott Kurtz, The Morning After, Aug 31 - 2010
We should start planning the Prime 2013 coin! Hopefully the world doesn't explode hasn't exploded by then...
EDIT: Herpaderp. It's a coin, not a button
Actually, PAX East 2013 is the next community coin, not the PAX Prime 2013 coin. It is a good idea to hold off planning the next one until the current PAX event is done, because we don't want to lose our focus on the current initiative.
Oh ya, totally forgot about East >.> I live on the west coast, so Prime is more in my mind.
I've been busy lately and haven't checked this thread in a while, but I have to say that those proofs on the previous page look amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on one of these! c:
Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
TWDT '13: HufflepuffOotP
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
Some people are like Slinkies. They have no practical use whatsoever,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Wow, that looks amazing! I love how all the small details turned out! The scaffolding on the Market sign, the stands on the monitors, and the lines and shading on the keys and mouse! Well done!
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
So I have good news and a little bit of bad news (not really bad, just an inconvenience).
Lets start with the negative news first:
I was looking at the picture of the finished coin and I didn't see the reeded edges that I requested to have on the coins when I first talked with Eric at PCC. I contacted Eric and he said the price quote sated 'no cut edge'. I went back and verified this was true, but there was no mention of the edging on the concept art, which is where I would have expected it since all the other info was there. I guess I was just too focused on the actual artwork and the size of the coin and I missed this little detail.
TLDR: Basically I asked for a reeded edge, but PCC sent me a quote saying no reeded edge and I missed it.
All is not lost though. The coins are done, but they have not shipped them to me yet. I was able to get Eric to send them back to the factory and have the reeded edge put on. It will just take a little longer to get them to me, that's all.
And now for the good news. I have got approval from WePay to start collecting money.
I will start sending the invoices out today in small batches to make sure payment is working.
Everyone on the initial 200 order list will have their invoices by the end of the week.
If your on the stand by list I will send out invoices once the orders start getting close to do another 200 coin run. Currently there are about 65 coins spoken for on the stand by list.
For WePay, so everyone knows, last I used them they did not accept direct bank transfers from Canadian bank accounts. They did accept Canadian credit cards though.
I still love them though, even if they're occasionally the awkward kid on the block.
For WePay, so everyone knows, last I used them they did not accept direct bank transfers from Canadian bank accounts. They did accept Canadian credit cards though.
I still love them though, even if they're occasionally the awkward kid on the block.
For our purposes it is probably better than Paypal though. Wepay isn't as big and can't offer all the options, but when I applied for an account for the last Community Coin, they gave me a name and phone number for my account rep. You tend to get more personal service from Wepay, which is a huge help if your account comes under review. Such things have happened on Paypal before to others, and Paypal wouldn't release holds on funds until they proved that they shipped product at their own expense.
"In Europe, it's not America."
Scott Kurtz, The Morning After, Aug 31 - 2010
For WePay, so everyone knows, last I used them they did not accept direct bank transfers from Canadian bank accounts. They did accept Canadian credit cards though.
I still love them though, even if they're occasionally the awkward kid on the block.
For our purposes it is probably better than Paypal though. Wepay isn't as big and can't offer all the options, but when I applied for an account for the last Community Coin, they gave me a name and phone number for my account rep. You tend to get more personal service from Wepay, which is a huge help if your account comes under review. Such things have happened on Paypal before to others, and Paypal wouldn't release holds on funds until they proved that they shipped product at their own expense.
Yeah, I completely agree that it's what we want to use, just pointing out this one issue since I had some folks try to pay with a Canadian bank account.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
The first couple payments have already gone through and I am slowly working down the list to get the rest of the invoices out.
Looks like its working.
SkeleVader, This is great news. Since everything appears to be ahead of schedule, when do you plan on shipping these out, for those who selected the shipping option?
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
SkeleVader, This is great news. Since everything appears to be ahead of schedule, when do you plan on shipping these out, for those who selected the shipping option?
I will ship them out within a a week or so after I get them, but I haven't gotten a timeline yet for how long it will take to add the reeded edge so I am not sure when that will be.
The coin looks great, thanks for organizing this and fronting it with your own money. This'll be my third PAX Prime Challenge Coin (and one of my friends' second, and another friend's first), here's looking forward to a future where I have 20 successive coins! Maybe that year we'll have a design showing how the Earth looks from PAX...
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
soon™ <--- I sense League of Legends in this one
See you at PAX Prime!
Twitter - Automaticjim
Steam - Outbreak
If you’re winning, play safe and keep the game clean and simple. If you are losing, take risks and complicate the game.
To be added to the stand-by list please fill out This Form
EDIT: Herpaderp. It's a coin, not a button
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
Scott Kurtz, The Morning After, Aug 31 - 2010
Also, I got a picture of the finished coin and it looks great. I am traveling for business right now so once I get home I'll post it.
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
this x 2
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
Added myself to the waitlist
Enforced: West 2015, West 2016
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Lets start with the negative news first:
I was looking at the picture of the finished coin and I didn't see the reeded edges that I requested to have on the coins when I first talked with Eric at PCC. I contacted Eric and he said the price quote sated 'no cut edge'. I went back and verified this was true, but there was no mention of the edging on the concept art, which is where I would have expected it since all the other info was there. I guess I was just too focused on the actual artwork and the size of the coin and I missed this little detail.
TLDR: Basically I asked for a reeded edge, but PCC sent me a quote saying no reeded edge and I missed it.
All is not lost though. The coins are done, but they have not shipped them to me yet. I was able to get Eric to send them back to the factory and have the reeded edge put on. It will just take a little longer to get them to me, that's all.
And now for the good news. I have got approval from WePay to start collecting money.
I will start sending the invoices out today in small batches to make sure payment is working.
Everyone on the initial 200 order list will have their invoices by the end of the week.
If your on the stand by list I will send out invoices once the orders start getting close to do another 200 coin run. Currently there are about 65 coins spoken for on the stand by list.
I still love them though, even if they're occasionally the awkward kid on the block.
For our purposes it is probably better than Paypal though. Wepay isn't as big and can't offer all the options, but when I applied for an account for the last Community Coin, they gave me a name and phone number for my account rep. You tend to get more personal service from Wepay, which is a huge help if your account comes under review. Such things have happened on Paypal before to others, and Paypal wouldn't release holds on funds until they proved that they shipped product at their own expense.
Scott Kurtz, The Morning After, Aug 31 - 2010
Yeah, I completely agree that it's what we want to use, just pointing out this one issue since I had some folks try to pay with a Canadian bank account.
Looks like its working.
I will ship them out within a a week or so after I get them, but I haven't gotten a timeline yet for how long it will take to add the reeded edge so I am not sure when that will be.
I ask because I am tight in the wallet right now, and may not be able to pay for a month or so.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer